110 resultados para FUNGAL LACCASES


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A study of decomposition of coffee pulp (from Guatemala City, Guatemala) was carried out with several inocula. Fresh and pressed pulps were studied in field and laboratory experiments. Results showed that the best inoculum among the eight examined in the experiments was the fungus Trichoderma viride, the only one not isolated from the coffee pulp itself. This inoculum, together with pumice, accelerated the decomposition of coffee pulp at ambient temperature during a 45-day test period. © 1985.


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Laccases are glycoprotein polyphenol oxidases which are involved in fungal pathogenicity and they are also useful for biotechnological applications. The ligninolytic ascomycete, Botryosphaeria rhodina, has been studied as producer of exopolysaccharide and PPO-I and PPO-II laccases induced by veratryl alcohol. However, as the induced laccases have not been isolated, the aim of this study was to purify the enzyme and to identify the carbohydrates constituents of the glycosidic moiety. The fungus was cultivated on broth Vogel, 1% glucose and 30.4mM veratryl alcohol during 4.5 days at 28°C/180 rpm. The extracellular fluid showed high carbohydrate concentration and the stability of PPO-I laccase under conditions of refrigeration and freezing at 4°C-18°C over 40 days. The purification was developed by ultrafiltration using a NMWL 100 and 30 kDa membrane, gelfiltration on Sephadex G-100, and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The purified laccase was identified as a glycoprotein, weight molecular 113 kDa, consisting of 40% protein and 60% carbohydrate identified by HPAEC-PAD as fucose, galactose, mannose, glucose and glucosamine.


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Ants in the tribe Attini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) comprise about 230 described species that share the same characteristic: all coevolved in an ancient mutualism with basidiomycetous fungi cultivated for food. In this paper we focused on fungi other than the mutualistic cultivar and their roles in the attine ant symbiosis. Specialized fungal parasites in the genus Escovopsis negatively impact the fungus gardens. Many fungal parasites may have small impacts on the ants' fungal colony when the colony is balanced, but then may opportunistically shift to having large impacts if the ants' colony becomes unbalanced. Copyright © 2012 Fernando C. Pagnocca et al.


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Sporotrichosis is an infection caused by the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play an important role in immunity, since they bind to pathogen surface antigens and initiate the immune response. However, little is known about the role of TLR-2 and fungal surface antigens in the recognition of S. schenckii and in the subsequent immune response. This study aimed to evaluate the involvement of TLR-2 and fungal surface soluble (SolAg) and lipidic (LipAg) antigens in phagocytosis of S. schenckii and production of immune mediators by macrophages obtained from WT and TLR-2 -/- animals. The results showed that TLR-2-/- animals had had statistical lower percentage of macrophages with internalized yeasts compared to WT. SolAg and LipAg impaired phagocytosis and immunological mediator production for both WT and TLR-2-/-. The absence of TLR-2 led to lower production of the cytokines TNF, IL-1β, IL-12 and IL-10 compared to WT animals. These results suggest a new insight in relation to how the immune system, through TLR-2, recognizes and induces the production of mediators in response to the fungus S. schenckii. Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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An exocellular β-(1→6)-d-glucan (lasiodiplodan) produced by a strain of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (MMLR) grown on sucrose was derivatized by sulfonation to promote anticoagulant activity. The structural features of the sulfonated β-(1→6)-d-glucan were investigated by UV-vis, FT-IR and 13C NMR spectroscopy, and the anticoagulant activity was investigated by the classical coagulation assays APTT, PT and TT using heparin as standard. The content of sulfur and degree of substitution of the sulfonated glucan was 11.73% and 0.95, respectively. UV spectroscopy showed a band at 261 nm due to the unsaturated bond formed in the sulfonation reaction. Results of FT-IR and 13C NMR indicated that sulfonyl groups were inserted on the polysaccharide. The sulfonated β-(1→6)-d-glucan presented anticoagulant activity as demonstrated by the increase in dose dependence of APTT and TT, and these actions most likely occurred because of the inserted sulfonate groups on the polysaccharide. The lasiodiplodan did not inhibit the coagulation tests. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Leaf-cutting ants modify the properties of the soil adjacent to their nests. Here, we examined whether such an ant-altered environment impacts the belowground fungal communities. Fungal diversity and community structure of soil from the fungus garden chambers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa and Atta bisphaerica, two widespread leaf-cutting ants in Brazil, were determined and compared with non-nest soils. Culture-dependent methods revealed similar species richness but different community compositions between both types of soils. Penicillium janthinellum and Trichoderma spirale were the prevalent isolates in fungus chamber soils and non-nest soils, respectively. In contrast to cultivation methods, analyses of clone libraries based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region indicated that richness of operational taxonomic units significantly differed between soils of the fungus chamber and non-nest soils. FastUnifrac analyses based on ITS sequences further revealed a clear distinction in the community structure between both types of soils. Plectania milleri and an uncultured Clavariaceae fungus were prevalent in fungus chamber soils and non-nest soils, respectively. FastUnifrac analyses also revealed that fungal community structures of soil from the garden chambers markedly differed among ant species. Our findings suggest that leaf-cutting ants affect fungal communities in the soil from the fungus chamber in comparison to non-nest soils. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.


