436 resultados para radiographic apex


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Hyperthyroidism can result in serious effects on the bone metabolism in humans as well as animals. For a better characterization of thyrotoxicosis effects, 16 cats were induced into thyrotoxicosis by intaking a dose of 150 μg/kg of sodium L-thyroxine every 24 hours during 42 days. The hormonal levels were evaluated by radioimmunoassay technique and the bone mineral density of the right distal radius extremity was measured through the radiographic optical densitometry. Was verified significant bone demineralization seven days of hormonal intake as weel as radius demineralization.


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The aim of this study is to compare polyurethanes containing castor oil (soft segment) in granular form compared to cancellous bone autograft applied to a segmental bone defect. Norfolk adult female rabbits - approximately 13 months of age with a mean body weight of 4.5 kg - are used. In both radial diaphyses, 1 cm osteoperiosteal segmental defects are created. The defect in the left radius is filled with the castor-oil-based polyurethane, and the right one, filled with cancellous bone autograft, collected from the left proximal humerus. The rabbits are euthanazed at 15, 30, 60, and 120 days postsurgery (5 animals/ period), for histological analyses. By radiographic analyses, at these time points, the bone regeneration is more evident and accelerated in the bone defects treated with the cancellous bone autograft. At 120 days postsurgery, the segmental bone defects treated with the cancellous bone autograft are totally reconstituted and remodeled, while the bone defects treated with polyurethane polymer have bone formation of 79%. Histological study shows that the polyurethane acts as a space filler, minimizing the local production of fibrous tissue. No granule degradation, resorption or any inflammatory reaction is detected. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the castor-oil-plant-based polyurethane - in the granule presentation - is biocompatible and osteointegrated, but does not show the same bone regeneration capacity as the cancellous bone autograft. © 2007 SAGE Publications.


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Achyrocline alata occurs in a dense and low vegetation in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil and it has been studied under physical-chemical and yield aspects, being scarce anatomical data. The present work has as objective the study of the aerial vegetative axis. Stem is cylindrical and hairy, having five wings, which are arisen from their leaves. The blade shows the presence of uniseriate epidermis, which is covered by the cuticle of variable thickness; and non-glandular and glandular trichomes. The non-glandular trichomes are uniseriate and multicellular and have their apex cell in whip form, while the glandular trichomes are multicellular, uniseriate or biseriate. The mesophyll is dorsiventral with uni-stratified palisade parenchyma in most of the cases and lacunal parenchyma formed by three to four layers of irregular cells. Only one collateral vascular bundle occurs in the midvein. Stem in transversal section is covered by epidermis with trichomes similar to leaves; the cortex is constituted by a discontinuous area of angular collenchyma, which is followed by chlorophyll parenchyma. Vascular cylinder that is delimited by pericycle shows vascular bundles of collateral type. In the secondary structure, the periderm is originated from epidermal and subepidermal tissues. In vascular region, the fascicular cambium differs into secondary xylem and phloem, while interfascicular cambium produces sclerenchymatous tissue.


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Adenocarcinoma of the lung that metastasizes to the mandible is very uncommon; only a few cases have been described in the English-language literature. This article presents a metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the lung affecting the mandible of a 64-year-old woman, in which the first discovered metastatic lesion was detected before the primary tumor. The immunoreactivity for human thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) in the oral lesion was essential for determining the site and type of the primary tumor, as the patient showed no clinical or radiographic evidence of a tumor in the thyroid gland. After the primary tumor in the lung was diagnosed, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were initiated; unfortunately, the patient died two months after the start of treatment. This article emphasizes the importance of a well-conducted examination for diagnosing metastatic oral lesions.


