121 resultados para Ancestral
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os triatomíneos são insetos pertencentes à ordem Hemiptera, subordem Heteroptera, família Reduviidae e subfamília Triatominae. Todos os membros desta subfamília são hematófagos. Os triatomíneos surgiram a partir de reduvídeos predadores e provavelmente têm origem polifilética. A combinação dos fatores anatômicos, fisiológicos e etológicos presentes no grupo, bem como os caracteres plésio e apomórficos que diferenciam as cinco tribos e os quatorze gêneros de triatomíneos reforçam a hipótese polifilética. As tribos Rhodniini, Cavernicolini, Bolboderini, Linshcosteini e Alberproseniini constituem grupos monofiléticos, per si, enquanto a tribo Triatomini é considerada polifilética. O Novo Mundo é claramente o centro de diversidade dos triatomíneos e possivelmente é a região de sua origem. Entre as aproximadamente 129 espécies desses insetos, 105 ocorrem somente nas Américas. Atualmente, os triatomíneos são considerados um grupo polifilético, definido com base em seus caracteres apomórficos convergentes relacionados à hematofagia. Acredita-se que este hábito alimentar tenha surgido várias vezes nos Reduviidae durante sua evolução. O presente trabalho faz uma revisão sobre a filogenia destes vetores da Doença de Chagas, aborda tópicos como a origem da hematofagia nos triatomíneos e ancestralidade proposta para o grupo.
Comparing introduced to ancestral populations within a phylogeographical context is crucial in any study aiming to understand the ecological genetics of an invasive species. Zaprionus indianus is a cosmopolitan drosophilid that has recently succeeded to expand its geographical range upon three continents (Africa, Asia and the Americas). We studied the distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes for two genes (CO-I and CO-II) among 23 geographical populations. mtDNA revealed the presence of two well-supported phylogenetic lineages (phylads), with bootstrap value of 100%. Phylad I included three African populations, reinforcing the African-origin hypothesis of the species. Within phylad II, a distinct phylogeographical pattern was discovered: Atlantic populations (from the Americas and Madeira) were closer to the ancestral African populations than to Eastern ones (from Madagascar, Middle East and India). This means that during its passage from endemism to cosmopolitanism, Z. indianus exhibited two independent radiations, the older (the Eastern) to the East, and the younger (the Atlantic) to the West. Discriminant function analysis using 13 morphometrical characters was also able to discriminate between the two molecular phylads (93.34 +/- 1.67%), although detailed morphological analysis of male genitalia using scanning electron microscopy showed no significant differences. Finally, crossing experiments revealed the presence of reproductive barrier between populations from the two phylads, and further between populations within phylad I. Hence, a bona species status was assigned to two new, cryptic species: Zaprionus africanus and Zaprionus gabonicus, and both were encompassed along with Z. indianus and Zaprionus megalorchis into the indianus complex. The ecology of these two species reveals that they are forest dwellers, which explains their restricted endemic distribution, in contrast to their relative cosmopolitan Z. indianus, known to be a human-commensal. Our results reconfirm the great utility of mtDNA at both inter- and intraspecific analyses within the frame of an integrated taxonomical project.
Abundant conchostracans occur in Coniacian-Santonian dark grey, argillaceous, lacustrine sediments of the Sao Carlos Formation, Bauru Group, Parana Basin, in the central part of São Paulo State, south-east Brazil. They are ascribed to a new genus and species, Bauruestheria sancarlensis, included in the family Jilinestheriidae. The new taxon is similar to some Late Cretaceous species from China and Mongolia. It probably evolved from a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous ancestral form (Migransia), which first lived in West Gondwana, and later dispersed to Europe and Asia, originating distinct parallel lineages with increasing ornamental complexity. The conchostracans probably lived in oxygenated marginal areas of a very calm, perennial lake with an anoxic bottom, and were transported in suspension to the depositional site by weak turbidity currents or storm-induced flows. Great concentrations of juvenile conchostracans in some thin layers can be related to mass mortality, episodes caused by convection and dispersion of anoxic water during storms. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Peter J. D'Adamo, autor do livro Eat Right For Your Type, escreve que o grupo O representa o primeiro tipo sangüíneo que surgiu nos humanos e também afirma que os grupos sangüíneos constituem as bases do sistema imune. Recentes estudos filogenéticos realizados em primatas humanos e não humanos estabeleceram que o gene A representa a forma ancestral dos genes que ocupam o locus ABO. Associações entre os grupos sangüíneos ABO, doenças infecciosas, não infecciosas e imunodeficiências também foram relatadas. Diante das proposições do autor, as quais se opõem às informações resultantes de recentes estudos moleculares e filogenéticos, nossa intenção é apresentar algumas reflexões sobre a genética e a evolução dos genes do sistema ABO e as conexões deste sistema com o sistema imune.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Arachis villosulicarpa is a perennial species cultivated for its soft and tasty seeds by indigenous inhabitants of the Mate Grosso State, Brazil. Besides A. hypogaea, this species is considered as the only species of Arachis which represents a valuable food source for human consumption. Due to the lack of knowledge concerning the genetic diversity of A. villosulicarpa, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic variability of the accessions from the Germplasm Collection of CENARGEN/EMBRAPA (Brasilia, DF, Brazil) and Institute Agronomico (IAC, Campinas, SP, Brazil). In addition, the genetic similarity between A. villosulicarpa, the related wild species A. pietrarellii, and the cultivated peanut A. hypogaea cv. Tatu was evaluated. From the entire sample analyzed of A. villosulicarpa, the accession from Institute Agronomico showed the highest indices of diversity for both enzymatic systems analyzed, pointing this accession as a promising source of genetic variability that must be preserved in the Germplasm Bank. A high level of genetic similarity was observed between A. pietrarellii and A. villosulicarpa, supporting previous suggestions that A. pietrarellii could be the ancestral progenitor species of A. villosulicarpa or that both species originated from a common ancestor.
Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA causes leaf blight on soybean and rice. Despite the fact that R. solani AG-1 IA is a major pathogen affecting soybean and rice in Brazil and elsewhere in the world, little information is available on its genetic diversity and evolution. This study was an attempt to reveal the origin, and the patterns of movement and amplification of epidemiologically significant genotypes of R. solani AG-1 IA from soybean and rice in Brazil. For inferring intraspecific evolution of R. solani AG-1 IA sampled from soybean and rice, networks of ITS-5.8S rDNA sequencing haplotypes were built using the statistical parsimony algorithm from Clement et al. (2000) Molecular Ecology 9: 1657-1660. Higher haplotype diversity (Nei M 1987, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Columbia University Press, New york: 512p.) was observed for the Brazilian soybean sample of R. solani AG-1 IA (0.827) in comparison with the rest of the world sample (0.431). Within the south-central American clade (3-2), four haplotypes of R. solani AG-1 IA from Mato Grosso, one from Tocantins, one from Maranhao, and one from Cuba occupied the tips of the network, indicating recent origin. The putative ancestral haplotypes had probably originated either from Mato Grosso or Maranhao States. While 16 distinct haplotypes were found in a sample of 32 soybean isolates of the pathogen, the entire rice sample (n=20) was represented by a single haplotype (haplotype 5), with a worldwide distribution. The results from nested-cladistic analysis indicated restricted gene flow with isolation by distance (or restricted dispersal by distance in nonsexual species) for the south-central American clade (3-2), mainly composed by soybean haplotypes.
The speciose Brazilian Elateridae fauna is characterized by high karyotypic diversity, including one species (Chalcolepidius zonatus Eschscholtz, 1829) with the lowest diploid number within any Coleoptera order. Cytogenetic analysis of Conoderus dimidiatus Germar, 1839, C. scalaris (Germar, 1824,) C. ternarius Germar, 1839, and C. stigmosus Germar, 1839 by standard and differential staining was performed with the aim of establishing mechanisms of karyotypic differentiation in these species. Conoderus dimidiatus, C. scalaris, and C. ternarius have diploid numbers of 2n(male) = 17 and 2n(female) = 18, and a X0/XX sex determination system, similar to that encountered in the majority of Conoderini species. The karyotype of C. stigmosus was characterized by a diploid number of 2n=16 and a neoXY/neoXX sex determination system that was highly differentiated from other species of the genus. Some features of the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes suggest an autosome/ancestral X chromosome fusion as the cause of the neoXY system origin in C. stigmosus. C-banding and silver impregnation techniques showed that the four Conoderus species possess similar chromosomal characteristics to those registered in most Polyphaga species, including pericentromeric C band and autosomal NORs. Triple staining techniques including CMA(3)/DA/DAPI also provided useful information for differentiating these Conoderus species. These techniques revealed unique GC-rich heterochromatin associated with NORs in C. scalaris and C. stigmosus and CMA(3)-heteromorphism in C. scalaris and C. ternarius.
Meiosis and (or) mitosis of males and females of Cryptotermes brevis, Eucryptotermes wheeleri, and Neotermes fulvescens, all of them from the neotropical region, were analyzed. Cryptotermes brevis showed a similar karyotype to that obtained by other authors for specimens of the neartic and Australian regions (2n = 36 for females and 2n = 37 for males, with XX and XYY sex mechanisms, respectively). Eucryptotermes wheeleri, the only species that has been described in this genus, showed the lowest number of chromosomes reported for Isoptera (2n = 22) until now. The male meiosis of this species presents a linear chain of six sex chromosomes, three of them being X and three of them Y chromosomes. Neotermes fulvescens showed a diploid number of 40 for males and 42 for females and, in the first male meiosis, two linear chains of chromosomes, both related to sex. One of the chains, named A, presented nine chromosomes and the other, named B, seven chromosomes. Hypotheses to explain these mechanisms are formulated in this paper and putative ancestral relationships with other species of Kalotermitidae are presented.
