97 resultados para ACE Basin (S.C.)
A área da Bacia do Marajó apresenta feições geológicas e geomorfológicas devidas principamente à distensão Mesozóica e à neotectônica pós-miocênica. O evento de distensão, com fases do Cretáceo Inferior e Superior, originou quatro sub-bacias que contituem a Bacia do Marajó, com uma espessa seqüência clástica continental mostrando influência marinha. Falhas normais NW e NNW e direcionais NE e ENE controlaram a geometria da bacia. A distensão, relacionada com a abertura do Atlântico Equatorial, propagou-se continente adentro ao longo de zonas de fraqueza crustal dos cinturões orogênicos pré-cambrianos Tumucumaque, Amapá e Araguaia. O evento neotectônico é um regime transcorrente que desenvolveu bacias transtensivas preenchidas por sedimentos marinhos rasos (Formação Pirabas) e seqüências transicionais (Grupo Barreiras) do Terciário Superior, seguidos por depósitos fluviais e seqüências transicionais do Quaternário, derivadas dos rios Amazoans e Tocantins e do estuário do Marajó. A paisagem atual tem morfologia tipicamente estuarina. A morfologia costeira apresenta escarpas em seqüências transicionais do Terciário Superior, enquanto no interior dominam elevações sustentadas por crosta laterítica do Pleistoceno Médio, aparadas por superfície erosiva a 70 m. No leste da Ilha do Marajó são reconhecidas várias gerações de paleocanais com seqüências estuarinas associadas, enquanto no lado oeste predomina uma planície flúvio-marinha.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In waterlogged environments of the upper Amazon basin, organic matter is a major driver in the podzolisation of clay-depleted laterites, especially through its ability to weather clay minerals and chelate metals. Its structure in eight organic-rich samples collected at the margin and in the centre of the podzolic area of a soil sequence was investigated. The samples illustrate the main steps in the development of waterlogged podzols and belong either to eluviated topsoil A horizons or to illuviated subsoil Bhs, Bh and 2BCs horizons. Organic matter micromorphology was described, and the overall molecular structure of their clay size fractions was assessed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Organic features of the horizons strongly vary both vertically and laterally in the sequence. Topsoil A horizons are dominated by organic residues juxtaposed to clean sands with a major aliphatic contribution. In the subsoil, numerous coatings, characteristic of illuviation processes, are observed in the following horizons: (i) At the margin and bottom parts of the podzolic area, dark brown organic compounds of low aromacity with abundant oxygen-containing groups accumulate in Bhs and 2BCs horizons. Their spectroscopic features agree with the observation of cracked coatings in 2BCs and the presence of organometallic complexes, whose abundance decreases towards low lying positions. (ii) By contrast, black organic compounds of high aromacity with few chelating functions accumulate as coatings and infills in the overlying sandy Bh horizon of well-expressed waterlogged podzols. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aquatic humic substances (AHS) isolated from two characteristic seasons of the Negro river, winter and summer corresponding to floody and dry periods, were structurally characterized by (13)C nuclear magnetic ressonance. Subsequently, AHS aqueous solutions were irradiated with a polychromatic lamp (290-475 nm) and monitored by its total organic carbon (TOC) content, ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorbance, fluorescence and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). As a result, a photobleaching upto 80% after irradiation of 48 h was observed. Conformational rearrangements and formation of low molecular complexity structures were formed during the irradiation, as deduced from the pH decrement and the fluorescence shifting to lower wavelengths. Additionally a significant mineralization with the formation of CO(2), CO, and inorganic carbon compounds was registered, as assumed by TOC losses of up to 70%. The differences in photodegradation between samples expressed by photobleaching efficiency were enhanced in the summer sample and related to its elevated aromatic content. Aromatic structures are assumed to have high autosensitization capacity effects mediated by the free radical generation from quinone and phenolic moieties.