85 resultados para ANIMAL CELLS


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Mast cells are present in the eye of chick embryos from the 14th day onward, displaying metachromatic granules, mainly in the iris anterior surface and pectinate ligament. Ultrastructurally these cells show electron-dense granules and a few thin and short cytoplasmic projections in close contact with fibroblasts. Sometimes these contacts are extensive, with long fibroblast projections partially involving the mast cells. Gap junctions between mast cells and fibroblasts are observed only in the eyes of 16- and 20-day-old embryos. These intercellular specializations are represented by a close apposition of cytoplasmic membranes with an extension up to 300 nm. Gap junctions between mast cells and fibroblasts were not observed previously in vivo or in vitro, although in vitro studies have shown that a number of functionally critical interactions may occur between these cells. Our morphological findings suggest that, in vivo, fibroblasts interact with mast cells and may influence their maturation.


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We have characterized the histamine releasing effects of lectins extracted from Brazilian beans, in comparison to concanavalin A, in hamster cheek pouch cell suspensions containing mast cells. The lectins from Dioclea virgata, Canavalia brasiliensis, and Dioclea rostrata induce histamine release in a similar manner to concanavalin A, but appear to differ in potency and efficacy. The effects depended on the temperature, pH, and metabolic energy, demonstrating the non-cytotoxic nature of the histamine release. It is suggested that the lectins studied act by the same mechanism as concanavalin A (interacting with sugars in the antibodies bound to the mast cells), since high concentrations of glucose inhibit the histamine release. The lectins at high concentrations quench the histamine release. This suppression is reversed by increasing calcium concentration, suggesting that the lectins bind to the calcium that is essential for the secretion, thereby confirming and extending our previous data using the lectin from Dioclea virgata in rat peritoneal mast cells.


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Interleukin-1 (IL-1) may be a mediator of β-cell damage in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The IL-1 mechanism of action on insulin-producing cells probably includes activation of the transcription nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), increased transcription of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and the subsequent production of nitric oxide (NO). Reactive oxygen intermediates, particularly H2O2, have been proposed as second messengers for NF-κB activation. In the present study, we tested whether ebselen (2-phenyl-1,2-benzisoselenazol-3(2H)-one), a glutathione peroxidase mimicking compound, could counteract the effects of IL-1β, H2O2 and alloxan in rat pancreatic islets and in the rat insulinoma cell line RINm5F (RIN cells). Some of these experiments were also reproduced in human pancreatic islets. Ebselen (20 μM) prevented the increase in nitrite production by rat islets exposed to IL-1β for 6 hr and induced significant protection against the acute inhibitory effects of alloxan or H2O2 exposure, as judged by the preserved glucose oxidation rates. However, ebselen failed to prevent the increase in nitrite production and the decrease in glucose oxidation and insulin release by rat islets exposed to IL-1β for 24 hr. Ebselen prevented the increase in nitrite production by human islets exposed for 14 hr to a combination of cytokines (IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ). In RIN cells, ebselen counteracted both the expression of iNOS mRNA and the increase in nitrite production induced by 6 hr exposure to IL-β but failed to block IL-1β-induced iNOS expression following 24 hr exposure to the cytokine. Moreover, ebselen did not prevent IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation. As a whole, these data indicate that ebselen partially counteracts cytokine-induced NOS activation in pancreatic β-cells, an effect not associated with inhibition of NF-κB activation.


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Immunohistochemical screening for monoclonal antibodies prepared by immunization of mice with a rat osteoblastic cell population led to identification of one antibody that reacted against a small population of cells present in the soft connective tissue compartment of 21 days fetal rat calvaria. The morphology of the cells and the immunohistochemical staining characteristics (a distinct intracellular granular pattern) suggested that the antibody might be reacting specifically against mast cells. We used combined histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to further characterize this antibody, designated RCJ102. Cryosections containing calvaria bone, soft connective tissues and skin were prepared from the top of the head of 21 days fetal rats, and from adult rats cryosections of lung, muscle, adipose tissue and small intestine were prepared. Some sections were labelled by indirect immunofluorescence with RCJ102; corresponding sections were labelled histochemically with toluidine blue. There was a direct correspondence between mast cells identified histochemically and cells labelling with RCJ102 in all tissues except intestine, in which the mast cell detectable by histochemistry were not labelled by RCJ102. These results suggest that the RCJ102 antibody will be a valuable new reagent for further elucidation of the heterogeneity described between connective tissue and intestinal mucosal mast cells.


