483 resultados para Bos taurus indicus
The aim of this study was to investigate the maternal-offspring relationships in the bovine breeds Nellore PO (Pure Breed) and Nellore CL (Cara Limpa) in Bahia State. The genetic composition of breeds did not affect LP (latency time to stand); this variable showed mean values of 71 min and 52 min, respectively, for Nellore PO and Nellore CL. The variable LPTM (latency time to begin suckling after standing) was significantly higher for Nellore PO (mean values of 39 min) tham for Nellore CL (18 min). The variable TCC (time in contact with the calf) was classified as class 4 (60 to 80% of the time was spent with the calves). The P120 (weight at 120 days) had mean values of 122.3 kg and 122.7 kg respectively, for Nellore PO and Nellore CL. In conclusion, the maternal-offspring behaviour had little influence of the genetic composition of the breeds. These results suggest that more studies are necessary to define technological parameters for cattle raising in Bahia State.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective was to evaluate the effects of plasma progesterone (P4) concentrations and exogenous eCG on ovulation and pregnancy rates of pubertal Nellore heifers in fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocols. In Experiment 1 (Exp. 1), on Day 0 (7 d after ovulation), heifers (n = 15) were given 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) im and randomly allocated to receive: an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device containing 0.558 g of P4 (group 0.5G, n = 4); an intravaginal device containing 1 g of P4 (group 1G, n = 4); 0.558 g of P4 and PGF2α (PGF; 150 μg d-cloprostenol, group 0.5G/PGF, n = 4); or 1 g of P4 and PGF (group 1G/PGF, n = 3). On Day 8, PGF was given to all heifers and intravaginal devices removed; 24 h later (Day 9), all heifers were given 1 mg EB im. In Exp. 2, pubertal Nellore heifers (n = 292) were treated as in Exp. 1, with FTAI on Day 10 (30 to 36 h after EB). In Exp. 3, pubertal heifers (n = 459) received the treatments described for groups 0.5G/PGF and 1G/PGF and were also given 300 IU of eCG im (groups 0.5G/PGF/eCG and 1G/PGF/eCG) at device removal (Day 8). In Exp. 1, plasma P4 concentrations were significantly higher in heifers that received 1.0 vs 0.588 g P4, and were significantly lower in heifers that received PGF on Day 0. In Exp. 2 and 3, there were no significant differences among groups in rates of ovulation (65-77%) or pregnancy (Exp. 2: 26-33%; Exp. 3: 39-43%). In Exp. 3, diameter of the dominant ovarian follicle on Day 9 was larger in heifers given 0.558 g vs 1.0 g P4 (10.3 ± 0.2 vs 9.3 ± 0.2 mm; P < 0.01). In conclusion, lesser amounts of P4 in the intravaginal device or PGF on Day 0 decreased plasma P4 from Days 1 to 8 and increased diameter of the dominant follicle on Day 9. However, neither of these nor 300 IU of eCG on Day 8 significantly increased rates of ovulation or pregnancy. © 2011.
Objective of present work was study a influence of environmental and genetic effects over characteristics of milk total production (PL) and lactation duration (DL), from 2572 lactations of 477 Guzerat cows, collected since 1957 to 2002, in Rio de Janeiro State. Environmental effects were analyzed by an statistical model that include male randomized effect, fixed effect of contemporary group, and the (co)variables age of cow (lineal and quadratic) and lactation duration. The contemporary group had significant effect just for PL. Bayesian inference was used to obtain estimatives of genetic parameters over an animal model, in which was included as fixed effect the contemporary group and the covariables age of cow (linear and quadratic). The estimates of heritability and repeatability were 0.36 and 0.75 for PL and 0.29 and 0.36 for DL, respectively. The estimated genetic correlation was 0.97. The heritability estimates for PL and DL were moderate, indicating that it is possible answer to the selection of the characteristics under study. The genetic correlation was high and indicates that selection for increase milk production will be accompanied with increase in lactation duration.