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Otothyropsis marapoama, novo gênero e espécie, é descrito baseado em espécimes recentemente coletados em um riacho de cabeceira da porção media do rio Tietê, um rio da bacia do alto rio Paraná no sudeste do Brasil. O novo táxon pertence a um clado que inclui também os gêneros Schizolecis, Otothyris e Pseudotothyris. Otothyropsis marapoama é considerado o grupo-irmão de Pseudotothyris e Otothyris baseado principalmente na presença de vários caracteres derivados da cápsula da bexiga natatória e ossos associados. Vários caracteres pedomórficos compartilhados por Pseudotothyris e Otothyris e seu significado filogenético para a posição deste novo gênero são discutidos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The weathering rate of rocks and chemical dynamics of the Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, were evaluated using major elements as natural tracers. This basin has serious environmental problems in terms of quality of surface and rainwater, which affect the determination of weathering rate. The Corumbatai River, downstream from Rio Claro City, receives several elements/compounds through anthropogenic activities, with only K, SO42- and alkalinity yielding positive flux values. The negative flux of some anions/cations can be attributed to atmospheric loading mainly related to anthropogenic inputs, providing K a value of 16.7 ton/km(-2)a(-1) for the material removed by weathering in the Corumbatai River basin. This is equivalent to 26 x 10(6) kg of rock being removed each year by the Corumbatai River. The instantaneous flux was found to be a function of discharge, with the majority of dry residue (dissolved load) being transported during the summer (wet) months. The removed material in Corumbatai River basin derives mainly from two sub-basins (Cabegas River and Passa Cinco River), where the sandstones weather more easily than siltstones and claystones in the basin. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Distribution and seasonal dynamics of freshwater Rhodophyta were investigated in the Preto River basin, located in northwestern São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Twenty-two sites were sampled, six monthly during one year, four bimonthly during two years, and 12 twice (hot-rainy and cool-dry seasons) during the study period (May 1989 through March 1991). Red algal representatives were found in 19 sites (86.4%). Four species occurred in the basin with varying frequencies: Batrachospermum delicatulum (54.5%), Compsopogon coeruleus (36.4%), B. bicudoi (13.6%) and B. virgatum (4.5%). In addition, 'Chantransia' stage of the batrachospermalean species was found in 17 sites (77.3%). B. bicudoi, B. virgatum and C. coeruleus occurred only in large stream segments (greater-than-or-equal-to 3-order), generally in the main river, whereas B. delicatulum was more frequent in small streams (less-than-or-equal-to 3-order). The stream variables most closely related to the species distribution in the basin were specific conductance, pH and oxygen. B. bicudoi and B. delicatulum showed a marked seasonality: gametophytes were observed from late fall to early spring, while the 'Chantransia' stage generally occurred throughout the year. C. coeruleus was observed throughout the year in most sites, but the populations were generally more abundant from late fall to early spring. The combination of lower temperature and reduced turbidity resulting in increased illumination to the benthic algae during the dry winter months promotes the gametophytic growth of the batrachospermalean species, whereas current velocity was found to be the most influential stream variable for C. coeruleus. The persistance of the 'Chantransia' stage throughout the year as well as its tolerance to wider environmental conditions are key factors in the efficiency of the batrachospermalean life history strategy in lotic ecosystems.
Dolostones of the upper Piaui Formation, Parnaiba Basin, northern Brazil, preserve a rich and diversified invertebrate fauna of Morrowan to Desmoinesian age. Among bivalves, Heteroconchia (15 species) is the most diversified, followed by Pteriomorphia (11 species), and rare endobenthic species of the Palaeotaxodonta. (three species). Eleven species of Pteriomorphia are described, including representatives of the genera Parallelodon?, Myalina?, Septimyalina, Caneyella?, Leptodesma (Leptodesma), L. (Leiopteria), Meekopinna?, Aviculopinna?, and Aviculopecten. A new combination, Etheripecten trichotomus, and the oldest member of the Anomiidae recorded, Pindorama nordestina n. gen. and sp., also are described. Details of muscle scars and hinge characters have been recovered for several taxa, thereby refining the knowledge for species diagnoses. Fossil beds in the Esperanca and Mucambo dolostones reveal episodic burial of bivalves in life position. These are internally complex, multistory fossil concentrations recording background and episodic processes. Hence, those fossil concentrations show high degrees of time-averaging and poor palcoecological resolution (except for the bivalves preserved in situ).