193 resultados para Aditivos para remoção de SOx
A filtração em múltiplas etapas (FiME) se apresenta como uma alternativa para realizar o tratamento de água de comunidades de pequeno porte, entretanto, a eficiência quanto à remoção de cor verdadeira associada ao carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) ou às substâncias húmicas, tem sido questionada ou relatada como baixa. A presente pesquisa avaliou a remoção de substâncias húmicas na FiME com pré-oxidação, com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio, utilizando para essa avaliação parâmetros indiretos como cor verdadeira, absorvância UV (254 nm) e COD. Foram realizados cinco ensaios, utilizando quatro filtros lentos, sendo dois com camada de carvão ativado granular (CAG). Foram ensaiadas várias alternativas de pré-oxidação com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio. Foram obtidos bons resultados, tendo como principal conclusão que os filtros lentos com CAG, precedidos de oxidação com ozônio e depois peróxido de hidrogênio, apresentaram remoção média de cor verdadeira de 64%, mas que o peróxido de hidrogênio afeta o desenvolvimento da camada biológica, interferindo no desenvolvimento da perda de carga, na remoção de turbidez, na remoção de coliformes e na remoção de substâncias húmicas.
Avaliaram-se a qualidade e o valor nutritivo de silagens de capim-marandu produzidas com polpa cítrica (PC) peletizada, com aditivo enzimático-bacteriano (ABE) ou com forragem emuchercida (E): T1 - forragem sem tratamento (controle); T2 - 10% de polpa cítrica peletizada (PC); T3 - aditivo enzimático bacteriano (AEB - SIL-ALL-C4 da Alltech), à base de 5 g/L de água/t de forragem; T4 - forragem picada grosseiramente emurchecida por 4 horas ao sol. O capim foi colhido aos 60 dias de rebrota (24% MS). Para avaliar o consumo e a digestibilidade das silagens, foram utilizados 16 novilhos mestiços com 200 kg de PV, que receberam, além das silagens, 1,0 kg de concentrado/animal/dia. O AEB não afetou a composição da silagem, mas a PC e o E aumentaram o teor de MS de 24% para 31 e 48%, respectivamente, e reduziram o pH e os teores de N-NH3 das silagens, que foram, respectivamente, de 4,17 e 4,58 e 6,78 e 7,99% NT. A PC diminuiu os teores de FDN e FDA em 12 e 4 unidades percentuais. O consumo de MS da silagem produzida com capim emurchecido foi superior (111,8 g MS/PV0,75) ao das silagens controle ou com AEB, mas não diferiu do obtido para a silagem com PC, que também não diferiu das demais. Os tratamentos não afetaram a digestibilidade, cujas médias para MS, PB, CT, FDN, FDA e NDT foram 67,0; 65,4; 68,8; 63,0; 62,5; e 65,6%, respectivamente. A PC e o E reduziram a proteólise e estimularam o consumo. A PC, o E e o AEB não melhoraram o valor nutritivo da silagem de capim-marandu colhido com 24% MS.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Avaliou-se o efeito do uso de aditivos químicos nas perdas de matéria seca, no perfil fermentativo e no valor nutritivo de silagens de cana-de-açúcar. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições por tratamento (sete tratamentos). Os seguintes aditivos foram utilizados na confecção das silagens: controle (sem aditivo), L. buchneri, óxido e carbonato de cálcio em doses de 1,0 e 1,5% da massa verde e sulfato de cálcio a 1,0% da massa verde, diluídos em 40 litros de água por tonelada de forragem. As variáveis analisadas foram: perdas totais e gasosas, produção de efluente, recuperação de matéria seca, composição química e valor nutritivo. As menores perdas fermentativas e gasosas foram observadas nas silagens com óxido ou carbonato de cálcio, que resultaram em maior taxa de recuperação de matéria seca. da mesma forma, as silagens tratadas com estes aditivos apresentaram maior teor de carboidratos solúveis residuais e de ácido lático e reduzida fermentação alcoólica. As silagens tratadas com óxido e carbonato apresentaram, no momento da abertura, maior teor de cinzas, menor concentração de componentes fibrosos e maiores coeficientes digestibilidade da matéria seca e da matéria orgânica. O teor de proteína encontrado nessas silagens foi semelhante ao observado na forragem fresca. A ensilagem de cana-de-açúcar com L. buchneri e sulfato de cálcio possibilitou a obtenção de desempenho similar ao determinado com a silagem sem aditivos. Silagens tratadas com carbonato e óxido de cálcio apresentam maior desempenho durante o processo fermentativo.
