76 resultados para Ear middle


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A deficiência auditiva é um dos achados clínicos mais comuns em sujeitos com malformações de orelha. O tratamento consiste em realizar a cirurgia e/ou adaptar o aparelho de amplificação sonora por via óssea (AASI VO). A intervenção precoce é fundamental para favorecer a estimulação auditiva e desenvolvimento da fala e linguagem. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil audiológico de sujeitos com malformação congênita de orelha externa e/ou média e avaliar o benefício e a satisfação destes com o uso de AASI VO. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, sujeitos com malformações congênitas bilaterais de orelha externa e/ou média, deficiência auditiva condutiva ou mista, moderada ou grave e usuários de AASI VO. Avaliação do benefício utilizando teste de reconhecimento de sentenças com ruído competitivo e medidas de ganho funcional e avaliação da satisfação utilizando questionário internacional QI - AASI. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 13 sujeitos, sendo 61% do sexo masculino e 80% com deficiência auditiva condutiva moderada ou grave. Houve melhor desempenho na avaliação proposta na condição com AASI, quando comparada à condição sem AASI. CONCLUSÃO: Os AASI VO retroauriculares apresentaram vantagens para a população estudada e devem ser considerados como uma opção para intervenção. A satisfação foi confirmada pelos escores elevados obtidos no QI - AASI.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O uso dos tamanhos de amostras adequados nas unidades experimentais melhora a eficiência da pesquisa. Foi conduzido um experimento no ano agrícola 2004/2005 em Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, com o objetivo de estimar o tamanho de amostra para o comprimento de espiga, o diâmetro de espiga e de sabugo, o peso da espiga, dos grãos por espiga, do sabugo e de 100 grãos, o número de fileiras de grãos por espiga, o número de grãos por espiga e o comprimento dos grãos de dois híbridos simples (P30F33 e P Flex), dois híbridos triplos (AG8021 e DG501) e dois híbridos duplos (AG2060 e DKB701) de milho. Para uma precisão de 5% (D5), características de peso (peso de espiga despalhada, de grãos, de sabugo e de 100 grãos) podem ser amostradas com 21 espigas, características de tamanho (comprimento de espiga e de grão, diâmetro de espiga e de sabugo) com oito espigas, e dados de contagem (número de grãos e de fileiras) com 13 espigas. O tamanho de amostra é variável em função da característica da espiga e do tipo de híbrido: simples, triplo ou duplo. A variabilidade genética existente entre os híbridos de milho, na forma crescente: simples, triplo e duplo, não reflete na mesma ordem no tamanho de amostra de caracteres da espiga.


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The mechanism by which adiposity can raise blood pressure is not fully understood. Leptin has been suggested as a possible cause of the arterial hypertension in obese subjects because leptin induces an increase in sympathetic activity. The aim of the present study is to evaluate serum leptin level, blood pressure, lipid profile, blood glucose, and insulin in obese women. Leptin, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides were measured. Serum leptin was markedly higher in hypertensive obese women (92.3 +/- 22 ng/mL, n = 7) as compared with normotensive obese women (37.7 +/- 11 ng/mL, n = 7). Similarly, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were significantly elevated in the hypertensive group. No changes were observed in triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration between the 2 groups. There were no significant differences in plasma insulin concentration or blood glucose in both groups. In conclusion, our findings suggest a link among dyslipidemia, leptin level, and hypertension that might be relevant to the development of cardiovascular disease in obese subjects.


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The objective of this study was to determine the presence of Malassezia spp. in the external ear canal of cats with and without otitis. Forty-five animals were studied, 20 with and 25 without otitis externa (OE). Cerumen or secretion from external ear canal samples was cultured on modified Mycosel agar and sterile olive oil was added to the surface of the medium before specimen seeding. The isolates were analysed for macro- and micromorphology and identified by catalase tests and on the basis of growth on Tween 20, 40, 60 and 80. Malassezia spp. were isolated from 15 out of 20 (75%) animals with otitis and from 7 out of 25 (28%) cats without OE; the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P <= 0.05). Malassezia pachydermatis and M. sympodialis were isolated from 60% (12/20) and 40% (8/20) of cats with otitis, respectively, with no significant difference in the frequency of isolation between the two species. In the microflora of the healthy ear canal M pachydermatis was significantly more common (6/25, 24%) than M sympodialis (1/25, 4%). The present investigation confirms that M sympodialis can also act as an actiological agent of feline OE, and if commercial veterinary laboratories do not use media with added lipids for the isolation of Malassezia spp., this might lead to false-negative results.


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In this study, the occurrence of Othonella araguaiana Mendes, a rare bivalve species is reported for the first time in the Pinzonella illusa biozone, Middle Permian Corumbatai Formation, in the State of São Paulo. This species was originally described in coeval rocks of the Estrada Nova Formation (= Corumbatai) from the Alto Araguaia and Alto Garcas regions, State of Mato Grosso. The specimens of O. araguaiana were found in the base of a bioclastic sandstone bed, a proximal tempestite, in the middle of the Corumbatai Formation, in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo State. The silicified shells and internal molds are well preserved, showing impressions of muscle scars and other internal anatomic characters (e.g., hinge), never illustrated by previous authors. In his original description, Mendes (1963) called attention to the similarity between O. araguaiana and Terraia aequilateralis, a common veneroid of the Corumbatai Formation. Conversely, Runnegar and Newell (1971) suggested that O. araguaiana belongs to Megadesmidae, being a junior synonym of Plesiocyprinella carinata (the commonest megadesmid of the Passa Dois Group). Our study indicates that O. araguaiana is indeed a megadesmid, but is distinct from the P. carinata. The new occurrence of O. araguaiana demonstrates that a) the paleobiogeographic distribution of this species is wider than previously thought (that it was restricted to the northern part of Parana Basin, Mato Grosso State); b) the molluscan fauna of the Corumbatai Formation (P. illusa biozone) in the State of São Paulo is more diverse and dominated by megadesmids; and c) the composition of the molluscan fauna of the Corumbatai Formation in Alto GarYas, State of Mato Grosso, is essentially the same as that of the P. illusa biozone of the eastern margin of the Parana Basin.


