113 resultados para Cellular homeostasis


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Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were grouped into two experimental groups: GEx.01 suffered orchiectomy and after 30 days received doses of testosterone cipionate (T), while GEx.02 received weekly and alternated doses of the anti-androgens cyproterone acetate and flutamide for 30 days, and the animals were then euthanized. Structural evaluation reveals a more intense reduction in epithelial height in GEx.02. Smooth muscle cells (SMC) presented a star-shaped aspect after 30 days of hormonal ablation and basal membrane was shown to be more intensely grooved in GEx.01. In both groups, after hormonal replacement, recovery in epithelial height could be noted and the SMC presented its phenotypes, but an increase in RER was seen, characterizing a modulation from its contractile to secreting phenotype. In conclusion, the prostate presented involution capacity after androgen ablation and the ability to reorganize after hormonal replacement, but events resulting from orchiectomy and subsequent T replacement were shown to be more aggressive to the prostate. (c) 2006 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glucocorticoid hormones (GCs) have been widely used for the treatment of prostate cancer because of their inhibitory property against tumour growth. However, their mechanism of action in the prostate has received little attention. Excess GCs can lead to peripheral insulin resistance resulting in hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia. Insulin plays an important role as a cellular stimulant and high levels are related to low levels of androgens. Our objective has been to describe the effects of insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone treatment on the morphology of rat ventral prostate. Mate adult Wistar rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of dexamethasone or saline for five consecutive days after which the rats were killed and the ventral prostate was removed, weighed and prepared for conventional and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Dexamethasone treatment resulted in atrophy and decreased proliferative activity of prostatic epithelial cells. TEM analysis revealed changes in the epithelium-stroma interface, with some interruptions in the basement membrane. Fibroblasts showed a secretory phenotype with dilated endoplasmic reticulum. Smooth muscle cells exhibited a contractile pattern with 50% atrophy, an irregular membrane and twisted nuclei. Mitochondrial alterations, such as enlarged size and high electron density in the mitochondrial matrix, were also detected in smooth muscle cells. Insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone is thus associated with epithelial atrophy similar to that described for diabetic rats. However, GCs are responsible for morphological changes in the stromal cell population suggesting the activation of fibroblasts and atrophy of the smooth muscle cells.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper presents a method for the quantification of cellular rejection in endomyocardial biopsies of patients submitted to heart transplant. The model is based on automatic multilevel thresholding, which employs histogram quantification techniques, histogram slope percentage analysis and the calculation of maximum entropy. The structures were quantified with the aid of the multi-scale fractal dimension and lacunarity for the identification of behavior patterns in myocardial cellular rejection in order to determine the most adequate treatment for each case.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Investigamos a resposta imunológica celular e humoral frente a extrato salino de tecido cerebral em 9 pacientes com síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut, 15 pacientes com síndrome de West e 20 crianças normais. A técnica de imunodifusão dupla em gel de agar (Ouchterlony) evidenciou em todos os pacientes, altos níveis de um anticorpo precipitante contra o extrato salino de tecido cerebral. O teste de inibição de migração de leucócitos com o mesmo antígeno mostrou-se positivo na maioria dos pacientes. O possível papel destas respostas autoimmunes na patogenia das sindromes de West e Lennox-Gastaut é discutido.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A regulação da homeostasia intra e extra-celular da glicose está diretamente relacionada ao controle preciso da expressão dos genes que codificam as diferentes isoformas de proteínas transportadoras de glicose, as quais se expressam de maneira tecido-específica, em conseqüência do padrão de ativação dos fatores transcricionais reguladores de cada gene, em cada tipo celular. A síndrome metabólica (SM) abrange uma grande variedade de alterações fisiopatológicas, todas de repercussões sistêmicas, acometendo os mais distintos territórios do organismo, nos quais alterações nos transportadores de glicose presentes são observadas em maior ou menor grau. A presente revisão abordará as alterações na expressão de transportadores de glicose claramente demonstradas na literatura, cujas repercussões nos fluxos territoriais de glicose auxiliam na compreensão de mecanismos fisiopatológicos da SM, assim como dos tratamentos propostos para esta entidade.


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Em geral, todos os efeitos dos antiinflamatórios estão relacionados com a inibição da ciclo-oxigenase (COX) do ácido araquidônico e, portanto, inibição da produção de prostaglandinas e tromboxanos. Existem dois tipos de COX, quais sejam COX-1 e COX-2. A COX-1 é uma enzima constitucional expressa em muitos tecidos, incluindo plaquetas sangüíneas, e está envolvida na homeostase tecidual. Por outro lado, a COX-2 é induzida em células inflamatórias quando elas são ativadas, sendo considerada a enzima que produz os mediadores da inflamação da classe dos prostanóides. A ação dos antiinflamatórios está relacionada à inibição da COX-2 e é provável que seus efeitos indesejados se devam principalmente à inibição da COX-1. Tratamentos maternos com antiinflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) têm sido associados, com freqüência, à vasoconstrição do ducto arterioso fetal, hipertensão arterial pulmonar e inibição da agregação plaquetária. Alterações na hemostasia são alguns dos efeitos colaterais produzidos pelo uso incontrolado dos AINEs, os quais induzem a um desequilíbrio na liberação de prostaglandinas e tromboxanos, que se reflete na adesividade e agregação plaquetária. As alterações hemostáticas observadas em neonatos, decorrentes do uso de salicilatos pela mãe, ocorrem devido à inibição da agregação plaquetária e à diminuição da atividade do fator XII relacionado à coagulação sangüínea. Estudos em camundongos revelaram que o uso de corticóides durante a gestação pode levar a anormalidades no desenvolvimento fetal, por alterações na diferenciação celular.


