59 resultados para Cytokeratin


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Chronic lymphedema presents as interstitial fluid retention due to a failure in the lymphatic system drainage. The affected region becomes more vulnerable immunologically and predisposed to the onset of neoplasms. Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common sort of neoplasm, nevertheless it rarely metastisizes. Sarcomas are malignant mesenchymal neoplasms, locally aggressive, which can spread. Here is reported an infrequent case of multiple basal cell carcinoma, synchronous to a poorly differentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, both spreading to lymph nodes and arising from tissue compromised by chronic lymphedema. © 2012 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Bovine enzootic hematuria is characterized by the development of hemangiomatous lesions from several types of neoplastic processes, from epithelial and mesenchymal origin. In this research the histogenesis of neoplastic lesions found in bladder of bovines with enzootic hematuria from Caparaó microregion in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil was determined. To accomplish this objective, immunohistochemical analysis was performed with primary antibodies: anti-vimentin, anti-cytokeratin, anti-CD31 and anti-uroplakin. Neoplasms found included urothelial carcinoma, in situ carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, hemangioma, myxoma e hemangiosarcoma. Immunohistochemical staining of cytokeratin in epithelial neoplasms and vimentin in mesenchymal neoplasms was significant (p<0.05). CD31 was positive in all the vessels of all samples, however, the staining was significant (p<0.05) in the tumor endothelial cells of the vascular mesenchymal neoplasms, as in hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas. Uroplakin III staining was uneven in several neoplastic types and showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Most neoplasms showed an atypical uroplakin staining on urothelium and, in the case of hemangiosarcomas there was no staining of the urothelium at all. The Spearman statistical analysis revealed a positive correlation (r= 0.63, p= 0.05) between CD31 and vimentin and between cytokeratin and uroplakin (rs= -0.61, p= 0.05). It was concluded that biomarkers anti-cytokeratin, anti-vimentin and anti-CD31 are important for the diagnosis of neoplasms epithelial, mesenchymal and vascular mesenchymal, respectively. It is possible to use vimentin and CD31 in association in vascular mesenchymal neoplasms and cytokeratin and uroplakin in epithelial neoplasms. The uroplakin is an effective marker, not only for tumor diagnosis, but also to evaluate the urothelial integrity.


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Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumors (CCOTs) are benign cystic lesions of odontogenic origin characterized by an ameloblastoma-like epithelium and the presence of a group of cells named ghost cells. The pattern of cytokeratin (Ck) expression on these lesions remains unclear and needs to be clarified. To this end, the expression of Ck6, Ck13, Ck14, Ck18, and Ck19 in the epithelium lining of 7 cases of CCOTs was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. For this, the epithelium lining was divided into 3 distinct regions: basal layer, suprabasal layer, and the compartment composed of ghost cells. In this study, 6 cases (85.7%) were classified as type 1 and 1 (14.3%) as type 4. All cases were negative for Ck13 and Ck18, despite the epithelial layer, as well as in the ghost cells. Ck6 was only positive in the ghost cells. Positivity for Ck14 and Ck19 was found in the basal and suprabasal layers, including the ghost cells. The results showing positivity for Ck14 and Ck19 in all of the analyzed cases reinforce CCOT as being of odontogenic origin, and the restricted expression of Ck6 in the ghost cells may be indicative that these cells suffer an altered differentiation into hair follicles in CCOTs. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Fisiológicas - FOA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Human salivary gland tumors originated from intercalated ducts present a broad range of histologic and cytologic patterns, mainly due to the presence of myoepithelial cells. The aim of this study is to verify the differentiation grade of neoplastic cells and a possible relation between myoepithelial cell differentiation and the presence of luminal secretory contents. The expression of vimentin and cytokeratin (CK) intermediate filaments, actin myofilament and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) was investigated by double labeling immunocytochemical technique, in thirty salivary gland neoplasms: 5 pleomorphic adenomas, 5 myoepitheliomas, 3 basal cell adenomas, 7 adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) and 10 polimorphous low grade adenocarcinomas (PLGA). Tumors with intercalated duct differentiation (pleomorphic adenomas, basal cell adenomas and ACC) express CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19 in the luminal cells and coexpress eventually CK14 with these CKs. Some luminal cells stained with anti-EMA antibody, mainly where a secretory content in the lumen was observed. Outer ductal cells and other myoepithelial-like cells express vimentin, sometimes coexpressing actin and/or CK14 with vimentin. Plasmacytoid cells in myoepitheliomas and pleomorphic adenomas express vimentin and rarely CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19, sometimes coexpressing these CKs with CK14 but they are negative for the remaining antigens. Tumors without intercalated duct differentiation (solid basal cell adenoma and PLGA) express vimentin and CKs 7, 8, 14 and 18, sometimes coexpressing CKs 8 and 18 with CK14. In conclusion, in tumors with intercalated duct differentiation, myoepithelial cells express vimentin and sometimes coexpress actin and/or CK14 with vimentin, never coexpressing other CKs with vimentin. CK14 and actin are independently expressed by myoepithelial cells, so their expression is probably induced by different stimulus. However, the secretory function of luminal cells, visualized by EMA staining, ....