45 resultados para CEMENTO PORTLAND


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Context: Calcium oxide (CaO) may be added to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or Portland cement (PC) to improve physicochemical and biological properties. Aims: To evaluate the physicochemical properties of PC associated with radiopacifiers and CaO. Materials and Methods: MTA Angelus, PC + 30% zirconium oxide (Zr), or 30% niobium oxide (Nb) associated with 10 or 20% of CaO were evaluated. Gilmore needles were used to evaluate initial and final setting time. Compressive strength was evaluated after the periods of 24 hours and 21 days. pH was analyzed after 3, 12, 24 hours, 7, 14, 21 days. Solubility and flow tests were performed based on the ISO 6876. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey tests (P ≤ 0.05). Results: The associations with 10% CaO showed greater strength that the associations with 20% CaO. The shortest initial setting time was observed for the association PC + Zr + 20% CaO and MTA. All the cements presented alkaline pH. The flow of all cements was similar. The highest solubility was found in the associations with 20% CaO. Conclusion: The addition of CaO to PC favored the alkaline property and the PC + Zr + 20% CaO presented setting time similar to MTA.


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Introduction: Both Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement (PC) have been highlighted because of their favorable biological properties, with extensive applications in Endodontics, including the possibility of using into root canal filling. Objective: This article reviews literature related to MTA and PC comparing their physical, chemical and biological properties, as well as their indications. Literature review: Literature reports studies revealing the similarities between these materials’ properties, including both biocompatibility and bone repair induction. Moreover, there is the need for the development of a root canal sealer based on these materials (MTA and PC). Conclusion: MTA and CP show promissory perspective both in Dentistry and Endodontics.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the compressive strength and setting time of MTA and Portland cement (PC) associated with bismuth oxide (BO), zirconium oxide (ZO), calcium tungstate (CT), and strontium carbonate (SC). Methods. For the compressive strength test, specimens were evaluated in an EMIC DL 2000 apparatus at 0.5 mm/min speed. For evaluation of setting time, each material was analyzed using Gilmore-type needles. The statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA and the Tukey tests, at 5% significance. Results. After 24 hours, the highest values were found for PC and PC + ZO. At 21 days, PC + BO showed the lowest compressive strength among all the groups. The initial setting time was greater for PC. The final setting time was greater for PC and PC + CT, and MTA had the lowest among the evaluated materials (< 0.05). Conclusion. The results showed that all radiopacifying agents tested may potentially be used in association with PC to replace BO.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and pH changes induced by Portland cement (PC) alone and in association with radiopacifiers. Methods. The materials tested were pure PC, PC + bismuth oxide, PC + zirconium oxide, PC + calcium tungstate, and zinc oxide and eugenol cement (ZOE). Antimicrobial activity was evaluated by agar diffusion test using the following strains: Micrococcus luteus, Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. After 24 hours of incubation at 37°C, inhibition of bacterial growth was observed and measured. For pH analysis, material samples (n=10) were placed in polyethylene tubes and immersed in 10 mL of distilled water. After 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours, the pH of the solutions was determined using a pH meter. Results. All microbial species were inhibited by the cements evaluated. All materials composed of PC with radiopacifying agents promoted pH increase similar to pure Portland cement. ZOE had the lowest pH values throughout all experimental periods. Conclusions. All Portland cement-based materials with the addition of different radiopacifiers (bismuth oxide, calcium tungstate, and zirconium oxide) presented antimicrobial activity and pH similar to pure Portland cement.


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Root canal and furcal perforations are causes of endodontic therapy failure and different materials that stimulate tissue mineralization have been proposed for perforation treatment. In the first case, a patient presented tooth 46 with unsatisfactory endodontic treatment and a periapical radiographic lesion. A radiolucent area compatible with a perforating internal resorption cavity was found in the mesial root. The granulation tissue was removed, and root canals were prepared. The intracanal medication was composed of calcium hydroxide and the perforation cavity was filled with Portland cement. The 11-year followup showed radiographic repair of the tissue adjacent to the perforation and absence of clinical signs and symptoms or periapical lesion. In the second case, a patient presented with edema on the buccal surface of tooth 46. The examination showed a radiolucent area in the furcation region compatible with an iatrogenic perforation cavity. The mesial root canals were calcified, and only the distal root canal was prepared. The cavity was filled with a calcium hydroxide-based paste and the distal root canal was obturated. In sequence, the perforation cavity was filled with Portland cement. The 9-year followup showed the tooth in masticatory function with radiographic and clinical aspects compatible with normality.


