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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O manejo da palhada da cana-de-açúcar com cana colhida sem queima associado a variedades mais adaptadas podem influenciar a produção de colmos e a qualidade do caldo. Assim, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho com objetivo de avaliar a influência de diferentes variedades de cana-de-açúcar submetida a sistemas de manejo de colheita da cana colhida sem queima sobre a produção e a qualidade do caldo da cana-de-açúcar. Os tratamentos foram os sistemas de manejo da palhada da soqueira colhida mecanicamente: palha sem triturar/sem cultivo (PST/SC); palha sem triturar/com cultivo com escarificador (PST/CC); palha triturada/com cultivo com escarificador (PT/CC), cultivado com 18 variedades de cana-de-açúcar (RB83-5486, RB85-5536, RB85-5546, RB84-5230, SP81-3250, SP80-3280, SP76-112, SP86-155, SP87-344, SP87-365, SP87-396, SP86-042, SP85-3877, SP84-5560, SP88-725, SP88-817, SP83-2847 Q-138). A qualidade do caldo da cana-de-açúcar varia em função das variedades e sistema de manejo da palhada da soqueira da cana colhida sem queima. O uso do cultivo da entrelinha com escarificador comparado ao sistema sem cultivo aumentou a produção de colmos e a tonelada de sacarose aparente por ha, entretanto, reduziu ATR e a sacarose aparente das soqueiras da cana colhida sem queima. A trituração da palhada nos tratamentos com uso do cultivo da entrelinha com escarificador não é importante na produção e na qualidade de colmos das soqueiras da cana colhida sem queima.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir a gestão de operações no setor eletroeletrônico brasileiro. O setor eletroeletrônico é dos mais relevantes do Brasil, correspondendo a 4% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). Grande parte da literatura disponível centra-se na discussão de políticas para fortalecimento do setor sem, no entanto, discutir sua gestão de operações, ainda pouco conhecida. Para suprir essa carência da literatura, realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa, por meio de survey com empresas da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica (Abinee). Os dados coletados foram complementados com dados secundários, traçando um panorama sobre o setor no Brasil. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de as empresas montadoras de produtos eletroeletrônicos investirem mais no uso de tecnologia da informação para ampliar a integração de processos, planejar e desenvolver produtos integrando os clientes, e com os fornecedores ampliar a adoção de práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. A originalidade deste artigo consiste em lançar luzes à gestão de operações de um setor economicamente importante gerando insights a estudiosos, praticantes e formuladores de políticas voltadas ao setor eletroeletrônico nacional.


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The crystal structure of benzoyl-histidine monohydrate (BYLH hereafter), C-13H-12N-3O-3. H2O was determined from three dimensional data of 3012 independent reflections measured on a Enraf-Nonius (CAD4) single crystal diffractometer. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions alpha = 7.102(1) angstrom, b = 13.783(3) angstrom, c = 14.160(4) angstrom, V = 1385.92 angstrom-3, F.W. = 277.28, F(000) = 584 Q(calc) = 1.32 g cm-3 and Z = 4.The structure was solved with direct methods. All positional and anisotropic thermal parameters were refined by full-matrix least-squares calculations. The final reliability factor was R = 0.040, while the weighted one was Rw = 0.034. The H atoms found in the difference Fourier map were refined isotropically.The compound consists of a histidine molecule bound to a benzoyl group. There is also a cocrystallized water molecule stabilized through a hydrogen bridge.The 5-membered ring of the histidine has its tautomeric form, after the transfer of the H atom from the N(delta) to the N(epsilon) atom of the ring. There is an sp2 conformation around C6 while the conformation around C3 is that of sp3. The histidine ring forms with the benzene ring a dihedral angle of 109.8(1)-degree.All angle values and bond distances agree very well with the expected values in the literature.


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We have performed dielectric and micro-Raman spectroscopy measurements in the 298 - 673 K temperature range in polycrystalline Pb0.50Sr0.50TiO3 thin films prepared by a soft chemical method. The phase transition have been investigated by dielectric measurements at various frequencies during the heating cycle. It was found that the temperature corresponding to the peak value of the dielectric constant is frequency-independent, indicating a non-relaxor ferroelectric behavior. However, the dielectric constant versus temperature curves associated with the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition showed a broad maximum peak at around 433 K. The observed behavior is explained in terms of a diffuse phase transition. The obtained Raman spectra indicate the presence of a local symmetry disorder, due to a higher strontium concentration in the host lattice. The monitoring of some modes, conducted in the Pb0.50Sr0.50TiO3 thin films, showed that the ferroelectric tetragonal phase undergoes a transition to the paraelectric cubic phase at around 423 K. However, the Raman activity did not disappear, as would be expected from a transition to the cubic paraelectric phase. The strong Raman spectrum observed for this cubic phase is indicative that a diffuse-type phase transition is taking place. This behavior is attributed to distortions of the perovskite structure, allowing the persistence of low-symmetry phase features in cubic phase high above the transition temperature. This result is in contrast to the forbidden first-order Raman spectrum, which would be expected from a cubic paraelectric phase, such as the one observed at high temperature in pure PbTiO3 perovskite.