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BACKGROUND: Annexin 1 is a 37-kDa protein that has complex intra- and extracellular effects. To discover whether the absence of this protein alters bone development, we monitored this event in the annexin-A1 null mice in comparison with littermate wild-type controls. METHODS: Radiographic and densitometry methods were used for the assessment of bone in annexin-A1 null mice at a gross level. We used whole-skeleton staining, histological analysis, and Western blotting techniques to monitor changes at the tissue and cellular levels. RESULTS: There were no gross differences in the appendicular skeleton between the genotypes, but an anomalous development of the skull was observed in the annexin-A1 null mice. This was characterized in the newborn annexin-A1 null animals by a delayed intramembranous ossification of the skull, incomplete fusion of the interfrontal suture and palatine bone, and the presence of an abnormal suture structure. The annexin-A1 gene was shown to be active in osteocytes during this phase and COX-2 was abundantly expressed in cartilage and bone taken from annexin-A1 null mice. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of the annexin-A1 gene is important for the normal development of the skull in mice, possibly through the regulation of osteoblast differentiation and a secondary effect on the expression of components of the cPLA2-COX-2 system. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Regional odontodysplasia (RO) is a rare developmental anomaly involving both mesodermal and ectodermal dental components in a group of contiguous teeth. It affects the primary and permanent dentitions in the maxilla and mandible or both jaws. Generally it is localized in only one arch. The etiology of this dental anomaly is uncertain. Clinically, affected teeth have an abnormal morphology, are soft on probing and typically discolored, yellow or yellowish-brown. Radiographically, the affected teeth show a ghostlike appearance. This paper reports the case of a 5-year-old girl presenting this rare anomaly on the left side of the maxillary arch, which crossed the midline. The primary maxillary left teeth (except for the canine) and the primary maxillary right central incisor were missing due to previous extractions. The permanent teeth had a ghostlike appearance radiographically. The treatment performed was rehabilitation with temporary partial acrylic denture and periodic controls. In the future, the extraction of affected permanent teeth and rehabilitation with dental implants will be evaluated. The presentation of this case adds valuable information to pediatric dentists to review special clinical and radiographic features of RO, which will facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of patients with this condition.


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Background: The adenocarcinoma of the appendix is a rare disease, generally identified as an acute appendicitis in the clinical presentation. Preoperative diagnosis is extremely difficult and uncommon. Objective: To present two cases of adenocarcinoma of the appendix, unique for presenting in early ages, and a complete literature review on this topic. Cases report: First case: a 24-year-old man submitted to appendectomy for acute inflammatory abdomen. Sent to hospital due to a histopathological diagnosis of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix. Right hemicolectomy, epiploectomy, ganglion and partial abdominal wall resection were performed. The patient is now in chemotherapy. Second case: a 32-year-old man presented, during appendectomy, with vegetant lesion on the apex of the appendix. The histopathological study revealed the presence of adenocarcinoma of the appendix. Right hemicolectomy with ganglion resection was performed. The patient does not present signs of recurring disease. Conclusion: The macroscopic and clinical similarity between adenocarcinoma of the appendix and acute appendicitis makes it important to check out histopathological study results. The cases above reinforce this requirement, as the authors have found adenocarcinoma of the appendix in young patients.


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This paper describes the clinical courses of three cases with extra-oral sinus tract formation, from diagnosis and treatment to short-term follow-up and evaluation. All teeth involved had periradicular radiolucent areas noted on radiographic examination and extra-oral sinus tracts appearing on the chin with exudation and unpleasant aesthetic appearance. The adopted treatment protocol included treating the sinus tract surface simultaneously with the root canal therapy. After root canal shaping using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, calcium hydroxide-based pastes associated with different vehicles were inserted into the root canal for 4 months, and were changed monthly. All the sinus tracts healed in 7 to 10 days. The apical lesions were completely repaired in a maximum period of 24 months. The treatment adopted provided a complete healing of the periapical lesions in a short follow-up period. Surgical repair of the cutaneous sinus tract was therefore unnecessary. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of coronal leakage on the healing of dogs' periapical tissues after root canal filling, post space preparation and protection or not with a temporary sealer plug. Forty root canals of dogs' teeth were instrumented and filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Endomethasone or CRCS sealers. After post space preparation, the remaining filling material was protected or not with a plug of temporary Coltosol sealer and exposed to the oral environment for 90 days. Thereafter, the animals were sacrificed and the specimens were removed and prepared for histomorphological and histobacteriological analysis. The findings revealed 35% of microbial leakage in the groups without plugs and 15% of leakage in the groups with plugs. Statistical analysis showed that the use of a Coltosol plug improved significantly the histomorphological results regardless of the type of root canal sealer (p=0.05) and that CRCS and Endomethasone sealers showed similar results (p>0.05).


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Bisphosphonates are currently used in the treatment of many diseases involving increased bone resorption such as osteoporosis. Statins have been widely used for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and recent studies have shown that these drugs are also capable of stimulating bone formation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate thel influence of an estrogen deficient state and the effects of simvastatin and sodium alendronate therapies on alveolar bone in female rats. Fifty-four rats were either ovariectomized (OVX) or sham operated. A month later, the animals began to receive a daily dose of simvastatin (SIN - 25 mg/kg), sodium alendronate (ALN - 2 mg/kg) or water (control) orally. Thirty-five days after the beginning of the treatment, the rats were sacrificed and their left hemimandibles were removed and radiographed using digital X-ray equipment. The alveolar radiographic density under the first molar was determined with gray-level scaling and the values were submitted to analysis of variance (α = 5%). Ovariectomized rats gained more weight (mean ± standard deviation: 20.06 ± 6.68%) than did the sham operated animals (12.13 ± 5.63%). Alveolar radiographic density values, expressed as gray levels, were lowest in the OVX-water group (183.49 ± 6.47), and differed significantly from those observed for the groups receiving alendronate (sham-ALN: 193.85 ± 3.81; OVX-ALN: 196.06 ± 5.11) and from those of the sham-water group (193.66 ± 4.36). Other comparisons between groups did not show significant differences. It was concluded that the ovariectomy reduced alveolar bone density and that alendronate was efficient for the treatment of this condition.


