189 resultados para Confirmation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de fatores de risco associados à mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii. Foram analisadas 13 propriedades leiteiras dos Estados do Paraná e de São Paulo, segundo os seguintes critérios de seleção: confirmação prévia de casos de mastite por Prototheca spp., triagem pela pesquisa de Prototheca spp. em tanques de expansão e latões e rebanhos com contagem de células somáticas acima de 5x105cel mL-1. As amostras coletadas consistiram de: leite, água, solo, fezes e swab de teteiras. Prototheca spp. foi isolada de amostras de leite dos quartos mamários com mastite clínica ou subclínica em uma propriedade e de amostras de leite e do ambiente em quatro propriedades, nas quais foi isolada em amostras de: água de bebedouro, abastecimento, esgoto, empoçada no piso de estábulo e sala de ordenha, solo de piquete e pasto, teteiras, fezes de bezerros e suínos. do total de 383 vacas examinadas, Prototheca spp. foi isolada em 20 (5,2%) vacas, sendo caracterizada como P. zopfii em 18. Os fatores de risco associados à mastite causada por P. zopfii foram: criação das vacas a pasto, alimentação dos animais com pasto e silagem, realização de ordenha mecânica em estábulo, permanência das vacas após ordenha em piquete sem alimento, criação de suínos próxima às instalações dos bovinos, existência de cães, gatos e roedores, falta de higienização dos tetos com água, pré-imersão dos tetos em aplicador com retorno e sem a troca do anti-séptico, alimentação dos bezerros com leite de vacas com mastite clínica e serem as vacas da raça holandesa.
CONTEXTO: Embora cerca de 30% a 50% dos pacientes hospitalizados em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) recebam algum tipo de sedativo, existe escassez de informações sobre efeitos adversos desta prática, especialmente no Brasil. Estes efeitos podem ser significantes e o uso de sedativos é associado a elevação de infecção e mortalidade, mesmo sendo difícil avaliar o impacto clínico deste procedimento. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto da sedação sobre incidência de complicações e mortalidade em doentes graves durante internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo prospectivo. LOCAL: Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Cirúrgica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina. PARTICIPANTES: Após excluídos pacientes que permaneceram menos de 24 horas ou sem exames indispensáveis para o cálculo do índice de gravidade (APACHE II), restaram 307 pacientes. Estes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Sedado e Grupo Não Sedado. Constatada heterogeneidade com relação ao APACHE II, foram pareados 97 sedados e 97 não sedados com idênticos índices de gravidade. VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: Impacto da sedação e das técnicas sobre a mortalidade, tempo de internação, além da incidência de escara de decúbito ou pressão, trombose venosa profunda e infecção. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença na incidência de trombose venosa profunda, entre os grupos Sedado e Não Sedado, enquanto que escara de decúbito foi significativamente maior nos sedados (p = 0,03). Infecção foi detectada em 45,4% dos pacientes com sedação e em 21,6% dos pacientes sem sedação (p = 0,006). A mortalidade para os pacientes que não receberam qualquer tipo de sedativo foi de 20,6% e, para aqueles que foram sedados durante a internação, foi de 52,6% (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÕES: Conclui-se que a sedação está associada a maior duração da internação, morbidade e mortalidade significativas. Apesar da intensidade das associações encontradas, não é possível estabelecer relação causal entre sedação e mortalidade.
Platinum-Pd nuggets from the Born Sucesso stream alluvium Minas Gerais, Brazil. have been investigated by electron-probe microanalysis. The nuggets attain 1 mm in maximum dimension and have a botryoidal habit, with pronounced compositional core-to-margin zoning of internal structures, Although there is a wide variation in internal morphology and individual zones vary markedly in thickness (<1-100 mum), a typical composite arborescent nugget comprises a broad irregular core region of massive auriferous Pd-Hg alloy (potarite delta-PdHg) or cavity space + relict potarite enclosed by a narrow zone of platiniferous, palladium or alloy of near Pt50Pd50 composition, and is progressively oscillatory zoned by palladian platinum, with growth eventually enveloping the whole botryoidal colony, to a narrow rim of palladian platinum or pure platinum. Other nuggets comprise an arborescent to dendritic core of auriferous potarite, a broad internal zone of either pure platinum or palladian platinum, and a narrow rim of platinum, the mineral palladium contains up to about 65 at.% Pd; this is the first detailed modern confirmation of palladium in its type locality. Auriferous potarite ranges in composition from similar toPd(3)Hg(2) to near Pd(Hg,Au). The origin of these nuggets remains unclear, but their mineralogy is broadly equivalent to that of palladian gold. potarite and platinum in alluvial sediments and overburden from Devon, England, which are considered to be detrital, and their platinum-group-clement geochemistry is consistent with precipitation from hydrothermal fluids. We suggest that the Bom Sucesso nuggets resulted from high-level episodic hydrothermal alteration of mafic and ultramafic rocks within the drainage basin, with the remobilized Pt and Pd precipitated in open spaces in the enclosing metaquartzites.