Kinetics of the removal of Eucalyptus grandis wood extractives during Kraft pulping. The objective of this work was to study the kinetics of the removal of Eucalyptus grandis wood extractives during Kraft pulping. The pulping was done in steel tubular reactors using wood saw under the following conditions: active alkali = 14%, sulfidity = 25%; liquor-to-wood ratio = 10 L kg(-1) of dry wood; and temperatures of 130, 150, 160 and 180 C during 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes. After pulping, analyses were conducted of the yield and extractives in residue (pulp and reject). Total extractives (ethyl alcohol-toluene (1:2), ethyl alcohol and hot water, respectively) and soluble extractives in acetone were analyzed. The results showed that most extractives are degraded in the first 30 minutes of the pulping process. It was observed that the removal occurs in two different stages: the first is rapid, where the majority of the extractives are removed, and the last is slow, where few extractives are removed.
The effect of the addition of ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, on the rate of 0, 8, 16 and 24% (dry weight of additive/wet weight of cut green grass), upon the chemical composition of both fodder and silage of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu was evaluated. A split-plot randomized block design was used. The plots were the additives and their levels and the sub-plots the material types (forage + additives and their silages). The grass was fertilized with 20 t/ha of green manure and 80, 160 and 160 kg/ha of P2O5, N and K2O, respectively. The material (chopped grass mixed with the levels of the additives) was ensiled in experimental silos (200 L plastic vessels). The dry matter percentages increased linearly as additive levels increased, being greater the effect of ground ear corn with husks. Wheat bran addition and saccharin increased the crude protein and soluble carbohydrates percentages while the ground ear corn with husks addition decreased them. Losses of dry matter soluble compounds (CP, ash and NFE) and a relative rise in the less soluble compounds (CF and organic matter) were observed.
Silages of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu prepared with 0, 8, 16 and 24% of ground ear com with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop basis. The experimental design was a randomized blocks one in split-plot; the plots were the additives and levels, and the sub-plots the sampling methods. The material was ensiled using plastic vessels in middle of which holed pvc pipes (3 inches diameter) were put. These pipes (one per vessel) had the same length as the height of the vessels, and were filled at the same time and compacted the same way as the vessels. The first method of sampling used the material ensiled inside the pvc pipe, which was lifted out from the vessel at the moment of the silo opening. The other sampling method, normaly used in digestibility trials, consisted of samples composed by daily sub-samples collected in the vessels. The pvc sampling method was more efficient because it sampled a profile of the whole silage. All of the silages showed high percentages of lactic acid and low percentages or even absence of butyric acid, though in all silages high ammoniacal-N percentages were detected.
The intake, the apparent digestibility and the nutritive value of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) silages prepared with the addition of 0, 8, 16 and 24% of ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop upon the silage were evaluated. A randomized block design with three replications, in a factorial arrangement (3 additives x 4 levels) was used. As experimental silos, 200-liter plastic vessels were used. Sheep weighing approximately 50 kg, kept in individual cages, receiving water and mineral mixture ad libitum, were used to measure the intake and apparent digestibility of silages. There was a ten-day period of adaptation to the experiment conditions. The voluntary intake of the silages was determined by the mean of the intake observed in the last three days of a ten-day period. The fecal collection period lasted for seven days. In this period the animals were fed 80% of the observed intake obtained in the previous phase. The dry matter intake increased as the levels of the additives in the silages were increased. The digestibility of the wall cell components decreased as the rates of the additives in the ensilage process increased. The silages prepared with wheat bran or ground ear corn with husks showed higher nutritive value than the ones with saccharin.
The ruminai fermentation patterns of sheep fed elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) silage enriched with ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin in the levels 0, 8, 16 and 24% dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop was evaluated. A split-plot randomized block design was used. The plots were the additives and their levels and the sub-plots the time of rumen fluid collection (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 h after feeding). During the collection period, the sheep were fed 80% of the observed voluntary feed intake of the previous phase. For all additive types and levels used in preparing the silages, high levels of total volatile fat acids were observed, with predominance of the acetic acid. The silages having ground ear corn with husks as additive showed, in the ruminai fluid, ammonia production levels below the recommended for maximum microbial protein synthesis. However, silages with saccharin or wheat bran presented a good ammoniacal-N availability. In the ruminal fluid of the sheep fed ground ear corn with husks or wheat bran the molar proportion of butyric acid was increased and that of acetic acid and pH were decreased, as the levels of the additives in the silage increased.
