82 resultados para Antonio Candido
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
This essay analyses the way by which Antonio Candido creates, in his study Formação da literatura brasileira, a pattern of interpretation to regionalism in Brazilian literary prose that will be developed in his whole work and recuperated by contemporary criticism.
Starting from the set wherein Vidas Secas (1938) stands out, it is possible to establish parameters that make of Graciliano Ramos’ oeuvre the overcoming of realism due to the scope of representation and the quality of formal handling developed by the author, imbibed in the Brazilian and universal literary tradition, and whose result the criticism of Antonio Candido, skilful in taking into account the former critique, points out with precision. Perusing the facts that mark the creation and reception of Vidas Secas (including the production of the movie by Nelson Pereira dos Santos in 1963), the present work is a preamble for analyses that take into account the coherence of Graciliano Ramos with the absorption of expressive resources used by American and European practitioners of a literature engaged in adjusting the expression of contrasts and in reformulating the so-called regionalism
Using the concept of influence, well explored by Sandra Nitrini (2000), the purpose of this study is to verify the characterization of the main characters of O Xangô de Baker Street (1995) and Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter (1928) – Sherlock Holmes and Macunaíma – as rogues in their novels, heirs to the Spanish picaresque, a genre that has taken on new meaning in Brazilian literature, as pointed out since the 1960s by Antonio Candido in his famous essay “Dialética da malandragem” (2010). With these theories, we analyze the composition of the tricksters, whose starting point is the question facing the country, the Brazilian. Although the distances in time and style of separating the protagonists created by Jô Soares and Mário de Andrade, we have noticed the interesting procedure of re-creation of the renowned English detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle and the reinterpretation of aspects of Brazilian folklore a convergence of interests with regard to representation of the national character.
This assignment aims to do a critical and interpretative review of the masterpiece Tempo e Eternidade, published by the Brazilian poets Jorge de Lima and Murilo Mendes in 1935. It is a result of a project called Restaurando a poesia em Cristo, created by many different Brazilian poets as Tristão de Ataíde, Augusto Schimdt, and others. It is worth highlighting the importance of these poems, because of the period when they were published and for the modern proposal, as the theme, which the poets denounce the bad aspects of modernity of the century through the Holly Bible, as also for the new esthetics. In the 30s, Brazil was passing through many changes; in aspects of history - the transition between the governments of Oligarchy to the New State, in governance of Getúlio Vargas; and in the literary context, it was the beginning of the second phase of Modernism, from 1930 to 1945. This period remains the consolidation of the literary movement, in terms of esthetics, since the major proposal of Modernism is freedom of the verse and, in this second phase, the search for a renovation of the language and the enlargement of the themes in poetry, such in the religious aspect or the social-political' themes. In this perspective, it aims to show the importance of the masterpiece for the history of Brazilian literature, coated as part of a turning point between the first and second phase of Modernism, also for the thematic renovation in religious poetry and esthetics, with a new proposal of esthetics. The methodology for the analyses of the poems will be through Antonio Candido's proposal, in O estudo analítico do poema, based on interpretation and comments. Therefore it intends showing through the analyses the relevance of the masterpiece written by the Brazilian poets, to the area of religious poetry and for the literary movement of that time
The purpose of this study was to verify the breeding potential of the maize composite Isanao VF1 in the second growing season. One hundred and fifty half-sib progenies were evaluated of spacing of 0.45 m, densities of 57,778 and 80,000 plants ha(-1), in a randomized block design with three replications. Gains of 16.0 and 19.2% were estimated for grain Yield, H. I and 10.5% for prolificacy and 12.3 and 12.9% for ear height, respectively, at 57,778 and 80,000 plants ha(-1). The heritabilities for plant height, ear height and grain yield were 65.2 and 61.3%, 64.3 and 66.9% and 53.5 and 63.3%, respectively, confirming the potential for breeding at both densities. The absence of progeny by density interaction indicates that no further selection programs are necessary. The occurrence of segregation for modifier genes for height suggests stabilizing selection based on ear height.
