465 resultados para Vírus rábico


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The ozone therapy is the therapeutic administration of ozone, which can be: subcutaneous (SC), intramuscular (IM) Intradiscal; intracavitary (pleural and peritoneal spaces); intravaginal, intrauretral, in the bladder; ozonated autohemotherapy. This therapy is being increasingly studied in order to help in some treatments and is being proven to be very effective in most cases, especially in acting on disinfection and healing of extensive wounds. There are over 6000 articles on the medical use of ozone in the literature, but the concentration used varies with each author. Most diseases have a positive response because ozone increases tissue oxygenation and metabolism. Discovered in Germany in the nineteenth century, ozone therapy still needs further study to clarify its mode of action and demonstrate its benefits. The objective of this review is to discuss some of the studies in the literature and try to clarify the main directions and forms of action of ozone therapy in medicine, showing the possibilities of getting good results including in veterinary medicine


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Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) é um díptero da família Calliphoridae, introduzido recentemente no Brasil, de forma acidental. Esta espécie possui grande importância médicosanitária por ser veiculadora de enteropatógenos como vírus, bactérias e helmintos; causar miíases facultativas; além de ser de fundamental importância na entomologia forense pelo fato de poder ser utilizada na estimativa do tempo de decomposição de cadáveres humanos, conhecido como intervalo pós-morte (IPM), ou na descoberta da causa da morte. Sabe-se que análises toxicológicas das larvas destes insetos podem detectar traços de substâncias lícitas ou não que se encontravam nos tecidos do cadáver, ingeridos antes da morte deste. Trabalhos recentes têm demonstrado que a presença de toxinas nos tecidos em decomposição pode alterar a taxa de desenvolvimento de insetos que utilizam-se destes como local de oviposição. Assim, testes preliminares utilizando dietas artificiais em laboratório são necessários para a criação de um banco de dados como padrão para investigar e quantificar as possíveis alterações no desenvolvimento de insetos coletados da cena criminal, para não gerar dados imprecisos sobre o IPM. No estágio larval, as moscas varejeiras competem ativamente por recursos alimentares. Nesse período, o substrato alimentar pode estar contaminado por substâncias químicas. O presente trabalho visa conhecer quais os possíveis efeitos da droga Citalopram, um antidepressivo que vem sendo utilizado em larga escala em casos de suicídio, sobre o tempo de desenvolvimento larval de C. megacephala até a pupação, frente a diferentes dosagens que serão utilizadas, além da obtenção de dados envolvendo porcentagem de emergência e razão social para os adultos emergidos, para cada um doss diferentes tratamentos


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The retrovirus are recognized as pathogenic group of virus for domestic animals. The particularitities of these viruses are the necessity of the enzyme transcriptase reversa, for the conversion of the viral RNA in viral DNA (provirus) and the incorporation in the DNA of the cell, what it confers to the infection the lifetime character, due to all the infected cells present the provirus our DNA. Among the retroviruses in domestic felines, the leukaemia and immunossupressive virus represent the more important diseases. The main form of transmission of the virus of the FeLV is occur by close contact and the saliva presents high viral concentration. For the FIV, the main form of transmission is represented by wounds of bite. The retrovírus, replicate mainly in high metabolization cells. The infection for FeLV cause mieloproliferativas and degenerative illnesses, while the FIV are related imunossupressora illness. The treatment for these retroviroses is symptomatic associated to imunomodulatory drugs, none of these drugs are capable to eliminate the virus. For the prevention of these retrovirus are used vaccines. However only the vaccine against FeLV have showed efficiency. Thus , the more important measures in control of these diseases is prevent the contact between infected and health felines. The ain of present study was reviewed the more important aspects of retroviruses in domestic felines, with emphasis to virulence properties, epidemiology, fisiopathogeny, clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, therapy, and control measures


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This paper proposed a two-dimensional spatial model to describe the adaptive immune response for viral hepatitis B. This model considered six populations: healthy hepatocytes T, infected hepatocytes Y , hepatitis B virus V , innate immune system I, active immune system X and memory cells, X. First, a compartmental model was constructed and its equilibrium solutions and also the threshold values related to the stability of each solution were obtained. Using this model, we was able to reproduce the different trends observed for the disease, which are: individuals that eliminate the infection without forming immune response, patients with acute and chronic carriers. By including dispersion of defense cells of the immune system and virus (spatial model), we analyze two situations: homogeneous model, in which the model parameters are the same at all points of the network, and heterogeneous model, which characterizes cells more permeable and less permeable to virus invasion. For the two spatial models (homogeneous and heterogeneous) the times relatead to the viral erradication and/or virus invasion and persistence becoming smaller in relation to the compartmental model. The results also showed that for the set of values used in the simulations and if the two diffusion rates are different from zero, the model is sensitive to variations in the rate of viral spread and not dependent on the dispersion of memory cells. Finally, the heterogeneous model when compared to the homogeneous model shows that the infection can be spatially limited depending on the type of the cell involved in the infection process


