45 resultados para Flora, ilustrações, Brasil


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The occurence of carbonatic rocks defines a typical type of relief, called karst, that, by its geomorphology and hydrology, usually differs from the surrounding landscape. In the upper São Francisco river basin, some striking remnants of vegetation associated to karst can be found, which are locally knwon as Mata de Pains. In this region, a mosaic of different physiognomies, including forests and open areas, which present noteworthy plant diversity, composes the vegetation. The aim of this study is to provide an inventory of angiosperm species in areas of carbonatic rocks outcrops in the upper São Francisco river basin karst region, as well as analyze the floristic relationship of the study area with different Brazilian phytogeographic domains. Fieldwork was performed during the period of 2002 a 2006, when collections of fertile speciemns were done in areas associated to carbonatic rock outcrops. During the study, 1512 exsicates were incorporated to BHCB herbarium collection. A total of 456 angiosperm species were inventoried, distributed in 299 genera and 77 families. Herbaceous habit was better represented, with 161 species, followed by shrubs and trees (111 species each) and lianas (73 species). The flora of the study area presents more influence of the Mata Atlântica domain (Atlantic Rain Forest), followed by, in order of importance, Cerrado, Amazonia, Caatinga, Pantanal and Pampa. Floristic surveys in different karst regions inserted in different phytogeographic domains may, together, provide useful information in understanding the phytogeografic history of Neotropical vegetation.


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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Formigas do gênero Linepithema se encontram distribuídas amplamente por todo o globo, algumas delas, como Linepithema humile são muito conhecidas por sua ação invasora, comprometendo fauna e flora dos ambientes que invadem. Devido a notoriedade dessa espécie, há uma tendência em identificar erroneamente como L. humile as espécies próximas. Assim ocorreu com outras espécies da região Sul do Brasil com características próximas a ela. L. micans é a principal espécie que se associa com a pérola-da-terra Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Hemíptera: Margarodidae), importante praga na vinicultura gaúcha. Análises preliminares revelaram a existência de três subtipos de L. micans. No presente estudo foram analisadas diferentes populações de L. micans das vinícolas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul com a utilização de dois genes mitocondriais, utilizados para DNA Barcode de animais, com o propósito de estabelecer a distribuição dos diferentes mitótipos de L. micans. O resultado obtido revelou a existência de 14 haplótipos, sendo 12 novos e a análise da rede de haplótipos sugere a existência de dois possíveis grupos ancestrais


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The main objective of this project step is the evolution of scenery matter on the occidental theater media, related to space and technical possibilities of the theatrical building and space on history of contemporary arts. The main point is that scenery must communicate with a specific matter. Something in touch with the plot speeches. Something that makes all the plot elements to communicate. Acting has an specific message to deliver, and that message is what really matter to the viewer of the show. “It’s never late to state that scenery is not a decoration, or just an interior composition. Scenery is not a painting or a sculpture: it’s an integrated art form. It’s never too repetitive to say that scenery is a result from the composition with lights, shadows, shapes, lines and volumes, in balance and on harmony as a whole, that create movement and contrast” (Dias, 2001) On the second step of the project, the objective is to analyze the building process and the scenery aspects of the “Be-a-bá Brasil” show, using illustrations, pictures and analysis data of the context the show was inserted on


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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The theme of African-Brazilian culture is still little explored in the school environment, in spite of the 10.639/03 law which prescribes its mandatory teaching as well as that of African-Brazilian history and African culture in all schools, public and private, from the Elementary School level to High School. Moreover, this law emphasizes the importance that these cultures had in the formation of Brazilian society. Considering this issue, this paper aims to analyze the work Três anjos mulatos do Brasil (2011), by Rui de Oliveira, which brings together three sensitive and touching biographies, followed by beautiful and artistic pictures. hese narratives address the genius of three great artists –Aleijadinho, Mestre Valentim and Father José Maurício–, their styles, their creations and struggle for recognition, as well as the sufering they experienced, primarily caused by racial discrimination. Also, we intend to present in this text a suggested pedagogical use of the work by Oliveira, by applying the “Recepcional” method, as it was deined by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study was accomplished in existing Cerrado's relicts at State Park Guartelá, Tibagi, PR (24°39'10S and 50°15'25W), which represent one of the last extreme-meridional remanescents of this type of formation. Fifty plots with dimensions of 5x5m were allocated for phyto-sociological analysis, including in the sample individuals with height ≥ 1 m, divided into two samples to evaluate the following strata: a) upper-plants with DAS ≥ 3 cm, and b) intermediate - plants with DAS <3cm. Moreover, in each plot, there were established sub-plots with dimensions of 1x1m for sampling the lower stratum, comprised by individuals with height <1m and >10cm. The complete survey found 1340 individuals distributed in 28 families, 66 genera and 115 species. The diversity index was higher for the mean component (H'=3.30), followed by the superior component (H'=3.09) and the inferior (H'=2.91). The frequent occurrence of bushes is a remarkable characteristic of the physiognomy of the areas inside the park and 82 % of the populations studied are distributed in aggregated standard. Because it is a marginal region of occurrence of cerrado vegetation, now under the influence of a subtropical climate, more humid and cold, compared to the core area of this biome, it is noted that these areas are characterized by a decrease in stature, richness and diversity of its flora. Nevertheless, they preserve typical species of the Brazilian Savannah; but, due to their distribution in relicts and been, in part, devastated, some are included in the red list of endangered plants in Parana state, which evidences the importance of conservation and management of these areas.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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This study aimed to generate a database related to the spatial distribution of hives and productivity of regional producers, through the Geographic Information System (GIS) using the Global Positioning System. To build the database of geographical information (GIS) software for processing of geo-referenced information was used. The microregion (4 municipalities and 54 beekeepers) shows concentrations (pockets) of beekeepers and hives in certain locations. Further studies are needed on the characteristics of the local flora for bees to infer about possible saturation of floral resources, since no differences were observed between honey production in apiaries isolated or inserted into the pockets. The GIS proved to be an efficient tool for monitoring the location and origin of regional production, and for planning the distribution of hives and apiaries and so, contribute to a better use of flora and improvement of productivity of the apiaries.