244 resultados para Decapoda


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Stenocionops furcatus is a spider crab found in the western Atlantic, from Georgia, USA to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on sand, coral, rocks or mud bottoms from the intertidal zone to 180 m. We describe all laboratory-reared larval stages of S. furcatus obtained from the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil, and compare our data with existing larval descriptions for the genus and other mithracids. The larval development of S. furcatus consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. The durations of the first and second zoeal stage were similar to4 and 5 days respectively, the megalopa appearing 10-18 days after hatching. Our results show that the zoeae of S. furcatus differ from those of other Mithracidae by possessing four setae on the proximal lobe of the coxal endite of the maxilla, instead of five, and by the presence of mid-dorsal setae on the third abdominal somite in the second zoeal stage, which are lacking in other mithracids. Larval descriptions for Stenocionops in two previous publications were attributed to the subspecies S. furcatus coelatus from the Caribbean. Larvae from Brazilian waters closely resemble one of these accounts, suggesting that this taxon extends beyond the West Indies and that the other description represents larvae of S. furcatus furcatus. Additional morphological details, not available previously, are provided.


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The influence of several environmental factors oil the abundance and spatial-temporal distribution of the shrimp Artemesia longinaris were investigated from January 1998 to December 1999 in the Ubatuba region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Collections were performed monthly in the bays of Ubatumirim (UBM), Ubatuba (UBA) and Mar Virado (MV). Six sampling transects were estabilshed in each bay, four were parallel to the shore line, and two were next to the rocky shores. A commercial shrimp fishing boat equipped with two 'double-rig' nets was used. A total of 11,503 individuals was collected, including 1633 from UBM, 6344 from UBA and 3526 from MV the majority of the captured specimens came from the deeper areas (15 to 20 m) with high salinity (34 to 36 ppt). The highest abundance of A. longinaris in Ubatuba bay was recorded in areas where fine and very fine sand comprised more than 70% of the sediment. Moreover, the abundance of A. longinaris followed a seasonal trend, being higher during the summer, when intrusions of cold South Atlantic Coastal Waters (SACW) are frequent. Thus, type of sediment, temperature and salinity are determinant factors in the distribution of A. longinaris in the studied region.


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The spatial and seasonal distributions of Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, in Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo, Brazil, were investigated as a part of a broad study on the general biology of portunids along the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Swimming crabs were collected during one year, from September 1995 to August 1996, along eight transects determined according to local physiographic features. Three replicate trawls were performed monthly at each transect. Depth. salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, organic matter content, and texture of the sediment were measured. Callinectes danae individuals were concentrated in shallow water close to the discharge of estuaries where the bottom is composed of fine and very fine sand. The species was more abundant in the warmer months. During the study period, C. danae exhibited continuous reproduction with a peak of reproductive intensity in June. Within this area, some sites are particularly favorable for C. danae establishment due to a combination of factors and prevailing local conditions.


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The larval development of the spider crab Epialtus bituberculatus H. Milne Edwards which Lives on rocky shores with algae such as Sargassum and Hypneia, is described. Larvae were obtained from ovigerous females collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Rearing was carried out at 24 +/- 1 degreesC, with an average salinity of 35 parts per thousand. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. Zoeal development was completed in 9.5 days. Analysis indicated that zoeae of E. bituberculatus are very similar to those of E. brasiliensis Dana and Acanthonyx scutiformis (Dana). Differences noted between these species pertain to the setation of the carapace, maxillule and second maxilliped. The main morphological features useful for identification are presented together with a summary of features that characterize larvae of majid subfamilies in Brazil. A key for the identification of southwestern Atlantic majid zoeae to the family level is provided.


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Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, known as siri-azul, is an important fishery resource along the Brazilian coast. The reproductive cycle of this species was studied based on their moult cycle and the development of their gonads. The animals were collected with an otter-trawl in the Ubatuba region (23 degrees 26'S 45 degrees 02'W) every other month from July 1991 to May 1993. A total of 1826 specimens were captured: 788 males and 1038 females. Ovigerous females and specimens with developed gonads in both sexes were found in all months sampled. In females, moult activity was recorded in all size classes while in males, it was verified from 20-27 mm to 90-97 mm size classes. The females produced more than one clutch during a single reproductive season, a fact evidenced by the presence of ovigerous females with ovaries in all the development phases. The species C. danae reproduces continuously, like most brachyurans from tropical waters.


