443 resultados para wholemount histopathology


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Dioctophyma renale is a large nematode distributed worldwide that may cause progressive and severe destruction of renal parenchyma.Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate pre- and post-operatively dogs submitted to right nephrectomy due to D. renale and to assess the histopathological damage of the removed kidney.Animals and methods: Eight crossbred dogs, aged from 12 to 48 months that were unilaterally nephrectomized due to the presence of D. renale were evaluated. Physical examination, urinalysis, complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and abdominal ultrasound were performed immediately before and one month after nephrectomy. The nephrectomized right kidneys were submitted to macroscopic and microscopic evaluations.Results: Urinalysis preoperatively detected occult blood in all dogs and D. renale eggs in five cases. Complete blood count showed all parameters within the reference range, except one dog post-operatively. Serum biochemistry performed before and after surgery verified that urea, creatinine and sodium were within the reference range values in all dogs. Other findings varied among the dogs. The length and arterial resistive index mean values of the left kidney were similar pre- and post-operatively.Conclusions: Thus, the inconsiderable change in laboratory findings pre- and post-operatively was attributable to compensation by left kidney function for the removed abnormal right kidney. Right kidney histology revealed chronic nephropathy due to D. renale.Clinical importance: Imaging diagnosis should be performed on dogs suspected as carrying the disease or on those from an enzootic area since the laboratory findings are not specific except eggs in the urine.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Squamous cell carcinoma is a keratinocytes malignant tumor, the definitive diagnosis of this disease is based on histopathology examination of the lesions. The cats nostrils is one of regions commonly affected by this neoplasm. The response to chemotherapeutic agents, cryosurgery and radiotherapy is poor and for this reason surgical resection is instituted for remove the greatest amount of tissue engaged and provide free margins, in case of nasal involvement are indicated nosectomy often needing reconstructive techniques using as advance flaps for synthesis of surgical wounds. Due to the high incidence of feline patients with this entity, this study aims to report and discuss the effectiveness of nosectomy in seven cats with the disease. It is concluded that nosectomy as a therapeutic technique effective in five of seven cats, resecting tumor margin and providing acceptable time and quality life.


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Recent studies have suggested that tacrolimus monotherapy is a beneficial therapeutic alternative for the normalization of cyclosporin- induced bone loss in animal models and humans. The mechanism accounting for this action is unclear at present. In the present study, we attempted to determine the effect of tacrolimus monotherapy on alveolar bone using histological, histomorphometrical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Groups of rats (n= 10 each) were treated with either tacrolimus (1mg/ kg/ day, s.c.) or drug vehicle for 60 days. Fragments containing maxillary molars were processed for light microscopy to investigate the alveolar bone volume, trabecular separation, number of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, and transmission electron microscopy to investigate their ultrastructural basic phenotype.Treatment with tacrolimus monotherapy during 60 days may induce increases in alveolar bone volume (BV/ TV,%; P < 0.05) and a non- significant decrease in trabecular separation (Tb. Sp, mm; P > 0.05), represented by a decrease in osteoclast number (N. Oc/ BS; P < 0.05) and maintenance of osteoblast number (N. Ob/ BS; P > 0.05). Osteoblasts were often observed as a continuous layer of active cells on the bone surface. Osteoclasts appeared to be detached from the resorbed bone surface, which was often filled by active osteoblasts and collagen- rich matrix. Moreover, osteoclasts in the treated group were frequently observed as inactive cells (without ruffled border, clear zone and detached from the bone surface).Within the limits of the present study, we conclude that tacrolimus leads to an increase in alveolar bone formation, which probably exerts action on osteoclasts. Tacrolimus could, therefore, play a crucial role in the control of both early osteoclast differentiations from precursors, as well as in functional activation.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate abdominal ultrasound images of dogs diagnosed with lymphoma. Seventy cases of dogs with lymphoma were analyzed. The animals selected were diagnosed with lymphoma which was confirmed by citology or histopathology. The most common sonographic alterations were abdominal lymphadenopathy (57.1%), hepatomegaly (54.2%) and splenomegaly (51.4%). Of the animals that had a cytology done of superficial lymph nodes, 82,8% showed diffuse sonographic changes in the liver, 54.5% had normal sonographic appearance in the spleen and enlargement of the medial iliac lymph nodes. Considering the results, we conclude that canine lymphoma is a complex disease and that it requires several laboratory tests for a correct diagnosis and prognosis.


