56 resultados para Breathing apparatus.


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The present paper deals with the description of the formation of the micropylar apparatus in some species of Apidae bees. The features of the cells located in the anterior pole of the oocyte chamber are described at light microscopy and with SEM and TEM. The resulting micropylar region has the form of a sieved plate, slightly elevated in relationship to the oocyte surface. It is not clear if all the holes in the sieve are opened.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We reexamined the morphological and functional properties of the hyoid, the tongue pad, and hyolingual musculature in chameleons. Dissections and histological sections indicated the presence of five distinctly individualized pairs of intrinsic tongue muscles. An analysis of the histochemical properties of the system revealed only two fiber types in the hyolingual muscles: fast glycolytic and fast oxidative glycolytic fibers. In accordance with this observation, motor-endplate staining showed that all endplates are of the en-plaque type. All muscles show relatively short fibers and large numbers of motor endplates, indicating a large potential for fine muscular control. The connective tissue sheet surrounding the entoglossal process contains elastin fibers at its periphery, allowing for elastic recoil of the hyolingual system after prey capture. The connective tissue sheets surrounding the m. accelerator and m. hyoglossus were examined under polarized light. The collagen fibers in the accelerator epimysium are configured in a crossed helical array that will facilitate limited muscle elongation. The microstructure of the tongue pad as revealed by SEM showed decreased adhesive properties, indicating a change in the prey prehension mechanics in chameleons compared to agamid or iguanid lizards. These findings provide the basis for further experimental analysis of the hyolingual system. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Mouth breathing may cause changes in muscle activity, because an upper airway obstruction leads may cause a person to extend his/her head forward, demanding a higher inspiratory effort on the accessory muscles (sternocleidomastoids). This purpose of this study is to compare, using electromyography (EMG), the activity pattern the sternocleidomastoid and upper trapezius muscles in mouth breathing children and nasal breathing children. Forty-six children, ages 8-12 years, 33 male and 13 female were included. The selected children were divided into two groups: Group I consisted of 26 mouth breathing children, and Group II, 20 nasal breathing children. EMG recordings were made using surface electrodes bilaterally in the areas of the sternocleidomastoideus and upper trapezius muscles, while relaxed and during maximal voluntary contraction. The data were analyzed using the Kruskall-Wallis statistical test. The results indicated higher activity during relaxation and lower activity during maximal voluntary contraction in mouth breathers when compared to the nasal breathers. It is suggested that the activity pattern of the sternocleidomastoid and upper trapezius muscles differs between mouth breathing children and nasal breathing children. This may be attributed to changes in body posture which causes muscular imbalance. Because of the limitations of surface EMG, the results need to be confirmed by adding force measurements and repeating the experiments with matched subjects. Copyright © 2004 by CHROMA, Inc.


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We studied the morphometry of the sting apparatus of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus workers by dissection and mounting of the structures on slides, and present here a brief description and illustrations. Sting apparatus examinations showed differences in size, but without morphological differences. The seven morphometric variables studied permitted grouping of the Ac. subterraneus brunneus workers into the following three groups: cluster 1 - consisting of 85, 39 large, 45 medium and 1 small workers; cluster 2 - consisting of 44 small workers, and cluster 3 - consisting of 6 large workers. This study demonstrated that all worker castes follow the same morphological pattern, although functional characteristics of the sting apparatus should be highlighted.


