40 resultados para Chucking the Checklist
The present note extends the geographic range of Leucospis signifera Bouček, 1974 farther to the Northeast, reaching the State of São Paulo, based on the examination of four females collected at Jataí Ecological Station, municipality of Luiz Antônio, São Paulo State, Brazil. The present finding indicates that L. signifera is associated with dry ecosystems, at least in part of its geographic distribution. © 2012 Check List and Authors.
Hyperbaena domingensis (DC.) Benth. has new records for the Atlantic Forest from northeastern Brazil. It is found in lowland coastal, sub-montane and montane remnants of Atlantic Forest as part of the forest canopy or drape dover edge shrubs and treelets. It can be recognized by the ovate to oblong leaves, spiciform or paniculiform inflorescence, dichlamydeous and 3-merous flowers, drupaceous and purple (at maturity) fruits, and horseshoe-shaped seeds. Comments, distribution map, and pictures are presented here. © 2012 Check List and Authors.
The Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station (JIES) is one of the few protected areas in the state of São Paulo, which harbor a significant portion of the Atlantic forest. Although there is high diversity and endemism of fish species in this region, knowledge of the ichthyofauna in JIES is incipient. A total of 4,809 specimens belonging to six orders, 15 families and 31 species were captured during April 2009 to February 2010, using electrofishing, gillnets and traps. The family Characidae was predominant, mainly due to the abundance of freshwater species such as Astyanax ribeirae, Mimagoniates microlepis, and Hollandichthys multifasciatus. Although the estuarine regions were rarely sampled in this study, six brackish water species were captured. In this study, nine species previously unknown from JIES were discovered. Five endangered fish species, endemic to the Atlantic forest, occur at JIES, thus the presence of protected areas, as a conservation measure, is particularly relevant. © 2013 Check List and Authors.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents a user experience evaluation of two online shopping websites from the perspective of older users (those aged 50 and older). Two online shopping websites were evaluated using methodological procedures established in prior research [1]. The methodology consists of four steps: (1) heuristic interface evaluation using an ergonomic criteria checklist, (2) online identification and experience questionnaire, (3) evaluation of user experience and interface interaction, and (4) satisfaction questionnaire. Results of the study revealed the analyzed websites are not suitable for older users, who find it difficult to interact with these interfaces.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The need for housing in Brazil is very large, and despite government efforts to address this issue, the housing deficit is too large. When analyzing markets without this problem, it is concluded that one of the factors that influence this model is the construction adopted by Brazilian society that is in masonry. Alternatively, the system can be used in constructive Wood-frame. To apply this system in Brazil, one can say that the workmanship and the materials available to meet the demand would be created in a short period of adjustments and capabilities, but identifies himself as one of the biggest problems the planning and management of works. And one of the tools for solving this problem is to use a checklist of the activities of constructive process, avoiding forgetting or not aware of the activities necessary to complete the project
Upa Kimsey is a poorly known genus of Tiphiidae with seven species. This genus has records in forest areas and in this paper we present new records to four species. All specimens were collected by malaise traps in four areas of Atlantic Rain Forest and three of Atlantic Semi-deciduous forest, mainly from high and mid-elevations. The new records indicate that species of Upa are not as rare as others genera of Tiphiidae, which are virtually unknown in many Neotropical regions.
The rio Machado (also known as Ji-Paraná) is a tributary of the rio Madeira in the Amazon basin. Currently, the rio Madeira contains the greatest fish species richness of the world, with approximately 1,000 species. The present study presents the fish inventory from streams of the rio Machado basin. In total, 75 stream reaches, 80 meter-length, randomly selected, were sampled in 2011 (August to October) and 2012 (June to July). Overall, 22,875 fish in eight orders, 32 families, 89 genera, and 140 species were collected. Richness estimators indicate that almost 90% of the expected richness was registered. The great majority of specimens (52.2%) was represented by small sized piabas such as Serrapinnus aff. notomelas, Moenkhausia collettii, Serrapinnus microdon, and Hemigrammus melanochrous. Of the total richness, 25 species were restricted to 9°00’ S and 10°00’ S; among them, 14 were exclusive to the lower portion of the basin, which exhibits the larger proportion of native vegetation covering.
Here, we review the species of anuran amphibian from the Serra da Bocaina National Park and its buffer area, in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil, comparing the data from a recent survey with museum records. We surveyed adult and larval anurans in ponds, marshes, and streams discontinuously from May 2008 to January 2011. In total, 63 anuran species were previously known to occur at the Park and its surrounding buffer area. In our survey, we recorded 46 species, of which five represented new records, and 22 appeared only in the historical list. Seven topotypic populations were not found in the present study. We suggest that conservation strategies for anurans in the Serra da Bocaina should also consider the surrounding areas that are subjected to anthropogenic pressure, due to the high diversity recorded, high altitudinal variation in species distribution, and various vegetation formations.