565 resultados para Mucus glands


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The silk gland in Lepidoptera larvae is responsible for the silk production used for shelter or cocoon construction. The secretion of fibroin and sericin by the different silk gland regions are well established. There are few attempts to detect lipid components in the insect silk secretion, although the presence of such element may contribute to the resistance of the shelter to wet environment. This study characterizes the glandular region and detects the presence of lipid components in the secretion of the silk gland of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius). The silk gland was submitted to histochemical procedure for lipid detection or conventionally prepared for ultrastructural analyses. Lipid droplets were histochemically detected in both the apical cytoplasm of cell of the anterior region and in the lumen among the microvilli. Ultrastructural analyses of the anterior region showed lipid material, visualized as myelin-like structures within the vesicular Golgi complex and in the apical secretory globules, mixed up with the sericin; similar material was observed into the lumen, adjacent to the microvilli. Lipids were not detected in the cells neither in the lumen of the posterior region. Our results suggest that the silk produced by D. saccharalis has a minor lipid content that is secreted by the anterior region together with the sericin.


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A morphological and histochemical study of the human vestibular fold was carried out using routine histological techniques. Seven μm-thick histological sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Calleja showed the presence of elastic collagen fibers and seromucous glands in the vestibular fold. Muscle fibers forming the ventricular muscle were also identified. Ultrastructural analyses of the epithelial layer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed ciliated cells and gland ducts opening on the epithelial surface. Histochemical analyses were performed on ventricular muscles submitted to nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) reactions. Based on these reactions, it was observed that the muscle is formed by three types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch oxydative glycolytic (FOG) and fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers distributed in a mosaic pattern. The fiber frequency was 22.7%, 69.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The higher frequency of SO and FOG fibers characterized the muscle as having aerobic metabolism and resistance to fatigue. The ventricular muscle was considered fast. The study of the neuromuscular junctions performed after nonspecific esterase reaction showed that they are of the en-plaque type and have multiple occurrences in the ventricular muscle.


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Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by sialoadenitis and elevated titers of autoantibodies. To assess whether it is possible to induce inflammatory changes in salivary gland tissues, a series of immunizations in Balb/c mice have been undertaken, using salivary gland extract, modified or not, added to several adjuvants. Mice's humoral immune response to salivary gland antigens was monitored by ELISA. Inflammatory cells infiltrating gland tissue were seen 3 months after immunization with salivary gland extract modified with pepsin (AgGp) and metaperiodate (AgGMp). Although pathological progression was not observed, the histopathological picture was similar to the initial phase of Sjögren's syndrome. In addition, a monoclonal antibody reactive with 3 gland polypeptides and anhydrase carbonic II was rescued among B cells from immunized mice. Thus, immunizations with modified autoantigens were able to initiate pathological damage to glandular tissue and stimulate the proliferation of auto-reactive B cells.


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The present experiment was carried out in ten animals with third eyelid prolapsed gland. All of the prolapsed glands were surgically excised. The age of the dogs ranged from two month to ten years old, and the breeds were Beagle (20%), Teckel (10%), Pinscher (10%), Poodle (10%) and other mongrel dogs. Aspirative citology was made in all the removed glands, after that they were fixed in 10% formalin and stained with Hematoxiline and Eosine. It was observed a focal mononuclear inflamatory infiltrate in the conjunctive and periacinal tissues. Ductal dilatation and metaplasia were noted on cells of the ducts. Cyitologic examination showed similar inflamatory infiltrate to histopatologic findings. The glands showed a chronic adenitis. The absence of histo and cytologic significance changes justify the tissue function observed during surgical excision.


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The salivary activity in pups of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar (W) rats treated with atenolol during pregnancy, and lactation was evaluated. Atenolol's anti-hypertensive effect on the SHR rats was noticed from the beginning of treatment. Atenolol-treated SHR and Wistar rat pups showed a decrease in salivary gland weight, salivary flow, and protein concentration, with no alteration in salivary amylase activity. Atenolol's effect on salivary glands can interfere with oral health maintenance. Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Myosin-Va is a Ca 2+/calmodulin-regulated unconventional myosin involved in the transport of vesicles, membranous organelles, and macromolecular complexes composed of proteins and mRNA. The cellular localization of myosin-Va has been described in great detail in several vertebrate cell types, including neurons, melanocytes, lymphocytes, auditory tissues, and a number of cultured cells. Here, we provide an immunohistochemical view of the tissue distribution of myosin-Va in the major endocrine organs. Myosin-Va is highly expressed in the pineal and pituitary glands and in specific cell populations of other endocrine glands, especially the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, the principal cells of the parathyroid, the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and a subpopulation of interstitial testicular cells. Weak to moderate staining has been detected in steroidogenic cells of the adrenal cortex, ovary, and Leydig cells. Myosin-Va has also been localized to non-endocrine cells, such as the germ cells of the seminiferous epithelium and maturing oocytes and in the intercalated ducts of the exocrine pancreas. These data provide the first systematic description of myosin-Va localization in the major endocrine organs of rat. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.


