49 resultados para Cirurgia de revisão


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Currently, periodontal aesthetics has been prized for harmony of the smile. The clinical crown lengthening, gingival excess or altered passive eruption, is effectively corrected by periodontal surgery. The purpose of this paper is to show, through a literature review, some types of surgery on clinical crown lengthening and root coverage. Clinical crown lengthening is done to Change the size of the anterior teeth and to optimize the cosmetic result of treatment with new coronal restoration and other cosmetic dental care. In general, the treatment plan and the choice of operative technique begin with careful clinical examination. Recessions tissue can be defined as a displacement of the gingival margin toward the junction mucogingival exposing the root surface. These, when present, impacting on patient comfort by providing the occurrence of cervical dentin hypersensitivity, and the esthetic, the amendment of the gum line. Successful treatment of recessions is based on knowledge of its etiology and assessment of predictability of surgical techniques that aim to root coverage. Through literature review, we can conclude that the types of surgery most often used are: 1) to increase the clinical crown, gingivectomy, flap surgery and gingivoplasty osteotomy, and 2) for root coverage, the use will depend on the amount of gum keratinized and especially the classification of Miller.


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A catarata é a afecção da lente mais comum em cão, caracterizada por uma opacidade do cristalino e alteração de comportamento devido ao déficit visual. O exame oftálmico adequado e completo da lente permite a classificação adequada da catarata auxiliando na escolha do melhor tratamento de cada paciente. O tratamento preconizado para a catarata é o procedimento cirúrgico, que associado com o uso de anti-inflamatórios, midriáticos e antibióticos pré-operatórios e pós-operatórios melhoram os resultados visuais e previnem algumas complicações. A remoção da lente pode ser feita pelas técnicas de discisão, extração intracapsular, extração extracapsular e facoemulsificação, sendo que a escolha correta da técnica para cada caso contribui para o sucesso do procedimento e diminui as complicações pós-operatórias, porém as técnicas de escolha para a remoção da catarata são a extração extracapsular e a facoemulsificação. O objetivo da revisão sistemática é comparar as complicações de duas das técnicas para extração da catarata, extração extracapsular e facoemulcificação, ressaltando qual a técnica que apresentou menores complicações em cães. Foram analisados dez artigos pesquisados nas bases de dado PubMed e Google Acadêmico, sendo complementados com o uso de livros. Foram encontradas como complicações perda da visão, glaucoma, descolamento de retina, hemorragia intraocular, ruptura da cápsula posterior, alterações corneanas, endoftalmites, sinéquia posterior, fotofobia, blefaroespasmo e hiperemia conjuntiva. Essas complicações foram descritas em ambas as técnicas, porém inúmeros fatores


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Objetivo: revisar sistematicamente a eficácia da técnica denominada osteossíntese com placa minimamente invasiva (MIPO), recentemente utilizada em medicina veterinária, em pequenos animais, em relação ao tempo de união óssea, alinhamento do membro e complicações no trans e pós-operatório. Material e Métodos: análise e comparação de artigos científicos retrospectivos e prospectivos sobre a técnica MIPO, publicados nas bases de dados informatizadas PUBMED, LILACS, Scielo e ScienceDirect. Resultados: foram selecionados cinco artigos adequados aos critérios de inclusão proposto, dois prospectivos e três retrospectivos, todos publicados nos últimos seis anos e em língua inglesa. Com esses trabalhos realizou-se uma discussão e conclusão a respeito da aplicação da MIPO em pequenos animais. Conclusão: A hipótese de que a MIPO é eficaz é aceita. A MIPO é uma técnica segura e sua aplicação em pequenos animais tem demonstrado resultados satisfatórios. Porém, com os estudos realizados até o momento não é possível afirmar que a aplicação da MIPO é estatisticamente mais eficaz que as técnicas convencionais quando aplicada em cães e gatos


