90 resultados para Chrysomya


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work investigated the effects of butylscopolamine bromide, a drug present in the pharmaceutical formulation Buscopan((R)), on the development of Chrysomya megacephala, a blow fly species of considerable forensic and medical importance in Brazil. Larvae exposed to the drug showed a decreased rate of development, with higher drug concentrations further retarding the development. Besides, larvae reared on the presence of the drug showed smaller body weight and body length when compared with larvae reared on the absence of Buscopan((R)). The drug also affected the mortality of the species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chrysomya albiceps (Widemann) é uma mosca que se desenvolve em carcaças e opcionalmente pode causar miíase secundária. Larvas de segundo estádio foram removidas de uma lesão existente em uma ovelha da raça Merino em Botucatu. Entre a lã, ao redor da lesão, foram encontradas larvas de primeiro estádio. Também no interior da lesão foi obtida uma larva de terceiro estádio. As larvas foram mantidas em laboratório e delas obtidos insetos adultos, com 50 casais formados e mantidos em gaiolas por oito gerações. de cada geração, 100 adultos eram sacrificados e examinados morfologicamente, com os seus caracteres confrontados com os de Chrysomya rufifacies. A larva de terceiro estádio deu origem a Cochliomyia hominivorax e as demais a C. albiceps. Foi verificado que C. albiceps, além de ser capaz de danificar tecido integro, é também uma possível predadora de larvas de C. hominivorax. A importância de C. albiceps para os animais domésticos e sua associação com C. hominivorax é aqui discutida.


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Chrysomya megacephala (F.), a exemplo de muitas outras moscas-varejeiras, utiliza recursos discretos e efêmeros para alimentação e oviposição, tais como carcaças em decomposição. O contexto espacial em que ocorre competição por alimento em C. megacephala caracteriza-se por duas populações: indivíduos adultos dispersando-se e imaturos que são depositados nos substratos pelas fêmeas adultas. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar aspectos da bionomia associados com competição larval por alimento em populações experimentais de C. megacephala, incluindo comportamento de ovipostura e peso mínimo necessário para pupação. Os resultados indicaram que fêmeas depositam parte de seus ovos produzidos, contrastando com estudos anteriores que consideraram apenas ovipostura completa. A percentagem de eclosão de larvas foi alta (90 %) e o peso mínimo necessário para pupação situou-se entre 30 e 32 mg.


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Horizontal and vertical frequency distribution of larvae in three species of Calliphoridae were studied. Correlation between horizontal and vertical dispersion and larval size was also assessed. The experiment was monitored depositing vials with larvae at one end of a cardboard box covered with wood shavings. Chrysomya megacephala and C., putoria reached 2.9 m from the starting portion of the box. Co. macellaria reached only 2.0 m from the starting portion of the box. The majority of pupae of the three species were found at 4 and 5 cm depth from the surface of the box. Correlation coefficients between pupal size and horizontal and vertical migration were usually very low, and apparently no clear pattern emerges from this data set. This study revealed variation in the dispersion patterns although the two Chrysomya species are more similar in their postfeeding larval behaviour compared to Co. macellaria.


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Insects manifest effective immune responses that include both cellular and humoral components. Morphological and quantitative aspects of cellular and Immoral cooperation during nodule formation in Chrysomya megacephala hemolymph against Saccharomyces cerevisae yeast cells were demonstrated for the first time. The analyses were performed in non-injected larvae (NIL), saline-injected larvae (SIL) and yeast-injected larvae (YIL). The hemolymph of injected groups was collected 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 12, 24, 36, or 48-h post-injection. Morphological aspects of YIL nodulation were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Quantitative analyses consisted of total (THC) and differential hemocyte counts (DHC) in all the groups and total yeast count (TYC) in YIL, which were performed in an improved Neubauer chamber. Nodule formation was initiated at approximately 2-h post-injection. Twelve hours after the injection, TEM revealed the presence of an amorphous membrane, at the same time that circulating hemocyte number decreased significantly contrasting the increase of yeast number. Our results showed the ability of C megacephala hemolymph to perform humoral encapsulation when hemocyte population is insufficient to eliminate the microorganisms, warranting consideration in future investigations on the relative roles played by cellular and humoral elements of innate immunity of this calliphorid. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we investigate aggregated patterns as a consequence of post-feeding larval dispersal in three blowfly species, based on the frequency distribution of sampling units in the substrate having 0, 1, 2,..., n pupae. Statistical analysis revealed that aggregated patterns of distribution emerge as a consequence of larval dispersal, and Cochliomyia macellaria has higher levels of aggregation when compared to Chrysomya megacephala and C. putoria. Aggregation during dispersal is associated with a spatial pattern where most larvae in the species tend to pupariate near the food source. The possible consequences for the population ecology of these species are discussed.


