300 resultados para Concepções sobre o ensino de línguas


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The natural elapse of physical education classes does not seem to be so tranquil when the teacher is faced with students with and without disabilities in the same class. This way it is appropriate to disclose how the teacher understands the practice by itself, before the educational inclusion of the students with disabilities. It was developed a questionnaire to gauge conceptions on the inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education, through six steps: 1) performance of a semi-structured interview, 2) preparation of the first version of the questionnaire, 3) assessment of the utterances by judges and 4) writing of the second version; 5) a test to assess the clearness, and the understanding of the utterances; 6) the preparation of the third version of the questionnaire.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research has the objective of identifying the possible influences of the Movement entitled “New School” on discussions of the autonomy of the teacher. Understanding the importance of the Movement in relation to changes of concepts about teaching and the work of the teacher, this study seeks to identify, through bibliographic research, the beginnings of the idea of teacher autonomy in the discussions of “new school” education, especially in reference to the possibility of teachers choosing their work methods. This work will also identify connections between those discussions and more recent discussions about teacher professionalism, which emphasize teacher autonomy. In this sense, it was possible to identify the development of this issue of professional competencies. The study also analyzes the application of the concept of autonomy on Brazilian soil between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as well as its current use. The research thus explores the concept of Teacher Autonomy in various historical settings


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Esta pesquisa analisa a concepção do corpo a partir dos aspectos que explicitam suas implicações sobre as metodologias empregadas nas práticas de ensino em estudos biológicos como, por exemplo, a vivissecção, bem como sobre os efeitos observados nos corpos dos estudantes. Nossa pesquisa delimita o seu objeto de estudo em um recorte que considera a dinâmica de constituição do corpo em sua dimensão material, esta que se assenta nas condições biológicas do existir humano. Propusemos outra passagem pelo trânsito de territórios nos quais os nossos corpos se investem de simbolismo e de elementos oriundos do universo cultural. Esta passagem na metodologia da análise implica nossa condição de pesquisadores situados na fronteira que se desenha entre os estudos da Biologia, Filosofia e Psicanálise. Consideramos o corpo em sua constituição, mas analisamos os modos como esta base material vem sendo tratada nos processos de subjetivação da sociedade contemporânea. Assim, nosso recorte incide sobre o corpo que se faz no espaço que cada sujeito abre para as relações com a alteridade. Acrescentamos que ao optarmos pelo estudo sobre políticas de subjetivação a partir de suas implicações corporais, observamos o cuidado com este corpo que padece, não somente por um aspecto físico, compreendido como participante da ecologia da natureza, mas também como aquele que sustenta os sentimentos, emoções, compreendido como a ecologia dos ambientes grupais e o aspecto da constituição de si, compreendido como a ecologia do ambiente subjetivo.


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Today statistics are one of the most important bases of the engineer formation. Statistics are used indirectly every day for engineers in a large panel of sectors like construction, mechanical engineering, biological engineering, electrical engineering, computer science etc. The main goal of this report is to compare different ways the engineers of tomorrow are formed in order to show which engineering is the best practice. The comparison will be done on different universities in France, Brazil and the US on Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Production branches. We will compare the amount of courses required, the degree of knowledge needed and the mains subjects


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O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi o de investigar os sentidos e concepções sobre a infância e a adolescência na sociedade atual e suas implicações no âmbito escolar. Buscamos entender os porquês que esse processo vem ocorrendo tendo como pressuposto sua associação com os modos de tutela e a consequente autonomia e independência precoce que crianças e adolescentes parecem estar adquirindo na sociedade atual. Ao examinar as concepções de infância e adolescência de crianças e adolescentes, buscamos investigar os limites e a autonomia das crianças e dos adolescentes, caracterizando os modos de tutela que os pais empregam na relação com seus filhos e analisar as implicações destas concepções no âmbito escolar