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Standard Test Methods (e.g. ASTM, DIN) for materials characterization in general, and for fatigue in particular, do not contemplate specimens with complex geometries, as well as the combination of axial and in-plane bending loads in their methodologies. The present study refers to some patents and the new configuration or configurations of specimens (non-standardized by the status quo of test methods) and a device developed to induce axial and bending combined forces resultants from axial loads applied by any one test equipment (dynamic or monotonic) which possesses such limitation, towards obtaining more realistic results on the fatigue behavior, or even basic mechanical properties, from geometrically complex structures. Motivated by a specific and geometrically complex aeronautic structure (motor-cradle), non-standardized welded tubular specimens made from AISI 4130 steel were fatigue-tested at room temperature, by using a constant amplitude sinusoidal load of 20 Hz frequency, load ratio R = 0.1 with and without the above referred auxiliary fatigue apparatus. The results showed the fatigue apparatus was efficient for introducing higher stress concentration factor at the welded specimen joints, consequently reducing the fatigue strength when compared to other conditions. From the obtained results it is possible to infer that with small modifications the proposed apparatus will be capable to test a great variety of specimen configurations such as: squared tubes and plates with welded or melted junctions, as well as other materials such as aluminum, titanium, composites, polymeric, plastics, etc. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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The present study aimed at analyzing and comparing longitudinally the EMG (electromyographic activity) of the superior orbicularis oris muscle according to the breathing mode. The sample, 38 adolescents with Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusion with predominantly nose (PNB) or mouth (PMB) breathing, was evaluated at two different periods, with a two-year interval between them. For that purpose, a 16-channel electromyography machine was employed, which was properly calibrated in a PC equipped with an analogue-digital converter, with utilization of surface, passive and bipolar electrodes. The RMS data (root mean square) were collected at rest and in 12 movements and normalized according to time and amplitude, by the peak value of EMG, in order to allow comparisons between subjects and between periods. Comparison of the muscle function of PNB and PMB subjects at period 1 (P1), period 2 (P2) and the variation between periods (Δ) did not reveal statistically significant differences between groups (p < 0.05). However, longitudinal evaluation of the muscle function in PNB and PMB subjects demonstrated different evolutions in the percentage of required EMG for accomplishment of the movements investigated. It was possible to conclude that there are differences in the percentage of electric activity of the upper lip with the growth of the subjects according to the breathing mode.


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This paper analyses the static and dynamic behavior of the railroad track model in laboratory. Measurements of stresses and strains on a large-scale railroad track apparatus were studied. The model includes: compacted soil, representing the final layers of platform, ballast layer, and ties (steel, wooden, and pre-stressed concrete). The soil and soil ballast interface were instrumented with pneumatic stress gauge. Settlement measurement device were positioned at the same levels as the load cells. Loads were applied by hydraulic actuators, statically and dynamically. After the prescribed number of load cycles, in pre-determined intervals, stresses and strains were measured. Observations indicate that stress and strain distributions, transmitted by wooden or steel ties, behave similarly. A more favorable behavior was observed with pre-stressed concrete mono block ties. Non-linear response was observed after a threshold numbers of cycles were surpassed, showing that the strain modulus increases with the numbers of cycles. © 2009 IOS Press.