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Background: Attempted suicide is a strong risk factor for subsequent suicidal behaviors. Innovative strategies to deal with people who have attempted suicide are needed, particularly in resource-poor settings. Aims: To evaluate a brief educational intervention and periodic follow-up contacts (BIC) for suicide attempters in five culturally different sites (Campinas, Brazil; Chennai, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran; and Yuncheng, People's Republic of China) as part of the WHO Multisite Intervention Study on Suicidal Behaviors (SUPRE-MISS). Methods: Among the 1,867 suicide attempters enrolled in the emergency departments of the participating sites, 922 (49.4%) were randomly assigned to a brief intervention and contact (BIC) group and 945 (50.6%) to a treatment as usual (TAU) group. Repeated suicide attempts over the 18 months following the index attempt - the secondary outcome measure presented in this paper - were identified by follow-up calls or visits. Subsequent completed suicide - the primary outcome measure has been reported in a previous paper. Results: Overall, the proportion of subjects with repeated suicide attempts was similar in the BIC and TAU groups (7.6% vs. 7.5%, chi(2) = 0.013; p = .909), but there were differences in rates across the five sites. Conclusions: This study from five low-and middle-income countries does not confirm the effectiveness of brief educational intervention and follow-up contacts for suicide attempters in reducing subsequent repetition of suicide attempts up to 18 months after discharge from emergency departments.


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The authors studied the trapezius (middle portion) and rhomboideus major muscles in movements of flexion, extension, inclination and rotation of the trunk. The electromyographic records demonstrate that such muscles show activity only at the ending of flexion, being inactive in the other movements.


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The sinuses of the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity are formed between the bony ridges, bridges and other osseous prominences, remnants of the tympanum widening process. Anatomical limits and relationships of these sinuses were observed in 100 human temporal bones. Many morphological variabilities were found due to different levels of development of the middle ear posterior wall. The most important sinuses of this complex are the Sinus tympani and the Facial Sinus (Facial recess) seen in all cases. The Lateral tympanic sinus is well-formed in 83% of the cases and the Posterior tympanic sinus in 20% of our series.


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Structural, geochemical, and isotope studies were carried out on the gold deposits of the Pontes e Lacerda region (Mato Grosso state, Brazil), where rocks of the Aguapei and Rondoniano mobile belts (southwestern Amazonian craton) occur. The orebodies are hosted in metavolcanic, gneiss-granite, quartzite, tonalite, and granite units. Tectonics involve oblique overthrusting (from northeast to southwest), which led to the formation of recumbent folds and thrusts (pathways for the mineralizing fluids), upright folds, and faults with dominant strike-slip component. These unconformities represent potential sites for mineralization. During geological mapping, it was observed that the orebodies consist of quartz, pyrite, and gold, and that the hydrothermal alteration zone contains quartz, sericite, pyrite (altered to limonite), and magnetite (altered to hematite). Chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite occur only in the Onça deposit. Chemical analysis of sulfides indicates high contents of Bi, Se, and Te in sulfides and gold, suggesting plutonic involvement in the origin of hydrothermal solutions. K-Ar dating of hydrothermal sericites from gold veins yielded ages in the range from 960 to 840 Ma, which may indicate the age of original crystallization of sericite. Pb-Pb dating in galenas yielded model ages in the range from 1000 to 800 Ma for the Onça deposit, which is in agreement with K-Ar ages. Pb-isotopic ratios indicate high U/Pb and low Th/Pb for the upper-crustal Pb source before incorporation in galena crystals. The Pontes e Lacerda gold deposits yielded ages correlated to the Aguapei event and probably were formed during a Proterozoic contractional tectonic period in the southwestern part of the Amazon craton, which may characterize an important metallogenic epoch in the Pontes e Lacerda region.


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Silages of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu prepared with 0, 8, 16 and 24% of ground ear com with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop basis. The experimental design was a randomized blocks one in split-plot; the plots were the additives and levels, and the sub-plots the sampling methods. The material was ensiled using plastic vessels in middle of which holed pvc pipes (3 inches diameter) were put. These pipes (one per vessel) had the same length as the height of the vessels, and were filled at the same time and compacted the same way as the vessels. The first method of sampling used the material ensiled inside the pvc pipe, which was lifted out from the vessel at the moment of the silo opening. The other sampling method, normaly used in digestibility trials, consisted of samples composed by daily sub-samples collected in the vessels. The pvc sampling method was more efficient because it sampled a profile of the whole silage. All of the silages showed high percentages of lactic acid and low percentages or even absence of butyric acid, though in all silages high ammoniacal-N percentages were detected.