431 resultados para Mosquito como transmissor de doença
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
To treat periodontal disease is essential to establish a control in all etiological factors that cause destructive activity in periodontal tissues. Basic periodontal therapy may be applied to eliminate or/and to control all etiologic factors involved in disease development. In this paper, some aspects to stabilize advanced periodontal disease using basic periodontal therapy are analyzed and discussed.
The increase of the retentive areas of bacterial plaque can be observed in patients who use dental braces in the mouth. The difficulty of making hygienic is one of the problems that this particular group of patients faces day by day, and consequently, the establishment of gingival inflammation becomes more frequent. The objective of this case report is to show the importance of the periodontist in preventing and promoting health to the users of dental braces, aimed at education and motivation as one of the priorities of this treatment. The ESA patient, 29 years old, male, attended the dental office of a periodontist, sent by the orthodontist, due to the extensive area of gingival hyperplasia and gingivitis, in both arches. The possibility of taking out the dental braces was considered by the orthodontist, but after the periodontist evaluation, this step was procrastinated. Thus, the periodontist started the adequacy of the oral environment together with the work of education and promotion of health, which lasted until the complete recovery of the healthy gingival condition of the patient. In this way, it is possible to observe the relevance of the work of the periodontist in the application of preventive methods in oral health for orthodontic patients. The motivation of these patients in relation to the orientations of buccal hygienic, maintenance of oral health and diet should not be considered as secondary and should be prioritized, because only in this way it would be possible to reach a good occlusion, without esthetic and functional prejudice.
Purpose: To evaluate the association among periodontal disease, diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension in pregnant women users of the Brazilian Health System (SUS). Methods: The sample consisted of 86 women, with pregnant age between the 4th and 7 th month, submitted to pre-natal attendance in Health Basic Unities (HBUs). Periodontal condition was evaluated by 2 calibrated researchers (Kappa = 0.91) through the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). A sphygmomanometer was used to check the arterial pressure, what was accomplished by the professionals from the HBUs; glycemia test was accomplished through a blood sample collected from the middle finger with a disposable lancet adapted to a lance device (Accu-Chek Softclix Pro; Roche, USA), and for checking the glycemia level, a glycemia monitor was used (Accu-Chek Advantage II, Roche, USA). Data were written on a numbered register form, avoiding patient identification. After, the same data were statistically analyzed through the Fisher Exact Test, in order to evaluate the existence of association between the variables blood glucose and periodontal disease. In this test, a significance level of 0,05 was adopted. Results – Most of the pregnant woman presented periodontal health (58,1%); 41,9% of the research subjects showed at least one sign of periodontal disease, with 31,4% presenting gingivitis and 10,5% periodontitis. Hyperglycemia was detected in 51,2% and it was not found a value of arterial pressure higher than what is considered to be normal. Conclusion: it was not verified a significant association among the presence of periodontal disease, glycemia alteration and arterial hypertension in pregnant women who comprised this research.
Lyme disease (LD) is a systemic inflammatory changes resulting from the direct action of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi on the host or indirect damage produced by immune response to this microorganism. This pathogen is transmitted by inoculation in the bloodstream by the tick genus Ixodes and is most commonly found in North America, Europe and Asia. In these regions, the dental community is aware about its commonest clinical symptoms, collaborating with the establishment of a diagnosis. However, in Brazil, the frequent facial or peripheral neurological manifestations, among them the Bell's palsy, ocular disorders, disorders in the temporomandibular joint, as well as paresthesia of upper and lower alveolar nerves are observed. In our country, the diagnosis of Lyme disease is primarily based on clinical symptomatology, but most of cases remain without diagnosis and treatment. Then, the detection of the early manifestations of Lyme disease by health professionals is essential for the proper antibiotic treatment, preventing the progression of the disease, and allowing the establishment of favorable prognostic.