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Immunity against the intracellular protozoan Leishmania species is highly dependent on Th1 development. We have previously shown that IL-12 is a powerful and probably obligatory factor for Th1 cell generation and proliferation. We also observed that the experimental infection of C3H and BALB/c mice with Leishmania major is associated with IL-12 production in vivo. Now we demonstrate that metacyclic L. major promastigotes are poor inducers of IL-12 in vitro in fresh human PBMC and monocytes. In addition, we show that the ability of this pathogen to induce IL-12 and other cytokines is modulated by the metacyclogenic process, which had previously not been recognized. In contrast to the infective parasites (metacyclic promastigotes), the procyclic promastigotes collected at the logarithmic phase of the culture displayed a striking ability to induce IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-10. Despite this differential effect of procyclic and metacyclic parasites in terms of IL-12 induction, both stages were inhibitory for IL-12 production induced by Staphylococcus aureus. The ability of procyclic promastigotes and, to a much lesser extent, that of metacyclic promastigotes to induce IL-12 were enhanced by pretreatment of monocytes in a cytokine milieu containing IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-13, or granulocyte-macrophage CSF or. by neutralization of endogenous IL-10. Our results suggest the development of an evasion mechanism as the Leishmania promastigotes mature to infectious forms and the possi-bility of using Ags derived from procyclic promastigotes for immunization procedures. Copyright © 1997 by The American Association of Immunologists.


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The present paper describes the morphological alterations of the epithelial layer of the uterine tubes of rats submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism using anatomical, histological, ultrastructural and morphometric methods. Sixty adult rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) at the same age (3 months) and with a mean body weight of 228 g were divided into two groups. The control group received solid diet (Purina rat chow) and tap water ad libitum. The alcoholic group received the same solid diet and was allowed to drink only sugar cane brandy dissolved in 30° Gay Lussac (v/v). After periods of 90, 180 and 270 days of treatment animals at normal estrus were anaesthetised with ethyl ether, weighed and sacrificed. Subsequently, the uterine tubes were dissected, weighed and prepared for TEM and SEM methods. The final mean body weights were similar in the control and alcoholic groups. The morphometric analysis showed no difference between control and alcoholic epithelial height. The alcoholic animals showed ultrastructural alterations: intense lipid droplet and lysosomes accumulation, dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and vacuolization in both periods of treatment. It was concluded that alcohol acts as a toxin on the epithelial layer of the uterine tubes of rats.


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In this work we have demonstrated the effects of oral administration of Chlorella vulgaris (CV) on Natural Killer cells (NK) activity of mice infected with a sublethal dose of viable Listeria monocytogenes. The treatment with C. vulgaris produced a significant increase on NK cells activity in normal (non-infected) animals compared to the animals that received only vehicle (water) (p < 0.0001). Similarly, the infection alone produced a significant increase on NK cells activity, which was observed at 48 and 72 hours after the inoculation of L. monocytogenes. Moreover, when CV was administered in infected animals, there was an additional increase in NK cells activity which was significantly higher than that found in the infected groups (p < 0.0001) CV treatment (50 and 500mg/Kg) of mice infected with a dose of 3x105 bacteria/animal, which was lethal for all the non- treated controls, produced a dose-response protection which led to a 20% and 55% survival, respectively (p < 0.0001).


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BACKGROUND. Stroma plays an essential role in glandular function in different systems. In the prostate, it is responsible for the development and maintenance of the differentiated state of the epithelium. The marked reduction in the epithelial compartment of the prostate gland following castration is followed by a similarly important reorganization of the stroma. In this work, we characterized the reorganization of collagen fibers in the ventral prostate of castrated rats. METHODS. Histochemical tests and immunohistochemistry for type I and III collagens plus confocal microscopy of triple-labeled (collagen III, actin, and DNA) tissue sections were employed. RESULTS. We showed that collagen fibers are composed of type I and type III collagens and that they are progressively concentrated around the epithelial structures (ducts and acini) and become increasingly undulated and folded. Double-labeling of collagen fibers and F-actin demonstrated that smooth muscle cells (SMC) are intimately associated with collagen fibers. CONCLUSIONS. The results demonstrated a marked reorganization of the collagen fibers, and suggest an active role of the SMC in the reorganization of the fibrillar components of the stroma. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This article presents a quantitative and objective approach to cat ganglion cell characterization and classification. The combination of several biologically relevant features such as diameter, eccentricity, fractal dimension, influence histogram, influence area, convex hull area, and convex hull diameter are derived from geometrical transforms and then processed by three different clustering methods (Ward's hierarchical scheme, K-means and genetic algorithm), whose results are then combined by a voting strategy. These experiments indicate the superiority of some features and also suggest some possible biological implications.


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Most manufactured foods contain chemicals added as a deliberate part of the manufacturing process. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of annatto, a natural pigment extracted from the Bixa orellana L. and widely used as a colorant in foods. The micronucleus test was performed in bone marrow cells from Swiss male mice treated with one of the three concentrations of annatto (1330, 5330 and 10,670 ppm), incorporated into the diet. The animals were fed with the diets for 7 days and sacrificed 24 h after the last treatment. For the evaluation of the antimutagenic potential of annatto, at day 7, the animals received an intraperitoneal injection of cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg body weight). Under the concentrations tested annatto did not present mutagenic or antimutagenic activities on the mice bone marrow cells. However, an increased frequency of micronucleated cells was observed when the highest concentration (10,670 ppm) was administered simultaneously with cyclophosphamide. In conclusion, the data indicate that annatto colour, for the conditions used, is neither mutagenic nor an inhibitor of induced mutations, although it should be used carefully since high doses may increase the effect of a mutagen. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fluoride has been widely used in dentistry because it is a specific and effective caries prophylactic agent. However, excess fluoride may represent a hazard to human health, especially by causing injury to genetic material. Genotoxicity tests represent an important part of cancer research to assess the risk of potential carcinogens. In the current study, the potential DNA damage associated with exposure to fluoride was assessed by the single cell gel (comet) assay in vitro. Chinese hamster ovary cells were exposed to sodium fluoride (NaF) at final concentration ranging from 7 to 100 micro/ml for 3 h, at 37 dgrees C. The results pointed out that NaF in all concentrations tested did not contribute to DNA damage as depicted by the mean tail moment and tail intensity. These findings are clinically important since they represent an important contribution to a correct evaluation of the potential health risk associated with the exposure to dental agents.


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Formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide are widely used in dentistry because of their antibacterial activities in root canal disinfection. However, the results of genotoxicity studies using these materials are inconsistent in literature. The goal of this study was to examine the genotoxic potential of formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide using mouse lymphoma cells and human fibroblasts cells in vitro by the comet assay. Data were assessed by Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test. The results showed that all compounds tested did not cause DNA damage for the tail moment or tail intensity parameters. These findings suggest that formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide do not promote DNA damage in mammalian cells and that the comet assay is a suitable tool to investigate genotoxicity.


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A DNA vaccine based on the heat-shock protein 65 Mycobacterium leprae gene (pHSP65) presented a prophylactic and therapeutic effect in an experimental model of tuberculosis. In this paper, we addressed the question of which protective mechanisms are activated in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice after immune therapy with pHSP65. We evaluated activation of the cellular immune response in the lungs of infected mice 30 days after infection (initiation of immune therapy) and in those of uninfected mice. After 70 days (end of immune therapy), the immune responses of infected untreated mice, infected pHSP65-treated mice and infected pCDNA3-treated mice were also evaluated. Our results show that the most significant effect of pHSP65 was the stimulation of CD8+ lung cell activation, interferon-γ recovery and reduction of lung injury. There was also partial restoration of the production of tumour necrosis factor-α. Treatment with pcDNA3 vector also induced an immune stimulatory effect. However, only infected pHSP65-treated mice were able to produce significant levels of interferon-γ and to restrict the growth of bacilli.


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Agaricus blazei Murrill, popularly known as the sun mushroom, is a native mushroom in SP, Brazil, that has been widely used in the treatment of cancer and many other pathologies in different parts of the world. A water-soluble protein-polysaccharide complex (1 → 6)β-D-glucan has been isolated from its fruiting body that showed immune-modulation activity. From organic extracts, linoleic acid has been isolated and determined to be the main substance with antimutagenic activity. Using both the micronucleus (MN) and comet (single cell microgel electrophoresis) assays, this study determined the genotoxic and antigenotoxic potential of A. blazei (AB) obtained from commercial sources or the following strains: a) strains AB 97/29 (young and sporulated phases); b) a mixture taken from AB 96/07, AB 96/09 and AB 97/ 11 strains; and c) commercial mushrooms from Londrina, PR and Piedade, SP, designated as AB PR and AB SP, respectively. The extracts from these mushrooms were isolated in chloroform:methanol (3:1) and used in vitro at three different concentrations. V79 cells (Chinese hamster lung cells) were exposed to the extracts under pre-, simultaneous and post-treatment conditions, combined with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). Under the circumstances of this study, these organic extracts did not show any genotoxic or mutagenic effects, but did protect cells against the induction of micronuclei by MMS. Copyright by the Brazilian Society of Genetics.