97 resultados para Cell counts, microbial


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This experiment was carried out to compare the worm burden and cellular responses in the abomasal mucosa and blood of Florida Native and Rambouillet lambs and also in animals produced by crosses of these two breeds (generations F1 and F2). Animals were exposed to infection by gastrointestinal nematodes on three different occasions. The first infection was natural, occurring while they were suckling lambs. After weaning, they were kept indoors for 53 days and then were allowed to graze a contaminated pasture for 50 days for a second natural infection. The third infection was an artificial challenge with 6000 Haemonchus contortus infective larvae. The highest mean fecal egg counts (FEC) values were found in Rambouillet lambs followed in decreasing order by F1, F2 and Florida Native lambs. Throughout the trial, most of the high mean packed cell volumes and plasma protein levels were recorded in the F2 lambs; in contrast, most of the low values were found in the Rambouillet lambs. During the natural infection period, the highest percentages of larvae in the fecal cultures of the lambs were Haemonchus. However, high percentages of Trichostrongylus larvae were found particularly in Florida Native lambs. The mean number of blood eosinophils increased after the artificial challenge, reached a peak 21 days after infection and then declined. The highest and lowest blood eosinophil means were recorded in F2 and Florida Native lambs, respectively. The H. contortus burden was significantly higher in Rambouillet and in F1 lambs than in Florida Native and F2 lambs (p < 0.05), while no significant differences were recorded among eosinophil, mast cell and globule leucocyte counts in the abomasal mucosa (p > 0.05). The highest correlation coefficient recorded at the end of this study was between FEC and worm burden (r = 0.7). These two parameters showed a moderate negative correlation with PCV, plasma protein and mast cell counts in the abomasal mucosa. The results obtained in this study indicate that crossbreeding Florida Native and Rambouillet sheep can be a rapid way to combine and improve the characteristics of these two breeds. The parasitological results were promising. however, more studies will be necessary to verify the impact of crossbreeding in other traits. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Recently, there has been an increasing in the impact of oral health on atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between chronic periodontitis and cardiovascular risk markers.Methods: Forty patients with periodontitis and 40 healthy gender-, body mass index-, and age-matched individuals were compared by measuring total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, levels of cytokines, antibodies against oxidized low-density lipoprotein, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, total and differential white blood cell counts, and the non-linear index of refraction.Results: The levels of triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein in periodontitis patients were significantly higher and lower, respectively (P=0.002 and P=0.0126), compared to controls. Total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and lipid peroxide levels were the same in both groups (P = 0.2943, P = 0.1284, and P = 0.067, respectively). Interleukin (IL)-6 and -8, antibodies against oxidized low-density lipoprotein, and leukocyte and neutrophil counts were significantly higher in periodontitis patients (P<0.05). The value of the non-linear index of refraction of low-density lipoprotein solutions was higher in the controls (P = 0.015) compared to individuals with periodontitis.Conclusion: Our results confirmed and further strengthened the suggested association between coronary artery disease and periodontitis. J Periodontol 2009;80:378-388.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivo: avaliar a significância clínica de estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN) isolados de processos infecciosos em recém-nascidos da unidade neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. Método: as linhagens de ECN isoladas foram identificadas e classificadas em significativas e contaminantes, com base em uma série de dados clínicos e laboratoriais obtidos dos prontuários dos pacientes internados na unidade neonatal. Foram pesquisados os dados referentes a fatores perinatais de risco para infecção, evolução clínica, alterações do hemograma e/ou positividade de proteína C-reativa e antibioticoterapia. Resultados: das 117 linhagens de ECN isoladas, 60 (51,3%) foram classificadas como significativas, e 57 (48,7%) como contaminantes. Das 54 crianças com infecção por ECN, 43 (79,6%) eram prematuras, e 27 (50,0%) tiveram peso ao nascimento Conclusões: a maioria dos recém-nascidos com infecção por ECN apresentou fatores predisponentes importantes para a instalação do processo infeccioso, incluindo o peso de nascimento < 1.500g, a não remoção de corpo estranho e a antibioticoterapia prévia. A identificação de espécies de ECN constitui um marcador útil de infecção, visto que o S. epidermidis foi o agente etiológico mais freqüentemente associado aos processos infecciosos.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos da administração de vitamina E sobre a contagem de células somáticas e a infecção da glândula mamária de cabras primíparas desafiadas com a inoculação intramamária de Staphylococcus aureus ao 10º dia pós-parto. Vinte e oito animais foram divididos em quatro grupos, cada um composto por sete cabras primíparas da raça Saanen, como segue: grupo-controle, grupo de animais suplementados com vitamina E, grupo de animais desafiados com S.aureus inoculados na glândula mamária e grupo de animais suplementados com vitamina E e desafiados com S.aureus na glândula mamária. Na segunda e terceira semanas de lactação, a inoculação de S.aureus na glândula mamária permitiu a recuperação do microrganismo no leite e elevou a contagem de células somáticas (CCS). A liberação de S.aureus no leite ocorreu de maneira intermitente. em animais suplementados com vitamina E, o desafio com S.aureus resultou em CCS mais baixa e menor número de microrganismos no leite. Sugere-se que a CCS possa ser utilizada para a detecção da mastite caprina, devendo-se utilizar contagens superiores a 1,0x10(6)células/ml de leite como critério para a realização de exames microbiológicos.