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The high potential for the exploitation of capybara requires information about its digestory morphophysiology, to improve nutritional handling. In the present study, gross anatomy, light microscopy and body and intestine lengths of 25 capybaras were evaluated. The minimum and maximum small intestine lengths for females and males were, respectively, 441 cm and 1734 cm, and 355 cm and 1123 cm. These values position the capybara between canine and swine intestinal lengths. The ratio between small intestine and body length was 12:1, without differences between sexes. There were no statistically significant differences between sexes for each part of small intestine. Correlation between length of each small intestine segment and body length was positive, and statistically significant only for the duodenum. The small intestine wall was formed by mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serosa. The mucosa presented intestinal and duodenal glands, of mucosal and serosal types, respectively. The mucosa muscular layer consisted of two distinct layers in the jejunum and ileum, and a thin and single layer in the duodenum. The submucosa, formed by moderate dense connective tissue, didn't show glands. The fiber bundles of the internal layer of muscular tunic were helicoidally arranged. The gross anatomy of the capybara small intestine was similar to canine and swine intestines. Microscopically, however, subtle differences can be identified in the submucosa and internal muscular tunics.


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The purpose of this study was to report a case of bilateral swelling on the floor of the mouth of a 7-month-old patient. The lesion was congenital and had started to cause feeding problems. After the clinical diagnosis of ranula was made, the lesion was marsupialized. The obtained specimen was submitted for histopathological examination, which revealed an epithelial-lined cystic lesion. These results led to the final diagnosis of mucus retention cyst. After an 8-year follow-up period, the patient is in good general health with no recurrences.


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The current study compared the toxicity of different concentrations of boric acid in adult workers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with toxicological bioassays, and examining the dose-dependent and time-dependent histopathological changes, of the midgut, Malpighian tubules, and postpharyngeal glands. Our results revealed the importance of conducting toxicological bioassays combined with morphological analyses of the organs of ants chronically exposed to insecticides used in commercial ant baits. In vitro bioassays showed that boric acid significantly decreases the survivorship of workers regardless of concentration, whereas the morphological data suggested progressive dose-dependent and time-dependent changes in the organs examined, which were evident in the midgut. The midgut is the first organ to be affected, followed by the postpharyngeal gland and Malpighian tubules. This sequence is in agreement with the absorption pathway of this chemical compound in the midgut, its transference to the hemolymph, possibly reaching the postpharyngeal glands, and excretion by the Malpighian tubules. These progressive changes might be due to the cumulative and delayed effect of boric acid. Our findings provide important information for the understanding of the action of boric acid in ant baits in direct and indirect target organs. © 2010 Entomological Society of America.


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Elevated blood testosterone concentrations, often accompanied by male-typical behaviors, is a common signalment of mares with granulosa-theca cell tumors (GCTCs), but no definitive information exists regarding the cellular differentiation of tumors associated with androgen secretion. This study was conducted to localize and thereby define the cellular expression of 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase cytochrome P450 (P450c17), the enzyme most directly responsible for androgen synthesis, in 30 GTCTs and control tissues (gonads and adrenal glands) using immuno-histochemistry (IHC). Immuno-reactivity for P450c17 was evident in approximately half of 30 specimens examined, was most consistent in the interstitial cells surrounding existing or developing cysts, and was less intense in cells within cysts in the smaller proportion of specimens where this was observed. In control tissues, the expression of P450c17 was localized primarily in theca interna of normal ovarian follicles, in theca-lutein cells of some corpora lutea, but not in granulosa-lutein cells. Testicular interstitial cells and islands of adreno-cortical cells located in the adrenal medulla of the adrenal cortex further established the specificity of the antisera used. These data provided the first substantive evidence that polyhedral cells identified previously in GTCTs by histopathology have the potential to synthesize and secrete androgens, similar to theca interna and theca lutein cells in normal equine ovaries. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.