Fenton 's reagent was used as coagulant agent to treat water with high true color (100 ± 5 HU) caused by the introduction of humic substances extracted from peat, using dissolved air flotation. The pair value of coagulant dosage x coagulation pH was optimized to posterior construction of coagulation diagrams, reaching apparent color removal efficiency slightly superior to 60%. It was tried to simulate a treatment with complete cycle, carrying out an experiment with sand filtration after flotation, obtaining an effluent with excellent quality, presenting remnant apparent color, turbidity and absorbance of 253.7 nm less or equal to 2 HU, 0.40 TU and 0.009 cm -1, respectively, and residual total iron < 0.005 mg/L and DOC < 0.001 mg/L.
In this study it is reported the operation of a horizontalflow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAlB) reactor under sulfate-reducing condition which was also exposed to different amounts of ethanol and benzene. The HAIB reactor comprised of an immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam and ferrous and sodium sulfate solutions were used (91 and 550 mg.l -1, respectively), to promote a sulfate-reducing environment. Benzene was added at an initial concentration of 2.0 mg.l -1 followed by an increased to 9 e 10 mg. l -1, respectively. Ethanol was added at an initial concentration of 170 mg.l -1 followed by an increased range of 960 mg.l -1. The reactor was operated at 30 (± 2) °C with hydraulic detention time of 12 h. Organic matter removal efficiency of 90% with a maximum benzene degradation rate of 0.07 mv, benzene.mg -1 vss.d -1 Thus, this work corroborate the data obtained for Cattony et al (2005) and also demonstrate that compact units of HAIB reactors, under sulfate reducing conditions, are a potential alternative for in situ aromatic compounds bioremediation.
The forest roads construction inevitably causes environmental impacts to adjacent ecosystems and streams. Also the routine activities of roads maintenance may similarly cause environmental impacts of about the same magnitude. The material scraped from the roadway by the motor grader is usually distributed along the roadsides, from where it may easily be washed out toward the streams. Therefore, quantifying the amount of sediments removed during road maintenance activities may provide important information of this stream sedimentation potential. For this purpose, three forest roads were divided in 30 m long segments, marked with leveled stakes. A nylon thread was then stretched across the leveled stakes and the distance from the nylon thread to the road surface was measured before and after the mechanical scraping of the road. The average removal of sediments was of 2,13 cm. Considering the mean density of soil 1,6 g cm -3, the average removal of sediments was of 341 t ha -1 of road. Considering still a 3,9 m wide and 150 m long road as an example, the total amount of removed sediments would be around 19,9 t. Road maintenance, therefore, must be well planned in order to avoid or minimize stream sedimentation.
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of the chemical (urea, sodium benzoate, and sodium hydroxide) and microbiological (Propionibacterium acidipropionici + Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus buchneri) additives on the sugarcane nutritive value, ensiled crude or after burned, using a factorial scheme 2 (burned or crude sugar cane) x 6 (five additives urea, sodium benzoate, sodium hydroxide, Propionibacterium acidipropionici + Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus buchneri plus control). It was evaluated the sugar cane chemical composition, before and after ensilage. The sugar cane NDF contents increased (51.3%, before ensilage) to 67.8% after fermentation period. The highest true digestible dry matter recovery values, 83.6 and 79.8% were observed on the burned sugar cane silage treated with NaOH or L. buchneri, respectively. The NaOH, and L. buchneri showed more efficiency in reducing nutritive looses during the fermentation phase of the crude or burned sugar cane silage.
The cultivation of sugarcane demands the use of herbicides such as Diuron and Hexazinone. Some supply wells from Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, built in the Guarani Aquifer are located in recharge points, and the presence of sandy Quartzarenic Neosol in these areas increases the vulnerability of the groundwater to contamination from herbicides This paper reports the water quality monitored in some wells located in the recharge area and the removal of Diuron and Hexazinone by means of adsorption in granular activated carbon (GAC), preceded or not by preoxidation with chlorine and chlorine dioxide in a pilot plant. The results indicated that Diuron was more strongly adsorbed than Hexazinone and that the saturation time of the GAC in the test with preoxidation was shorter than in the test without preoxidation, which may have occurred mainly due to the formation of by-products that competed with the adsorption of the herbicides.