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Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a worldwide problem of public health and who estimates 2.5% to 4.9% of infection by this virus among the population. This means that there are 3.9 to 7.6 million people at risk of developing cirrhosis or liver cancer. In Brazil, 20% to 58% of patients with chronic liver disease have antibodies to HCV (anti-HCV). To characterize the profile of patients undergoing treatment for hepatitis C in the Ambulatory General HC-FMB/UNESP, identify aspects of the disease and the phases of nursing process addressed during consultation. Transverse and descriptive study involving 38 patients undergoing treatment for Hepatitis C in Ambulatory General Area (Viral Hepatitis) in the period from July to September 2010. The population consisted of 38 patients, most of the males with completed higher education level, Catholic, married and aged predominantly between 41 and 60 years. Among the drugs used, we find the use of antihypertensive, antidepressant / anxiolytic and antidiabetic / hypoglycemic. With respect to specific medications used to treat hepatitis C, we found the use mainly of alfapeguinterferona 2b + ribavirin. The drugs used were complementary erythropoietin and filgastrim. There was a predominance of fibrosis 2 (F2) and genotype 1 (G1). Regarding the means of contamination, it was stressed blood transfusion and injection drug use. The most frequent drug reactions were decreased appetite, weight loss and discouragement. : The Nursing Process is considered a valuable tool in caring for patients with hepatitis C, because it works as identifying aspects of lifestyle, needs and potential of these patients and allows the deployment of humanized care strategies aimed at reduction of health hazards and improving the quality of life of these patients


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A infecção genital por Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é uma das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST), de origem viral, mais prevalente no mundo. As lesões intraepiteliais escamosas de baixo grau (LIEBG) e de alto grau (LIEAG), assim como carcinoma cervical invasor (CCI), estão associadas à presença do HPV. A resposta imune tem papel importante na infecção pelo HPV na cérvice uterina, sendo as citocinas importantes reguladoras da transcrição viral. Avaliar a concentração de IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ e TNF-α no soro de mulheres portadoras de LIEBG, LIEAG e CCI. Foram incluídas no estudo 40 mulheres com diagnóstico histopatológico de LIEBG (n=11), LIEAG (n=10), CCI (n=10) e 9 mulheres com suspeita de doença HPV induzida, mas sem alterações histopatológicas na biópsia do colo do útero (controle), atendidas no Ambulatório de Colposcopia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP) e no Ambulatório de Ginecologia Preventiva do Hospital Amaral Carvalho, Jaú, SP. O sangue periférico foi colhido por punção venosa e o soro armazenado até o processamento. A dosagem das citocinas no soro foi avaliada por ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A pesquisa de HPV foi realizada empregando-se a técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Os dados sócio-demográficos foram obtidos por entrevista no momento da consulta ginecológica. A mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo controle, LIEBG, LIEAG, e CCI foi de 38 (21-69), 32,5 (17-51), 39 (23-65) e 51,5 (29-72), respectivamente. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante de mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo CCI quando esta foi comparada com os demais grupos. Em relação às características das pacientes, 76% eram brancas, 68% relataram união estável, 31% concluíram o 2º grau, 42% eram fumantes, 37% das mulheres relataram 3 ou mais parceiros sexuais durante... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Kaposi´s sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is a gammaherpesvirus essential for the development of all forms of Kaposi´s sarcoma (KS). The KSHV’s life cycle is basically divided into latent and lytic phases, which have distinct viral gene expression profiles. Some important oncogenic products of KSHV are expressed during the lytic phase, including the viral K1 protein. As an effect of interfer-ence with intracellular signaling, K1 expression increases proliferation and survival of KSHV-infected cells. Due to its high level of genetic variability compared to other re-gions of the viral genome, the K1-encoding ORF (ORF-K1) is commonly evaluated for KSHV genotyping. It remains unclear whether different viral genotypes have particular biological effects that might modify the KSHV oncogenicity. The present study aimed to contribute to the establishment of an experimental in vitro model for evaluation of the K1 protein from common KSHV genotypes. Recombinant expression vectors with the ORF-K1 from KSHV genotypes A, B and C were prepared by genetic cloning. The recombi-nant vectors pKSHVOK1 obtained by cloning were sequenced for structural validation. After that, HEK293 cell line was transfected with the recombinant vectors, and proteins were extracted for expression analysis by Western blot technique, for K1 functional vali-dation. Results showed that ORF-K1 vectors containing KSHV ORF-K1 from the A, B and C genotypes were produced and structurally validated by DNA sequencing. The K1 expression at the protein level was also confirmed by immunoblots using an antibody for FLAG detection, an epitope from the vector that binds to K1. Based on presented re-sults, it´s possible to conclude that the recombinant vectors will be able to be used in future studies of K1 protein biological properties from distinct KSHV genotypes