The first cytogenetic analysis of fireflies from Brazilian fauna was carried out in this work. The investigation of two species of the subfamily Lampyrinae, Aspisoma maculatum and Photinus sp. (aff. pyralis), showed the diploid number 2n = 19 and an X0 sex determination system in males. These observations are similar to those already described for all the Lampyrinae species previously studied. In contrast, Bicellonycha lividipennis (Photurinae) revealed the karyotype 2n = 16 + neoXY, which has not yet been registered for any firefly species. The neoXY sex determination system encountered in this species probably arose through fusion between an ancestral X sex chromosome, belonging to the X0 system, and an autosomal element. This event also reduced the diploid number from 2n = 19, which is more frequent in the family Lampyridae, to 2n = 18 in B. lividipennis. The analysis of meiotic cells showed that the neoXY sexual bivalent of B. lividipennis exhibited a prominent terminal chiasma, indicating that the sex chromosomes are not wholly differentiated and still retain a region of homology. A review of the cytogenetic data known for the family Lampyridae was also documented in this work, as well as a discussion on the main trends of chromosomal evolution that seem to have occurred in this group.
The floral anatomy of Eriocaulon elichrysoides Bong. and Syngonanthus caulescens (Poir.) Ruhland, from Brazilian mountain rock savannas (campos rupestres) was studied. The staminate flowers of E. elichrysoides present a diplostemonous androecium with six stamens, and those of S. caulescens present an isostemonous androecium with three stamens and three scalelike staminodes. Eriocaulon elichrysoides and S. caulescens have three nectariferous pistillodes located in the central portion of the receptacle. The pistillate flowers of E. elichrysoides present three simple styles while those of S. caulescens present three simple styles interspersed with three nectariferous appendices. Both the styles of E. elichrysoides and the nectariferous appendices of S. caulescens are vascularized by the dorsal vascular bundles of the carpels. The styles of S. caulescens lack vascularization. At the base of the gynoecium of E. elichrysoides there are six staminodes and there are three in the S. caulescens. Entomophily is suggested as the pollination syndrome in E. elichrysoides and S. caulescens as they present staminate and pistillate flowers with nectariferous structures. The ancestral character in Eriocaulon is probably given by the presence of the two staminal whorls. The staminate flowers of S. caulescens are probably derived from the reduction of a diplostemonous ancestral androecium. It remains open whether the pistillate flowers with nectariferous, appendices present an ancestral character or a derived one.
Cytogenetic and DNA content studies were done on six nominal species of Corydoras from the southeast coast of Brazil. The data show that several nominal species present local populations with differences in karyotype or DNA content. There are at least two groups of Corydoras species with similar karyotypic structure in this region: the first composed by C. ehrhardti, C. nattereri and C. paleatus and the second composed of C. barbatus, C. macropterus and C. prionotos. These two groups of species are probably not derived directly from the same ancestral line. The speciation process of Corydoras species from the southeastern coast of Brazil is discussed.
Few are studies on P elements that have addressed the saltans group. These studies had shown that species from the cordata and elliptica subgroups were devoid of any discernible P homologous sequences, while species from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups all contain P element sequences. Our analyses showed the presence of one to 15 P element insertion sites in species of the saltans group, including Drosophila neocordata and Drosophila emarginata (cordata and elliptica subgroups, respectively). From these species, only those from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups harbor canonical P elements and, only those of the last two subgroups seem to harbor putative full-sized elements. Due to the low similarity of the sequences found in D. neocordata and D. emarginata to those earlier described, we suggest that these sequences might be rudimental P element derivatives that were present in the ancestral of the subgenus Sophophora. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Geckos are a large group of lizards characterized by a rich variety of species, different modes of sex determination and diverse karyotypes. In spite of many unresolved questions on lizards' phylogeny and taxonomy, the karyotypes of most geckos have been studied by conventional cytogenetic methods only. We used flow-sorted chromosome-specific painting probes of Japanese gecko (Gekko japonicus), Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) and flat-tailed house gecko (Hemidactylus platyurus) to reveal homologous regions and to study karyotype evolution in seven gecko species (Gekko gecko, G. japonicus, G. ulikovskii, G. vittatus, Hemidactylus frenatus, H. platyurus and H. turcicus). Generally, the karyotypes of geckos were found to be conserved, but we revealed some characteristic rearrangements including both fissions and fusions in Hemidactylus. The karyotype of H. platyurus contained a heteromorphic pair in all female individuals, where one of the homologues had a terminal DAPI-negative and C-positive heterochromatic block that might indicate a putative sex chromosome. Among two male individuals studied, only one carried such a polymorphism, and the second one had none, suggesting a possible ZZ/ZW sex determination in some populations of this species. We found that all Gekko species have retained the putative ancestral karyotype, whilst the fission of the largest ancestral chromosome occurred in the ancestor of modern Hemidactylus species. Three common fissions occurred in the ancestor of Mediterranean house and flat-tailed house geckos, suggesting their sister group relationships. PCR-assisted mapping on flow-sorted chromosome libraries with conserved DMRT1 gene primers in G. japonicus indicates the localization of DMRT1 gene on chromosome 6.