50 resultados para Componente ferroviário


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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According to the Brazilian National Curriculum Parameters (PCN), the teaching of astronomy must provide subjects to the teaching/learning processes of basic education, acquisition of skills and competencies in order to form a critical, reflective and conscious citizen. Several surveys on teaching astronomy show that some changes need to be made in educational, aiming to provide to participants (students and teachers) of the teaching/learning real and significant conditions of knowledge aiming to astronomy. Thus, by prior construction, implementation and evaluation, of a course on astronomy, thought and implemented by the author in a public school in elementary school and high school in a town in São Paulo state, aimed to this work: know the challenges that teachers face in teaching Astronomy and identify possible contributions in formative processes of these teachers in service. So, the study revealed that teachers have many difficulties to teach the concepts of astronomy because of the deficit in their formations, both in specific and pedagogical knowledge that was the main problem pointed out by them. In view of this, it was possible to say here that the lack of specific knowledge about astronomy and pedagogical knowledge of how to teach this area are two hotspots in the dynamics of these school teachers who have the challenge of teach an area that really do not know


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Forgiveness may be considered a moral component to be developed along with the development of moral autonomy of individuals. This study aims to verify how 10 (ten) children from the first year of elementary school conceive the pardon and its possible relationship with their moral autonomy development. As theoretical research we have taken Piaget´s studies on human´s morality (1930; 1932) and Rique (2007, 2008, 2011) and Enright (1991, 1998) studies about forgiveness. This study was based on a qualitative research and the adopted method was the Piaget's Experimental Clinical Method. The results have shown that children perform moral reasoning when facing situations which involve the decision of forgiving someone and tend to comprehend forgiveness as forgiving someone for some performed act. We conclude by emphasizing the importance of the teacher’s mediation and intervention in moral discussions involving forgiveness, for the construction of the learners ´moral autonomy.


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This paper has as an objetive to present the survey outcomes on the railroad heritage listed by CONDEPHAAT (identification, state of conservation and public politics of use). In one hand, since the 1960s has been formulated the concept of industrial heritage, it would consider the relevance of this concept for the railroad heritage. In the other hand, it is also necessary to understand the concepts that have guided the tipping process of this organ for decades. Anyway, this is to assess the extent to these new concepts of heritage has guided the actions of the São Paulo State Council


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This paper is to discuss the expansion and partly dismantlement of Brazilian merchant marine, tracking their legal, administrative and planning. The analysis period extends from the formation of the Comissão da Marinha Mercante, 1941, to the end of the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 2002. In this long duration it is discussed the formation of the national system of economy and the dynamics of contradictory national merchant navy. The text is divided into two parts: 1) Expansion: The centralization, the planning and nationalization with the formation of the shipbuilding industry, highlighting the actions of the Comissão da Marinha Mercante and the Superintendência Nacional da Marinha Mercante, planning and financing the national navigation; 2) Demolition part: the denationalization and privatization of the national navigation, in addition to the deep restructuring of the shipbuilding industry, highlighting the creation of the Agência Nacional de Transporte Aquaviários during the last years of Fernando Henrique Cardoso government.


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The present study aimed to analyze the floristic and structural descriptors of tree species natural regeneration in a forest sector with synchronized bamboo (Merostachys multiramea Hackel) die-off (CT) and an adjacent area with continuous canopy cover (ST) in an araucaria forest fragment in the municipality of Lages, Santa Catarina state. A total of 14, 5x5m, plots (six plots in CT sector and eight in ST sector) were allocated, where all tree species regenerative individual with circumference at breast height smaller than 15cm and height higher than 25cm was measured (diameter at soil level) and identified. The richest families were: Myrtaceae (nine), Solanaceae (six) and Aquifoliaceae (four). The Shannon Diversity Index in ST and CT sectors were respectively 2.73 and 2.31. The species with the highest importance values in CT sector were Solanum variabile, Piptocarpha angustifolia, Mimosa scabrella, Jacaranda puberula and Solanum pseudoquina. In ST sector, the species with highest importance values were Myrsine lorentziana, Casearia decandra, Cinnamodendron dinisii, Drimys brasiliensis and Ilex paraguariensis. The results showed that the synchronized bamboo die-off influenced the spatial variation in the floristic and structural descriptors of the tree species natural regeneration.