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All larval stages and the first crab instar of Paradasygyius depressus (Bell) were obtained in laboratory culture. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages, followed by the megalopa. Each larval stage is described in detail. Beginning with the first zoea, the duration of each stage was 4--7 (4.5 +/- 0.7), 4-5 (4.5 +/- 0.5), and 7 days, the megalopa and first crab instar appearing 11 +/- 1 and 15 days after hatching, respectively. A phylogenetic analysis of 21 genera of Majidae is provided based on 34 zoeal and three megalopal characters. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in four equally parsimonious trees 173 steps long (CI = 0.66, RI = 0.71, and RC = 0.47) supporting the monophyly of Oregoniinae, Majinae, and Inachinae (with the exclusion of Macrocheira de Haan incertae sedis). Based on general agreement of sister-group hypotheses, we provide sets of larval characters that define Oregoniinae, Majinae, and Inachinae. Our phylogenetic hypothesis suggests that Oregoniinae is the most basal clade within the Majidae, and Majinae and the clade (Epialtus H. Milne Edwards + Inachinae [excluding Macrocheira incertae sedis]) are sister taxa. Within Inachinae, all trees suggest that Inachus Weber and Macropodia Leach are sister taxa nested as the most derived clade, followed by Achaeus Leach, Pyromaia Stimpson, Paradasygyius Garth, Anasimus A. Milne-Edwards, and the most basal Stenorhynchus Lamarck. The sister-group relationships of the clade (Pisa Leach (Taliepus A. Milne-Edwards + Libinia Leach)), Mithrax Latreille and Microphrys H. Milne Edwards remained unresolved.


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The species composition of Penaeidea and Caridea shrimp was studied in Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo, Brazil. Samples were taken monthly from September 1995 to August 1996, using two double-rig trawling nets. A total of 21 marine shrimps species were obtained, belonging to eight families. Sergestoids were represented by a single species of Sergestidae, while penaeoids comprised three families, Penaeidae, Sicyoniidae and Solenoceridae. Caridea shrimps belonged to two superfamilies, the Palaemonoidea, represented by Palaemonidae; and Alpheoidea by three families, Alpheidae, Ogyrididae and Hippolytidae. Sicyonia laevigata Stimpson, 1871 and Nematopalaemon schmitti (Holthuis, 1950) represent first records in São Paulo State, Brazil.


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The relative growth of the xanthid crab, Panopeus austrobesus was investigated by means of the allometric method. Crabs were obtained in the mangrove formed by the estuary of the rivers Comprido and Escuro (23degrees29'24S 45degrees10'12W), Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. All crabs were measured to obtain their carapace width (CW) and length (CL), abdomen width (AW) at the basis of the 5(th) somite, and major cheliped propodus length (PL) and height (PH). Males were also measured for their gonopod length (GL). The size of crabs based on CW ranged from 4.0 to 44.8 mm for males and 3.1 to 34.5 mm for females. The relative growth equation (Y = aX(b)) based on the relationship between GL and CW suggested that males reach their sexual maturity near 14.6 mm CW. Such relationship shows a positive allometry during the juvenile phase and an isometric growth in adult life. In females, the estimated size at 50% maturity is 13.0 mm CW, based on the relationship AW vs. CW. Males reach larger sizes than females, which probably provides them better conditions to protect females during courtship. Concerning cheliped size, approximately 73% of the crabs analysed (N = 209), disregarding sex, have the right PL larger than the left. The PL growth shows that specimens with a left major cheliped (26%) have a higher allometric coefficient, despite being smaller considering their CW. Such a difference may compensate the smaller size of the crab during defense or prey capture.


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The objective of this study is to investigate the patterns of shell utilization in Petrochirus diogenes in the Ubatuba region, SP, Brazil. Hermit crabs were obtained from 1993 to 1996 with the aid of a shrimp fishery boat equipped with two double-rigged trawling nets. Shells were identified and weighed, and their maximum aperture width was measured. Hermit crabs were weighed, and their shield length was recorded. A total of 634 P. diogenes specimens, occupying shells of 12 gastropod species, was obtained. The shells of Tonna galea, Zidona dufresnei and Strombus pugilis were the most frequently occupied, the first marked by its larger aperture width and lower average weight. Small hermit crabs inhabited a wide variety of gastropod shells due to their higher availability. However, the utilization of T. galea shells became predominant as the crabs attained larger sizes. Differences in weight and aperture width are known to encourage certain shell utilization patterns and may affect growth and reproduction of hermit crabs.


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A morphometric study of the xanthoid crab Hexapanopeus schmitti was carried out, using the allometric method. Samples were taken monthly for two years (1998-1999) in the Ubatuba region, northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Sex and size were assessed for each specimen, and all crabs were measured to obtain their carapace width (CW) and length (CL), abdomen width (AW) of females, major cheliped propodus length and height (PL and PH), and gonopod length (GL) of males. A total of 301 crabs were analyzed, 209 males and 92 females. The CWs of the crabs ranged from 2.5 to 9.8 mm for males and from 2.8 to 9.4 mm for females. The relative growth equation (y=ax(b)) based on the relationship between GL and CW suggested that males reach their morphological sexual maturity near 6.1 mm CW. In females, the estimated size at 50 % maturity was 4.8 mm CW, based on the relationship of AW vs. CW. Males reach larger sizes than females, which probably favors their ability to guard the females during courtship. In approximately 83 % of the crabs (n= 371), disregarding sex, the right cheliped was larger.


