118 resultados para 1099


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The 3'-terminal 853 nt (and the putative 283 aa) sequence of the VP2-encoding gene from 29 field strains of porcine parvovirus (PPV) were determined and compared both to each other and with other published sequences. Sequences were examined using maximum-parsimony and statistical analyses for nucleotide diversity and sequence variability. Among the nucleotide sequences of the PPV field strains, 26 polymorphic sites were encountered; 22 polymorphic sites were detected in the putative amino acid sequence. Mapping polymorphic sites of protein data onto the three-dimensional (3D) structure of PPV VP2 revealed that almost all substitutions were located on the external surface of the viral capsid. Mapping amino acid substitutions to the alignment between PPV VP2 sequences and the 3D structure of canine parvovirus (CPV) capsid, many PPV substitutions were observed to map to regions of recognized antigenicity and/or to contain phenotypically important residues for CPV and other parvoviruses. In spite of the high sequence similarity, genetic analysis has shown the existence of at least two virus lineages among the samples. In conclusion, these results highlight the need for close surveillance on PPV genetic drift, with an assessment of its potential ability to modify the antigenic make-up of the virus.


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The novel yeast species Candida leandrae is described based on eight isolates from decaying fruits of Leandra reversa Cogn. (Melastomataceae) in an Atlantic rainforest site in Brazil, one from a Convolvulaceae flower in Costa Rica and one from a drosophilid in Hawai'i. The strains differed in their colony morphology, one being butyrous and smooth and the other being filamentous and rugose. Sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the large-subunit rRNA gene from both morphotypes were identical. C. leandrae belongs to the Kodamaea clade and is closely related to Candida restingae. The two species can be separated on the basis of growth at 37degreesC and the assimilation of melezitose, negative in the novel species. The type culture of C. leandrae is strain UNESP 00-64R(T) (= CBS 9735(T) = NRRL Y-27757(T)).


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Strains belonging to three novel yeast species, Candida heliconiae (four isolates), Candida picinguabensis (three isolates) and Candida saopaulonensis (two isolates), were recovered in the year 2000 from water of flower bracts of Heliconia velloziana L. Emigd. (Heliconiaceae) found in a forest ecosystem site in an Atlantic rainforest of south-eastern Brazil. C. picinguabensis and C. saopaulonensis were nearly identical in morphology and physiology, but sequence divergence in the D1/D2 domain of the large-subunit rDNA indicated that they should be regarded as different species. They belong to the Metschnikowiaceae clade. C. heliconiae had affinities to Pichia mexicana and related species, but was genetically isolated from all currently accepted species in that group. The type strains are C. heliconiae UNESP 00-91 C1(T) (= CBS 10000(T) = NRRL Y-27813(T)), C. picinguabensis UNESP 00-89(T) (= CBS 9999(T) = NRRL Y-27814(T)) and C. saopaulonensis UNESP 00-99(T) (=CBS 10001(T) = NRRL Y-27815(T)).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effect of application methods and dentin hydration on the bond strength of three self-etching adhesives (SEA) were evaluated; 195 extracted bovine incisors were used. The buccal surface was ground in order to expose the dentin, which remained 2-mm minimum thickness, measured by a thickness meter through an opening on the lingual surface. Adper Single Bond 2 (TM) was used for the control group. The SEA were applied following two modes of application: passive or active and two hydration states of the dentin surface-dry and wet. After light-curing, composite buildups were made using Grandio (TM) composite. The specimens were sectioned and tested with a microtensile bond strength test. The application method and the hydration state resulted in statistical differences (p = 0.000) making the values of active application for mu TBS to dentin higher than passive application. The wet surfaces showed higher mu TBS to dentin ratios than dry surfaces. There were no statistical differences in mu TBS among the SEA tested but there were differences regarding to control group.


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A deformation parameter of a bihamiltonian structure of hydrodynamic type is shown to parametrize different extensions of the AKNS hierarchy to include negative flows. This construction establishes a purely algebraic link between, on the one hand, two realizations of the first negative flow of the AKNS model and, on the other, two-component generalizations of Camassa-Holmand Dym-type equations. The two-component generalizations of Camassa-Holm- and Dym-type equations can be obtained from the negative-order Hamiltonians constructed from the Lenard relations recursively applied on the Casimir of the first Poisson bracket of hydrodynamic type. The positive-order Hamiltonians, which follow froth the Lenard scheme applied on the Casimir of the second Poisson bracket of hydrodynamic type, are shown to coincide with the Hamiltonians of the AKNS model. The AKNS Hamiltonians give rise to charges conserved with respect to equations of motion of two-component Camassa-Holm- and two-component Dym-type equations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) causes citrus canker and the completion of the Xac genome sequence has opened up the possibility of investigating basic cellular mechanisms at the genomic level. Copper compounds have been extensively used in agriculture to control plant diseases. The copA and copB genes, identified by annotation of the Xac genome, encode homologues of proteins involved in copper resistance. A gene expression assay by Northern blotting revealed that copA and copB are expressed as a unique transcript specifically induced by copper. Synthesis of the gene products was also induced by copper, reaching a maximum level at 4 h after addition of copper to the culture medium. CopA was a cytosolic protein and CopB was detected in the cytoplasmic membrane. The gene encoding CopA was disrupted by the insertion of a transposon, leading to mutant strains that were unable to grow in culture medium containing copper, even at the lowest CUSO4 concentration tested (0.25 mM), whereas the wild-type strain was able to grow in the presence of 1 mM copper. Cell suspensions of the wild-type and mutant strains in different copper concentrations were inoculated in lemon leaves to analyse their ability to induce citrus canker symptoms. Cells of mutant strains showed higher sensitivity than the wild-type strain in the presence of copper, i.e. they were not able to induce citrus canker symptoms at high copper concentrations and exhibited a more retarded growth in planta.