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Em nosso estudo, investigamos as contribuições das pesquisas sobre o Ensino da Teoria da Relatividade Especial e Geral (TREG) e suas implicações para a prática docente. Para tanto, revisamos atas de 03 congressos científicos realizados no Brasil. Mapeamos 44 estudos, os quais foram categorizados de acordo com seus propósitos. Identificamos uma grande quantidade de produções, com foco na análise de conteúdos em livros, na formação de conceitos e na implementação de propostas didáticas, o que permite-nos inferir que, a procura por alternativas para que o ensino da TREG seja realmente efetivado se faz necessária e o aumento de investigações no ambiente escolar parece o caminho mais acertado. Há, também, uma necessidade de investirmos esforços na formação inicial dos professores, para que eles sintam-se seguros para abordar a TREG, quando estiverem em atividade docente.


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This article presents a reflection on the historical aspects and legislation on Distance Learning (DL). For this, a bibliographic and documentary research was performed with the goal of raising the necessary notes for discussion. The text begins with the characterization of the current society, the Information Society, which supports the modern distance education, which uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) to establish the process of learning teaching. Five stages of the EAD are identified. Later, the Brazilian legislation concerning the DL is punctuated, starting with the passage by Article 80 of the Guidelines and Bases Law-LBD (Law 9394/96) along with the critical analysis of Decree 5,622/05. Finally, in the final considerations is discussed the negative image that the DL carries by the Brazilian population and obstacles in the existing rules that hinder the democratization of access to education that aims DL.


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School and family are critical contexts to the development of concepts in childhood and few studies are conducted from the report of children when they live in rest-home. The aim of this study was to investigate concepts that children in rest-homes have about school and gender. There were 22 participants, including boys and girls, between 4 and 6 years, who were interviewed with open questions for content analysis. For these children the school was associated with an area of study opportunities, favorable to themselves, although by necessity or obligation, and possibly with the presence of conflicts. The gender was described from biological and psychosocial aspects and children attributed their gender identity at destination, learning and social advantages. Children feel they belong to a gender in a positive way, although by attributing disadvantages to the opposite gender, for example, relating male aggression to violence. Children reproduce some patterns and social characteristics of gender that probably were learned in different contexts. We conclude that studies in this area are important to identify children´s conceptions about school and sexuality, their roles and representations, especially when they live in an environment with such specific features as a rest-home.


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The historical and social process has built models of masculinity and femininity that culminate in standards and norms to be followed by individuals in their social interactions. In recent decades studies based on the discussions that originated in the feminist movement have been investigating how social institutions, including medicine and other health sciences, have established standards of masculinity and femininity throughout the history, nurturing this sexist discourse on common sense and sciences. Social roles are assigned to the genera specifying rigid boundaries of behavior and social control. The notion of the female predisposition to physical and emotional disorders has prompted speculation within academic strands culminating in the creation of specialized medical illness that would prevent the female, the male permeated by notions of endurance and strength has become synonymous of a healthy body, confirming the male domination and the economic and political role of men. This research concerned to study and investigate through semi-structured interviews and content analysis, conceptions of gender and the differences between men and women in reports of 11 health professionals. The results indicate that in large part the conceptions of health professionals reproduce the hegemonic discourse about what being a man and woman. Further research could investigate the relationship between women and men with health care as well the care provided by health professionals


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Considering the meantime of Brazilian crisis of State and redemocratization, this article looks for a description and analysis of the facts and circumstances that marked the undergraduate education of Brazilian public administration during this period, considered by the authors as one of the cycles (or stages of construction) of academic education. Methodologically, this article makes a review of academic and non-academic works which deal directly and indirectly the PA themes, including revisiting the sources and analyzing the existing laws and opinions about the undergraduate education in public administration in a continuum of time between 1983-94, through a semi-structured interview with academics who have experienced such period. Regarding the results, this article observes that the period between 1983-94, unlike the first cycle (1952-65) and second cycle (1966-82), when the academic background in public administration had an identity - adherent to the conception (and project) of State and the contours (and production) in the public administration field of knowledge - having the Ebap/FGV a model case, was a problematic stage of construction, reflecting the crisis of State in the 80's years and also the paradigmatic crisis (or discontinuity) in public administration field of knowledge in Brazil during this time.