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Aging is associated with decline in muscle mass and strength and reduced bone density. Age-related bone loss is a primary factor in osteoporosis and all individuals are potential candidates for osteoporosis because bone loss with aging occurs in men and women, but less studied in men. To examine the appropriateness of hindlimb elevation, by tail suspension as a model for diminished mechanical loading, and to determine the influence of age on bone responsiveness to skeletal unloading, we use dual X ray absorptiometry (DXA) and digital radiographic images to analyze the response of the femur from mature rats to biomechanical loads. Femurs from male Wistar rats (9-mo-old) were scanned using DXA and DIGORA and measures obtained in ephipyseal and diaphyseal regions of interest. The mechanical testing was divided into compression load to fracture the head and a three-point bending load to fracture the femur middiaphysis. In femoral epiphysis from hindlimb unload (HU), animals presented significant differences between mineral bone content and density assessed by DXA. Detailed regions of femoral epiphysis (head, throcanteric fossa, throcanter and metaphysis) presented significant lower values from radiographic density. Only compressive load necessary to fracture the femoral head neck was also significantly diminished in HU animals. Disuse induced, as in elderly patients, deterioration of the trabecular bone architecture with critical effect on bone fragility. Rats with 21 days of hindlimb unloading can simulate disuse, suggesting that certain sub-regions of their aging bones are more susceptible to fracture, while other, i.e. diaphyses, are not.


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The experiment was conducted in the experimental area belonging to the Section of Crop Production and Aromatic Medicinal Plants of the FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus - Sao Paulo, Brazil. Tolerance to high temperature was studied in six determinate genotypes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.): Agrocica 8, Apex 1000, Botu-13, Calmech VFAS, Nemadoro and Jab-2, which were cultivated in a greenhouse at temperatures above 33oC for at least 2 h/day during blooming. The objectives of the study were to identify the genetic diversity of the genotypes studied and to determine their performance associated with tolerance to high temperature. Dissimilarity was determined by the generalized Mahalanobis distance. Delineation groups were optimized with the Tocher technique. A random block design was utilized with six treatments and with three replications. Two similarity groups were identified: 1 - Apex 1000, Botu-13, Calmech VFAS, Jab-2, Nemadoro and 2 - Agrocica 8. Crossing of genotypes within one group has no advantage because little genetic divergence and no heterotic response would be expected. However, the crossing of genotypes between groups is suggested. Knowledge of these groups will be important for efficiency future breeding efforts.


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We object in this work to determine the skeleton sintopy of the medular cone termination of the paca relating to the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, thus aiming at establishing morphometric and topographical parameters of the medular cone in this specie. We accomplished the dissection through skin incision, subcutaneous divulsion and dissection of the vertebral column dorsal region musculature, sectioning and removing the vertebrae arcs for better visualization of the spinal medulla. After the individualization of the medular cone, we registered the anatomical aspects of interest, emphasizing the basis and its apex in relation to the vertebrae, following the measuring of the region using a caliper rule; photographs and schematic drawing were made to register the findings of studied specimens.


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A favorable prognosis after tooth avulsion depends on some variables, such as the extra-alveolar period and storage medium. Vitality of the periodontal ligament cells is considered a critical factor for a successful outcome without root resorption. The dental surgeon is provided with clinical information and radiographic findings to establish a diagnosis and may rely on current available guidelines. Once trauma has occurred, treatment must be quick and effective, and periodic follow-up must be performed. Clinical, radiographic, and histologic characteristics for each type of root resorption due to tooth replantation are presented, with the aim to provide information for the diagnosis and treatment of healing complications.


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Objective: the current study aims at following up radiographically the evolution of the midpalatal suture during the expansion procedure since the opening of the suture until bone formation. Methods: the sample comprised 38 patients in the mixed dentition stage submitted to the rapid palatal expansion protocol of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies. Results: it was observed an individual variation on the period of bone ossification of the midpalatal suture, which justifies the radiographic follow-up as determinant for the appliance removal. Due to long-term post-treatment stability, the expander should be removed after the new suture is completely formed. Conclusions: the findings show that it is necessary more than three months for the complete reorganization of the midpalatal suture during the passive phase of the rapid palatal expansion.