37 resultados para Éster


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In conservation agriculture, mainly under direct seeding, maintaining the vegetation ground cover is essential, since this serves as a reservoir of nutrients which are slowly released to plants by microorganisms. Some authors have sought to study increases in the amount of straw in the soil, in addition to slowing down the process of decomposition, with hormesis being one of the techniques used. This technique states that all chemical substances are both poisonous and nonpoisonous, with only the dosage determining whether they are lethal or not. This study aimed to evaluate the dry weight and agronomic characteristics of a crop of black oat subjected to hormesis. The experimental design was of randomised blocks, with 12 treatments and 4 replications, giving a total of 48 experimental lots. The treatments were: Haloxyfop-R Methyl Ester at dosages of 0.625, 1.25 and 2.50 g ha(-1); Glyphosate at dosages of 12.50, 25.00 and 50.00 g ha-1; 2,4-D dimethylamine salt at dosages of 100.00, 200.00 and 300.00 g ha(-1); Alterbane at a dosage of 500.00 g ha(-1); Salicylic acid at a dose of 100 g ha(-1); and a control. It was concluded that for the subdosages under test, the herbicides 2,4-D at medium dosage and Verdict at low dosage were shown to be the best treatments for conserving straw as ground cover under direct seeding.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work had with objective to characterize and evaluate the performance of the combined system, involving activated charcoal and ionic exchange resins in the removal of substances organic contaminating of the ethyl alcohol from the fermentation of the cassava starch. To testing was used ethyl alcohol PA 96 oGL, conductivity of 0.90 μS/cm at 25 oC, acidity of 60 mg/L and Barbet test of 43 minutes at 15 oC. The contaminated alcohol was composed of ethyl alcohol additive of higher alcohols, organic acids, ester, diol, aldehydes, ketone and ether. Contaminated alcohol was added 2% activated charcoal and after the adsorption isotherm in ionic exchange resins was tested. The adsorption with activated charcoal was performed in a Water Bath at 30 oC for one hour and a half and shaking. Already adsorption ionic exchange columns occurred at room temperature on columns of 93,4 cm in filling height and diameter of 2.29 cm, for flows of 180 mL/min and 90 mL/min. Samples were collected in the tests with charcoal and with each one of the resins and the following analyses were performed: conductivity, acidity and Barbet test. The medium values for conductivity, acidity and Barbet test after the adsorption in charcoal and cation and anion resins were respectively: conductivity was 240; 354 and 465 μS/cm to 25 oC; acidity of 1.081; 1.103 and 1.062 mg/L and the Barbet test was 21; 20 and 9 minutes to 15 oC. It was observed that the addition of 2% of activated charcoal and the permanence in the columns of adsorption was not sufficient to remove the organic substances contaminating of the ethyl alcohol.


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As lipases, também chamadas de glicerol éster hidrolases, são enzimas que fazem parte do grupo das serina hidrolases, tendo como substrato, triglicerídeos. O modo de ação das lipases assemelha-se ao das esterases, realizando a hidrólise das ligações ésteres-carboxílicas de acilgliceróis, formando ácidos graxos e glicerol. Processos de bioconversão enzimática têm sido bastante utilizados na produção, transformação e valorização de matérias-primas. Avanços na tecnologia enzimática, como a imobilização de enzimas, possibilitaram a modificação das propriedades cinéticas e da estabilidade destas moléculas contribuindo com o aumento no potencial de aplicações das mesmas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar diferentes métodos de imobilização de lipases em suportes de sílica, bem como os efeitos deste procedimento, visando melhorar a funcionalidade das enzimas e o maior rendimento econômico nos processos industriais. Os métodos de imobilização escolhidos para os estudos foram: adsorção física, ligação covalente e encapsulação. O processo de imobilização de lipase em Celite (adsorção física) foi otimizado levando em conta o pH, porcentagem da concentração enzima:suporte e temperatura ótimos de atividade enzimática. Também se utilizou Celite como suporte para a imobilização de lipase por ligação covalente, onde se obteve os melhores resultados com atividade enzimática 20% a 40 ºC e eficiência de imobilização de 50%. A celite foi ativada com 3-aminopropiltrietoxisilano e glutaraldeído. Por último, foi avaliada a possibilidade de encapsulação da lipase utilizando o precursor tetraetilortossilicato (TEOS). Os resultados obtidos nesta última metodologia não se mostraram satisfatórios. Logo, com os dados obtidos, podemos dizer que uma boa manutenção da atividade catalítica depende do tipo de retenção (química ou física) e da força de interação entre a enzima e o suporte utilizado, força esta que pode, em alguns casos, causar distorções estruturais na proteína, levando a manutenção ou diminuição da atividade catalítica.


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There is a great global concern about the depletion and the high cost of fossil fuel reserves exploitation, more than ever, it is necessary to make a profound study and take advantage of alternative sources that can be used as energy efficiency with an appropriate pricing and low environmental impact. Brazil, which has highlighted using alternative energy sources as the use of ethanol and, in recent years, has been encouraging the expansion of its energy matrix in which the biodiesel will have a strategic importance within the agrobusiness area. Biodiesel is a fuel that can replace the diesel, which is a petroleum derivative. It is an ester, produced in the transesterification reaction of vegetable oils and animal greases, in an alcohol with an additional catalyst, are converted into fatty acids and result in esters with glycerol as sub products. The objective of this study was to estimate the final energy balance for the process biodiesel production from oil chicken waste. The energy balance estimation was quantified in calorific value according to the energy expenditure by calorimetric bomb method. The relationship between input and output of energy was around 0.97. In a first evaluation, the procedures adopted should be improved enough, so the process can become energetic and economically viable.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