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O presente trabalho descreve a detecção de células infectadas em aspirados de medula óssea de cães experimentalmente infectados com uma amostra brasileira de Ehrlichia canis. Os cães foram monitorados duas vezes por dia através de avaliação clínica e exames de esfregaços de sangue periférico. A cada três dias, amostras de sangue foram coletadas para contagem celular. Semanalmente foram feitas punções de medula óssea para exame microscópico direto do material aspirado e coleta de sangue para exames sorológicos através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Os sinais clínicos observados foram febre, membranas pálidas, linfadenopatias, secreções nasais serosas e acentuada perda de peso. As alterações hematológicas incluíram anemia normocítica normocrômica, redução de neutrófilos e linfócitos e trombocitopenia. Poucas células infectadas com E. canis foram observadas em esfregaços sanguíneos, entretanto várias formas de desenvolvimento de E. canis foram visualizadas em aspirados de medula óssea 15 dias após a infecção.


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This work reports basic hematologic values of a sample of a population of free-living marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) living by the Parana River in Southeast Brazil. Hematologic values are presented separately for male, female, and young animals as well as for anesthetized and nonanesthetized cervids. Nonanesthetized deer restrained by physical means had significantly higher erythrocyte indices and total leukocyte counts. Comparisons of blood parameters of anesthetized animals of different ages and gender differed slightly, with only two significant differences observed: young animals had significantly higher red blood cell counts than adult males and a lower blood total protein content when compared to adult females. Results indicate that two main reference ranges for blood values should be considered for marsh deer, for blood obtained from anesthetized or physically restrained individuals.


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Blood constituents of Nelore, Hosltein and buffalo cows were determined during pregnancy, at the time of calving and at post-partum. It was verified that. 1. The pregnancy and post-partum periods had no influence in the erythrocyte values, but at calving the red blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels of Holstein and buffalo cows were lower than for Nelore cattle; 2. leukocyte counts were similar among groups; 3. total protein levels of Nelore cows were lower than Holstein and buffalo. The albumin levels were rite lowest at rite time of calving compared to late pregnancy; 4. glicose levels were lower ill buffalo cows during pregnancy as compared with Holstein cows. The glicemia of Nelore cows was lower as compared to Holstein cow's irt late pregnancy; 5. urea and creatinine levels were higher in buffalo cows than cattle. The urea and creatinine levels were greater in buffalo cows with maximum values at the post-partum and at the parturition, respectively; 6. bilirrubin levels were higher in bovine than buffalo cows; 7. aspartate aminotransferase activity was greater in buffalo cows and increased at the time of calving; 8. alkaline phosphatase activity was increased during pregnancy and decreased after the time of calving; 9. gammnglutamyltransferase activity,vas the highest for buffalo cows after calving; IO. calcium levels were the highest for Holstein cows at the post-partum and the phosphorus levels were higher in buffalo cows, which had the highest magnesium levels at the parturation.


