156 resultados para Animal conditioning


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Dificuldade potencial no diagnóstico histológico de melanomas é a dificuldade em reconhecer variantes pouco frequentes de melanoma. Entre elas, as mais desafiantes incluem exemplos de melanoma desmoplásico, melanoma nevoide, o chamado melanoma de desvio mínimo, melanomas com proeminente síntese de pigmento ou melanoma tipo animal e o nevo azul maligno. Os autores descrevem dois casos de melanoma tipo animal e discute-se a importância do diagnóstico diferencial clinico-histopatológico nesses casos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os últimos vinte anos caracterizaram-se pela proliferação de tecnologias que tornaram possível decifrar o genoma das espécies, localizar e identificar particularidades na sua seqüência, elucidar as suas funções dentro dos sistemas biológicos e, sobretudo, começar a entender os mecanismos que controlam as interações entre os genótipos e os estímulos ambientais, que são responsáveis pela diversidade fenotípica. Estes estudos sobre as bases moleculares da variabilidade fenotípica abriram uma nova abordagem científica, caracterizada pela multiplicidade das questões envolvidas, que resultou no surgimento de novas áreas de pesquisa, cujos conhecimentos estão sendo aplicados em diversos campos da biologia, inclusive na zootecnia. Tendo em vista o grande impacto que tais conhecimentos estão tendo sobre a compreensão dos fenômenos biológicos, parece ser oportuno fazer uma avaliação das potencialidades de aplicação das abordagens de Genômica Funcional em pesquisas de nutrição e alimentação de ruminantes. Nesse contexto, este artigo está focado na descrição das principais ferramentas genômicas disponíveis e na discussão sobre a viabilidade de se utilizar as informações por elas geradas em benefício da produção animal.


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Objetivou-se com esse trabalho comparar estimativas de componentes de variâncias obtidas por meio de modelos lineares mistos Gaussianos e Robustos, via Amostrador de Gibbs, em dados simulados. Foram simulados 50 arquivos de dados com 1.000 animais cada um, distribuídos em cinco gerações, em dois níveis de efeito fixo e três valores fenotípicos distintos para uma característica hipotética, com diferentes níveis de contaminação. Exceto para os dados sem contaminação, quando os modelos foram iguais, o modelo Robusto apresentou melhores estimativas da variância residual. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram semelhantes em todos os modelos, mas as análises de regressão mostraram que os valores genéticos preditos com uso do modelo Robusto foram mais próximos dos valores genéticos verdadeiros. Esses resultados sugerem que o modelo linear normal contaminado oferece uma alternativa flexível para estimação robusta em melhoramento genético animal.


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Consistent information on meat products consumed by the public is essential. The technique of stable isotopes is a powerful tool to recover consumers' confidence, as it allows the detection of animal byproduct residues in poultry meat, particularly in quail meat. This study aimed at checking the presence of poultry byproduct mixtures in quail diets by applying the technique of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) stable isotopes in quail breast muscle, keel, and tibia. Sixty four one-day-old male quails were obtained from a commercial farm. Birds were housed in an experimental house from one to 42 days of age, and were randomly distributed into 8 experimental treatments, and fed diets containing poultry offal meal (POM), bovine meat and bone meal (MBM) or poultry feather meal (PFM), or their mixtures. Four birds per treatment were slaughtered at 42 days of age, and breast (Pectoralis major), keel, and tibia were collected for analyses. The inclusion of animal byproducts in quail diets was detected by 13C e 15N analyses in the tissues of the birds; however, it was not possible to specify which byproducts were used. It was concluded that quail meat can be certified by the technique of stable isotopes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A inspeção sanitária da carne bovina e suína tem sido a principal forma diagnóstica da cisticercose animal e da prevenção da teníase no Brasil. As aldeias indígenas Jaguapirú e Bororó estão localizadas próximo à área urbana do município de Dourados-MS, com condições precárias de saneamento básico, onde bovinos e suínos são criados como fonte de alimento para consumo próprio, bem como para comercialização externa, geralmente sem inspeção sanitária oficial. Neste estudo, 96 carcaças bovinas e 117 amostras de soro de suínos, criados nas aldeias indígenas, foram avaliadas para a presença de formas metacestóides à inspeção sanitária e de anticorpos anti-Taenia sp. ao teste ELISA, respectivamente. Observaram-se 18,75% de positividade para cisticercose bovina e 9,4% para cisticercose suína. A ocorrência do complexo teníase-cisticercose nas aldeias pode favorecer a ocorrência desta zoonose na população indígena. Condições adequadas de abate e inspeção sanitária dos animais destas aldeias se fazem urgente para o controle do complexo teníase-cisticercose na população indígena.


