60 resultados para Cause or consequence


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Four trials of identical experimental design were conducted to determine the effects of temperature, dietary Lys level, and dietary Arg:Lys ratios on performance and carcass yield of male broilers. Birds of a commercial strain were grown from 21 to 42 d of age in wire-floored finishing batteries placed in environmental chambers. The chambers were programmed to provide either a constant thermoneutral temperature (21.1 C), a constant cold temperature (15.5 C), or a cycling hot diurnal temperature (25.5 to 33.3 C). Within each environment there was a factorial arrangement of three Lys levels (1.0, 1.1, and 1.2%) with four Arg:Lys ratios (1.1:1, 1.2:1, 1.3:1, and 1.4:1). Environmental temperature significantly influenced virtually every characteristic examined. Hot cyclic temperatures reduced weight gain, feed intake, and breast meat yield, and increased feed conversion, dressing percentage, leg quarter yield, and abdominal fat content. The cold environment promoted increased feed intake and mortality. Ascites and cardiomyopathy were the leading causes of death under cold exposure and thermoneutral conditions, whereas complications arising from heat exposure were the main cause of death under hot cyclic conditions. Levels of Lys affected leg quarter yield and abdominal fat content over all environments but increased breast meat yield only under cold conditions. Increasing Arg: Lys ratios improved feed conversion and dressing percentage and reduced abdominal fat content; it could not be determined whether these responses were consistent with Arg per se or were due to a nonspecific N response. As increasing Lys levels or Arg:Lys ratios did not improve weight gain, increase breast meat yield, or attenuate adverse effects due to heat or cold exposure, it is concluded that the levels of Lys and Arg suggested for 21 to 42 d by the NRC are adequate for birds of this age under the environmental conditions encountered.


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The absence of natural enemies often allows exotic pests to reach densities that are much higher than normally occur in their native habitats. When Solenopsis fire ants were introduced into the United States, their numerous natural enemies were left behind in South America. To compare intercontinental fire ant densities, we selected 13 areas in South America and another 12 areas in North America. Sample areas were paired with weather stations and distributed across a broad range of climatic conditions. In each area, we measured fire ant densities at 5 preselected roadside sites that were at least 5 km apart. At each site, we also measured foraging activity, checked for polygyne colonies, and recorded various kinds of environmental data. In most areas, we also measured fire ant densities in lawns and grazing land. Fire ant populations along roadsides in North America were 4-7 times higher than fire ant populations in South America. Similar intercontinental differences were found in lawns and on grazing lands. These intercontinental differences in fire ant abundance were not associated with sampling conditions, seasonal variability, habitat differences, or the frequency of polygyny. Although several correlations were found with long-term weather conditions, careful inspection of the data suggests that these correlations were probably more coincidental than causal. Cultural differences in roadside maintenance may explain some of the intercontinental differences in fire ant abundance, but they did not account for equivalent intercontinental differences in grazing land and mowed lawns. Bait tests showed that competition with other ants was much more important in South America; however, we were not able to determine whether this was a major cause of intercontinental differences or largely a consequence of other factors such as the numerous pathogens and parasites that are found in South America. Because this study was correlational, we were unable to determine the cause(s) of the large intercontinental difference in fire ant abundance that we observed. However, we were able to largely exclude a number of possible explanations for the differences, including sampling, season, polygyny, climate, and aspects of habitat. By a process of elimination, escape from natural enemies remains among the most likely explanations for the unusually high densities of fire ants found in North America.