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Given the exponential growth in the spread of the virus world wide web (Internet) and its increasing complexity, it is necessary to adopt more complex systems for the extraction of malware finger-prints (malware fingerprints - malicious software; is the name given to extracting unique information leading to identification of the virus, equivalent to humans, the fingerprint). The architecture and protocol proposed here aim to achieve more efficient fingerprints, using techniques that make a single fingerprint enough to compromise an entire group of viruses. This efficiency is given by the use of a hybrid approach of extracting fingerprints, taking into account the analysis of the code and the behavior of the sample, so called viruses. The main targets of this proposed system are Polymorphics and Metamorphics Malwares, given the difficulty in creating fingerprints that identify an entire family from these viruses. This difficulty is created by the use of techniques that have as their main objective compromise analysis by experts. The parameters chosen for the behavioral analysis are: File System; Records Windows; RAM Dump and API calls. As for the analysis of the code, the objective is to create, in binary virus, divisions in blocks, where it is possible to extract hashes. This technique considers the instruction there and its neighborhood, characterized as being accurate. In short, with this information is intended to predict and draw a profile of action of the virus and then create a fingerprint based on the degree of kinship between them (threshold), whose goal is to increase the ability to detect viruses that do not make part of the same family


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This work was developed starting the study of traditionals mathematical models that describe the epidemiology of infectious díseases by direct or indirect transmission. We did the classical approach of equilibrium solutions search, its analysis of stability analytically and by numerical solutions. After, we applied these techniques in a compartimental model of Dengue transmission that consider the mosquito population (susceptible vector Vs and 'infected vector VI), human population (suseeptíble humans S, infected humans I and recovered humans R) and just one sorotype floating in this population. We found the equilibrium solutions and from their analises, it was possible find the reprodution rate of dísease and which define if the disease will be endemic or not in the population.- ext, we used the method described a..~, [1] to study the infíuence of seasonalíty at vírus transmission, when it just acts on one of rates related with the vector. Lastly, we made de modeling considering the periodicity of alI rates, thereby building, a modeI with temporal dependence that permits to study periodicity of transmission through of the approach of parametrical ressonance and genetic algorithm


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dengue é uma arbovirose que afeta cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas anualmente, em mais de 100 países situados nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Foi considerada a doença viral que mais cresceu no ultimo ano, repercutindo em impactos sociais e econômicos nas regiões endêmicas devido às altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade desencadeadas pela infecção. O principal vetor da dengue é o mosquito Aedes aegypti, presente em toda a faixa tropical e subtropical. Por apresentar hematofagia antropofílica, rápido desenvolvimento e características comportamentais especificas, é um excelente transmissor do vírus dengue. Medidas de controle da disseminação da dengue são restritas à eliminação do mosquito vetor, e um tratamento específico ainda não foi desenvolvido, bem como a criação de uma vacina que previna simultaneamente a infecção pelos quatro sorotipos do arbovírus. Uma característica que determina a disseminação de doenças é a alta competência vetorial de seus mosquitos transmissores, que tem sido associada à composição da microbiota intestinal do inseto. As bactérias presente no intestino do mosquito exercem funções relacionadas a sua nutrição, desenvolvimento e reprodução, e são também um importante fator na eliminação de patógenos, por interferirem diretamente na atividade viral, ou indiretamente a partir da ativação das vias antivirais pelos micro-organismos. Dessa forma, este trabalho visa estudar a diversidade microbiana intestinal do mosquito Aedes aegypti em diferentes estágios de vida, através de sequenciamento de última geração com a plataforma MiSeq Illumina


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB