62 resultados para Deficiência audtiva ou visual


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This article represents a continuation of the results of a research presented in Camargo and Nardi (2007). It is inserted in the study that seeks to understand the main student’s inclusion barriers with visual impairment in the Physics classes. It aims to understand which communication context shows kindness or unkindness to the impairment visual student’s real participation in thermology activities. For this, the research defines, from the empirical - sensory and semantics structures, the used languages in the activities, as well, the moment and the speech pattern in which the languages have been used. As result, identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes and the creation of education segregation environments within the classroom.


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The aim of this paper is to present an educational proposal with didactic and pedagogical orientations, to the Science Education for people with visual impairments. Then, we use as main reference, Gérard Vergnaud’s Theory of Conceptual Fields, joining with a translational focus, applying empirical results of Cognitive Neuroscience. Within this, we highlight the role of educational activities related with 'multisensory scientific literacy ', focusing on the linguistic triad: read, interpretation and textual representation. We hope this perspective, become in the future an important component on guidelines for composing a 'semiotic protocol' for Science Education. Realizing too, epistemological peculiarities, pedagogic and didactic specificities in this area, and, revealing such properties on the cognitive constructs, for science and technology education.


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This article is part of a study that seeks to understand what are the main barriers and alternatives for inclusion of students with visual impairments in the context of physics education. Presents and discusses the difficulties and feasibility to include the blind for birth student in thermology’ classes. Through content analysis identifies four classes of functioning implies difficulties and feasibility. In conclusion, emphasizes the importance of creating appropriate communication environments, the inclusive function of element interactivity, as well as the need for dismissal of a segregated environment within the classroom.


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Despite of intense discussion over recent decades about the inclusion of disabled people and the influence of conception of teachers about that inclusion for the effectuation of it, this work sought to identify conceptions of science teachers regarding the inclusion of students with visual impairment in the classes of astronomy providing basis for future studies.


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The work completed on the use of para-didactic texts do not address the issue of education in a state that considers the presence of students with visual impairments. Therefore, this article discusses an innovative situation, investigating if the use of para-didactic texts provide the necessary conditions for the inclusion of students with visual impairment in physics education classes. The response indicates a discreet participation of these students, however a significant one, in this application the students were motivated and interested in all of the topics discussed. This prudent participation may have occurred for reasons such as shyness and the behavior of teachers, as they tended to to be more talkative to these students.


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The hippotherapy is a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse within an interdisciplinary approach in the areas of health, education and riding, seeking the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs. The method generates the practitioner positive effects, such as physical, social and psychological benefits. The goal of this study was to investigate alterations with a practitioner with visual impairment during their participation in a hippotherapy program. The study is characterized by a qualitative and descriptive research, in the form of case study. Data were collected through interviews with the mother of the practitioner and filming, photographs and systematic observation of the sessions. Improvements were found in the behavior of practicing at home, and there was progress in motor performance, and self-confidence generated by the domain horse. It is concluded that the hippotherapy program generated physical, psychological and social benefits to the practitioner.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It was aimed to identify how the physical education teachers worked to include a student with visual impairment; intervene with the teacher from the identified necessities and assess the intervention. Data were collected in three stages: 1) Weekly monitoring and filming the classes, 2) intervention by the reflection of videos coming from the previous step and suggesting new actions, 3) development of filming for evaluating the intervention. Before the intervention, it was identified that the explanation of the activities happened collectively. It was held the physical help as the first form of instruction, the student with visual impairment participation occurred depending on the company of a classmate who held hands and did the activities together. Along the intervention it was reflected about the structure of the classes, the ways of explanation of the activities and the strategies and the resources to assure an enjoyable participation of students with visual impairments. The training of peer tutors was a strategy used. After the intervention it was identified in the classroom the assistance of the trained peer tutors; the maintenance of oral explanation and demonstration, though, the first way to explanation for the student with visual impairment started to be the oral tip.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study examines the hippotherapy related to school inclusion. Inclusive education, given the diversity of human kind, seeks to understand and meet the educational needs of all students. Visual impairment is defined as a reduction or complete loss of ability to see with the better eye and after the best possible optical correction, and may be perceived by the focus when the individual educational needs of Braille for their learning. Hippotherapy is a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse in an interdisciplinary approach in health, education and riding, searching for the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs. The general objectives were: to follow a Hippotherapy program applied to a student with visual disabilities included in regular education from the practice sessions of hippotherapy and the student's school routine, and specific: to verify changes to a student with visual impairment during their participation in an equine therapy program, to check the commitment, involvement and interest in school activities the student practicing hippotherapy inserted into the regular school system. The methodology was a qualitative research, in the form of case study. The instruments of data collection were interviews, video recordings, photographs, school information and the subject of systematic observations of the sessions of hippotherapy. Interviews were conducted at three different times during the course of the program. First we used a strategy for succeeding in increasing the involvement of practicing with the school. Later, another strategy was established, consisting of the effective presence of the researcher in the school to carry out activities on the hippotherapy within the school environment. The analysis of the first interview showed no changes in school interest, however, occurred in the family environment. In analyzing the results of the second interview was seen as a...