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Background: the poor predictability of periodontal regenerative treatment of Class III furcation defects stimulates the study of alternatives to improve its results, such as the use of polypeptide growth factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate, both histologically and histometrically, the effects of topical application of basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) associated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in the treatment of Class III defects surgically induced in dogs.Methods: All second and fourth premolars of 5 mongrel dogs were used and randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: group 1 (control), treated with scaling and root planing, tetracycline hydrochloride (125 mg/ml) conditioning, and GTR with a collagen membrane; group 2, same treatment as group 1 plus 0.5 mg of b-FGF; group 3, same treatment as group 1 plus 1.0 mg of b-FGF. After a 90-day healing period, routine histologic processing and staining with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson trichrome were performed.Results: the descriptive analysis indicated better regenerative results in both groups treated with b-FGF while the histometric data, analyzed by means of analysis of variance (ANOVA), showed greater filling of the defects in group 2 in comparison to the defects in groups 3 and 1, respectively, which was represented by a smaller area of plaque-occupied space (P = 0.004) as well as a greater amount of newly formed cementum (P = 0.002).Conclusions: These results indicate that b-FGF, especially in smaller doses, may enhance the regenerative results in Class III furcation lesions, leading to greater filling of these defects with both mineralized and non-mineralized tissues.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objectives. The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the human dental pulp response when a one-bottle adhesive system was applied on etched or unetched deep dentine.Methods. Eighteen class V deep cavity preparations were divided in three groups: group 1-total etching + two coats of single bond (SB) + composite resin (Z-100); group 2-enamel etching + two coats of SB + Z-100, group 3-cavity floor lined with a calcium hydroxide liner (Dycal) + acid-etching of enamel and lateral walls + two coats of SB + Z-100. Two teeth were used as intact control group. After 30 days the teeth were extracted and processed through H and E, Masson's trichrome and Brown and Brenn staining techniques.Results. Moderate inflammatory response, disorganization of pulp tissue, as well as, deposition of thin layer of reactionary dentin were observed in group 1 teeth in which the remaining dentin thickness (RDT) was less than 300 mum. These histological findings appear to be related to long resin tags formation and bonding agent diffusion through dentinal tubules. In group 2, slight inflammatory response was observed only in one tooth in which the RDT was 162 mum. In group 3, all the teeth showed normal histological characteristics which were similar to the intact control group. Presence of bacteria was not correlated with the intensity of pulpal response. The patients reported no symptoms during the experiment. Radiographic evaluation showed no periapical pathology for any of the teeth,Significance and conclusions. Acid-etched deep dentin (RDT less than 300 mum) lined with SB causes more intense pulpal response than unetched deep dentin. Based on the results observed in the present study and the conditions in which it was carried out, we recommend the application of a biocompatible liner before etching deep dentin and applying SB. (C) 2002 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To study the nanoleakage pattern in the dentin hybrid layer by using different dentin adhesives. The null hypotheses tested in this study were: 1) dentin conditioning time does not affect nanoleakage within the hybrid layer; 2) the type of dentin adhesive used does not affect nanoleakage. Methods: Standardized Class V cavities were prepared in 30 intact human molars on the buccal and lingual surfaces. The specimens were randomly assigned to 2 total-etch dentin adhesives (OptiBond SOLO Plus [OPS, Kerr] and One-Step [ONS, BISCO Inc]) and 2 self-etch dentin adhesives (Clearfil SE Bond [CSE, Kuraray] and Adper Prompt L-Pop [APL, 3M ESPE]). The specimens were etched or conditioned for 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds. Upon restoration of the Class V cavities with the proprietary resin composite, the specimens were isolated with nail polish except for a 2.0-mm rim around the restoration, and they were immersed in 50 wt% ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (pH=9.5) for 24 hours followed by 8 hours of immersion in photo-developing solution to reduce the silver ions to metallic silver. The specimens were fixed, dehydrated and processed for FESEM and TEM. Silver penetration was measured along the cervical wall, and data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests at a significance level of 95%. Results: There were no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups for the factor conditioning time (p>0.926). There were significant differences for the variable dentin adhesive (p<0.0001). The least amount of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer occurred with CSE, while ONS resulted in the greatest penetration of silver ions. The adhesives OPS and APL ranked in the intermediary subset. Under TEM, all adhesives resulted in some degree of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer. Both spotted/reticular and water-tree nanoleakage patterns were observed. Significance: Longer conditioning times did not increase nanoleakage within the hybrid layer. Nanoleakage varied with the type of adhesive used.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study tested the adequacy of feeding as an unconditioned stimulus (US) to condition an endocrine response (plasma cortisol increase) in the cichlid fish Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). In a first study, conditioning was confirmed in grouped fish in the only experiment using single-held Nile tilapia. In this test a conditioned stimulus (CS - aeration off) was associated with a stressor (air emersion for 2 min - US). We then assessed whether several events of paired CS-US resulted in a conditioned endocrine response (CR), in this case an increase in plasma cortisol after presentation of the CS only. Before testing feeding as US, the postprandial or social holding condition for feeding effects on cortisol levels was tested. Nile tilapia showed increased cortisol after feeding associated to social context (grouped fish), but not to food only (single-held fish). In a third study, feeding was tested as US in an experiment similar to the first study but an increase in feeding-induced cortisol could not be conditioned. The absence of CR suggests that the stressor affects acquisition of this response, which may be a consequence of stimulus intensity or biological relevance. This study expands the recently reported Pavlovian conditioning paradigm for endocrine response in fish. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.