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The sizes at morphological and physiological maturity of male and female Arenaeus cribrarius were estimated to determine if both events are synchronous. Animals were captured with otto-trawls at Ubatuba, Brazil. A total of 2356 specimens, 977 males and 1379 females, were obtained. The major carapace width without spines (CW), the propodus length of the major cheliped (PL) and the width of the 5th abdominal somite (AW) were measured with vernier calipers. Allometric relationships and gonadal development were analyzed to determine the maturity in both sexes. The size at the onset of male morphological maturity was estimated at CW 52 mm, smaller than the CW 63.4 mm physiological maturity size observed. For females, these events are synchronous since both estimates converged at CW 59.7 mm. The onset of functional sexual maturity in A. cribrarius at CW 63.4 and 59.7 mm in males and females, respectively, would indicate a minimum size of CW 64 mm for fishing purposes. Differences between allometric and gonadal estimates indicate the importance of considering both methods. A comparison of the present results with other available data in portunid crabs is provided.


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Larval development of Macrocoeloma diplacanthum (Stimpson) consists of two zoeal stages, followed by the megalopa. Each larval stage is described in detail. The duration of the zoeal stages was 2-3 (2.4 +/- 0.5) and 3-4 (3.5 +/- 0.5) days for the first and second zoea, respectively, the megalopa phase appearing 6-8 (7.0 +/- 0.5) days after hatching. Unlike for other majids, zoeal stages of M. diplacanthum can be readily distinguished by their distended forehead with strong underlying muscle bands, undercut dorsal carapace spine, and spine on the terminal endopod segment of the first maxilliped. No other known mithracine or majid zoeae exhibit this combination of features. Our zoeal account of M. diplacanthum from Mexico is remarkably consistent with Floridian specimens previously described. However, we have found some differences between descriptions, which could be attributed to natural variation or inadequate description. Previous attempts to evaluate the relationships within Mithacinae have been based on larval characters widely distributed throughout Majidae and therefore are considered inadequate to infer sister-group relationships. The phylogenetic analysis of majids suggested that the position of Mithracinae is still uncertain, as is its monophyletic status. We recommend that additional characters, particularly of the megalopa phase, be sought for a better resolution of majid evolutionary history.


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Apiomithrax violaceus (A. Milne Edwards, 1868 ) is a pisid majoid crab occurring in tropical and subtropical coastal waters of the eastern and western South Atlantic. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and a megalopa. Beginning with the first zoea, the duration of each larval stage at 24degreesC was 3-8 (5+/-1), 3-5 (4+/-0.5) and 9-15 (11+/-2) days, the megalopa and first crab instar appearing 9-11 (10+/-1) and 20-27 (23+/-2) days after hatching, respectively. Larval characters agree with those proposed for the Majoidea, in having nine or more setae on the scaphognathite in the first zoea and well-developed pleopods in the second zoea. However, larvae of A . violaceus do not fit larval pisid features. Zoeal stages differ from most other Pisidae in having lateral spines, a long rostral spine extending beyond the antenna, two spines per telson fork and a dorsolateral process on the third abdominal somite. The megalopa differs in having a spine dorsally on the carapace and on the basial segment of the second pereiopod. Two characters that are potentially unique to Apiomithrax include a zoeal antenna with an exopod that is much longer than the protopod, and a rostral spine that is longer than the dorsal spine. These characters should facilitate the identification of this taxon and could also be useful for phylogenetic studies. A review of larvae of 28 species among 14 genera indicated that there is no apparent single larval character that differentiates the Pisidae, with more limited phylogenetic analyses suggesting that this is a paraphyletic group. Apiomithrax , Eurynolambrus , Pisoides , Rochinia and Scyra have the most divergent morphological characters within the family. The analysis and inclusion of additional taxa is likely to shed more light on the sister-group relationships of the Pisidae. However, based on the extent of morphological interspecific variability of known larvae it is likely that the group, as presently defined by adult morphology, is not monophyletic.


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The communities of brachyuran crabs living on soft bottoms off Ubatuba in SE Brazil were studied with respect to their structure, bathymetric distribution, composition, diversity and indices of similarity. The data were analyzed using multivariate techniques of classification and ordination. Most of the individuals caught during summer were the swimming crab Portunas spinicarpus at the 35 m isobath, which contributed to the much-decreased diversity in this season and site. Multivariate analysis indicated that the species were distributed according to depth and also in relation to environmental gradients.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)