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a ocorrência dos erros refracionais em escolares de nosso meio. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal avaliando crianças da pré-escola e do ensino básico, quanto ao sexo, tipo de erro refracional, acuidade visual e tratamento realizado. RESULTADOS: Quatro mil seiscentos e vinte e três crianças foram submetidas a exame de acuidade visual, das quais 8,1% apresentaram necessidade de exame oftalmológico completo. Houve 63,2% de portadores de astigmatismo hipermetrópico, 15,7% de astigmatismo miópico, 12,5% de astigmatismo misto, 4,9% de hipermetropia e 3,7% de miopia. Foi indicada a prescrição de lentes corretoras para 48,7% da amostra estudada. A frequência de erros refracionais na população foi de 3,9%. CONCLUSÃO: O astigmatismo hipermetrópico foi o erro de refracional mais frequente, havendo necessidade de tratamento em cerca de 50% das crianças triadas com frequência de 3,9% de erro refracional passível de correção na população de estudo.


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OBJETIVOS: Traçar o perfil do usuário da Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual na cidade de Assis - SP, avaliar a porcentagem de deficientes visuais empregados e comparar o emprego com idade, gênero, tipo de deficiência e doença causadora da deficiência, entre dois períodos: de 1984 a 1996 e de 1997 a 2009. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo dos prontuários médicos e da ficha escolar dos portadores de deficiência visual que frequentaram a Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual, no período de 1984 a 2009 na cidade de Assis - SP, divididos em dois períodos de 1984 a 1996 (G1) e de 1997 a 2009 (G2). Analisaram-se dados demográficos, a doença que provocou a baixa visão, o tipo de deficiência visual (cegueira ou baixa visão), escolaridade, recursos ópticos, frequência à Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual e taxa de emprego. Foi feita associação da taxa de emprego com: idade, gênero, raça/cor, tipo de deficiência e doença nos dois diferentes períodos. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 149 deficientes visuais sendo: 61,07% homens, 38,9% mulheres, 82,5% brancos e 17,4% não brancos e a mediana da idade foi de 18 anos. Dos 149 deficientes visuais, 63,75% eram portadores de baixa visão e 36,24% portadores de cegueira. As principais doenças que levaram à deficiência visual dos 149 pacientes foram em ordem decrescente: retinocoroidite por toxoplasmose (17,40%), atrofia óptica congênita (12,10%), alta hipermetropia (8,72%), retinose pigmentar e alta miopia (6,71% cada uma) e glaucoma congênito e catarata congênita (6,04% cada uma). A frequência à Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual foi boa em mais de 50% dos pacientes. Estavam trabalhando regularmente 44,7% e 12,3% dos maiores de 14 anos respectivamente nos períodos de 1984 - 1996 e de 1997 - 2009. Não houve diferença entre os dois períodos quanto às características demográficas, tipo de deficiência e doenças, havendo correlação da taxa de emprego apenas com a idade (pacientes com média de idade maior apresentavam maior porcentagem de emprego). CONCLUSÕES: Os deficientes visuais eram na maioria homens, brancos, portadores de baixa visão e portadores de toxoplasmose ocular. Quase metade (44,7%) dos pacientes com mais de 14 anos encontrava-se trabalhando regularmente até 1996 sugerindo que esforços conjuntos de oftalmologistas e educadores auxilia na inclusão social destes pacientes. A taxa de emprego caiu no período de 1997 a 2009 e a de aposentados aumentou.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo foi estimar a prevalência de deficiência auditiva referida numa população de idosos de São Paulo, Brasil e verificar os fatores associados, mediante pesquisa transversal, descritiva e quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por sujeitos acima de 65 anos derivada de setores censitários em dois estágios, com reposição e probabilidade proporcional à população para pessoas com 75 anos ou mais. A análise estatística foi realizada no software Stata 10, com dados ponderados, utilizando-se o teste de Rao-Scott e a regressão de Poisson do tipo stepwise backward. Foram entrevistados 1.115 idosos com prevalência de deficiência auditiva referida de 30,4%, maior em idades mais avançadas, no sexo masculino, em sujeitos com doenças osteoarticulares referidas, queixa de vertigem e/ou tontura, deficiência visual referida e com dificuldades para o uso do telefone. O conhecimento da prevalência e dos fatores associados à deficiência auditiva pode auxiliar na elaboração das políticas públicas relacionadas à audição, sendo imprescindível a abordagem deste tema com a população idosa, por conta da importante ocorrência encontrada.