O presente estudo trata da avaliação da degradação ambiental da bacia do Rio Uberaba, situada no triângulo mineiro, com área de 241.904,30 ha, abrangendo os municípios de Uberaba, Veríssimo, Conceição das Alagoas e pequena porção de Planura. Neste estudo, foi produzido o mapa de degradação ambiental contendo quatro níveis: baixo, moderado, acentuado e severo. Os parâmetros utilizados nesta avaliação foram: vegetação, topografia, solo/geologia, potencial natural de erosão, mecanização, área agrícola, densidade populacional, pecuarização e área de conflito, aos quais foram atribuídos pesos. Para o nível de degradação “baixo”, foram definidos valores ≤ 13 pontos. Para o nível “moderado”, valores situados no intervalo de 14 a 16. Entre 17 e 19 pontos para o nível “acentuado”, e o nível “severo” com valores ≥ 20 pontos. Este estudo consolida as consequências do uso inadequado das terras, não respeitando a sua aptidão natural. As áreas com nível moderado de degradação representam 47%, áreas de nível acentuado (48%), e severo (4%) representam 52%, o que revela indício muito forte no avanço da destruição dos recursos naturais. As áreas classificadas com nível baixo representam apenas 1%, bastante inexpressiva, destacando o descaso na preservação dos recursos naturais.
The use of crop rotation and manure application can provide sustainability for an agricultural production system by improving soil quality and increasing nutrient use efficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of mineral, organic and mineral+organic fertilization on grain yield and on soil phosphorus and potassium balance, in two crop systems under no-till, with and without rotation of cover crops. The experiment was carried out from 2006 to 2008 on a clayey Rhodic Hapludox in Marechal Candido Rondon, Parana State, Brazil. The cropping sequence in the rotation system involving cover crops was black oat + hairy vetch + forage turnip/corn/pigeon pea/wheat/mucuna + brachiaria + sunn hemp, and in the succession system was wheat/corn/wheat/soybean. Organic and mineral+organic fertilizations consisted of the application of solely manure and manure combined with mineral fertilizer, respectively. Soil P and K balances were calculated after the second year of the experiment, up to a depth of 0.40 m. First year corn yields were higher in the crop succession system accompanied by mineral fertilization. In the second year, wheat and soybean yield did not vary between crop systems and nutrient sources, demonstrating the residual effect of crop rotation and manure use. Crop rotation with cover crops resulted in an increase in soil K levels by promoting the recycling of this nutrient in the soil. In both crop systems, the application of mineral and organic fertilizers - either in isolation or in combination - resulted in a negative soil P and K balance in the short term. This represents a threat to the sustainability of the agricultural production system in the long term, due to the depletion of soil nutrient reserves.
O aumento significativo da produção de milho na segunda safra no Brasil, principalmente no centro-sul do país, têm estimulado os programas de melhoramento da cultura a selecionar genótipos que sejam adaptáveis às condições climáticas das diferentes épocas de semeadura. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi quantificar a interação progênies x épocas de semeadura e verificar seus reflexos no progresso genético com o uso de índice de seleção multivariado para seleção de progênies do Composto Isanão VF-1 de milho. As semeaduras foram realizadas na segunda safra em 2004 e na primeira safra do ano agrícola 2004/05. Foram utilizadas 71 progênies de meios irmãos avaliadas em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os caracteres avaliados foram: altura de plantas, altura de espigas, tombamento, prolificidade e rendimento de grãos. Realizaram-se a decomposição da interação progênies x épocas e foram estimados os ganhos pelo índice de seleção descrito por Mulamba e Mock. Houve predomínio da interação do tipo simples para maioria dos caracteres, exceto para prolificidade, que revelou 86% de interação do tipo complexa. Pelo índice de Mulamba e Mock, os ganhos proporcionais mais adequados para o conjunto de caracteres avaliados foi obtido pelos pesos econômicos atribuídos por tentativas. Os ganhos preditos foram de 1,41, 0,86, -13,03, 9,54 e 16,12% para altura de planta, altura de espiga, tombamento, prolificidade e rendimento de grãos, respectivamente.