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The sonographic evaluation of thyroid glands in veterinary medicine presents challenges due to the complexity of the anatomical region, professional experience and type of ultrasonography equipment. The technique is considered a versatile diagnostic method that is noninvasive and has a low cost indicated in different clinical situations. Thyroid carcinoma is a malignant tumor that is often invasive and frequently metastatic to regional lymph nodes and lungs. The prognostic indicators for survival after surgery include tumor size, histological type, mobility and presence or absence of metastasis. The objective of the present report is to demonstrate the importance of ultrasound as a complementary method in the evaluation of thyroid carcinoma in dogs. At the Dr. Halim Atique Veterinary Hospital, an eight-year-old male Pit Bull was examined due to a history of firm painless swelling, approximately six inches in diameter, in the ventral cervical region, for about two months. The sonogram showed a nodular area, with defined and regular margins, and heterogeneous hypoechoic parenchyma, with areas of cavitation and swelling of the thyroid. Histopathology of the nodule was consistent with carcinoma. After thyreoidectomy and hormone replacemet, the patient is in good clinical condition.


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Leishmaniasis is a disease emerging or re-emerging worldwide distribution (Sousa, 2008), a major impact on public health. The canine visceral leishmaniasis is an infectious parasitic zoonosis of worldwide distribution (Troncarelli, 2009), caused by a flagellate protozoan called Leishmania chagasi (Costard, 2009). Osteomyelitis can develop when the parasite reaches the bone tissue of the host via blood or continuity of adjacent soft tissue infection (Baltenperger, 2004). The histopathology of the lesions has 100% specificity when viewing the amastigote form of the parasite (Feitosa et al., 2000). A dog breed poodle, female, five years, with chronic lameness four months ago was attended by a veterinary, proceeded to the general clinical examination, radiographic evaluation of the hindquarters and the laboratory tests of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (RIFI) for Leishmania sp. On examination, besides the enlargement of lymph nodes, the animal showed pain on flexion and extension of hind limbs. In radiographic lytic bone lesions were observed in bilateral ischial board and greater trochanter of the femur, suggestive of osteomyelitis. In specific laboratory tests for diagnosis of leishmaniasis ELISA reagent and RIFI reagent 1:40. As recommended by the Ministry of Health, the animal was euthanized. No macroscopic findings were reported during the necropsy, usually associated with leishmaniasis. The ischium bone fragments were sent for histopathological examination. There was intense proliferation of mononuclear inflammatory cells, mainly macrophages and lymphocytes. Amastigotes of Leishmania sp, were identified in the cytoplasm of some macrophages and bone tissue. In endemic areas for canine leishmaniasis, dogs with a history of intermittent lameness, and radiographic lytic bone lesions suggestive of osteomyelitis should be directed to realization of the histopathology and serologic tests for the differential diagnosis of Leishmania sp. Even without evidence of cutaneous or visceral lesions, usually associated with this disease.


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Lower gastrointestinal tract neoplasms are rare in domestic animals, representing 3% of all biopsies and necropsies. Our objective is to describe the histopathological and B-mode ultrasound findings in a case of duodenal adenocarcinoma in a dog, since it commonly occurs in the large intestine. On ultrasound examination, there was transmural wall thickening in the duodenum with loss of layer structure, focal peritonitis and adenopathy. Histopathological examination of the intestinal mass revealed a malignant epithelial neoplasm, densely cellular and infiltrative, extending through the lamina propria, submucosa, muscle and hypodermis, characterizing a duodenal adenocarcinoma. We conclude that adenocarcinomas may be included in the differential diagnosis of transmural lesions in the duodenum in B-mode ultrasound examinations, but a laparotomy and biopsy are required for definitive diagnosis.


