44 resultados para Academic journals


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During processing of cattle carcasses, contamination may occurs with the transfer of microbiota of animals feaces to carcasses. This contamination many times may be by Escherichia coli carriers of virulence factor as stx and eae genes being classified as Shiga like toxin. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is recognized wordwide as human pathogen. A survey was performed to determine the sensibility profile to several antimicrobial drugs of STEC in carcasses obtained from an abattoir in Brazil between March 2008 and August at 2009. A total of 120 STEC were isolated. All isolates were confirmed as being E. coli by their biochemical analysis and submitted to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of stx, eae and ehly genes. No strains was isolated being carriers of ehly gene. The number of isolates carriers of eae gene were 48/120. The most frequent resistance was seen against cephalothin (84.0%), streptomycin (45.0%), nalidixic acid (42.0%) and tetracycline (20.0%). Multidrug resistance (MDR) to three or more antimicrobial agents was observed in 46 (38.3%) E. coli isolates. The findings of STEC and MRD show that cattle carcasses may be a reservoir of pathogenic bacterial for the consumer public. © 2011 Academic Journals.


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The high demand of pesticides in the production systems makes the application technology one of the main alternatives to optimize the products efficiency. In this context, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of spray nozzles and spray volumes on spraying deposits, armyworm control and crop corn performance in narrow row sowing system. The experiment was carried out at experimental area of Sao Paulo State University, Campus of Botucatu/SP, Brazil, during the 2009/2010 agricultural season, in randomized blocks with factorial scheme (2x2+1) and four replications. It was tested two flat fan spray nozzles (with and without air induction) combined with two spray volumes (100 and 200 L ha-1) plus a control treatment. There was no influence of spray nozzles (without air induction) in the spray deposits levels on plants. However, the flat fan nozzle with air induction was more effective on fall armyworm, with 100% of control against 47.84% from other at 15 days after spraying. The increase in the spray volume promoted high spray deposits (415.4 and 388.6 μL g-1 dry mass for flat fan nozzle with and without air induction, respectively at V10 growth stage) and consequently, the highest spray volume (200 L-1) was more efficient in the fall armyworm suppression, with 100% of control. All the technologies tested showed lower plant injury from fall armyworm. The insecticide sprayed with different technologies did not affect the parameters of plant height and leaf area index. The corn productivity was directly related with control efficiency of fall armyworm. © 2012 Academic Journals Inc.


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In the present study, the composition of essential oil of leaves and inflorescences of jambu (Spilanthes oleracea. Jambuarana), under organic manuring and mineral fertilization, was stuhed. Jambu plants show important chemical properties and their production has been addressed for the extraction of the essential oils for cosmetics industries, due to their pharmacolopcal properties. The experimental area of treatments contained urea as mineral fertilizer (120 g m2), applied twice and organic fertilizer (8 kg m2), applied at the planting. Jambu leaves and flowers were harvested twice: the first at 90 days after seedling transplantation and at the opening of the flower buds. Branches were cut at 7 cm from the soil, thus new branches can bud for the accomplishment of the second crop which happened 40 days after the re-budhng. The essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass-spectrometry. According to our results the most representative compounds were trans-caryophyllene, germacrene-D, 1-dodecene, spathulenol and spilanthol (a compound presenting anesthetic properties) occurring in inflorescences. Fertilization procedure does not affect the content and the quality of the essential oil in Jambu plants. © 2012 Academic Journals Inc.