Ao examinar os textos de Antonio Callado publicados na Folha de S. Paulo e reunidos no livro Crônicas de fim do milênio (1997), buscamos investigar de que maneira Callado lança mão de textos literários diversos para constituir seu ponto de vista nos comentários que faz sobre os dados do jornalismo e da história. Mais que uma ilustração do conteúdo das crônicas, essas obras apresentam-se como organizadoras de sua argumentação, revelando-se como um dispositivo de descoberta do mundo, por meio do qual o autor revê a história do Brasil. Nesse contexto, este trabalho aborda a trajetória da crônica brasileira e a obra geral de Antonio Callado, as quais apresentam um ponto fundamental de convergência com as crônicas do autor: a vinculação entre o texto literário, os fatos jornalísticos e os dados históricos, aspecto que se constitui como um dos eixos centrais de nosso estudo.
A utilização de esterco animal na agricultura, aliada ao cultivo de plantas de cobertura, pode conferir sustentabilidade ao sistema agrícola. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de dois sistemas de culturas e de três fontes de nutrientes, na cultura do milho, conduziu-se um experimento, em Latossolo Vermelho, no município de Marechal Cândido Rondon (PR). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, e, os tratamentos, dispostos em esquema fatorial 2 x 3, compostos por dois sistemas de culturas (sucessão trigo/milho e consórcio aveia+ervilhaca+nabo/milho) e três fontes de nutrientes (mineral, orgânica e organomineral). em junho de 2006, implantou-se a cultura do trigo e o consórcio de plantas de cobertura. em outubro de 2006, semeou-se milho sob os dois sistemas. As adubações orgânica e organomineral consistiram na aplicação de dejetos de suínos, unicamente, e combinada com fertilizante mineral, respectivamente. O consórcio de aveia preta, ervilhaca peluda e nabo forrageiro mostrou-se capaz de fornecer a quantidade adequada de biomassa, concretizando sua viabilidade para produção de cobertura vegetal ao solo, durante o inverno. O cultivo de milho em sucessão ao trigo proporcionou a maior absorção de N e K e a maior produtividade. A adubação mineral proporcionou maior absorção de N e maior produtividade de milho, em comparação com as adubações orgânica e organomineral com dejetos de suínos.
The study of the spatial variability of soil attributes under different crop helps the study of changes due the management. This research was carried out to determine spatial variability the particle-size distribution, using of the classic statistic and geostatistics, of a soil cultivated with pasture and native vegetation. Soil samples were collected in the layer 0-0.20m, at the crossing points of a regular grid with 10m-intervals, summing up 64 samples points in each area. In the pasture area the fractions of coarse and total sand presented larger mean values in relation to the native vegetation, and negative correlation with the altitude of the points samples in the two areas. All of the fractions presented moderate to high spatial dependence in the two areas and with the defined still, with exception of the fine sand and the silt in the pasture. Much of this variability occurs as a function of water erosion.
The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation, the genotype × soil interaction and the selection among and within Corymbia citriodora progenies in three different kinds of soils (Red Latossol, Quartz Sand and Purple Latossol), which occur in the Luiz Antônio Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. The progeny test was established 1983, using 56 open-pollinated families of C. citriodora. Twenty fve years after planting the following traits were measured: height, diameter at breast height (Dbh), stem form and survival. Best growth occurred in Purple Latossol. Significant differences among progenies were detected for most traits in all sites, suggesting the possibility of improvement by selection. In the analysis with sites, Significant differences among locals, progenies and genotypes × soil interaction were detected, confiming that the tested material has sufficient genetic variation to be explored by selection in all sites. The analysis of genotype × soil interaction indicates that growth traits present single interaction and the same progenies can be selected in each site. On the order hand, genotype × soil interaction for stem form and survival was complex; and specifc progenies need to be selected for each kind of soil. The population, due to its high genetic variation and strong genetic control of traits, permits to obtain considerable genetic gains by selection among and within progenies.