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The purpose of this study was to characterize and to evaluate the bioactivity potential of experimental root canal sealers (ES) based on Portland cement, epoxy resin with nano- and micro-particles of niobium or zirconium oxide used as radiopacifiers in comparison to AH Plus and MTA Fillapex. Methods Specimens of the sealers (10 mm in diameter × 1 mm thick) were prepared and the radiopacity was evaluated according to ISO 6876 (2012) specifications. Characterization of the sealers was performed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) immediately after setting and after immersion for 28 days in Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS). In addition X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy were also performed. The pH and calcium ion release were measured after 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after completion of seating using a digital pH meter and an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, respectively. Results The experimental sealers exhibited an average radiopacity of 2.5 mm thickness of aluminum, which was similar to MTA Fillapex (P > 0.05) and inferior to AH Plus (P < 0.05). AH Plus did not show bioactivity. Although the experimental sealers did not exhibit the formation of hydration product, they encouraged the deposition of crystalline spherical structures of calcium deficient phosphate. The highest pH and calcium release values were observed with the experimental sealers (P < 0.01). ES-Nb-micro was the only sealer to present hexagonal shaped crystal deposition. Significance Novel root canal sealers based on a mixture of Portland cement, epoxy resin and radiopacifier exhibited a degree of bioactivity although no evidence of cement hydration was demonstrated on material characterization. The radiopacifier particle size had limited effect on the sealer microstructure and chemical properties.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thermogravimetric analysis is one of the most common instrumental techniques used for the characterization of pastes, mortars and concretes based on both calcium hydroxide and Portland cement. Important information about pozzolanic materials can be assessed concerning calcium hydroxide consumption and the formation of new hydrated products. Nevertheless, in some cases, problems associated with the overlapped decomposition processes for hydrates make the analysis of obtained data difficult. In this paper, the use of high-resolution thermogravimetric analysis, a powerful technique that allows separating decomposition processes in analysis of hydrated binders, was performed for spent FCC catalyst-Portland cement pastes. These pastes were monitored for 1, 4, 8 h and 1, 2, 3, 7 and 28 curing days. In order to study the influence of the pozzolanic material (spent FCC catalyst), Portland cement replacements of 5, 15 and 30 % by mass were carried out. The presence of spent FCC catalyst in blended pastes modified the amount and the nature of the formed hydrates, mainly ettringite and stratlingite.


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Peripheral cement-ossifying fibroma is a relatively common gingival growth of a reactive rather than neoplastic nature, whose pathogenesis is uncertain. It predominantly affects adolescents and young adults, with peak prevalence between 10 and 19 years. We report here the clinical case of a 5-year-old girl with disease duration of 3 years, who was followed up for 4 years, showing a gingival health and normal radiopacity of bone.


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Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia (FCOD) is a non-neoplastic condition of the jaws that is not associated with inflammation of the pulp or periodontal tissue. This article reports on three cases that were diagnosed as FCOD, demonstrating the importance of both clinical and radiographic diagnosis and the clinical management of these lesions.


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The florid cemento-osseous dysplasia is an asymptomatic lesion present in the fibro-osseous maxilla and mandible of uncertain etiology. It has higher expression in females, and patients melanoderm, middle-aged to elderly. This dysplasia is an asymptomatic condition that can be discovered when a radiograph is performed. A biopsy is contraindicated to avoid infection difficult to treat. We report the case of a white woman 52 years old, who searched the Clinic of Surgery and Traumatology Bucco-maxillofacial surgery, Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba with pain in the posterior portion of left mandible. After radiographic examination was diagnosed with florid cementoosseous dysplasia. Treatment was instituted clinical and radiographic.


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Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi investigar os efeitos da nova formulação do Cimento Portland (CPM) comparando-o ao MTA Angelus na viabilidade celular e liberação de IL-1b e IL-6 em fibroblastos de rato. Métodos: tubos de polietileno preenchidos com os materiais estudados foram colocados em placas de cultura celular de 24 poços com fibroblastos de rato. Tubos vazios foram utilizados como controle. Após 24 horas, ensaio MTT foi utilizado para avaliar a viabilidade celular. Para o ensaio de citocinas, fibroblastos de ratos foram incubados em placas de fundo plano de 24 poços com discos dos materiais no fundo, ou sem material, como controle. Após 24 horas, o meio de cultura foi coletado para a avaliação das citocinas pelo ELISA. Resultados: o CPM e MTA Angelus não inibiram a viabilidade celular. Ambos os materiais induziram liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b e a quantidade foi estatisticamente significativa se comparada ao grupo controle. Conclusão: ambos os materiais não foram citotóxicos em cultura de fibroblastos e induziram a liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b.