Brazil is a wide country with huge contrasts. Its peculiarities can highlight environmental factors that could influence the frequencies of different cancers. The standard treatment and results achieved from several different areas of the country may not be found in others. The establishment of a national cooperative group has the potential to improve outcomes. The The Brazilian Cooperative Group on Pediatric Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (BCG-MDS-PED) was first organized in January 1997 as a working group of hematologists, pediatric oncologists, pediatric-hematologists, molecular biologists and other professionals in order to study pediatric (age < 18 years) MDS. Six distinct subcommittees constituted with members from several universities: cytology, histopathology, clinical, cytogenetics, molecular biology and epidemiology. The goals of the BCG-MDS-PED were: (i) to offer support for diagnosis and orientation for treatment; (ii) educational Support for the colleagues all over the country and (iii) research on pathogenesis and new approaches for pediatric MDS patients. There are socio-economical differences among the five regions of the country. The BCG-MDS-PED believes that it is absolutely necessary to Study the clinical, cellular, molecular and epidemiological aspects of MDS, taking in account these peculiar differences among populations and regions. Since 1997, 114 pediatric cases were referred to the BCG-MDS-PED from 21 centres. Seven Brazilian states have sent cases to the group, 31 patients were referred from universities, 73 patients from pediatric oncology units (foundations) and 10 patients came from private clinics. Some of these patients have been followed up and/or treated by the physician who referred them to the BCG-MDS-PED for confirmation of the initial diagnosis. The majority of these physicians have required orientation on diagnostic and treatment issues, as well as to complete cytogenetic and molecular studies. From these 114 patients, 64 patients were confirmed as MDS. We believe that, the more numerous the MDS-studied cases, the more experienced will be the referee group on clinical and laboratory features on childhood MDS in Brazil. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
The species of the sandy plains forests (forests of the ''restingas'') have not yet had their spatial patterns studied as aids to the understanding of the diversity found in the different physiognomies along the Brazilian coast. In this paper a 10 x 10 m quadrat framework laid in a hectare of a tree dominant forest in the sandy plains of the Picinguaba area of the Serra do Mar State Park (municipality of Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil) was used to assess the spatial pattern of distribution for the ten most important species : Pera glabrata, Euterpe edulis, Eugenia brasiliensis, Alchornea triplinervea, Guatteria australis, Myrcia racemosa, Jacaranda semiserrata, Guarea macrophylla, Euplassa cantareirae and Nectandra oppositifolia. The spatial patterns were inferred through the calculations of their T-Square Index (C) and Dispersal Distance Index (I). P. glabrata shows a random pattern, E. edulis aggregate, E. brasiliensis, A. triplinervia, G. australis, E. cantareirae and N. oppositifolia with a tendency between aggregate and uniform and, M. racemosa, J. semiserrata and G. macrophylla between aggregate and random. Although the indexes are dependent of the sample size and of the technique adjustments, the relationship of the pattern with the environmental factors is shown by clustering methods. The results give confirmation of how the spatial patterns bring associations between populations and shape of the vegetation physiognomy.
Propanil and its major degradation product, 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA), were monitored in surface water and soil samples from two rice fields of the Ebre Delta area (Tarragona, Spain) following agricultural application. On-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) (water) and Soxhlet extraction (soil) followed by liquid chromatography/diode array detection (LC/DAD) were used for the trace determination of both compounds. Unequivocal confirmation/identification was conducted by using liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry, LC/APCI/MS (using negative and positive ionization modes). Concentrations of the herbicide propanil in water samples varied from 1.9 to 55.9 mu g/L. Propanil degraded very rapidly to DCA, and high concentrations of this product were found, varying from 16.5 to 470 mu g/L in water and 119 +/- 22 mu g/kg in soil samples. No detectable DCA (<0.001%) was found in the applied pesticide formulation, indicating that DCA formation took place after propanil application. These field results compared favorably with laboratory experiments showing that humic interactions had a strong influence on the pesticide degradation. The half-lifes under real conditions for propanil and DCA, calculated using a first-order decay, were 1.2 and 1.6 days, respectively.