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This paper addresses the issue of access the industrial heritagerailway information integrating the EFNOB in the city of Bauru / SP, through the use of new technologiesinformation. For constitute a major challenge in gathering, organizing, scanning and providing such documentary collection, the research aims to organize and disseminate information document, supported by new access technologies, aiming to preserve and create conditions for setting up a database of documents and cartographic this collection. This research is part of our project entitled "EFNOB Bauru: Center for Memory and Virtual Information", which in turn is part of the larger project, called "EFNOB / Bauru, Km 0," FAPESP / CONDEPHAAT. One of the cornerstones of the work is to collect, treat, select and the heritagedisseminate of movable and immovable EFNOB through the creation of a MemoryCentre and Industrial HeritageRailwayInformation of EFNOB.


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The study addresses self-efficacy in learning acrobatic elements at Gymnastics for All and Brazilian Capoeira. The methodology consisted of descriptive-qualitative method of research. Questionnaires were applied to seven practitioners of modalities (04 capoeira fighters; 02 gymnastic athletes and 01 practitioner of both of them). The answer formed categories of analysis and it was found that sources of mastery and vicarious experiences plus verbal persuasion are relevant and influence the perception of performance. Fear of injury during practice and preparation of educational pre-sports activities to a better understanding of the task influence the choices and also were indicated. The coach needs to merge with playfulness and motivation, with appropriated levels of challenge to carry out the activities, thus optimizing satisfaction, participation and motivation of athletes.


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This study aims to investigate the main issues presented in the literature relating to teacher training during the period 2005/2014. Particular attention is paid to articles that address the Supervised Training and Practice as a Curriculum Component. For the analysis of the articles from the literature, the technique of Content Analysis was used. The results showed that the potential which is attributed to these curricular components depends on the ability to put the trainee teacher in touch with the experience of being a teacher, whilst enabling the approach of the training content to be consistent with professional practice. The technical and fragmented curriculum for training and the extensive content in the disciplines, limited by outmoded practices, is presented as a barrier against this occurring. This shows a discrepancy in the proposed training between the pedagogical design of the course and, what is actually designed as concrete action in its development.


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O crescimento desordenado, a precariedade, a obsolência dos espaços e o desrespeito às preexistência construídas e não construídasrevelam áreas humanas deterioradas, vazias e abandonadas, espaços residuais sem destinação e a desvalorização de áreas centrais consolidadas, acarretando uma generalização de ordem moral, em que os espaços públicospassam a ser lidos como Terra de ninguém. Uma questão difícil para ser enfrentada pelas novas gerações, que estão sendo educadas diante da proliferação dos espaços privatizados e autonomizados. Mas, sobretudo, perante uma falta de reconhecimentodo espaço públicocomo um espaço necessário de convíveo e das trocas humanas, como ummeio o Estado de violência, medo e insegurança nas nossas cidades...


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Este trabalho consiste na proposição de um projeto de requalificação do trecho ferroviário urbano de Adamantina, SP. Para isto, procuramos estudar desde o momento da implantação da ferrovia na cidade até a sua atual situação. Buscamos entender o papel deste elemento estruturador na cidade e a relação existente entre os habitantes de Adamantina com a ferrovia e seus elementos. Posteriormente conceituamos vazios urbanos, espaços livres, e espaços públicos, que são a forma como identificamos todo o trecho ferroviário urbano, e em seguida, os tipos de parque que podem ser constituídos na área segundo o que estudamos nas referências bibliográficas. Elaboramos então diretrizes gerais para a requalificação da área, repensando o espaço de modo que este sirva as necessidades atuais da cidade. E por fim, elaboramos uma proposta de um parque composto por área de lazer e esportes, espaço cultural, reformulação das passagens e melhoria na questão de mobilidade com a proposição da retomada da circulação de trem de passageiro para atender melhor a região