The objective of this experiment was to test in vitro embryo production (IVP) as a tool to estimate fertility performance in zebu bulls using Bayesian inference statistics. Oocytes were matured and fertilized in vitro using sperm cells from three different Zebu bulls (V, T, and G). The three bulls presented similar results with regard to pronuclear formation and blastocyst formation rates. However, the cleavage rates were different between bulls. The estimated conception rates based on combined data of cleavage and blastocyst formation were very similar to the true conception rates observed for the same bulls after a fixed-time artificial insemination program. Moreover, even when we used cleavage rate data only or blastocyst formation data only, the estimated conception rates were still close to the true conception rates. We conclude that Bayesian inference is an effective statistical procedure to estimate in vivo bull fertility using data from IVP. © 2011 Mateus José Sudano et al.
Background: The sequencing and publication of the cattle genome and the identification of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) molecular markers have provided new tools for animal genetic evaluation and genomic-enhanced selection. These new tools aim to increase the accuracy and scope of selection while decreasing generation interval. The objective of this study was to evaluate the enhancement of accuracy caused by the use of genomic information (Clarifide® - Pfizer) on genetic evaluation of Brazilian Nellore cattle. Review: The application of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is recognized as one of the most practical approaches to modern genetic improvement. Genomic selection is perhaps most suited to the improvement of traits with low heritability in zebu cattle. The primary interest in livestock genomics has been to estimate the effects of all the markers on the chip, conduct cross-validation to determine accuracy, and apply the resulting information in GWAS either alone [9] or in combination with bull test and pedigree-based genetic evaluation data. The cost of SNP50K genotyping however limits the commercial application of GWAS based on all the SNPs on the chip. However, reasonable predictability and accuracy can be achieved in GWAS by using an assay that contains an optimally selected predictive subset of markers, as opposed to all the SNPs on the chip. The best way to integrate genomic information into genetic improvement programs is to have it included in traditional genetic evaluations. This approach combines traditional expected progeny differences based on phenotype and pedigree with the genomic breeding values based on the markers. Including the different sources of information into a multiple trait genetic evaluation model, for within breed dairy cattle selection, is working with excellent results. However, given the wide genetic diversity of zebu breeds, the high-density panel used for genomic selection in dairy cattle (Ilumina Bovine SNP50 array) appears insufficient for across-breed genomic predictions and selection in beef cattle. Today there is only one breed-specific targeted SNP panel and genomic predictions developed using animals across the entire population of the Nellore breed (www.pfizersaudeanimal.com), which enables genomically - enhanced selection. Genomic profiles are a way to enhance our current selection tools to achieve more accurate predictions for younger animals. Material and Methods: We analyzed the age at first calving (AFC), accumulated productivity (ACP), stayability (STAY) and heifer pregnancy at 30 months (HP30) in Nellore cattle fitting two different animal models; 1) a traditional single trait model, and 2) a two-trait model where the genomic breeding value or molecular value prediction (MVP) was included as a correlated trait. All mixed model analyses were performed using the statistical software ASREML 3.0. Results: Genetic correlation estimates between AFC, ACP, STAY, HP30 and respective MVPs ranged from 0.29 to 0.46. Results also showed an increase of 56%, 36%, 62% and 19% in estimated accuracy of AFC, ACP, STAY and HP30 when MVP information was included in the animal model. Conclusion: Depending upon the trait, integration of MVP information into genetic evaluation resulted in increased accuracy of 19% to 62% as compared to accuracy from traditional genetic evaluation. GE-EPD will be an effective tool to enable faster genetic improvement through more dependable selection of young animals.