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This paper deals with an unusual application for a copolymer of styrene-1 % divinylbenzene bearing high amount of aminomethyl groups for anion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The so-called aminomethyl resin (AMR), to date only employed for peptide synthesis, swelled appreciably in water and was used successfully to purify negatively charged peptides. By correlating swelling degree of beads with pH of the media, it was possible to estimate that the AMR amino group pK(a) is approximately 5.5. In addition, the synthesized acetyl-(NANP)(3)-AMR succeeded in the affinity interaction with large antibody molecules related to malaria transmission and raised previously against this dodecapeptide sequence. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential application of biodegradable nanoparticles (NPs) containing indocyanine green (ICG) in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Methods: Important parameters, such as particle size and external morphology, were established by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Also, drug encapsulation efficiency and in vitro release behavior were evaluated by spectroscopic methods. Results: the particles are spherical in shape, they exhibit an 817-nm diameter, and they have a low tendency to aggregate. The loading efficiency was 65%. ICG photophysical parameters showed a bathocromic shift in ICG-loaded nanoparticles (ICG-NP). Analysis of the cell P388-D1 in the presence of the ICG-NP by SEM showed that the majority of the nanoparticles were uptaken by phagocytic cells after 2 h of incubation. After laser irradiation photodamage was observed in P388-D1 cells where ICG-NPs had been uptaken by phagocytic cells. Conclusion: Polymeric NPs work as an efficient drug delivery system for PDT drugs, and this approach can be used in the administration of amphiphilic photosensitizers in the treatment of neoplasic cells.


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Some Voyager images showed that the F ring of Saturn is composed of at least four separate, non-intersecting, strands covering about 45 degrees in longitude. According to Murray et al. [Murray, C.D., Gordon, M., Giuliatti Winter, S.M. Unraveling the strands of Saturn's F ring. Icarus 129, 304, 1997.] this structure may be caused by undetected satellites embedded in the gaps.Due to precession, the satellites Prometheus and Pandora and the ring particles can experience periodic close encounters. Giuliatti Winter et al. [Giuliatti Winter, S.M, Murray, C.D., Gordon, M. Perturbations to Saturn's F-ring strands at their closest approach to Prometheus. Plan. Space Sciences, 48, 817, 2000.] analysed the behaviour of these four strands at closest approach with the satellite Prometheus. Their work suggests that Prometheus can induce the ring particles to scatter in the direction of the planet, thus increasing the population of small bodies in this region.In this work we analysed the effects of Prometheus on the radial structure of Saturn's F ring during the Voyager and early Cassini epochs. Our results show that at Voyager epoch Prometheus, and also Pandora, had a negligible influence in the strands. However, during the Cassini encounter Prometheus could affect the strands significantly, scattering particles of the inner strand in the direction of the planet. This process can contribute to the replenishment of material in the region between the F ring and the A ring, where two rings have recently been discovered [Porco, C. et al. Cassini imaging science. Initial results on Saturn's rings and small Satellites. Science, 307, 1226, 2005].We also analyse the behaviour of undetected satellites under the effects of these two satellites by computing the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent. Our results show that these satellites have a chaotic behaviour which leads to a much more complex scenario. The new satellite S/2004 S6 also presents a chaotic behaviour with can alter the dynamic of the system, since this satellite crosses the orbit of the strands. (C) 2006 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Urothelial bladder carcinoma (UBC) is a chemo-sensitive tumour, but the response to treatment is heterogeneous. CD 147 has been associated with chemotherapy resistance. We aimed to define tumours with an aggressive phenotype by the combined analysis of clinicopathological and biological parameters.Methods: 77 patients with T1G3 or muscle-invasive UBC treated by radical cystectomy were studied. Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect CD147, heparanase, CD31 (blood vessels identification) and D2-40 (lymphatic vessels identification) expressions. The immunohistochemical reactions were correlated with the clinicopathological and the outcome parameters. 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) rates were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate analysis was performed by Cox proportional hazards analysis.Results: The 5-year DFS and OS rates were significantly influenced by the classical clinicopathological parameters, and by the occurrence of lymphovascular invasion. CD 147 and heparanase immunoexpression did not affect patients' outcome. However, patients with pT3/pT4 tumours had a median OS time of 14.7 months (95% CI 7.1-22.3, p = 0.003), which was reduced to 9.2 months (95% CI 1.5-17.0, p = 0.008) if the tumours were CD147 positive. We developed a model of tumour aggressiveness using parameters as stage, grade, lymphovascular invasion and CD147 immunoexpression, which separated a low aggressiveness from a high aggressiveness group, remaining as an independent prognostic factor of DFS (HR 3.746; 95% CI 1.244-11.285; p = 0.019) and OS (HR 3.247; 95% CI 1.015-10.388, p = 0.047).Conclusion: CD 147 overexpression, included in a model of UBC aggressiveness, may help surgeons to identify patients who could benefit from a personalized therapeutic regimen. Additional validation is needed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.