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Chrysomya albiceps, the larvae of which are facultative predators of larvae of other dipteran species, has been introduced to the Americas over recent years along with other Old World species of blowflies, including Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya putoria and Chlysomya rufifacies. An apparent correlate of this biological invasion has been a sudden decline in the population numbers of Cochliomyia macellaria, a native species of the Americas. In this study, we investigated predation rates on third instar larvae of C. macellaria, C. putoria and C. megacephala by third instar larvae of C. albiceps in no-choice, two-choice and three-choice situations. Most attacks by C. albiceps larvae occurred within the first hour of observation and the highest predation rate occurred on C. macellaria larvae, suggesting that C. albiceps was more dangerous to C. macellaria than to C. megacephala and C. putoria under these experimental conditions. The rates of larvae killed as a result of the predation, as well as its implications to population dynamics of introduced and native species are discussed.


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In blowflies, larval aggregation in patches of food can be both intra- and interspecific, depending upon the degree to which competitors are clumped among the patches. In the present study, the implications of spatial aggregation for larval competition was investigated in experimental populations of the introduced blowfly Chrysomya putoria and the native Cochliomyia macellaria, using data from survival to adulthood in a range of single- and double-species larval cultures. The reduction in C. macellaria survival rate in the presence of C. putoria suggests that the former species is the inferior competitor. The results on survival to adulthood for both species in single- and double-species cultures can be explained in the light of the relationship between the level of intra- and interspecific aggregation and the efficiency of the larval feeding process. The possible implications of these results for the population biology of both species in natural environments are discussed.


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One way to understand the behavioural patterns exhibited by a predator in response to prey density is to evaluate its functional response. Such evaluation yields information about basic mechanisms of prey-predator dynamics, and is an essential component of prey-predator models. In this paper we analysed experimentally the functional response and the handling time spent by Chrysomya albiceps on different prey species and larval instars of blowflies. The type II functional response was observed when second instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya macellaria were consumed. The handling time spent by the predator was significantly different between instars and species. The implications of the functional response and handling time for the interaction dynamics of Brazilian Chrysomyinae species are discussed.


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Larvae of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) and Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) were reared on liver tissues from a rabbit that had a malignant tumor in the thoracic cavity. Larval rearing of both blowfly species was conducted at ambient temperature. Larvae that fed on tissues from the rabbit with the tumor developed at significantly faster rates than those feeding on tissues from the control animal.


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Medico-Legal or Forensic Entomology can be defined as the application of the study of insects and other arthropods which, in association with criminalistic processes, have the the purpose of desovering useful information for an investigation. Nowadays, the insects are a reliable alternative for toxicological analysis, especially when tissues and liquids usually required for this purpose are absent, once insects store some ingested substances which can change their growth rate, being this a relevant fact in the determination of the cause and the time since death. Previous experiments in our laboratory on the testosterone effects on body decomposition suggested that this hormone could interfere in the cadaveric fauna development. With the objective of investigating testosterone influence on the Chrysomya albiceps larval development, a common species in cadaveric fauna, an experimental study was done from eggs of a laboratory maintained colony of this species. The eggs were divided in four groups of 30 and put in glass flasks with 50g of artificial diet in each of them, with testosterone being added in two of them. The larvae were weighted each 12 h during all interval of the larval growing. The studied larvae did not present any difference in the stages of development, but larvae from the experimental group had 5 times the weight of the larvae from the control group and with bigger size. This result shows a significant influence of testosterone in the growth of C. albiceps.