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Atherosclerosis is a very common and important disease being the most important cause of mortality in Brazil. Indeed, in 1995, 23.3% of deaths, all ages, in our country, were the consequence of atherosclerosis. This percentage grows to 26.3% for S. Paulo and 32.7% for Rio Grande do Sul. Morphologically, there are 3 main types of lesions: fatty streaks, fibrous plaques, and complicated lesions. Fatty streaks are inocuous and occur early in life. In some persons, with age, they change into fibrous plaques that may lead to stenosis. They also may become complicated by erosion, calcification, hemorrhage and thrombosis. Atherosclerosis is initiated by endothelial functional alterations responsible for increase in permeability to macromolecules, adhesion, and migration of monocytes-macrophages and lymphocytes plus recruitment of platelets and smooth-muscle medial cells. Adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, and free radicals are locally synthesized, favoring proliferation of extracellular matrix and progression of the lesion. Experimental, clinical, and epidemiological evidence point to the importance of lipids, mainly cholesterol-rich low-density lipoprotein (LDL), as one of the most important molecules involved in the genesis and progression of atherosclerosis. Patients with a genetic disorder of cholesterol metabolism (familial hyperlipidemia), caused by a decrease in the availability of receptors for LDL, develop severe atherosclerosis early in life. A series of other factors, such as age, diabetes melitus, diet, hypertension, lack of exercise, elevated hemocysteinemia, immunological disorders, and coagulation instability, are related to the progression of atherosclerosis. All of them are capable of altering the endothelium or increasing the offer of LDL. All the above-mentioned factors are systemic; but atherosclerosic lesions are focal, located at preferential sites such as the emergence of colaterals, bifurcations, and curvatures of arteries, all areas in which the laminar flow is disturbed. In these areas shear stress is diminished favoring the prolongation of permanence time of lipid particles, cells, cytokines, growth factors, etc., in the vicinity of the endothelium. Moreover, the endothelium has sensors that act as transducers of mechanical forces in biological responses. Experimental data demonstrate that the number and quality of adhesion molecules, cytokines, and growth factors synthetized, as well as the local production of radicals, and pro and anticoagulation factors may change with shear stress favoring or not the local establishment and progression of atherosclerotic lesions.


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5-azacytidine (5-azaC) treatment combined with cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) or caffeine were performed in vitro in Chinese hamster cells, CHO-K1 (wild-type) and xrs-5 (mutant) cell lines, in order to compare the cell response to the induction of chromosomal aberrations. Exponentially growing cells were treated with 5-azaC (4-16 uM) for 1 h, the cells were washed and incubated for 7 h, and 500 uM caffeine or 5 uM ara-C were added to the cultures for the last 2 h. In both cell lines, 5-azaC induced a significantly increase (P<0.01) in the frequencies of aberrations; in the combined treatments (5-azaC + Ara-C), a significant reduction (P<0.05) was observed for the aberrations which were randomly distributed. Caffeine had no influence at the same conditions. 5-azaC induced-DNA lesions were probably processed at S/G2 phase in a common pathway in both cell lines, but alternatively, 5-azaC may cause xrs-5 cells to revert to the wild-type.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacterial biofilm on the external surface of the root apex in teeth with pulp necrosis, with and without radiographically visible periapical lesions, and in teeth with a vital pulp. Twenty-one teeth were extracted, eight with pulp necrosis and periapical lesions, eight with pulp necrosis without radiographically visible periapical lesions, and five with a vital pulp. The roots were sectioned, and the root apexes (+/- 3 mm) were processed for scanning electron microscope evaluation. The surface of the apical root was evaluated for the presence of microorganisms, root resorption, and biofilm. There were no microorganisms on the apical root surface of either teeth with pulp vitality or with pulp necrosis with no radiographically visible periapical lesions. Microorganisms were always present in teeth with pulp necrosis and radiographically visible periapical lesions. These included cocci, bacilli, and filaments and the presence of an apical biofilm. Apical biofilm is clinically important because microbial biofilms are inherently resistant to antimicrobial agents and cannot be removed by biomechanical preparation alone. This may cause failure of endodontic treatment as a consequence of persistent infection.