Semen cryopreservation is still considered suboptimal due to lower fertility when compared to fresh semen. The reasons for the loss of fertility are various and related to irreversible damage caused to the cells during the freeze-thaw process. An alternative to conventional cryopreservation represents the use of chilled bull semen, preventing the damage associated with freezing, thereby guaranteeing greater sperm viability. The aim of this study was to describe the use of cooled bull semen as a strategy to increase the pregnancy for Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI) of Nellore (Bos indicus) cows. One ejaculate of a select Nellore bull obtained by electroejaculation was used; the semen sample was fractioned into two aliquots: one diluted in Botu-Bov® extender containing 6.4% glycerol for cryopreservation (BB-F, frozen group) and one diluted in the same extender, free from cryoprotectants and used for cooling (BB-C, cooled semen group). The samples in the BB-C group were chilled to 5°C using an isothermic box and maintained for 24 h prior to use. A total of 349 lactating Nellore cows (70-90 days after birth) were synchronized by the insertion of a progesterone releasing device (1.0 g) and estradiol benzoate (2.0 mg i.m.) on a random day of the estrous cycle (Day 0); FTAI was performed 44-48 h after the removal of the device. The pregnancy rates were 45.71 and 61.49% (P<0.05), respectively, for the cryopreserved or chilled bovine semen groups. In conclusion, the use of bull semen cooled for 24 h represents an alternative to conventionally cryopreserved semen, as determined by the increase the pregnancy per artificial insemination in bovine herds. © 2012 Science Publication.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplemental protein during the rainy season on body growth, ingestive behavior and reproductive performance of crossbred Gir x Holstein dairy heifers, with mean age of 21 ± 4.1 months and average initial body weight of 296.7 ± 57.3 kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates per treatment. Heifers remained on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture, managed according to a rotational grazing system and, as treatment, it was supplemented with protein concentrate (34%, 43%, 56% and 66% BW) and level of supply of 0.30% body weight (BW). The animals were weighed and the mean weight of the lot was used for the calculation of adjustment of the amount of concentrate offered. Heifers that reached 330.0 kg of live weight were artificially inseminated and, 45 days after insemination, pregnancy diagnosis was performed for the calculation of pregnancy rate and age at conception. No significant difference of protein levels was observed on grazing, eating behavior, productive performance and age at conception of dairy heifers on pasture. The average daily weight gain of BW and age at conception were, on average, 0.907 kg/animal and 24.03 months, respectively.
The objective was to evaluate when the LH reserve was re-established in postpartum Nellore (Bos indicus) cows by evaluating the response of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis responsiveness to exogenous GnRH or estradiol benzoate (EB). Additionally, we tested the influence of dietary supplementation (SUPL) and calf removal (CR) on the duration of postpartum anestrus. Ninety multiparous lactating Nellore cows were randomly assigned to eight groups. The EB and GnRH groups received 1.0 mg EB (N = 7), and 50 μg lecireline (N = 16), respectively. Additional cows were given the same hormones, and subjected to either nutritional supplementation (EB-SUPL, N = 9; GnRH-SUPL, N = 16), or calf removal at 72 hours after calving (EB-CR, N = 4; GnRH-CR, N = 13). The remaining two groups were the LH (12.5 mg, N = 14) and control groups (saline, N = 11). Hormones were administered weekly from 7 (±5) days postpartum to first ovulation (detection of a CL during a weekly ultrasonographic examination). Blood samples were collected just before and 2 hours (GnRH, LH, and control groups) or 18 hours (EB groups) after hormone or saline (control) administration. Ovulation occurred as early as 15 days postpartum in the GnRH group. The mean ± SEM intervals (days) from calving to first ovulation were EB, 87.7 ± 4.2; EB-CR, 20.3 ± 1.2; EB-SUPL, 60.3 ± 3.2; GnRH, 40.4 ± 2.1; GnRH-CR, 21.0 ± 1.1; GnRH-SUPL, 26.4 ± 1.1; LH, 35.6 ± 1.1; and control, 60.9 ± 2.1. We concluded that there was sufficient LH in the pituitary gland (of Nellore cows) from the second week postpartum to induce ovulation in response to exogenous GnRH. Additionally, calf removal and nutritional supplementation reduced, by 2 to 4 weeks, the interval from calving to an LH increase and ovulation induced by GnRH or EB. © 2013.