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The study objective was to evaluate the influence of the addition of soybeans residues on the chemical properties of Eutrudox and Hapludox soils. Soybean leaves and stems were incubated for 0-200 days. The statistical model used was a 5×4 factorial (plantxincubation period) with three replications. Soils without addition of plants were used as controls. Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Soluble Carbon (SC), Total Carbohydrates (TC), Humic Acid (HA), Fulvic Acid (FA) and Humification Rate (HR) were determined. Higher values of chemical attributes (TOC, SC and TC) were found in the Eutrudox soil than in the Hapludox soil and these values increased significantly (p<0.05) after 50 days of incubation in relation to the initial period. The TOC, SC and TC increased in soils amended with soybean plants when compared to controls without plants. HA and FA contents and HR were not affected by the addition of soybean residues. Maximum HA contents were found after 100 days and maximum FA contents and HR were found after 200 days incubation in both soils. It can be concluded that the addition of soybean residues increased the soil chemical properties when compared to the controls. © 2013 Academic Journals Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of sugarcane juice treatment using Moringa oleifera leaf and seeds extracts on ethanolic fermentation. The experiment was arranged in a split plot statistical design, with four replications. Main treatments were three sedimentation agents (synthetic polyelectrolyte, moringa leaf and seed extracts) and control while the secondary treatments were two sugarcane varieties (RB867515 and CTC4). Extracted sugarcane juice was clarified by simple defecation with pH adjusted to 6.0. The flocculating agents were added in a decanter before the limed juice. After then, the juice was standardized to 16° Brix at pH 4.5, and musts were inoculated with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, FT858. At the end of the fermentation process, wines were recovered by centrifugation. In all experimental stages, extracted juice, clarified juice and wine were chemically and technologically characterized. The use of moringa leaf and seed extracts as sedimentation adjuvants did not increase the sedimentation speed of impurities. However, there was a high sludge compaction, which was essential for maintenance of yeast and bud population at the beginning of fermentation, and yeast budding rate in the end. The use of different sedimentation agents as adjuvants in juice treatment did not affect wine quality and ethanol yield.


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A thermotolerant strain of Rhizopus oryzae was grown in three agro-industrial by-products: brewers’ rice, corn grits and wheat bran. Different substrates, cultivation time, moisture content, additional nitrogen sources, pH and temperature of incubation were evaluated aiming to optimize growing conditions. The highest enzymatic activity was observed after 24 h of cultivation using wheat bran as substrate with the following salt solutions: NH4NO3, MgSO4.7H2O and (NH4)2SO4 0.1% at temperature of 35°C. It was observed that changes in the pH range 4.0-6.0 did not significantly affect α-amylase activity. The optimum operation conditions were 75°C and pH 4.5. The enzymes remained stable at 75°C in the absence of substrate for 25 min.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper is the result of the Masters dissertation studying the role and history of scientific communication, especially the changes that have occurred after the appearance of electronic communication and computer networks. This study showed that hypertext systems are increasingly being used in the scientific and academic world in the production of electronic journals; this makes it possible for the user to rapidly access information in their area. However, these systems need to be improved to help the user during search and access to information. Both printed journals migrating to electronic media, and the exclusively electronic journals should present the current quality indicators. The attempt was made to discover whether characteristics related to printed journals are being maintained in their electronic counterparts. For this, a prototype model was developed to analyze the structure of electronic scientific journals; it composes 14 criteria expressing aspects of quality for these journals. It includes elements of Website Information Architecture and those already in place in printed scientific journals in order to ensure that basic functions - archiving and dissemination - are maintained in electronic publishing. Each criterion consists of variables, which measure the maintenance of these functions both in the migrating printed journals and the exclusively electronic ones. This prototype model was used to analyze Ciência da Informação On-line and DataGramaZero - Revista de Ciência da Informação. Results indicate that this model is able to find out if the basic functions of archiving and dissemination are being maintained in electronic journals. Therefore, its implementation is justified in electronic journals. The model can help librarians, authors, and users of electronic journals to identify quality journals, and assist editors in developing their projects. The material from the study may be included in the preservice and inservice education of Information Science professionals and to support editors of scientific journals.


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This work identifies and analyzes literature about knowledge organization (KO), expressed in scientific journals communication of information science (IS). It performs an exploratory study on the Base de Dados Referencial de Artigos de Periodicos em Ciência da Informacio (BRAPCI, Reference Database of Journal Articles on Information Science) between the years 2000 and 2010. The descriptors relating to "knowledge organization" are used in order to recover and analyze the corresponding articles and to identify descriptors and concepts which integrate the semantic universe related to KO. Through the analysis of content, based on metrical studies, this article gathers and interprets data relating to documents and authors. Through this, it demonstrates the development of this field and its research fronts according to the observed characteristics, as well as noting the transformation indicative in the production of knowledge. The work describes the influences of the Spanish researchers on Brazilian literature in the fields of knowledge and information organization. As a result, it presents the most cited and productive authors, the theoretical currents which support them, and the most significant relationships of the Spanish-Brazilian authors network. Based on the constant key-words analysis in the cited articles, the co-existence of the French conception current and the incipient Spanish influence in Brazil is observed. Through this, it contributes to the comprehension of the thematic range relating to KO, stimulating both criticism and self-criticism, debate and knowledge creation, based on studies that have been developed and institutionalized in academic contexts in Spain and Brazil.