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Ehrlichia canis has a worldwide distribution, but clinical manifestations may vary geographically. We selected 129 dogs to determine prevalence of ehrlichiosis in dogs with anemia, thrombocytopenia, or ticks presented to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital in South Brazil. Of the 129 dogs, 68 carried the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), 61 had thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150,000/μl), and 19 had anemia (PCV < 22%). Twenty dogs fulfilled more than one inclusion criteria. Ehrlichiosis was diagnosed by positive amplification of ehrlichial DNA by PCR using primers ECC and ECB that amplify a sequence of the 16S rRNA gene. Presence of E. canis was confirmed by cleavage of the amplified DNA using endonucleases HaeIII and AvaI. Fourteen of 68 (21%) dogs with ticks had ehrlichiosis, whereas 12 of 61 (20%) dogs presented with thrombocytopenia and 4 of 19 (21%) anemic dogs had ehrlichiosis. Similar results were obtained in dogs with thrombocytopenia and anemia (one of eight positive) and in dogs with thrombocytopenia and ticks (two of seven positive). All four dogs with anemia and ticks, and the dog that fulfilled all inclusion criteria yield no amplification of ehrlichial DNA by PCR. Based on our results, one in each five dogs infested by the brown dog tick, with anemia or thrombocytopenia had ehrlichosis. Contrary to widespread believe, ehrlichiosis was not the main cause for thrombocytopenia in our region. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: The objective of the present investigation was to assess the histological effects of different wavelengths and intensities on the healing process of cutaneous wounds. Background Data: Tissue repair is a dynamic interactive process which involves mediators, cells and extra-cellular matrix. Several reports on the use of laser therapy have shown that the healing process is positively affected when the correct parameters are used. Methods: Eighteen standardized wounds were surgically created on the dorsum of male and female Wistar rats, which were subsequently divided into two experimental groups according to wavelength used λ.670 or λ685 nm) for lasertherapy (LLLT). Each group was divided into three subgroups of three animals according to the intensity of the applied irradiation (2,15, or 25 mW). Twelve animals were used as entreated controls and were not irradiated. The irradiation was carried out during seven consecutive days. The animals were sacrificed eight days after surgery. The specimens were removed, kept in 4% formaldehyde for 24 h, routinely prepared to wax, stained with H&E, and analyzed under light microscopy. Results: For both groups, light microscopy showed a substitution repair process; however, when LLLT was used, a positive biomodulatory effect was detectable, chiefly associated with shorter wavelength and low intensity. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that LLLT improved cutaneous wound repair and that the effect is a result of an inversely proportional relationship between wavelength and intensity, with treatment more effective when combining higher intensity with short wavelength or lower intensity with higher wavelength.


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Throughout this article, it is assumed that the no-central chi-square chart with two stage samplings (TSS Chisquare chart) is employed to monitor a process where the observations from the quality characteristic of interest X are independent and identically normally distributed with mean μ and variance σ2. The process is considered to start with the mean and the variance on target (μ = μ0; σ2 = σ0 2), but at some random time in the future an assignable cause shifts the mean from μ0 to μ1 = μ0 ± δσ0, δ >0 and/or increases the variance from σ0 2 to σ1 2 = γ2σ0 2, γ > 1. Before the assignable cause occurrence, the process is considered to be in a state of statistical control (defined by the in-control state). Similar to the Shewhart charts, samples of size n 0+ 1 are taken from the process at regular time intervals. The samplings are performed in two stages. At the first stage, the first item of the i-th sample is inspected. If its X value, say Xil, is close to the target value (|Xil-μ0|< w0σ 0, w0>0), then the sampling is interrupted. Otherwise, at the second stage, the remaining n0 items are inspected and the following statistic is computed. Wt = Σj=2n 0+1(Xij - μ0 + ξiσ 0)2 i = 1,2 Let d be a positive constant then ξ, =d if Xil > 0 ; otherwise ξi =-d. A signal is given at sample i if |Xil-μ0| > w0σ 0 and W1 > knia:tl, where kChi is the factor used in determining the upper control limit for the non-central chi-square chart. If devices such as go and no-go gauges can be considered, then measurements are not required except when the sampling goes to the second stage. Let P be the probability of deciding that the process is in control and P 1, i=1,2, be the probability of deciding that the process is in control at stage / of the sampling procedure. Thus P = P1 + P 2 - P1P2, P1 = Pr[μ0 - w0σ0 ≤ X ≤ μ0+ w 0σ0] P2=Pr[W ≤ kChi σ0 2], (3) During the in-control period, W / σ0 2 is distributed as a non-central chi-square distribution with n0 degrees of freedom and a non-centrality parameter λ0 = n0d2, i.e. W / σ0 2 - xn0 22 (λ0) During the out-of-control period, W / σ1 2 is distributed as a non-central chi-square distribution with n0 degrees of freedom and a non-centrality parameter λ1 = n0(δ + ξ)2 / γ2 The effectiveness of a control chart in detecting a process change can be measured by the average run length (ARL), which is the speed with which a control chart detects process shifts. The ARL for the proposed chart is easily determined because in this case, the number of samples before a signal is a geometrically distributed random variable with parameter 1-P, that is, ARL = I /(1-P). It is shown that the performance of the proposed chart is better than the joint X̄ and R charts, Furthermore, if the TSS Chi-square chart is used for monitoring diameters, volumes, weights, etc., then appropriate devices, such as go-no-go gauges can be used to decide if the sampling should go to the second stage or not. When the process is stable, and the joint X̄ and R charts are in use, the monitoring becomes monotonous because rarely an X̄ or R value fall outside the control limits. The natural consequence is the user to pay less and less attention to the steps required to obtain the X̄ and R value. In some cases, this lack of attention can result in serious mistakes. The TSS Chi-square chart has the advantage that most of the samplings are interrupted, consequently, most of the time the user will be working with attributes. Our experience shows that the inspection of one item by attribute is much less monotonous than measuring four or five items at each sampling.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS) is characterized by the enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct associated with sensorioneural hearing loss. The level of hearing loss varies and may be fluctuant, progressive or sudden. Vestibular symptoms may be present. The diagnosis is reached by imaging methods. Aim: To report an LVAS case. Method: A female infant was submitted to a computerized tomography of the ears and to audiologic tests. Results: Enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct of more than 1.5mm and sensorioneural hearing loss in the right ear were observed. Conclusion: With an early hearing evaluation it is possible to diagnose hearing loss, even in children were this loss is unilateral. Although the literature indicates that the diagnosis of LVAS occurs at a later age, in this case time etiologic diagnosis was enabled by computerized tomography.


