69 resultados para Chiral auxiliary
We study a new mechanism for the electromagnetic gauging of chiral bosons showing that new possibilities emerge for the interacting theory of chiral scalars. We introduce a chirally coupled gauge field necessary to mod out the degree of freedom that obstructs gauge invariance in a system of two opposite chiral bosons soldering them together.
Using a form of the effective potential for composite operators with a variational approach we show that it is possible to get different directions of the chiral phase transition in QCD. Which one occurs depends on the way the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self-energy is used in the 2-loop term of the effective potential. We must choose the 2-loop term which agrees with phenomenology in each form of the effective potential.
We argue that the minimal chiral background for the two-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction has nowadays a rather firm conceptual basis, which entitles it to become a standard ingredient of any modern potential. In order to facilitate applications, we present a parametrized version of a configuration space potential derived previously. We than use it to assess the phenomenological contents of some existing NN potentials.
We study an exactly solvable two-dimensional model which mimics the basic features of the standard model. This model combines chiral coupling with an infrared behavior which resembles low energy QCD. This is done by adding a Podolsky higher-order derivative term in the gauge field to the Lagrangian of the usual chiral Schwinger model. We adopt a finite temperature regularization procedure in order to calculate the non-trivial fermionic Jacobian and obtain the photon and fermion propagators, first at zero temperature and then at finite temperature in the imaginary and real time formalisms. Both singular and non-singular cases, corresponding to the choice of the regularization parameter, are treated. In the nonsingular case there is a tachyonic mode as usual in a higher order derivative theory, however in the singular case there is no tachyonic excitation in the spectrum.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We extend the geometric treatment done for the Majorana-Weyl fermions in two dimensions by Sanielevici and Semenoff to chiral bosons on a circle. For this case we obtain a generalized Floreanini-Jackiw Lagrangian density, and the corresponding gravitational (or Virasoro) anomalies are found as expected. © 1989 The American Physical Society.
We seek new couplings of chiral bosons to U(1) gauge fields. Lorentz covariance of the resulting constrained lagrangian is checked with the help of a procedure based in the first-order formalism of Faddeev and Jackiw. We find Harada's constraint and another local one not previously considered. We analyze the constraint structure and part of the spectrum of this second solution and show that it is equivalent to an explicitly covariant coupling of Siegel's chiral boson to gauge fields, which preserves chirality under gauge transformations.
We study the chiral symmetry breaking in QCD, using an effective potential for composite operators, with infrared finite gluon propagators that have been found by numerical calculation of the Schwinger-Dyson equations as well as in lattice simulations. The existence of a gluon propagator that is finite at k2 = 0 modifies substantially the transition between the phases with and without chiral symmetry.
A time-dependent projection technique is used to treat the initial-value problem for self-interacting fermionic fields. On the basis of the general dynamics of the fields, we derive formal equations of kinetic-type for the set of one-body dynamical variables. A nonperturbative mean-field expansion can be written for these equations. We treat this expansion in lowest order, which corresponds to the Gaussian mean-field approximation, for a uniform system described by the chiral Gross-Neveu Hamiltonian. Standard stationary features of the model, such as dynamical mass generation due to chiral symmetry breaking and a phenomenon analogous to dimensional transmutation, are reobtained in this context. The mean-field time evolution of nonequilibrium initial states is discussed.
The phenomenology of a QCD-Pomeron model based on the exchange of a pair of non-perturbative gluons, i.e. gluon fields with a finite correlation length in the vacuum, is studied in comparison with the phenomenology of QCD chiral symmetry breaking, based on non-perturbative solutions of Schwinger-Dyson equations for the quark propagator including these non-perturbative gluon effects. We show that these models are incompatible, and point out some possibles origins of this problem.
We compute the critical coupling constant for the dynamical chiral-symmetry breaking in a model of quantum chromodynamics, solving numerically the quark self-energy using infrared finite gluon propagators found as solutions of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the gluon, and one gluon propagator determined in numerical lattice simulations. The gluon mass scale screens the force responsible for the chiral breaking, and the transition occurs only for a larger critical coupling constant than the one obtained with the perturbative propagator. The critical coupling shows a great sensibility to the gluon mass scale variation, as well as to the functional form of the gluon propagator.
Recently, Basseto and Griguolo1 did a perturbative quantization of what they called a generalized chiral Schwinger model. As a consequence of the kind of quantization adopted, some gauge-dependent masses raised in the model. On the other hand, we discussed the possibility of introducing a generalized Wess-Zumino term,2 where such gauge-dependent masses did appear. Here we intend to show that one can construct a non-anomalous version of a model which include that, presented by Basseto and Griguolo as a particular case, by adding to it a generalized Wess-Zumino term, as proposed in Ref. 2. So we conclude that it is possible to construct a gauge-invariant extension of the model quoted in Ref. 1, and this can be done through a Wess-Zumino term of the type proposed in Ref. 2.