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Cryptococcosis is an important systemic mycosis and the third most prevalent disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive individuals. The incidence of cryptococcosis is high among the 25 million people with HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), with recent estimates indicating that there are one million cases of cryptococcal meningitis globally per year in AIDS patients. In Cryptococcus neoformans, resistance to azoles may be associated with alterations in the target enzyme encoded by the gene ERG11, lanosterol 14α-demethylase. These alterations are obtained through mutations, or by overexpressing the gene encoding. In addition, C. gattii and C. neoformans present a heteroresistance phenotype, which may be related to increased virulence. Other species beyond C. neoformans and C. gattii, such as C. laurentii, have been diagnosed mainly in patients with immunosuppression. Infections of C. albidus have been isolated in cats and marine mammals. Recent evidence suggests that the majority of infections produced by this pathogen are associated with biofilm growth, which is also related with increased resistance to antifungal agents. Therefore, there is a great need to search for alternative antifungal agents for these fungi. The search for new molecules is currently occurring from nanoparticle drugs of plant peptide origin. This article presents a brief review of the literature regarding the epidemiology of cryptococcosis, as well as fungal resistance and new alternatives for treatment. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of Candida species and presence of lesions in the oral cavity of patients with sickle cell anemia (SS). Methods: The study included 30 patients diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and taking hydroxyurea for at least 90 days (SS/HU+); and 39 patients with sickle cell anemia and without hydroxyurea therapy (SS/HU-). Two control groups were constituted by healthy individuals matched to the test groups in age, gender, and oral conditions (C/HU+ for SS/HU+ and C/HU- for SS/HU-). Oral clinical examination and anamnesis were performed. Yeasts were collected by oral rinses and identified by API system. Antifungal susceptibility evaluation was performed according to the CLSI methodology. Data obtained for microorganisms counts were compared by Student's t test (SS/HU+ vs. C/HU+ and SS/HU- vs. C/HU-) using MINITAB for Windows 1.4. Significance level was set at 5%. Results: No oral candidosis lesions were detected. Significant differences in yeasts counts were observed between SS/HU- group and the respective control, but there were no differences between SS/HU+ and C/HU+. Candida albicans was the most prevalent species in all groups. Candida famata was observed both in SS and control groups. Candida dubliniensis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida tropicalis, Candida pelliculosa, and Candida parapsilosis were observed only in SS groups. Most strains were susceptible to all antifungal agents. Conclusion: Hydroxyurea therapy seems to decrease candidal counts and resistance rate in sickle cell anemia patients. However, further studies should be conducted in the future to confirm this finding. Hydroxyurea therapy in sickle cell anemia patients maintains fungal species balance in oral cavity. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Fungi are a diverse group of organisms with an overall global number of 1.5 M up to 3.3 M species on Earth. Besides their ecological roles as decomposers, fungi are important in several aspects of applied research. Here, we review how culture collections may promote the knowledge on diversity, conservation and biotechnological exploitation of fungi. The impact of fungi diversity on biotechnological studies is discussed. We point out the major roles of microbial repositories, including fungal preservation, prospecting, identification, authentication and supply. A survey on the World Data Center for Microorganisms (WDCM) powered by the World Federation for Culture Collections and on the Genetic Heritage Management Council (CGEN) database revealed that 46 Brazilian culture collections registered in these databases are dedicate to preserving fungi. Most of these culture collections are located in the Southeast of Brazil. This scenario also demonstrates that Brazil has many collections focused on fungal strains, but the lack of up-to-date information in WDCM as well as of a solid national platform for culture collections registration do not allow accurate assessment of fungal preservation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fungi constitute an important part of the soil ecosystem, playing key roles in decomposition, cycling processes, and biotic interactions. Molecular methods have been used to assess fungal communities giving a more realistic view of their diversity. For this purpose, total DNA was extracted from bulk soils cultivated with tomato (STC), vegetables (SHC), and native forest (SMS) from three sites of the Taquara Branca river basin in Sumaré County, São Paulo State, Brazil. This metagenomic DNA was used as a template to amplify fungal 18S rDNA sequences, and libraries were constructed in Escherichia coli by cloning PCR products. The plasmid inserts were sequenced and compared to known rDNA sequences in the GenBank database. Of the sequenced clones, 22 were obtained from the SMS sample, 18 from the SHC sample, and 6 from the STC sample. Although most of the clone sequences did not match the sequences present in the database, individual amplified sequences matched with Glomeromycota (SMS), Fungi incertae sedis (SMS), and Neocallimastigomycota (SHC). Most of the sequences from the amplified taxa represent uncultured fungi. The molecular analysis of variance (AMOVA) indicated that fluctuations observed of haplotypes in the composition may be related to herbicide application. © 2013 Silvana Pompéia Val-Moraes et al.


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Management systems involving crop rotation, ground cover species and reduced soil tillage can improve the soil physical and biological properties and reduce degradation. The primary purpose of this study was to assess the effect of various crops grown during the sugarcane fallow period on the production of glomalin and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in two Latosols, as well as their influence on soil aggregation. The experiment was conducted on an eutroferric Red Latosol with high-clay texture (680 g clay kg-1) and an acric Red Latosol with clayey texture (440 g kg-1 clay) in Jaboticabal (São Paulo State, Brazil). A randomized block design involving five blocks and four crops [soybean (S), soybean/fallow/soybean (SFS), soybean/millet/soybean (SMS) and soybean/sunn hemp/soybean (SHS)] was used to this end. Soil samples for analysis were collected in June 2011. No significant differences in total glomalin production were detected between the soils after the different crops. However, total external mycelium length was greater in the soils under SMS and SHS. Also, there were differences in easily extractable glomalin, total glomalin and aggregate stability, which were all greater in the eutroferric Red Latosol than in the acric Red Latosol. None of the cover crops planted in the fallow period of sugarcane improved aggregate stability in either Latosol.


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Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile 'Vancouver Island' and 'Pacific Northwest' outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)