40 resultados para Donald F. Holecek
Juniperus virginiana (eastern redcedar) is encroaching into mesic prairies of the southern Great Plains, USA, and is altering the hydrologic cycle. We used the thermal dissipation technique to quantify daily water use of J. virginiana into a mesic prairie by measuring 19 trees of different sizes from different density stands located in north-central Oklahoma during 2011. We took the additional step to calibrate our measurements by comparing thermal dissipation technique estimates to volumetric water use for a subset of trees. Except for days with maximum air temperature below -3 degrees C, J. virginiana trees used water year round, reached a peak in late May, and exhibited reduced water use in summer when soil water availability was low. Overall daily average water use was 24 l (+/- 21.81 s.d.) per tree. Trees in low density stands used more water than trees with similar diameters from denser stands. However, there was no difference in water use between trees in different density stands when expressed on a canopy area basis. Approximately 50% of variation in water use that remained after accounting for the factors site, tree, and day was explained using a physiologically-based model that included daily potential evapotranspiration, maximum vapour pressure deficit, maximum temperature, solar radiation, and soil water storage between 0 and 10 cm. Our model suggested that a J. virginiana woodland with a closed canopy is capable of transpiring almost all precipitation reaching the soil in years with normal precipitation, indicating the potential for encroachment to reduce water yield for streamflow and groundwater recharge. Copyright (C) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Comunicação empresarial e relações públicas: a construção de relacionamentos no contexto do Facebook
Currently with the context of the Internet, especially on online social networks, it is observed that people and companies are establishing relationships both online and offline. The new digital culture and the competitiveness of the market are making companies change the way they communicate with their customers, providing a broader and more participative communication with their stakeholders. This resear chaims to understand the relation of corporate communication and Public Relations and from the conceptualization of the trials will detect the relationship processes of companies and their public in online social networks. Understand this type of relation ship is interesting because that, it is the field of the Public Relations professional. An area that grows in importance in today's market, since Facebook is being used as a channel of communication and relationship with consumers. The methodology used is exploratory research, in which, it aims to familiarize themselves with the subject and the possibility of analyzing three examples of relationships and engagement in the corporate communications field. In this case, the ranking of the top three companies, Coca-Cola, Guaraná Antarctica e Mc Donald's, in the Top Facebook Posts Brazil in January 2015. It is important that to have a Public Relations Professional that is able to create an open channel of communication on social networks with the purpose of detecting the characteristics of the target public and promote the participation of such public in the building of content and the innovative organization process. Therefore, it becomes an engaging and everlasting relationship
Objective Despite rising global obesity rates, the impact of obesity on gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) remains uninvestigated. This study aimed at investigating whether overweight/obesity relates to response to chemotherapy in low-risk GTN patients.Methods This nonconcurrent cohort study included 300 patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics-defined postmolar low-risk GTN treated with a single-agent chemotherapymethotrexate or actinomycin-D (actD)between 1973 and 2012 at the New England Trophoblastic Disease Center. Chemotherapy dosing was based on actual body weight regardless of obesity status, except for 5-day courses or pulse regimens of actD. Patients were classified as overweight/obese (body mass index [BMI] 25 kg/m(2)) or non-overweight/obese (BMI <25 kg/m(2)). Information on patient characteristics and response to chemotherapy (need for second-line chemotherapy, reason for changing to an alternative chemotherapy, number of cycles, need for combination chemotherapy, and time to human chorionic gonadotropin remission) was obtained.Results Of 300 low-risk GTN patients, 81 (27%) were overweight/obese. Overweight/obese patients were older than the non-overweight/obese patients (median age: 30 vs 28 years, P = 0.004). First-line therapy using actD was more frequent in overweight/obese patients (6.2% vs 1.4%, P = 0.036). Resistance and toxicity were similar between groups. No significant difference in the number of chemotherapy cycles needed for remission or time required to achieve remission was found between groups.Conclusions No association between overweight/obesity and low-risk GTN outcomes was found. Current chemotherapy dosing using BMI seems to be appropriate for overweight/obese patients with low-risk GTN.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective. To evaluate the potential effects of race on clinical characteristics, extent of disease, and response to chemotherapy in women with postmolar low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN).Methods. This non-concurrent cohort study was undertaken including patients with FIGO-defined postmolar low-risk GTN treated with comparable doses and schedules of chemotherapy at the New England Trophoblastic Disease Center (NETDC) between 1973 and 2012. Racial groups investigated included whites, African American and Asians. Information on patient characteristics and response to chemotherapy (need for second line chemotherapy, reason for changing to an alternative chemotherapy, number of cycles/regimens, need for combination chemotherapy, and time to hCG remission) was obtained.Results. Of 316 women, 274 (86.7%) were white, 19 (6%) African American, and 23 (7.3%) Asian. African Americans were significantly younger than white and Asian women (p = 0.008). Disease presentation, and extent of disease, including antecedent molar histology, median time to persistence, median hCG level at persistence, rate of D&C at persistence, presence of metastatic disease, and FIGO stage and risk score were similar among races. Need for second line chemotherapy (p = 0.023), and median number of regimens (p = 0.035) were greater in Asian women than in other races.Conclusions. Low-risk GTN was more aggressive in Asian women, who were significantly more likely to need second line chemotherapy and a higher number of chemotherapy regimens to achieve complete remission than women of African American and Asian descent. Further studies involving racial differences related to clinical, biological and environmental characteristics are needed. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Although the use of countertransference is a controversial topic and the debate on the participation of the analyst’s mind may go back to the old conception of aptness for the analytical task based on personality or psychological makeup, the fact is that the psychoanalyst’s education involves the elaboration of his unconscious conflicts, turning conscious the pathways of his desire and his symptoms through a process of personal analysis and a long theoretical and technical training in the field of psychoanalysis. This study is a literature review based on studies about the maternal function, which aims at showing the path of recovery of countertransference in psychoanalytic theory and technique and the implication of the analyst’s abilities in the analytical process. This development is tributary of the appreciation of maternal function as a model for interpersonal and therapeutic relationship in Psychoanalysis, due to the paradigm of object relations in the British psychoanalytic tradition, being Donald W. Winnicott and Wilfred R. Bion two of its main authors.
This paper conducts an analysis of the cover of the first issue of Trace magazine, conceived and edited by a group of graphic artists from Bauru (SP) published in November 1987 from the study proposed by Donald Norman (2008) especially through the visceral, behavioral and reflective approaches. This is a critical exercise, based on the study, of the use and application of the theory of Norman, which focuses on the development and focusing the scope of graphic design.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)