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This study compared the sampling efficacy cia cytobrush and metal spatula for exfoliative cytology of the oral mucosa. Thirty students with no detectable oral alterations upon clinical examination were submitted to exfoliative cytology of the lateral border of the tongue, using a metal spatula on the left side and a cytobrush on the right side. The smears were stained using the Papanicoiaou technique and evaluated for cellularity, cell type, cell distribution, homogeneity, and cellular distortion, as well as the presence ol mucus, inflammatory infiltrate, and hemorrhage. A statistical test (Z-test) with a 95% confdence interval (Cl) showed a significant difference between the metal spatula and cytobrush in terms of cellularity (p = 0.02) and homogeneity (p = 0.01). No difference between the two methods was observed regarding cell type (p = 0.4, Z-test) or cell distribution for the 95% confidence interval (p = 0.2, Fisher's test). Cell distortion and the presence of mucus were observed in five cases that used the metal spatula and in two cases that used the cytobrush. No hemorrhage or inflammatory infItrate was detected in any of the slides. Based on the results of this study, the cytobrush produced qualitatively better smears in terms of cellularity and homogeneity compared to the metal spatula.


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Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Muell. Arg (Euphorbiaceae) is a medicinal plant commonly used by people living in the Cerrado region of Brazil to treat gastrointestinal ulcers. We previously described the gastroprotective action of methanolic extract (ME) of Alchornea triplinervia and the ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) in increasing of prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2) gastric levels in the mucosa. In this work we evaluated the effect of EAF in promoting the healing process in rats with acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers. In addition, toxicity was investigated during treatment with EAF. After 14 days of treatment with EAF, the potent stimulator of gastric cell proliferation contributed to the acceleration of gastric ulcer healing. Upon immunohistochemical analysis, we observed a pronounced expression of COX-2, mainly in the submucosal layer. The 14-day EAF treatment also significantly increased the number of neutrophils in the gastric mucosa regeneration area. The EAF induced angiogenesis on gastric mucosa, observed as an increase of the number of blood vessels supplying the stomach in rats treated with EAF. Oral administration for 14 days of the ethyl acetate fraction from Alchornea triplinervia accelerated the healing of gastric ulcers in rats by promoting epithelial cell proliferation, increasing the number of neutrophils and stimulation of mucus production. This fraction, which contained mainly phenolic compounds, contributed to gastric mucosa healing. © 2011 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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This work was carried out to evaluate the action of the fermented fish silage and fish meal in the histochemical of the middle intestine of O. niloticus. A great epithelium intestinal was present in fishes fed with fish silage, independent of the animal origin protein proportions in diets. It was observed that the variation of the goblet cells secretion glicoproteic intensity is linked directly to the diet supplied to animals. The middle intestine of Oreochromis niloticus showed differences in the neutral mucus glicoproteic, acid glicoproteic and glicoconjugated secretion pattern, depending on the protein origin and the percentage used in the diet, demonstrating that this species can adapt its secretion system for the protection of the digesting apparatus during the absorption of different protein sources.


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The aim of this study is to report the case of a quick growing brown tumour in the jaw after a parathyroidectomy due to the presence of a rare fifth parathyroid gland. The patient had chronic renal disease and the diagnosis was tertiary hyperparathyroidism. Thirty days after the parathyroidectomy, the patient returned with a significant increase in the tumour size. The suspicion of a supernumerary gland was confirmed by parathyroid scintigraphy. The treatment of brown tumour is dependent on the treatment of the hyperparathyroidism. However, curettage should be considered if a large lesion is disturbing mastication. In conclusion, this case should attract the attention of general practitioner dentists, since they may be the first professionals who have contact with the patient with a brown tumour in the jaws. Likewise, this case emphasises the importance of knowing the type of hyperparathyroidism involved to allow for effective treatment planning. © 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.


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We investigated whether Melipona quadrifasciata worker mandibular gland secretions contribute directly to their cuticular hydrocarbon profile. The mandibular gland secretion composition and cuticular surface compounds of newly emerged worker bees, nurse bees, and foragers were determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and compared. Both the mandibular gland secretions and the cuticular surface compounds of all worker stages were found to be composed almost exclusively of hydrocarbons. Although the relative proportion of hydrocarbons from the cuticular surface and gland secretion was statistically different, there was a high similarity in the qualitative composition between these structures in all groups of bees. © FUNPEC-RP.