41 resultados para Formação Integral


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Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC


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Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC


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Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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O Litoral Norte do Estado de So Paulo compe uma regio estratgica, notada pela importncia de suas reas Protegidas (AP), sobretudo, pela presena humana em Unidades de Conservao (UC), um tema cada vez mais presente no debate sobre a proteo ambiental em territrios ocupados por grupos tradicionais que exercem uso diferenciado dos recursos naturais. Diante desse contexto, torna-se uma necessidade, viabilizar diretrizes para a gesto territorial ao possibilitar o compartilhamento das decises acerca do uso do territrio, visando conservao ambiental e proteo da cultura remanescente dos grupos sociais residentes no interior das UC. O presente trabalho busca dimensionar os aspectos de interao com o ambiente, atravs das formas de uso mantidas sobre os recursos naturais, como caracterstica de reproduo sociocultural, premissa proteo e manuteno do modo de vida das famlias residentes do Ncleo Picinguaba do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar no municpio de Ubatuba-SP. No intuito de compatibilizar diretrizes para o planejamento da UC, evidenciou-se a relao da formação histrica da rea, tal como, a interao exercida sobre ao ambiente e a resistncia territorial, ao abordar a questo cultural e o modo de vida dos residentes tradicionais da Zona Histrico-Cultural Antropolgica (ZHCAn) do Serto do Ubatumirim. Foram sistematizadas informaes para uma abordagem terico-conceitual a respeito da cultura tradicional caiara e do recorte geogrfico do territrio, possibilitando a compreenso da dinmica de produo do espao em uma rea ambientalmente protegida. A partir dessa caracterizao da rea foram indicadas zonas prioritrias ao planejamento territorial, voltado ao ordenamento ambiental e gesto do uso dos recursos naturais em uma abordagem diferenciada na relao do ordenamento para as reas...


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Studies show that the disciplines of differential and integral calculus have high failure rates in all schools where they are present and, although this problem has been accentuated in recent years, it is not a local phenomenon. It's observed since 1970s in various Institutions of higher education in Brazil. These studies seek to understand the causes of failures and proposals for teaching methodology that aims to help reduce these rates. However, there is a large contingent of students who are successful at the first time that they perform these disciplines. And these cases, although they have not been studied, can contribute greatly to the understanding the aspects that are related to learning of them. And this understanding can lead to attitudes and learning and teaching methodologies that promote the expansion of this success. The fact that these subjects also have high failure rates in the Degree in Chemistry of this Institute, this study aimed to investigate the factors that were relevant to the cases for approval of the students performed for the first time. For this we constructed a questionnaire containing objective questions and open answers. The objective sought to diagnose the profile of these students with regard to age, gender, basic education (elementary and middle school), study habits, concurrent activities, among others. These questions were analyzed using simple statistics. The open-ended questions asked students to indicate that they attribute the success obtained in the disciplines and to suggest modes of study. These questions were analyzed using thematic categorization, a method of content analysis. This questionnaire was completed, voluntarily and without identification, by students who have passed the first time attended the courses Calculus I and/ or Calculus II and had never started another college prior to this. The results indicate that the most relevant factors in this process were dedication and correct habits...


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the biological properties and biocompatibility of bovine non-demineralized lyophilized and composite bones implanted in tibiae bone cavities and at the subcutaneous level. Twenty-four rats were used and sacrificed 15 and 45 days later. At the subcutaneous level, after 15 days an inflammatory reaction was seen around biomaterial particles with the presence of giant cells and at 45 days fibrous connective tissue had also developed. No signs of ectopic bone formation were observed at tibiae regions; more bone neoformation was observed at the control group (15 days) with 42.8% of the outer cortex layer against 22.6% at Orthogen and 25% at GenMix groups. At 45 days, correspondent values for bone neoformation were 62.5% at control, 26% at Orthogen, and 35% at GenMix groups, respectively. It can be concluded that both materials tested were biocompatible aiming to bone neoformation by their osteoconductive properties with no ectopic formation sites observed.