Lyme disease (LD) is a systemic infl ammatory changes resulting from direct action and the immune response to the spirochete Borrelia burgdoferi transmitted by inoculation of the fl ow of the genus Ixodes tick and is most commonly found in North America, Europe and Asia. This disease can lead to facial and peripheral neurological manifestations, such as Bell’s palsy, eye changes, disorders in the temporo-mandibular joint in addition to paresthesia of superior and inferior alveolar nerves. In Brazil, the diagnosis of LD is primarily based on clinical presentation, the erythema migrans skin, and epidemiological information of the patient. Recognition of the onset of the DL by health professionals is essential for the correct antibiotic treatment preventing the progression of the disease, and also relevant preventive guidelines for those living or working in endemic areas.
Periodontal disease has been increasingly associated as a supporting factor, and even a precursor to some systemic diseases. Just aim of this paper was to analyze by reviewing the literature, the possible mechanisms involved in the etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease that are common to the current systemic diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. The articles were analyzed with in the publication period of the years 2006 to 2011 and were surveyed in the databases PubMed, LILACS and SciELO. Of a total of 907 articles found by searching the indices and their associations, were selected by inclusion criteria 93 articles. For the preparation of this literature review, only 24 articles were selected because they are based on inflammatory mechanisms, metabolic and infectious, where the considerations for the strongest associations in the literature. This literature review reinforces the association of periodontal disease with systemic diseases analyzed due to presence of inflammatory and immunological mechanisms and similar synergism betwen the two diseases, but some hypotheses still need further clarification. The professional should stick to recent discoveries associations to promote periodontal treatment in preventing the development of systemic diseases, as well as in maintaining the systemic health of patients already suffering from chronic systemic diseases.
Introdução: Sabe-se que a prática regular e sistematizada de atividade física é uma eficiente estratégia para evitar a deterioração cognitiva e funcional associada à Doença de Alzheimer (DA), uma doença progressiva, degenerativa e irreversível. Na população idosa os benefícios observados com a prática de exercícios físicos aeróbios já se encontram bem estabelecidos, contudo pouco ainda se sabe quanto à prática deste tipo de atividade em pacientes com DA. Em estudos realizados com modelo animal pode-se observar que o exercício físico aeróbio foi capaz de reduzir os níveis da proteína β-amilóide, sendo esta uma proteína característica da DA, que provoca degeneração no cérebro dos pacientes. A redução dos marcadores característicos da doença pode promover benefícios para os pacientes. Objetivos: Promover a prática de exercícios físicos para promoção/manutenção da saúde de pacientes com DA. Métodos: O estudo está sendo desenvolvido no PRO-CDA (Programa de Cinesioterapia Funcional e Cognitiva em Idosos com Doença de Alzheimer), projeto de Extensão do Departamento de Educação Física da UNESP – Campus Rio Claro, vinculado ao Núcleo Local UNESP-UNATI. O projeto atende atualmente 34 pacientes, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Convívio Social e Grupo Exercício. O primeiro tem por objetivo desenvolver a adaptação do paciente à rotina do projeto. Já o segundo grupo busca promover os benefícios observados com a prática de atividade física nos pacientes participantes. Ambos os grupos realizam atividades três vezes na semana, com 60 minutos de duração cada sessão. O projeto conta com a participação de alunos de graduação, dos cursos de educação física, pedagogia e biologia, bem como discentes de pós-graduação da UNESP, além de aprimorandos graduandos e graduados dos cursos de educação física, fisioterapia, gerontologia e psicologia de outras universidades, que atuam sob a coordenação de docentes vinculados ao Departamento de Educação Física e de Educação. Resultados: Por se tratar de um protocolo de intervenção motora iniciado recentemente, o presente estudo ainda não apresenta resultados. Contudo protocolos de atividade física desenvolvidos anteriormente no PRO-CDA evidenciam melhora na realização de atividades de vida diária, manutenção das funções cognitivas, qualidade de vida e redução dos distúrbios de comportamento nos pacientes participantes. Espera-se que o protocolo de exercício físico aeróbio possa influenciar positivamente os participantes do projeto, com melhora na qualidade de vida, tanto de pacientes como de cuidadores, redução de sintomas depressivos, melhora dos distúrbios do sono e da condição motora.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)