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BackgroundDefinitive diagnosis of feline pancreatic disease is dependent on histologic examination of biopsies.HypothesisLaparoscopic punch biopsy of the pancreas does not significantly affect pancreatic health or clinical status of healthy cats, and provides an adequate biopsy sample for histopathology.AnimalsEleven healthy female domestic shorthair cats.MethodsEffects of laparoscopic pancreatic visualization alone in 5 cats compared with laparoscopic pancreatic visualization and punch biopsy in 6 cats were studied. Temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate, physical examination, and daily caloric intake were evaluated for 1 week before and 1 week after the procedure. Pain scores (simple descriptive score and dynamic interactive visual assessment score) were evaluated hourly during the 1st 6 hours postprocedure. Complete blood cell counts, serum biochemical profiles, serum feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity, and urine specific gravity were evaluated before the procedure and at 6, 24, and 72 hours postprocedure. One month postprocedure, during sterilization, the pancreas was reassessed visually in all cats, and microscopically in the biopsy group.ResultsFor all variables evaluated, there were no significant differences between biopsy and control cats. Re-evaluation of the pancreatic biopsy site 1 month later documented a normal tissue response to biopsy. The laparoscopic punch biopsy forceps provided high-quality pancreatic biopsy samples with an average size of 5 mm x 4 mm on 2-dimensional cut section.Conclusions and Clinical ImportanceLaparoscopic pancreatic biopsy is a useful and safe technique in healthy cats.


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) polymorphism and seasonality on milk composition (fat, lactose, total solids, milk urea nitrogen, total protein, true protein, casein and somatic cell counts) of Holstein and Girolando cows. Milk and blood samples from 278 Holsteins cows and 156 Girolando cows were taken during two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, for milk composition analysis and to determine beta-lg genotypes, respectively. BB genotype was the most frequent for both breeds, followed by AA genotype for Holstein (BB>AA>AB) and by AB for Girolando cows (BB>AB>AA). No differences were found in milk compositional characteristics among genetic variants of beta-lg (AA, AB and BB) either between Holstein or Girolando cows. No association between milk composition and beta-lg genetic polymorphism was observed. During the dry season, independently of the breed considered, higher contents of lactose, true protein, casein and casein :true protein ratio were found.


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Thirty-two Polwarth sheep of ages up to 1 year were observed under temperatures varying from 10.5 to 46.5°C. The following blood cell counts were made: erythrocyte (RBC), leucocyte (WBC), eosinophil (EOS), neutrophil (NEU), lymphocyte (LYM) and monocyte (MON). Other traits measured were: haemoglobin (HB), haematocrit (HT), blood glucose (GLU) and serum protein (PROT). Multivariate analysis of variance was used and the results showed a significant (P<0.001) effect for the interaction of shearing and temperature treatment. Under temperatures >25°C, sheep presented a decrease of RBC, WBC, HB and HT, these differences being greater in the shorn than in the unshorn animals. Unshorn animals presented higher variations in EOS, NEU, LYM, MON and GLU. Blood glucose increased under high temperatures in the shorn animals (from 56.36±0.65 mg/100 ml to 60.52±0.69 mg/100 ml) as in the unshorn animals (from 54.72±0.74 mg/100 ml to 57.56±0.77 mg/100 ml). © 1992 International Society of Biometeorology.


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Objective - To evaluate plication of the free wall of the left ventricle, which reduces the left ventricular area and volume, as a method to improve the left ventricular systolic function without cardiopulmonary bypass. Animals - 8 mixed-breed adult dogs. Procedure - Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) was induced in each dog by administration of doxorubicin (30 mg/m2, IV, q 21 d for 168 days). Two dogs died during induction of cardiomyopathy. Plication surgery was performed in 4 dogs. Two dogs did not ondergo to surgery (control group). Values for cardiac output (CO), 2-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography, arterial blood pressure, electrocardiography, blood cell counts, and serum biochemical analyses were recorded after induction of DCM (baseline) and 1, 2, 7, 15, 21, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days after plication surgery. Ambulatory ECG (Holter) recordings were conducted for 24 hours on the day of surgery. Results - 1 dog died after plication surgery. The remaining dogs undergoing ventricular plication had a significant improvement in CO, ejection fraction, and fractional shortening and reductions of left ventricular area and volume after surgery. Electrocardiographic and Holter recordings revealed premature ventricular complexes, which resolved without treatment during the first week after surgery. Clinical condition of the control dogs declined, and these 2 dogs died approximately 40 days after induction of cardiomyopathy. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Plication of the free wall of the left ventricle improved left ventricular systolic function in dogs with doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. Additional studies are needed to evaluate its application in dogs with naturally developing DCM.