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Creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are mainly muscle-specific enzymes, which can be associated with muscle tissue damage. The aim of this study was to assess the activities of CK and AST during the postoperative period, after conventional (G1) and videolaparoscopic ovariectomy (G2), in queens. A further group (G3) was subjected to anaesthesia only. Results demonstrate that there were significant differences between groups. The highest levels of CK were recorded in Gl, however at a confidence level of p < 0.05 there was no significant difference between groups during the first 6 hours after surgery. A significant (p < 0.05) increase of CK values was identified between 0h and 3h in both groups (Gl and G2). Regarding AST activity there was no significant variation between groups, but again there was a significant difference between values at 0h and 3h after surgery. In conclusion, ovariectomy performed by videolap-aroscopy seems to cause less muscle damage when compared to the conventional method. © 2009 by Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bem.


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Fetal hemoglobin (Hb F), formed by two alpha globin chains (α) and two gamma chains (γ) (α2 γ2), has reduced expression in adults, ranging from 0 to 1% of total hemoglobin. Increased levels of Hb F are due to mutations in the β-globin family, which cause hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) and delta-beta thalassemia (δβ-thalassemia).The control of the production takes place by the regulatory region and regions outside the β-globin family, among them 2q16, 6q23, 8q, and Xp22.2.The aims of this study were to determine the presence and frequency of two mutations for δβ-thalassemia, the XmnI polymorphism and β-globin haplotypes in healthy individuals with increased Hb F in the State of São Paulo. We analyzed 60 samples of peripheral blood of healthy adults, without complaints of anemia. The samples were separated into two groups according to Hb F level: group I - 34 samples with Hb F ranging from 2 to 15% and group II - 26 samples with Hb F over 15%. In relation to the polymorphisms examined, we found three heterozygous individuals (5%) for Spanish δβ-thalassemia, belonging to group I, whose Hb F levels were within the normal range.The Sicilian δβ-thalassemia mutation was not found, indicating the need to study other polymorphisms related to the increase of Hb F in adult life.The frequency of XmnI polymorphism was 33.3% and the mean Hb F levels were 15.48 ± 11.69%.The frequency observed in our study for this polymorphic site is higher than that found in the literature for healthy subjects.This polymorphism was more prevalent in individuals with Hb F levels below 15%. For four samples positive for this polymorphism, the Hb F levels were explained by the presence of HPFH and Spanish δβ-thalassemia mutations, so that the presence of the XmnI polymorphic site was not a determinant in the overexpression of γ-globin genes. Regarding β-globin haplotypes, 18 alleles and 27 distinct genotypic patterns were found.The pattern Atp1/Atp2 was the mostfrequent genotype (13.72%).Of the 18 alleles, 13 showed atypical patterns.The results show that the haplotype V was the most frequent (27.45%), followed by atypical Atp2 (13.72%) and Atp1 (11.76%), and that there was a higher correlation with the presence of HPFH and XmnI polymorphism.The high frequency of haplotype V in our samples and high frequency of atypical haplotypes may reflect a high rate of miscegenation in this population, suggesting an ethnic characteristic for the Brazilian population, requiring the evaluation of population genetic markers to corroborate this hypothesis. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)