89 resultados para Explosive muscular strength
Introduction: The pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is composed of aerobic and resisted exercises that improve the functional capacity to the exercise, life quality and decrease respiratory symptoms in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Objective: Assess the effects of a combined PR program in the cardiorespiratory function and peripheral muscle strength in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Method: Patients with chronic pulmonary disease were submitted to the PR program, which was developed on 24 sessions of 60 minutes (three times per week). The program was composed of aerobic exercises (two times per week) and resisted exercises (once a week). Before and after the PR the patients were submitted to manovacuometry in order to measure the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), ventilometry, peek expiratory flow (PEF), six minute walking test (6MWT) and one maximum repetition (1RM). The data are presented in absolute frequency, percentage and mean±standard deviation. The t Student test was used to compare data before and after the PR and the ANOVA test to compare before, after and predicted distances in the 6MWT (p<0.05). Results: Seven patients were part of this study, 85.70% of women, 71.40% with pulmonary emphysema diagnosis. The mean age was 69.43±5.59 years old, the height was 1.61±0.07 m, the mean weight was 66.20±8.40 kg and the body mass index mean was 25.50±2.48 kg/m². From the variables assessed, the MEP increased from 79.71±13.69 to 84.42±12.83 cmH2O (p=0,03), the PEF increase from 255.71±66.3 to 320.00±93.63 l/min (p=0,03) and the distance in the 6MWT from 415.28±47.90 to 483,79±79,77 m (p=0,02). The load in the 1RM test in the reverse peck deck exercise (before - - 17.10±8.10kg; after – 210.40±9.00kg), knee in leg extension machine (before – 17.10±9.50kg; after – 26.40±13.10kg) and hip extensors (right before – 48.60±22.10kg; after – 62.90±19.30kg; and left before – 46.40±20.10kg; after – 62.10±18.20kg) increased significantly (p<0,05). Conclusion: After the PR program there was improvement in the expiratory muscular strength, in the lower limbs strength and in the functional capacity. Besides that, there was a reduction in the airflow obstruction of the subjects with chronic pulmonary disease.
Objective: to create a purchasing system for optimizing a low cost device fabrication itself. Method: For this purpose was designed a system which is powered by a 12V battery center. The full bridge of "Wheatstone" is powered by the central battery set to 9V. Results: The sign of the strain has a range of 0 to 30 mV which is amplified filtered by a signal conditioner own manufacturing using an LM 324. The electrical signal then passes to vary from 0 to5V which will be processed in an analog input of PIC microcontroller. Tests for the registration and interpretation of data are through software MyOpenLab. Conclusion: The work is in progress and initial results suggest that the system will be able to measure muscular strength accurately and cost-effective.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Model Study: An experimental study Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) refers to a syndromic diagnosis which leads to a progressive and irreversible loss of renal function. A hemodialysis patient may have limitations in functional capacity, pulmonary function and respiratory musclular strength impacting in quality of life. Objective: To evaluate the effects of an exercise program on pulmonary function, functional capacity, quality of life and pain in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Methodology: The study included 28 patients of both genders, women and men aged between 40 and 60 years undergoing dialysis at the Kidney Institute, Santa Casa de Misericordia in Presidente Prudente-SP. Primary outcomes included respiratory muscular strength measurements assessed by manovacuometry. The functional capacity was evaluated by a six minute walking test. A life quality questionnaire was applied to evaluate quality of life (SF36-KDQOL). Lung function was evaluated by spirometry. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale. The exercise program consisted of training 3 times a week for 40 minutes on hemodialysis during eight weeks. At the end of the program all patients were reassessed. Results: There was no significant difference in the values of FVC and FEV1 before and after the exercise program as well as the index Tiffenau. The value of post MIP was significantly higher than the value obtained in the pre program. For variable MEP no significant difference was found. Functional capacity evaluations showed that there were no significant differences (p> 0.05). The evaluation of quality of life, about the domains of specific areas of CKD showed statistical significance when comparing the list of symptoms and problems with overloading of renal disease and professional role. Indicators related to pain were significantly reduced after the program (P <0.05). Discussion: A chronic kidney patient faces complex situations of physical, social and financial aspects. Although no statistically significant results were found in all variables, the study corroborates to others found in the literature, which suggests that an exercise program can be positive for this population. Conclusion: Although lung capacity and functional capacity did not submit changes to the end of the study, reduced levels of pain, fatigue and dyspnea suggest improvement in functional performance after exercise programs.