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This review provides an overview of several molecular and cellular approaches that are likely to supply insights into the host-fungus interaction. Fungi present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, the parasitism phenomenon being dependent on complementary surface molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by the fungus adhering to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmatic internalization. Furthermore, microbial pathogens use a variety of their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix (ECM) components to establish an effective infection. on the other hand, integrins mediate the tight adhesion of cells to the ECM at sites referred to as focal adhesions and also play a role in cell signaling. The phosphorylation process is an important mechanism of cell signaling and regulation; it has been implicated recently in defense strategies against a variety of pathogens that alter host-signaling pathways in order to facilitate their invasion and survival within host cells. The study of signal transduction pathways in virulent fungi is especially important in view of their putative role in the regulation of pathogenicity. This review discusses fungal adherence, changes in cytoskeletal organization and signal transduction in relation to host-fungus interaction. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective and design: To investigate the effect of galectin-1 (Gal-1) and -3 (Gal-3) on leukocyte migration and analyze the expression of both galectins in inflammatory cells using a model of rat peritonitis.Material or Subjects: Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 4 per group).Treatment: Peritonitis was induced in animals through intraperitoneal injection of carrageenin (1.5 mg/kg) and rat mesenteries were analyzed at different time points (0, 4, 24 and 48h). For pharmacological treatment, rats received intravenous injection of Gal-1 or -3 (3 mu g/kg) followed by carrageenin.Methods: Western blotting and immunoelectron microscopy analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test.Results: Pharmacological treatment with Gal-1, but not Gal-3, inhibited (similar to 50%) leukocyte recruitment into the peritoneal cavity at 4h time-point. In this early phase, immunogold staining of mesenteries showed a diminished Gal-3 expression in degranulated mast cells and Gal-1 in transmigrated neutrophils (similar to 20% reduction compared to intravascular cells). In the later phases (24 and 48 h), leukocyte turnover was associated with augmented Gal-1 expression in neutrophils and macrophages and Gal-3 in mast cells and macrophages.Conclusions: These results point to a balanced expression of cell-associated-Gal-1/Gal-3 and might impact on the development of new therapeutic strategies for inflammatory diseases.


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The study of the in-situ cellular immune response is very important for the understanding of different liver infections. In the present study, 53 liver samples obtained by viscerotomy from patients who died during the course of jungle yellow fever were analyzed. The diagnosis was confirmed by serology, viral isolation and virus-specific immunohistochemistry. The specimens were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies for apoptosis, CD45RO, CD4, CD8, CD20, S100, CD57 and CD68. Quantitative analysis of the labeling pattern showed a clear predominance of the different phenotypes in the portal tract and midzone region of the acini. There was a predominance of T CD4+ lymphocytes, accompanied by the presence of T CD8+ lymphocytes, natural killer cells (CD57), macrophages and antigen-presenting cells (S100). The disproportion between the intensity of inflammation and the degree of hepatic injury was probably due to the intense apoptotic component, which classically does not induce an inflammatory response. The present study demonstrates that, despite the disproportion between injury and inflammation, the cellular immune response plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the hepatocytic injury observed in yellow fever, probably as a result of cytolytic actions through mechanisms involving MHC II and the activation of Fas receptors and granzymes/perforins. (C) 2006 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sporothrix schenckii is the etiologic agent of sporotrichosis, a mycosis of world-wide distribution more commonly occurring in tropical regions. The immunological mechanisms involved in the prevention and control of sporotrichosis are not fully understood but apparently include both the humoral and cellular responses. In the present investigation, cellular immunity was evaluated by in vivo and in vitro tests in mice infected with yeast-like forms of S. schenckii. The disease developed systemically and cellular immunity was evaluated for a period of 10 weeks. The soluble antigen utilized in the tests was prepared from yeast form of the fungus through the sonication (20 min: 10 sonications at 50 W at 2-min intervals). Delayed hypersensitivity and lymphocyte transformation tests showed that the cellular immune response was depressed between the 4th and 6th week of infection when the animals were challenged with the soluble fungal antigen. This depression frequently indicates worsening of the disease, with greater involvement of the host. This is a promising field of research for a better understanding of the pathogeny of this mycosis.