41 resultados para Catholic church. Catechisms.
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
In Brazil, the Catholic Church has an important role in the construction of citizenship, education and training the rural lower classes of the population. Studied in this article, this participation and contribution in the 60s, by highlighting the strong weighting would take the issue of land reform. The Catholic Church was a major player in unionization campaigns and basic education and suffered great tensions and internal conflicts that divide between those who sought the "liberation of the oppressed" and those who fought for reforms without changing the "social order". This paper recovers the trajectory of implementation of various programs of Catholic union formation and foundation of unions. We use historical methodology and retrieve the voice of the authors through interviews with trade unionists, lawyers, church authorities and militants popular.
This article aims to analyses the anti-Communism in the period between 1955 and 1958 in Londrina, Paraná, from the event march of Production which was reported by Folha de Londrina in 1958. We’ll use as methodological the discourse analysis of French substantiated in studies of Pêcheux (1997) and the mechanisms for structuring of antiCommunism discourse of Catholic Londrina leaders from the 1950s. Starting on survey of documentary sources and bibliographical, specially texts produced by representatives of Catholic church in Northern Paraná during the period of proposed analysis. We intend to analyse Catholic anti-Communism from point of view of its elements. The complexity of the political historical period of reference of this article shows how about communism in Folha de Londrina is linked to a discourse on other prebuilt discourses. This article is built in three steps: the first one is JK Years: Anti-Communism while legitimizing the development policy that we will produce an analysis of JK government that stood against to communism while conception of society and economic and political structures. The second one is the multifaceted anti-Communism in Brazil. We focus on the theoretical discussion on the concept of anti-Communism pointing out many Brazilian facets interpretation. The last one , faith and power: Anti-Communism sense and Catholic church in Londrina (1955-1958) will systematize texts of Catholic leaders about communism and finally analyze them with the proposed theoretical framework of discourse analysis.
This article discusses the meanings of imagistic representations (drawings, cartoons) published in A Plebe (The Plebs), from May 1947 to May 1949, the last period of the Edgard Leuenroth’s headship. Created in 1917, the newspaper, supported by libertarian principles, set up as a public sphere suited for the proletarian world because of discussing the problems that workers were facing in their daily lives. The paper printed whipping criticisms against the country's elites and fought, without respite, the capitalist system – qualified as parasitic, violent and expropriator –, supported by mystifying and equally violent enactments from its religious arm, expressed in the actions of the Catholic Church and whose struggle against was also systematic.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
The aim of this paper is to present an experience of inclusion of individuals with mental disabilities in a religious community in the city of Londrina, north Paraná state. Called here Special Catechesis this was an evangelizing held inside a Catholic Church with the mental disabilities people The project, which five years and five classes per year, allowed the development of a pedagogical action with goals of evangelization and catechesis, where all people were successful. It was also an action to raise the consciousness among parents of these children in order to allow their children could participate in the project. Special Catechesis was evaluated for us as significant experience because it allowed a relative and positive inclusion of the classes in religious and social activities of the local community.
Do sagrado ao secular: a contribuição do saber médico para a construção dos cemitérios oitocentistas
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This thesis work aims to bring a better viewing on an atypical case of financial analysis. The lstituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican Bank, has peculiarities according to its goals as a bank. Belonging to a Catholic religious congregation, IOR has been used to manage the resources of the church, and ensure that these resources are used for the operation of it and, also for religious works. However the financial transactions made by the bank remained secret throughout its existence until mid 2012. This feature of not providing relevant information at the local and international community brought harm. Several cases of corruption and money laundering came up, bringing scandals that cause bad looks for the religious entity. In order to interact with the international community and understanding the importance of it, the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church decides to joing the international accounting procedures (IFRS) and went on to provide yearly financial statement reports and other information from its bank from 2012 . Thus, this thesis work takes on the role of analyzing the financial statements of the IOR and present its economic and financial health from the Capital Structure ratios, liquidity and profitability in the period 2012-2014. Overall, there has been a significant reduction in indebtedness 548% in 2012 to 362% in 2014. However, such an index showing is still high. In addition, the debt profile remained bad (87.47% short-term in 2014). The Liquidity ratios, both indices fell during the analysed period. Noteworthy is that even with retractions, the indices are equal or greater than 1, which indicates financial footing able to pay off debts. Regarding profitability, in 2013 it represented atypical moment, considering the economic performance of the IOR in the investigated period. There was decrease in profits this year, which resulted in great loss of the indicators in 2013. For the previous and subsequent...