A more direct and efficient route to the syntheses of [Ru(NH3)(4)(X-Y)](BF4)(2), where X-Y can be 2-acetylpyridine (2-acpy) or 2-benzoylpyridine (2-bzpy), based on the reactions of [RuCl(NH3)(5)]Cl-2 with these ortho-substituted azines is described. The [Ru(2-acpy)(NH3)(4)](BF4)(2) and [Ru(NH3)(5)(2-bzpy)](BF4)(2) complexes have a molar conductance of 328 and 292 Ohm(-1) cm(2) mol(-1), respectively, corresponding to a 1:2 species in solution. These complexes showed two intense absorption bands around 620-650 and 380 nm, the energies of which are solvent dependent, decreasing with the increase of the Gutman's donor number of the solvent, and were assigned as metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT). The complexes have oxidation potentials (Ru-II/III) of +0.380 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and +0.400 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy), and reduction potentials (X-Y0/-) of -1.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and -0.950 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy) on CF3COOH/NaCF3COO at pH=3.0, scan rate 100 mV s(-1), [Ru]=1.0x10(-3) mol l(-1). Both processes show a coupled chemical reaction. Upon oxidation of the metal center, the MLCT absorption bands are bleached and restored upon subsequent reduction. In order to confirm the structure of the complexes a detailed LH NMR investigation was performed in d(6)-acetone. Further confirmation of the structure was obtained by recording the N-15 NMR spectrum of [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-bzpy)](2+) in d(6)-DMSO using the INEPT pulse sequence improving the sensitivity of N-15 by polarization transfer from the protons to the N-15. The Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) experiments were made qualitatively for [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-acpy)](2+), and showed that H-6 of the pyridine is close to a NH3 proton, which should then be in a cis position, and, hence, confirming that acpy is acting as a bidentate ligand. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method for carbaryl quantitation in crop extracts was validated by liquid chromatography (LC) with diode array detection (DAD). For this purpose, six crops (banana, carrot, green bean, orange, peach and potato) were chosen for recovery and reproducibility studies. The general sample preparation included extraction with methanol followed by liquid-liquid partitioning and clean-up on Celite-charcoal adsorbent column of the vegetable extracts. ELISA samples consisted of a diluted LC extract in assay phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). The potential effect of methanol in these samples was evaluated. It was observed that a maximum content of 10% methanol present in the assay buffer could be tolerated without expressive losses in the ELISA performance. Under these conditions, a IC50 similar to 1.48 mu g l(-1) was obtained. A minimum matrix effect with a 1:50 dilution of the methanolic extracts in assay buffer was noticed, except for green bean samples that inhibited completely the assay. For the vegetable extracts, the ELISA sensitivities varied from 3.9 to 5.7 mu g l(-1), and good recoveries (82-96%) with R.S.D.s ranging from 5.7 to 12.1% were found. An excellent correlation between the LC-DAD and ELISA techniques was obtained. The confirmation of the carbaryl in less concentrated samples was achieved by LC-mass spectrometry interfaced with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation. The [M + H](+)= 202 and [M + H-57](+)=145 ions, equivalent to the protonated molecular and l-naphthol ions, respectively, were used to carbaryl identification in these samples. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The habitat of the mycelial saprobic form of Paracoccidio ides brasiliensis, which produces the infectious propagula, has not been determined and has proven difficult for mycologists to describe. The fungus has been rarely isolated from the environment, the disease has a prolonged latency period and no outbreaks have been reported. These facts have precluded the adoption of preventive measures to avoid infection. The confirmation of natural infections in nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) with P. brasiliensis, in high frequency and wide geographic distribution, has opened new avenues for the study and understanding of its ecology. Armadillos belong to the order Xenarthra, which has existed in South America ever since the Paleocene Era (65 million years ago), when the South American subcontinent was still a detached land, before the consolidation of what is now known as the American continent. on the other hand, strong molecular evidence suggests that P. brasiliensis and other dimorphic pathogenic fungi - such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum - belong to the family Onygenaceae sensu Into (order Onygenales, Ascomycota), which appeared around 150 million years ago.P. brasiliensis ecology and relation to its human host are probably linked to the fungal evolutionary past, especially its long coexistence with and adaptation to animal hosts other than Homo sapiens, of earlier origin. Instead of being a blind alley, the meaning of parasitism for dimorphic pathogenic fungi should be considered as an open two-way avenue, in which the fungus may return to the environment, therefore contributing to preserve its teleomorphic (sexual) and anamorphic (asexual) forms in a defined and protected natural habitat. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.