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O trabalho foi realizado na Área de Propagação de Fruteiras do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP), em Jaboticabal-SP, com o objetivo de verificar a possibilidade de obtenção de mudas por estaquia de maracujá (Passiflora spp.), nas espécies comerciais P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener e P. alata Dryander, e nos porta-enxertos P. giberti N.E.Brown, P. nitida H.B.K. e P. setacea D.C. O experimento foi realizado no período de junho de 2000 a junho de 2001, em câmara de nebulização intermitente, em condições de telado (50% de sombreamento). As estacas foram coletadas de plantas adultas, oriundas do Banco de Germoplasma Ativo (BAG) do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da FCAV/UNESP e de pomares comerciais, no caso a espécie P. edulis f. flavicarpa, coletando-se a parte intermediária de ramos em estádio de crescimento vegetativo, preparando-se estacas herbáceas com, aproximadamente, 15cm de comprimento, três nós e duas folhas reduzidas ao meio, coletadas em junho e outubro de 2000, e abril de 2001. As estacas foram tratadas com ácido indolbutírico (IBA) nas concentrações de 500; 1.000 e 2.000mg.L-1, por cinco segundos, e sem tratamento (testemunha), e plantadas em bandejas plásticas (40x30x10cm), com vermiculita de textura média, por 60 dias. A percentagem de enraizamento foi maior na espécie P. edulis f. flavicarpa (76,7%), na primavera. A P. giberti e a P. nitida enraizaram na primavera e no inverno, e a P. alata em todas as épocas estudadas. A P. setacea não enraizou. A sobrevivência, o número e o comprimento de raízes foram maiores na primavera.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, e o balanço de nitrogênio da silagem de milho e dos fenos de alfafa e de capim- coastcross, em ensaio com ovinos. Foram utilizados 15 animais, sem raça definida, castrados, com peso médio de 47,5 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. O consumo de matéria seca, em g/Kg0,75, foi influenciado pelos alimentos, registrando-se maior valor (68,06), para os animais que receberam feno de alfafa. Os consumos de fibra em detergente neutro e extrato etéreo foram menores para os animais que receberam silagem de milho. Já os consumos de proteína bruta e nutrientes digestíveis totais, de 201,97 e 643,42 g/dia, respectivamente, foram maiores para os animais alimentados com feno de alfafa. Este resultado deve-se ao fato de o feno de alfafa possuir melhor valor nutritivo e estar associado ao teor mais elevado de matéria seca. As digestibilidades aparentes da matéria seca e proteína bruta, de 56,47 e 73,92%, respectivamente, também foram maiores para os animais que receberam feno de alfafa. O balanço de nitrogênio foi positivo apenas para os animais alimentados com fenos, os quais apresentaram ganhos de peso de 100,79 e 147,62 g/dia para feno de capim-coastcross e feno de alfafa, respectivamente, enquanto que os animais alimentados com silagem de milho apresentaram perda de peso (-34,92 g/dia). Este fato pode ser atribuído a superioridade da composição química dos fenos em relação à da silagem de milho.


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A fluorometric technique based on a liquid drop excited from its interior by an optical fiber is described for the measurement of low concentrations of atmospheric hydrogen sulfide (H2S). A drop of alkaline fluorescein mercuric acetate (FMA) solution is suspended in a flowing air sample stream and serves as a renewable sensor. An optical fiber contained within the conduit that forms the drop, brings in the excitation beam; the fluorescence emission is measured by an inexpensive photodiode positioned close to the drop. As H2S in the sample is collected by the alkaline drop, it reacts rapidly with FMA resulting in a significant decrease in fluorescence intensity, proportional to the concentration of H2S sampled. The chemistry of this uniquely selective reaction has been well established for many years, the present technique permits a simple fast inexpensive near real-time measurement with very little reagent consumption. Even without prolonged sampling/preconcentration steps, limits of detection (LODs) in the double digit ppbv range is readily attainable. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)