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Introdução: o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a resposta do tecido subcutâneo de ratos a implantes de tubos de polietileno com cimento Portland modificado (CPM) (EGEO S.R.L., Buenos Aires, Argentina) comparado com o MTA Angelus® (Angelus, Londrina/PR). Métodos: esses materiais foram colocados em tubos de polietileno e implantados no tecido conjuntivo dorsal de ratos Wistar por 7, 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias. Os espécimes foram preparados e corados com hematoxilina e eosina ou Von Kossa, ou não corados por luz polarizada. Foram realizadas avaliações quantitativas e qualitativas das reações. Resultados: ambos os materiais causaram reações moderadas em 7 dias, decaindo com o tempo. O MTA Angelus causou reações leves em 15 dias, decaindo com o tempo. A resposta foi similar ao controle em 30, 60 e 90 dias com CPM e MTA Angelus. Foram observadas mineralização e granulações birrefringentes à luz polarizada em ambos os materiais. Conclusões: foi possível concluir que o CPM e o MTA Angelus foram biocompatíveis em modelo de rato e estimularam a mineralização.


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Introdução: Os processos industriais geram grandes quantidades de resíduos, representando um grande desperdício de matéria prima e causando impactos negativos ao meio ambiente. No caso dos resíduos gerados pelas fábricas de pás eólicas para aerogeradores de Sorocaba-S.P., eles podem ser reaproveitados na incorporação em cimento Portland. O interesse é utilizá-los na construção civil como blocos sem fins estruturais para construção de muros, guias, calçadas, pisos, etc. Os corpos confeccionados devem obedecer às normas técnicas brasileiras e as suas propriedades relativas à resistência, compressão, absorção de água e distribuição espacial dos resíduos nestes corpos devem ser avaliadas. Objetivos: Devido à importância de se conhecer as propriedades dos corpos produzidos com a incorporação de resíduos de pás eólicas, este trabalho faz uma avaliação através de imagens de raios X de sua distribuição espacial para verificar a viabilidade do emprego desta técnica no estudo da incorporação de resíduos para, futuramente, em conjunto com outras pesquisas que estão sendo realizadas, verificar a relação desta distribuição com as propriedades mecânicas dos corpos produzidos. Métodos: Objetivando a incorporação desse resíduo como substituto parcial dos agregados miúdos em argamassa, foram fabricados corpos de prova (CPs) seguindo as normas da ABNT-NBR 5738. Todos os corpos foram desmoldados após 24 horas de sua confecção e imersos em água por 28 dias para a cura. Utilizou-se o traço 3:1, areia e cimento, em relação a massa dos componentes, ou seja, para cada 300 g de areia adicionou-se 100 g de cimento. Na confecção de argamassa com resíduo utilizou-se o mesmo traço, porém com a substituição de parte da areia pelo resíduo. Foram fabricados CPs com 5%, 15%, 50% e 0% de resíduo para que este sirva de referência. Como os corpos possuem um formato cilíndrico, foram obtidas imagens em duas projeções: frontal e superior utilizando um equipamento digital com os seguintes parâmetros: 83 kVp e 16 mAs e, 85 kVp e 30 mAs, respectivamente. Resultados: As imagens mostram que na projeção frontal é possível verificar que a distribuição do resíduo nos corpos é homogênea, o que pode proporcionar uniformidade nos resultados de testes de resistência à compressão que serão realizados futuramente. Porém, na projeção superior ainda será necessário um estudo dos parâmetros que deverão ser utilizados no equipamento de raios X para melhorar a sua qualidade. Além disso, métodos de processamento digital de imagens poderão ser aplicados nas imagens para auxiliar na visualização dos resíduos incorporados. Também pode ser visto nas imagens que a forma utilizada para a incorporação do resíduo resulta na sua distribuição uniforme, compatível com o que se deseja neste tipo de incorporação.