272 resultados para Environmental impacts.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
No plantio mecanizado da cana-de-açúcar, há dificuldades em se proteger a cultura contra pragas e doenças do solo, requerendo uma tecnologia de aplicação de produtos fitossanitários que respeite o ambiente e os custos de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar um sistema de pulverização para controle de doenças e pragas do solo, conjugado ao equipamento de plantio mecanizado de toletes de cana-de-açúcar, tomando como alvo-indicador a podridão-abacaxi. Delineou-se o experimento em blocos ao acaso, em área de plantio comercial da variedade SP-891115. A pulverização deu-se na região da calha do equipamento de plantio, por onde os toletes deslizam até o solo. Avaliaram-se o número de perfilhos brotados e a produção da cultura. Os resultados foram comparados pelo número e percentagem de perfilhos e pelo acréscimo na produção em relação à testemunha não-tratada. Com base nos resultados observados, concluiu-se que o sistema de pulverização de produtos fitossanitários conjugado ao plantio mecanizado proporcionou a recuperação da produtividade na cultura da cana-de-açúcar de até 15%, na maior dose utilizada para o controle da podridão-abacaxi, demonstrando ser promissor para o tratamento de toletes e visando à proteção contra doenças e pragas de solo.
A associação de extratos de origem vegetal com fungos entomopatogênicos pode aumentar a eficiência do controle biológico de pragas, reduzir custos e impactos ambientais. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se, através da concentração inibitória mínima, o efeito do óleo de nim (NIM-I-GO) sobre o crescimento, esporulação e viabilidade de Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana e Paecilomyces farinosus. Utilizou-se o meio BDA, contendo diferentes concentrações de óleo de nim (C1: 5% de óleo de nim, e sucessivamente concentrações iguais a ½ da concentração anterior, até C11: 0,0048% de óleo de nim). O óleo de nim reduziu o crescimento de colônias de B. bassiana e P. farinosus, que não diferiram significativamente do controle apenas na concentração C11, mas para M. anisopliae o mesmo efeito foi observado com 0,039% de óleo de nim (C8). A esporulação também foi significativamente reduzida pelo óleo de nim, exceto na concentração C11 para B. bassiana; contudo, não se verificou efeito do óleo na viabilidade de esporos dos fungos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O conceito de desempenho ambiental tem sido utilizado como forma para revelar as relações da empresa com o meio ambiente e com a sociedade, constituindo um parâmetro de análise da sua postura diante das questões sócio-ambientais. A avaliação dos aspectos e impactos ambientais gerados por determinada atividade é um instrumento da gestão ambiental, sendo aplicado, nesse trabalho, em uma pedreira de diabásio, na área de expansão urbana, no município de Campinas (SP). Foram avaliados os aspectos e impactos das etapas produtivas da pedreira e de suas instalações administrativas. Os impactos adversos mais significativos levantados foram a sobrepressão atmosférica e a vibração do terreno, causando desconforto à comunidade. Após tais levantamentos, algumas ações de melhoria foram implantadas pela empresa e resultaram na diminuição das reclamações por parte da comunidade; outras medidas, pró-ativas, devem ainda ser implementadas, principalmente aquelas voltadas para a prevenção de impactos negativos e a preservação do meio ambiente, além da recuperação da área degradada, como medida reativa.
Instrumento de política pública ligado ao licenciamento ambiental prévio de projetos de empreendimentos potencialmente degradadores do ambiente, a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), atualmente, apresenta algumas inconsistências. Dentre elas, autores registram a disparidade no que se refere à indicação e à efetiva implantação das medidas de controle ambiental estabelecidas nos EIA/RIMAs. Diante disso, o presente trabalho analisa a implantação das medidas mitigadoras estabelecidas para empreendimentos minerais licenciados pela Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente (FEAM) do Estado de Minas Gerais, para a região do Quadrilátero Ferrífero. No estudo, constata-se que intervenções ambientais são hoje partes integrantes dos projetos minerais; porém, como na mineração a operação impõe certo dinamismo ao empreendimento, verifica-se que parte das medidas mitigadoras apontadas no EIA acaba não sendo executada, como o previsto e o aprovado na fase da Licença Prévia (LP), enquanto outras apenas ficam listadas como propostas de mitigação de impactos, deixando de ser efetivamente executadas.