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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The choice of surgical approach to diseases that affect the pre-auricular region has been subject of much discussion in the literature. Access pre-hearing, have been used with high compliance rate of success, and during the history of surgery, several modifications were made in this approach with the goal of reducing the irreversible consequences especially regarding common in condylar fractures as paralysis and facial scars. The views range from the indication of surgical treatment for all fractures, until the conviction that no fracture of the bone segment should be surgically treated. Therefore, this study is of relevance, since offers surgeons warn about the care on the anatomical structures involved in these surgical approaches and describe, seeking a comparison between them, the advantages of them by means of a literature review covering from the extensive bouts of Bellinger (1940) and Al-Kayat (1979) that provide a broad view of the surgical field to access modified and increasingly smaller as the endaural (2001) which not only allows a satisfactory field of aesthetics as maintenance the patient without any signs of scarring.


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The progressive condylar resorption is a irreversible complication that can result in malocclusion and facial deformity that can happen especially in postoperative orthognathic surgery of mandibular advancement or combined surgery. Predominantly affect young women, bearers of malocclusions of skeletal class II and with incidence of temporomandibular disorders prior to surgical treatment. Its exact etiology and pathogenesis remain unclear. The purpose of this article is to make a literature review of the last 10 years on the progressive condylar resorption. For this, we used the Medline database for articles in the English language. Then, 13 articles were found, evaluated and compared on predisposing factors, etiology, diagnosis and clinical management.


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The odontogenic keratocyst is called keratocyst odontogenic tumor (TOQ), due to its features compatible with neoplasms, such as its high recurrence rate and mechanism of growth. Although its etiology has unknown, the origin seems to be connected with dental lamina remaining. This entity is generally benign, with slow progression, asymptomatic, and among the odontogenic tumors, its prevalence is high. It affects mainly males, with predilection for the posterior mandible, while in most cases associated with an impacted tooth. Radiographically, this lesion is unilocular. Histological features are stratified epithelial basal cells with hyperchromatic paraqueratinizado. Treatment ranges from conservative to radical interventions. As a result of the controversy as TOQ tumor entity, the present work is a literature review of current findings, emphasizing its intrinsic features to contribute to developments in the study of this new entity.


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The objective of the literature review showing their main biological properties involved in the tissue repair process and its therapeutic potential in the prevention , control and treatment of infection in oral surgeries . To carry out this study , a search of the PubMed database . 13 articles that met the inclusion criteria were found . Antimicrobial properties , antiálgicas , anti-inflammatory , imunu - stimulants , oxygenation and neoangiogenesis were attributed to ozone in several studies . And indications such as the treatment of alveolitis , osteomyelitis , osteonecrosis , wound healing in skin and mucosa and antisepsis been suggested. However , many of its effects have not been well understood. The doses and concentrations for their use are not standardized . Studies to establish doses and periods of administration are still needed for increasingly traumatic and biologically effective therapies are found to practice dentistry .


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The oral anticoagulants (AOC) and platelet antiagregants are drugs used for the prevention of thromboembolic phenomena, such as pulmonary embolism in patients with atrial fribrilation heart valves, thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. For patients who are undergoing surgical procedures-dentistry were asked to discontinue the use of anticoagulants until the value of the INR remained = 2.0, that in order to avoid trans and hemorrhages in the postoperative period. However, the AOC can cause the formation of a clot, leading to obstruction of blood pathways. Thus, it became doubtful the medicine for surgery, in which local hemostatic measures would be sufficient to promote hemostasis. Thus, the objective of the review was to evaluate the risk of bleeding in patients AOC users that are subjected to surgical procedures, through a bibliographical survey carried out in relevant clinical studies published between 1990 and 2012, by the MedlinePubMed data. In this review of literature was concluded that the benefit of thromboembolism prevention overcomes the risk hemorrhage, therefore, it is recommended to keep the dose of anticoagulant therapy unchanged for patients undergoing oral surgery and implant dentistry, using appropriate INR levels with the assistance of local hemostatic. In addition, a refined surgical technique should be performed in these patients. With respect to the most invasive oral surgery, with a risk of bleeding, treatment may be necessary in conjunction with the medical staff.