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: To analyze the effect of arm bracing posture on respiratory muscle strength and pulmonary function in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).Methods: 20 patients with COPD (11 male; 67 +/- 8 years; BMI 24 +/- 3 Kg . m(-2)) were submitted to assessments of Maximal Inspiratory and Expiratory Pressures (MIP and MEP, respectively) and spirometry with and without arm bracing in a random order. The assessment with arm bracing was done on standing position and the height of the support was adjusted at the level of the ulnar styloid process with elbow flexion and trunk anterior inclination of 30 degrees promoting weight discharge in the upper limbs. Assessment without arm bracing was also performed on standing position, however with the arms relaxed alongside the body. The time interval between assessments was one week.Results: MIP, MEP and maximal voluntary ventilation (MW) were higher with arm bracing than without arm bracing (MIP 64 +/- 22 cmH(2)O versus 54 +/- 24 cmH(2)O, p = 0,00001; MEP 104 +/- 37 cmH(2)O versus 92 +/- 37 cmH(2)O, p = 0,00001 and MW 42 +/- 20 L/min versus 38 +/- 20 L/min, p = 0,003). Other variables did not show statistical significant difference.Conclusion: The arm bracing posture resulted in higher capacity to generate force and endurance of the respiratory muscles in patients with COPD. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. on behalf of Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. All rights reserved.
The effect of increased protein intake on the muscle mass gain, nitrogen balance and N-15-glycine kinetics was studied in six young, healthy subjects practitioners of strength training (> 2 years), without use of anabolic steroids and in agreement with the ethical principles of the research. All athletes received adequate diet (0.88g protein/kg/day) during 2 weeks prior the study (D1), and thereafter with diet providing 1.5g of protein/kg/day and 30kcal/g of protein (D2 diet) for the subsequent 2 weeks. Later on, they all received diet with 2.5g of protein/kg/day (D3 diet) and 30 kcal/g protein for the last two weeks. Body composition, food intake, blood biochemistry, nitrogen balance (NB) and 15N-glycine kinetics were determined at the beginning, after D1 (M0) and in the last days of the D2 (M1) and D3 (M2). The results showed at the end of the study (4 weeks) significant increase in muscle mass (1.63 +/- 0.9kg), without difference between D2 and D3. The NB followed the protein/energy consumption (M0 = -7.8g/day; M1 = 5.6g/day and D3 = 16.6g/day), the protein synthesis followed the NB, with M0 < (M1= M2) (M1 = 49.8 +/- 12.2g N/day and M2 = 52.5 +/- 14.0g N/day). Protein catabolism rate was similarly kept among diets. Thus, the results of the NB and N-15-glycine kinetics indicate that the recommended protein intake for these athletes is higher than the one for sedentary adults (0.88g/kg) and lower than 2.5g/kg, around 1.5g of protein/kg/day, with adjustment of the energy consumption to 30 kcal/g of protein.
Há algum tempo o condicionamento físico vem sendo parte obrigatória no tratamento de portadores de DPOC. Estes pacientes apresentam comumente intolerância ao exercício de intensidade variável e relacionada à disfunção muscular esquelética. Neste sentido, o exercício físico apresenta-se como ramo mais importante no processo de reabilitação pulmonar. O exercício aeróbio e o treino de força com pesos são fundamentais no incremento de capacidade física e qualidade de vida, principalmente naqueles indivíduos que apresentam as formas moderada ou grave da DPOC. Além disso, espera-se atualmente maior desenvolvimento nas pesquisas em relação à aplicação de estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) e ao uso criterioso de substâncias ergogênicas tais como esteróides anabolizantes e creatina oral. Tendo em vista as repercussões negativas da disfunção muscular e a importância da reabilitação pulmonar no tratamento da DPOC, esta revisão tem como objetivo reunir informações de estudos relevantes acerca das principais estratégias para o recondicionamento muscular esquelético nestes pacientes nos últimos 15 anos.