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Background. Morphological and dentofacial alterations have been attributed to impaired respiratory function. Objective. To examine the influence of mouth breathing (MB) on children facial morphology before and after adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy. Methods. Thirty-three MB children who restored nasal breathing (NB) after surgery and 22 NB children were evaluated. Both groups were submitted to lateral cephalometry, at time 1 (T1) before and at time 2 (T2) 28months on average postoperatively. Results. Comparison between the MB and NB groups at T1 showed that mouth breathers had higher inclination of the mandibular plane; more obtuse gonial angle; dolichofacial morphology; and a decrease in the total and inferior posterior facial heights. Twenty-eight months after the MB surgical intervention, they still presented a dolichofacial morphologic pattern. During this period, MB altered the face growth direction and decreased their mandible plane inclination, with reduction in the SN.GoGn, PP.MP, SNGn, and ArGo.GoMe parameters as well as an increase in BaN.PtGn. Conclusion. After the MB rehabilitation, children between 3 and 6years old presented significant normalization in the mandibular growth direction, a decrease in the mandible inclination, and an increase in the posterior facial height. Instead, they still persisted with a dolichofacial pattern when compared with nasal breathers. © 2011 The Authors. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry © 2011 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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New Findings: • What is the central question of this study? The main purpose of the present manuscript was to investigate the cardiorespiratory responses to hypoxia or hypercapnia in conscious rats submitted to neuronal blockade of the parafacial region. We clearly showed that the integrity of parafacial region is important for the respiratory responses elicited by peripheral and central chemoreflex activation in freely behavior rats. • What is the main finding and its importance? Since the parafacial region is part of the respiratory rhythm generator, they are essential for postnatal survival, which is probably due to their contribution to chemoreception in conscious rats. The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), located in the parafacial region, contains glutamatergic neurons that express the transcriptor factor Phox2b and that are suggested to be central respiratory chemoreceptors. Studies in anaesthetized animals or in vitro have suggested that RTN neurons are important in the control of breathing by influencing respiratory rate, inspiratory amplitude and active expiration. However, the contribution of these neurons to cardiorespiratory control in conscious rats is not clear. Male Holtzman rats (280-300 g, n= 6-8) with bilateral stainless-steel cannulae implanted into the RTN were used. In conscious rats, the microinjection of the ionotropic glutamatergic agonist NMDA (5 pmol in 50 nl) into the RTN increased respiratory frequency (by 42%), tidal volume (by 21%), ventilation (by 68%), peak expiratory flow (by 24%) and mean arterial pressure (MAP, increased by 16 ± 4, versus saline, 3 ± 2 mmHg). Bilateral inhibition of the RTN neurons with the GABAA agonist muscimol (100 pmol in 50 nl) reduced resting ventilation (52 ± 34, versus saline, 250 ± 56 ml min-1 kg-1 with absolute values) and attenuated the respiratory response to hypercapnia and hypoxia. Muscimol injected into the RTN slightly reduced resting MAP (decreased by 13 ± 7, versus saline, increased by 3 ± 2 mmHg), without changing the effects of hypercapnia or hypoxia on MAP and heart rate. The results suggest that RTN neurons activate facilitatory mechanisms important to the control of ventilation in resting, hypoxic or hypercapnic conditions in conscious rats. © 2012 The Authors. Experimental Physiology © 2012 The Physiological Society.


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This work focuses on applying fuzzy control embedded in microcontrollers in an experimental apparatus using magnetorheological fluid damper. The non-linear behavior of the magnetorheological dampers associated with the parametric variations on vehicle suspension models corroborate the use of the fuzzy controllers. The fundamental formulation of this controller is discussed and its performance is shown through numeric simulations. An experimental apparatus representing a two degree of freedom system containing a magnetorheological damper is used to identify the main parameters and to evaluate the performance of the closed-loop system with the embedded low-cost microcontroller-based fuzzy controller. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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Purpose: Sleep bruxism is common among the various oromotor alterations found in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). Few studies have investigated the use of the mastication device denominated hyperbola (HB) and none was found describing the use of such a device for the treatment of bruxism in children with CP. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the HB on electromyographic (EMG) activity in the jaw-closing muscles and the reduction in sleep bruxism in a child with CP using surface EMG analysis before and after nine months of treatment. Methods: A seven-year-old boy with severe spastic CP and sleep bruxism was enrolled in this study. The HB was chosen as the treatment option for sleep bruxism in this case because the child did not accept an occlusal splint. The HB has a hyperbolic shape and is made of soft, non-toxic, odorless, tasteless silicone. There are five different sizes of HB manufactured based on the diversity of tooth sizes. This device produces proprioceptive excitation in the dentoalveolar nerve, spindles and Golgi tendon organs. HB has been employed for the treatment of temporomandibular disorder, abnormal oro-dental development, abnormal occlusion, xerostomy, halitosis and bruxism. HB therapy was performed for 5 min six times a day over a nine-week period. Surface EMG of the mandible at rest and during maximum contraction was performed on the masseter and temporalis muscles bilaterally to evaluate electromyographic activity before and after nine months of HB usage. Results: HB usage led to a visible tendency toward the reorganization of mastication dynamics, achieving a marked balance in electromyographic activity of the jaw-closing muscles and improving the child's quality of life. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, this noninvasive therapy may be useful for individuals with cerebral palsy due to its positive effects and low cost, which allows its use in the public health realm. Further clinical studies with a larger sample size are needed to validate these results and allow the development of a new treatment protocol for patients with spastic cerebral palsy. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)