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Class III malocclusion is less common occlusal relationship, covering less than 5% of the population. There are various forms of treatment in Class III malocclusion. Depending on how the form is expressed Class III and age of the patient, the therapy may be orthopedic and orthodontic surgical orthodontics. The objective was to review the literature of the last 10 years about ways to compensatory treatment of Class III malocclusion. Several articles were published between 04/2003 and 04/2013 in the Pubmed database from the keyword "Class III malocclusion". However, only 19 articles that addressed the compensatory treatment of Class III were selected. Based on the selected items it was concluded that the treatment of Class III malocclusions in children before the peak of pubertal growth has better prognosis with greater effects orthopedic and orthodontic minor effects. The ideal treatment option for this condition is the Rapid maxillary expansion associated with maxillary protraction of the same. The treatment of Class III malocclusion in young people after the peak of pubertal growth is doubtful prognosis. You can opt to treat rapid maxillary expansion and maxillary protraction of the same or fixed appliance, however, orthopedic effects can be the same or smaller than the orthodontic effects, depending on the age of the patient. Depending on the degree of Class III malocclusion in adults, the treatment will consist of dental compensations or orthognathic surgery.


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O câncer é um problema de saúde pública mundial, com destaque para a incidência do câncer de cabeça e pescoço, em função da biologia das lesões, custo do tratamento, acompanhamento e ônus social. Seus tratamentos mais utilizados como a cirurgia e radioterapia, apresentam sérios efeitos colaterais de curto e longo prazo, cujo é são complexo. As principais orientações e cuidados no tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço foram obtidos através de revisão de literatura sistemática em bases de dados públicas. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi mostrar os principais cuidados na prevenção e tratamento das sequelas da radioterapia desse tipo de câncer. Nesse particular, observa-se a necessidade de um protocolo de enfermagem-odontologia, visto a complexidade e a falta de direcionamento das normas do Sistema Único de Saúde, além da responsabilidade dos cuidados desses pacientes, que ficam a cargo da equipe de saúde, atendendo as suas reais necessidades, tanto pessoais, psicológicas e fisiológicas.


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Otite média e pólipos são as principais afecções da orelha média em gatos. A otite média geralmente é decorrente de otite externa crônica, enquanto os pólipos se formam a partir de um processo inflamatório crônico presente na orelha média. Quando o pólipo sai da cavidade timpânica pela tuba auditiva, aparecendo na nasofaringe, é denominado pólipo nasofaríngeo. Outra possibilidade é o pólipo romper a membrana do tímpano e surgir no meato acústico externo. O tratamento indicado para essas afecções é a osteotomia ventral da bula timpânica, procedimento cirúrgico cuja finalidade é remover exsudatos inflamatórios presentes na cavidade timpânica. Apesar de possíveis complicações, como síndrome de Horner e lesão na orelha interna, essa cirurgia proporciona resultados muito satisfatórios. O objetivo da presente revisão é relatar essas afecções da orelha média em gatos e descrever a técnica cirúrgica de osteotomia ventral da bula timpânica.


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Bone is a specialized connective tissue, vascular and dynamic changes over the life of the organism. When injured, has a unique ability to regenerate and repair without the presence of scars, but in some situations due to the size of the defect, the bone tissue does not regenerate so completely, it is necessary to carry out bone grafting procedures. Considering there are various types of grafts and various donor sites. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the literature to some type of graft most commonly used in dentistry. Given the importance of bone reconstruction in oral and maxillofacial surgery, it is necessary to know the viability and influence of biomaterials, or not associated with autogenous grafts in bone repair. Even this, with many qualities, but further studies should be done to achieve each day, a synthetic material compatible with bone tissue lost in adequate amounts without requiring extra-oral surgeries that are considered to be devoted to higher morbidity.