Genetic parameters for test-day milk yield, 305-day milk yield, and lactation length in Guzerat cows
Milk production in tropical environments requires the use of crossbreeding systems including breeds well adapted to harsh conditions, but with lower productivities when compared to specialized breeds. Besides the genetic improvement for milk production, lactation lengths also need to be studied for most of these breeds. Accordingly, genetic parameters were estimated for 305-day cumulative milk yield (MY305), test-day milk yield (TDMY), and lactation length (LL) using information from the first lactations of 2816 Guzerat cows selected for milk production in 28 herds in Brazil. Contemporary groups were defined as herd, year and season of the test for TDMY, and as herd, year and season of calving for MY305 and LL. Variance components were estimated with the restricted maximum likelihood method under a multi-trait animal model. Heritabilities estimated for TDMY ranged from 0.16 to 0.24, and were 0.24 and 0.12 for MY305 and LL, respectively. Genetic correlations were high and positive, ranging from 0.51 to 0.99 among TDMY records, from 0.81 to 0.98 between each TDMY and MY305, and from 0.71 to 0.94 between each TDMY and LL. Genetic parameters obtained in this study indicated the possibility of using test-day records for the prediction of breeding values for milk yield in this population of the Guzerat breed. The use of TDMY as selection criteria would result in indirect gains in MY305 and LL. However, the highest response to selection for MY305 would be obtained by direct selection for this trait. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
The objective was to evaluate reproductive tract development (ovary and uterus) and onset of puberty in two lines of Nellore heifers (Bos indicus) selected for postweaning weight. A total of 123 heifers, including 46 from the control Nellore line (NeC) and 77 from the selection Nellore line (NeS) were used. Every 18 to 21 days from 12 to 24 months of age, average ovarian area (OVA), endometrial thickness (ETh), and diameter of the largest follicle in each ovary were evaluated (using transrectal ultrasonography), and body weight, hip height, and body condition score were measured. There were no differences between NeS and NeC heifers for ETh or OVA (P < 0.05). Genetic selection for higher postweaning weight had no negative influence on the onset of puberty, with 52% and 48% of NeC and NeS heifers, respectively, pubertal at 24 months of age (P = 0.49). Heifers that reached puberty at the end of the study were heavier (NeC, 296.9 vs. 276.7 kg; NeS, 343.5 vs. 327.9 kg; P < 0.01) and younger (NeC, 23.4 vs. 24.2 mo; NeS, 22.7 vs. 24.0 months; P < 0.01) than those that did not. Furthermore, heifers that were heavier at weaning reached puberty earlier. Pubertal heifers had a greater OVA (4.15 vs. 3.14 cm2; P < 0.01) and ETh (12.15 vs. 9.93 mm; P < 0.01) than nonpubertal heifers. Taken together, OVA and ETh had positive effects (P < 0.01) on the onset of puberty and were suitable indicator traits of heifer sexual precocity in pasture management systems. However, selection for weight did not alter ovarian or endometrial development, or manifestation of puberty at 24 months of age. Among the growth traits studied, weaning weight and weight at puberty had significant positive effects on manifestation of first estrus. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Advances in DNA technology have created biotechnological tools that can be used in animal selection and new strategies for increasing herd productivity and quality. The objective of the present work was to associate the genotypes of leptin gene exon 2 polymorphisms with productive traits in Nellore cattle. Blood was collected from Nellore males and PCR-RFLP reactions were performed with the restriction enzymes ClaI and Kpn2I. The gene frequencies resulting from digestion by ClaI were 0.60 and 0.40 for allele A and T, respectively; the genotypic frequencies were AA = 0.20 and AT = 0.80. The gene frequencies from digestion by Kpn2I were 0.81 for allele C and 0.194 for allele T; the genotypic frequencies were CC = 0.62 and CT = 0.38. The populations in both cases were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p > 0.05), and the TT genotype was not found. Significant associations were noted between leptin gene exon 2 polymorphisms and five productive traits in Nellore cattle: carcass fat distribution, the intensity of red muscle coloration, pH, marbling, and post-slaughter fat thickness. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)