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os impactos ambientais causados por um sistema de cultivo de camarões marinhos em tanque-rede sobre a qualidade da água e sobre a estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica. O estudo foi realizado na Baía de Guaratuba, onde os cultivos eram realizados em 300 tanques-rede (3,6 m de comprimento, 3,6 m de largura e 2 m de profundidade) distribuídos em uma área de 4.200 m², em densidade de 720 camarões/m². As concentrações de amônia, nitrito e fosfato na água foram monitoradas e amostras de zooplâncton foram coletadas no local dos cultivos (ponto 1) e em outros três pontos localizados a aproximadamente 200 m para oeste, noroeste e sudeste dos tanques. O ponto 5, usado como controle, localizava-se a aproximadamente 1.000 m a sudoeste da área de produção. As concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrito e fosfato não diferiram entre os pontos amostrados, assim como a estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica, que foi semelhante entre os pontos amostrados. Não foram evidenciados impactos significativos do empreendimento sobre a qualidade da água ou sobre estrutura das comunidades zooplanctônicas no local do cultivo e em áreas adjacentes, durante o período em que a investigação foi conduzida.
Two catalyst wastes (RNi and RAI) from polyol production were considered as hazardous, due to their respective high concentration of nickel and aluminum contents. This article presents the study, done to avoid environmental impacts, of the simultaneous solidification/stabilization of both catalyst wastes with type II Portland cement (CP) by non-conventional differential thermal analysis (NCDTA). This technique allows one to monitor the initial stages of cement hydration to evaluate the accelerating and/or retarding effects on the process due to the presence of the wastes and to identify the steps where the changes occur. Pastes with water/cement ratio equal to 0.5 were prepared, into which different amounts of each waste were added. NCDTA has the same basic principle of Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), but differs in the fact that there is no external heating or cooling system as in the case of DTA. The thermal effects of the cement paste hydration with and without waste presence were evaluated from the energy released during the process in real time by acquiring the temperature data of the sample and reference using thermistors with 0.03 A degrees C resolution, coupled to an analog-digital interface. In the early stages of cement hydration retarding and accelerating effects occur, respectively due to RNi and RAl presence, with significant thermal effects. During the simultaneous use of the two waste catalysts for their stabilization process by solidification in cement, there is a synergic resulting effect, which allows better hydration operating conditions than when each waste is solidified separately. Thermogravimetric (TG) and derivative thermogravimetric analysis (DTG) of 4 and 24 h pastes allow a quantitative information about the main cement hydrated phases and confirm the same accelerating or retarding effects due to the presence of wastes indicated from respective NCDTA curves.
Although research on the environmental impacts of using waste as a fertilizer is of great importance, the basic principle for using a product as fertilizer is that it should provide nutrients for plants without causing any harm to them. The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic traits (number of nodes, plant height, leaf number, yield, and protein content of grains) and the nutritional status of corn treated with sewage sludge. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Jaboticabal in a Red Latosol. A randomized block design with four treatments (0, 55, 110, and 167.5 Mg ha(-1) of sewage sludge) and five repetitions was used. At 30 days after emergence (DAE), the dose of 110 Mg ha(-1) dry weight presented greater values for plant height, leaf number and stem diameter. At 60 DAE, the treatments did not affect the agronomic traits. No influence from the treatments tested was observed for protein content of grains and yield. The dose of 167.5 Mg ha(-1) showed greater weight of 100 seeds. All treatments showed nutritional imbalances. This study confirmed the agricultural potential of sewage sludge as a source of nutrients.
In Brazil, the environmental impacts of fish cage farming in water reservoirs have not been well studied. As this activity is being increasingly practiced, investigations on the impacts of this practice are strongly needed. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of a small cage tilapia farm on zooplankton assemblages in an oligo/mesotrophic reservoir (Jurumirim Reservoir, Paranapanema River). Zooplankton, limnological variables, and water samples were obtained trimonthly during a year at two sample sites, one was located adjacent to the cage farm and the control area was located one kilometer away from it. Eighteen species were identified and Cladocera was the dominant group. The same species of microcrustaceans were identified at both sites. Among the ecological attributes studied, only evenness showed a tendency towards being higher in the control site. Significant differences between studied variables in the sites were observed only for material in suspension. The results of the study indicate that, during the studied period, the cage farm did not generate detectable changes in the zooplankton assemblages and their ecological attributes. However, small differences in some limnological variables could be an indication of some environmental changes associated with the fish farm system.