OBJETIVO: analisar a influência da via de parto sobre a força muscular do assoalho pélvico (FM-AP). MÉTODOS: estudo clínico de corte transversal, para avaliar a FM-AP pelo teste da avaliação da força do assoalho pélvico (AFA) e uso do perineômetro em primíparas, entre 20-30 anos de idade, 4-6 meses pós-parto. A contração, medida pelos dois testes, foi classificada em: zero - ausência, um - leve, dois - moderada e três - normal, sustentada por 6 segundos. Avaliaram-se 94 mulheres, entre 20 e 30 anos, divididas em três grupos: pós-parto vaginal (n=32); pós-cesárea (n=32) e nulíparas (n=30). A variável independente foi a via de parto e a dependente, a FM-AP. A comparação entre os graus de contração foi realizada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de Dunn para comparações múltiplas; a influência da via de parto pelo teste chi2, o risco relativo (RR) para alteração da FM-AP e o coeficiente kappa para avaliar equivalência entre os testes. RESULTADOS: a mediana e 1º e 3º quartil da FM-AP foram menores (p=0,01) pós-parto vaginal (2,0;1-2) e intermediários pós-cesárea (2,0; 2-3) em relação às nulíparas (3,0;2-3), tanto analisadas pelo AFA como pelo perineômetro. Aumentou o RR de exame alterado pós-parto vaginal (RR=2,5; IC 95%: 1,3-5,0; p=0,002); (RR=2,3; IC 95%: 1,2-4,3; p=0,005) e pós-cesárea (RR=1,5; IC 95%: 0,94-2,57; p=0,12); (RR=1,3; IC 95%: 0,85-2,23; p=0,29) pelo PFSE e perineômetro, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: o parto vaginal diminuiu a força muscular do AP de primíparas quando comparado com os casos submetidos à cesárea e com as nulíparas.
O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a influência da idade na massa muscular e na força muscular, de membros superiores e inferiores, em mulheres acima de 40 anos. Foram estudadas 52 voluntárias, divididas em 3 grupos etários: 40-49 anos(G40, n=16), 50-59 anos(G50, n=18) e 60-70 anos(G60, n=18). Avaliaram-se: massa muscular (MM) por impedância bioelétrica e força muscular-1RM (FM). Para estatística, utilizaram-se análise variância-one-way, teste de Duncan e correlação de Pearson. Observou-se diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre 10,1% na MM entre G40 e G50 e 7,5% entre G50 e G60, totalizando 16,8% nas duas décadas (G40/G60). A FM de membros inferiores foi 16,4% menor entre G40 e G50 e 12,5% entre G50 e G60, perfazendo 25,3% nas duas décadas (p<0,05). Nos membros superiores, não houve diferença significativa da força, entre G40 e G50 (3,3% supino reto e 2,5% rosca direta) e entre G50 e G60 (17,5% e 9,6%), totalizando, nas duas décadas, 20,2% e 12,2%, respectivamente. A Soma das FMs foi corrigida pela MM (FMs/MM), não apresentando diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos. Correlacionando-se MM e FM, houve maior analogia nos membros inferiores (r=0,57), quando comparados aos membros superiores (r=0,42 e r=41, respectivamente). Concluíu-se que as mulheres apresentaram menores valores de MM e de FM nos membros inferiores logo na quinta década de vida. A FMs/MM parece não se alterar em mulheres entre 40 e 60 anos, quando comparadas por grupos etários. A MM reduzida parece ser fator importante para os menores valores de FM observados em mulheres entre 40 e 60 anos.