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The canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) is a neoplasm of round cells that primarily affects the external genitalia of both male and female dogs with high casuistry. Its transmission occurs by the tumor cells’ implementation in the mucous membranes during the coitus or in other body parts through licking, scratching or direct contact with the tumor. The clinical manifestations vary according to the location. Despite being a malignant neoplasm, TVT’s metastatic potential is low. The diagnosis is based on macroscopic characteristics, clinical signs, cytology and/or histopathology exam, among which cytology is considered the best method. There are several treatment protocols for the TVT, among which, surgical excision, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate is the elected treatment. However, more and more new alternatives have been developed, as the usage of natural products, homeopathy and ivermectina. They can be used as a unique treatment to neoplasm or combined to the chemotherapy in order to decrease the dose and the application number of the chemotherapic and its side effects


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Oncology is presenting an important role in clinical practice as a speciality in recent years in Veterinary Medicine. Mammary gland tumors are detected mainly in old and middleaged bitches that are sexually intact or spayed and the caudal abdominal and inguinal mammary glands are the most affected and they present a percentage up to 75% of malignancy. The majority of dogs with mammary neoplasms are clinically healthy at the time of diagnosis and the tumors can be identified by the owner or a professional during a routine physical examination. Cytological examination of fine needle aspirates can be performed. This procedure is easy and low cost and some criteria that may indicate malignancy are evaluated, however to obtain a definitive diagnosis is performed histopathology of the excised tissue or from biopsy. Regional lymph nodes are the first lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage from the neoplasm. They are at the highest risk of regional metastasis, while the lung is the most common site for distant metastasis. Determining the clinical stage enables the definition of the extension of the tumor. As a consequence, this allows a prognosis to be established and treatment to be planned. The type of therapy to be chosen incites controversy since there are numerous treatment options described, but the surgery is the chosen treatment. However, surgery is not always effective for malignant tumors, and recurrences may occur and in these cases, auxiliary chemotherapy treatments are used. The prognosis for animals that have mammary tumors depends on several factors, such as: size, stage, type of tumor cells and clinical behavior of the tumor, age and medical condition of the animal, and presence of metastasis. Because of this, more detailed studies are needed based on epidemiological surveys in order to provide more informations about risk factors, prevalence and follow-up after treatment of mammary... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Feline hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease is a cholestatic syndrome that affects domestic cats and is characterized by excess fat accumulation in the liver of cats. Symptoms commonly seen with this syndrome are anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, jaundice, and occasionally behavioral or neurologic signs such as excessive drooling, blindness, coma, and seizures. The diagnosis is based on the patient history, clinical examination, complementary examination, and the definitive diagnosis is obtained by cytology and/or histopathology of hepatic tissue. In serum biochemistry, the main findings include increased serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST) and bilirubin. The gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is normal or slightly increased. The cornerstone of therapy is aggressive feeding to supply the cat full caloric requirements. Without aggressive nutritional support and intensive monitoring the fatty liver disease can be fatal


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Endometriosis is a continuous and progressive disease with a poorly understood aetiology, pathophysiology and natural history. This study evaluated the histological differences between eutopic and ectopic endometria (abdominal wall endometriosis) and the expression of mast cell proteases (tryptase and chymase), annexin A1 (ANXA1) and formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1). Ectopic endometrium from 18 women with abdominal wall endometriosis and eutopic endometrium from 10 women without endometriosis were obtained. The endometrial samples were analysed by histopathology, immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural immunogold labeling to determine mast cell heterogeneity (tryptase and chymase positive cells) and the expression levels of ANXA1 and FPR1. Histopathological analysis of the endometriotic lesions showed a glandular pattern of mixed differentiation and an undifferentiated morphology with a significant influx of inflammatory cells and a change in mast cell heterogeneity, as evidenced by a significant increase in the number of chymase-positive cells and endogenous chymase expression. The undifferentiated glandular pattern of endometriotic lesions was positively associated with a marked increase and co-localization of ANXA1 and FPR1 in the epithelial cells. In conclusion, the co-upregulated expression of mast cell chymase and ANXA1–FPR1 system in ectopic endometrium suggests their involvement in the development of endometriotic lesions.