The present status of large reservoir fisheries and their management in large reservoirs in South America are reviewed. There is a brief discussion about reservoir typology, and how most of it is inappropriate to fish. Fish in reservoirs and their introduction from other habitats are described, together with comparative yields. The main impacts due to damming are described, including social aspects. Four case studies are presented for the largest reservoirs in South America: Sobradinho, Tucuruí and Itaipu in Brazil, and El Guri in Venezuela.
Cumulative effects of vinasse on the characteristics of red-yellow latosols under cerrado vegetation
Vinasse, a liquor effluent from the alcohol and sugar making industry, was applied annually for twelve years to medium-textured red-yellow latosols under cerrado vegetation sensu stricto, to study the environmental impacts on the biotic and abiotic factors. Four plots were established of which two acted as control and the other two received annual doses of vinasse. The studies were begun in 1980 when the first annual dose of 20 L m-2 year-1 was added to the soil without removing the top scrub layer. Theses doses were added to the soil until 1983, but in 1984 the doses were increased to 50 L m-2 year-1 and used until 1991. Soil samples were taken at a depth of 15 cm every three months from 1987 to 1991. Twenty seven environmental variables in the vinasse-treated and untreated plots were studied. These factors consisted of different enzymatic activities, a number of filamentous fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and other micro-organisms, nutrients and some micro-climatic factors. The results obtained were statistically analyzed using the Tukey test, Pearson correlation and variance test methods with replicates and three factors. Matrices were determined using the correlation coefficient method and were compared with those of earlier published studies in the same area. The comparison of the results helped characterize changes in the environmental factors studied and in the correlation between them, after using annual cumulative doses of vinasse. Positive effects were observed only for the first six years of this application but vinasse had negative effects after the seventh year. It is concluded that medium-textured red-yellow latosols cannot be treated with vinasse for proloned periods.
The application of agricultural fertilizers using variable rates along the field can be made through fertility maps previously elaborated or through real-time sensors. In most of the cases applies maps previously elaborated. These maps are identified from analyzes done in soil samples collected regularly (a sample for each field cell) or irregularly along the field. At the moment, mathematical interpolation methods such as nearest neighbor, local average, weighted inverse distance, contouring and kriging are used for predicting the variables involved with elaboration of fertility maps. However, some of these methods present deficiencies that can generate different fertility maps for a same data set. Moreover, such methods can generate inprecise maps to be used in precision farming. In this paper, artificial neural networks have been applied for elaboration and identification of precise fertility maps which can reduce the production costs and environmental impacts.
The mapping of the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts using remote sensing and geoprocessing allows detection, spatial representation and quantifying all alterations due to the human action in the nature, contributing to the monitoring and planning of those activities that cause damages to the environment. The aim of this research is analyze the transformation ocurred with the land use and vegetation in order to detect environmental impacts during the period from 1962 to 1995, considering a test area in the district of Assistência and surroundings, in the Rio Claro (SP) region. In order to archieve such aim the authors used boolean operations available in the Geographical Information System (GIS) - Idrisi. The maps were obtained through the ordinary (conventional) interpretation of aerial photos, later digitized in the software CAD Overlay and georeferenced in AutoCAD Map. It's observed that operations such as crossing digitized maps of one specific area in two differents dates, using GIS, produce overall results that might point out expansion or retraction's trends of the mapped classes, as well as quantify the intensity of the phenomena.
The mapping of the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts using remote sensing ana geoprocessmg allow detection, spatial representation and quantification of the alterations caused by the human action on the nature, contributing to the monitoring and planning of those activities that may cause damages to the environment. This study apply methodologies based on digital processing of orbital images for the mapping of the land use, vegetation and anthropic activities that cause impacts in the environment. It was considered a test area in the district of Assistência and surroundings, in Rio Claro (SP) region. The methodology proposed was checked through the crossing of maps in the software GIS - Idrisi. These maps either obtained with conventional interpretation of aerial photos of 1995, digitized in the software CAD Overlay and geo-referenced in the AutoCAD Map, or with the application of digital classification systems on SPOT-XS and PAN orbital images of 1995, followed by field observations. The crossing of conventional and digital maps of a same area with the CIS allows to verify the overall results obtained through the computational handling of orbital images. With the use of digital processing techniques, specially multiespectral classification, it is possible to detect automatically and visually the impacts related to the mineral extraction, as well as to survey the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts.