467 resultados para Detritos espaciais


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Since the middle of the XX century, observed a guided development in capitalism and globalization. In this context, a new way of thinking and producing dwellings, closed horizontal residential condominiums, with its beginnings in the United States. Currently, these also appear as a trend in Brazil. Their deployment has generated both social and spatial problems, since the production and consumption of urban space are given in different ways in different social classes. This process began in the 1970s and was unique to metropolitan areas until the 1980s, when it began to achieve medium-sized cities. Thus, highlighting some points, such as the production and consumption of urban space and the construction of condominiums in average Brazilian cities, this paper aims to describe and analyze the dynamics of residential condominiums in the city of Itu (SP)


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Cosmic radiation has been identi ed as one of the main hazard to crew, aircraft and sensitive equipments involved in long-term missions and even high-altitude commercial ights. Generally, shields are used in spatial units to avoid excessive exposure, by holding the incident radiation. Unfortunatelly, shielding in space is problematic, especially when high-energy cosmic particles are considered, due to the production of large number of secondary particles, mainly neutrons, protons and alpha particles, caused by spallation reactions and quasi-elastic processes of the corpuscular radiation with the shield. Good parameters for checking the secondary particle production at target material are diferential cross section and energy deposited in the shield. Addition experiments, some computer codes based on Monte Carlo method show themselves a suitable tool to calculate shield parameters, due to have evaluated nuclear data libraries implemented on the algorithm. In view of this, the aim of this work is determining the parameters evaluated in shielding materials, by using MCNPX code, who shows good agreement with experimental data from literature. Among the materials, Aluminium had lower emission and production of secondary particles


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A fadiga muscular é definida como uma falha no sistema neuromuscular na capacidade de gerar uma força requerida ou esperada. Quanto maior a idade do indivíduo, maior é a probabilidade de chegar à fadiga, aumentando o risco de quedas. Dessa forma, a fadiga pode influenciar no andar dos indivíduos, causando prejuízos no controle postural e podendo causar lesões músculo-esqueléticas A partir dos estudos realizados, percebe-se que a fadiga muscular pode prejudicar o desempenho do andar, sendo ele adaptativo ou não. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar e comparar a influência da fadiga muscular sobre os parâmetros cinemáticos do andar livre e adaptativo entre adultos jovens e idosos. Participaram do estudo 20 indivíduos, distribuídos em dois grupos etários: Adulto Jovem - 20 a 40 anos; e Idoso - a partir de 60 anos. Os participantes realizaram o andar livre e adaptativo percorrendo uma distância retilínea de 8 metros sobre um carpete de borracha com 1,4m de largura. Foram realizadas 6 tentativas para cada condição experimental. Para a coleta dos dados cinemáticos dos ciclos do andar definidos foi utilizado um sistema tridimensional (3D) optoeletrônico de análise do movimento (OPTOTRAK Certus – 3D Motion Measurement System, NDI), com precisão de 0,1 mm, posicionado no plano frontal, face anterior, ao movimento do participante, com frequência de 100 Hz. A indução a fadiga será através da tarefa de sentar e levantar. Para a comparação entre os dois grupos foram analisados as seguintes variáveis espaciais e temporais do andar livre e adaptativo: comprimento de cada passo, largura de cada passo, velocidade média do andar, distância horizontal pé-obstáculo antes da ultrapassagem, distância horizontal depois do obstáculo e distância vertical péobstáculo. Estas variáveis foram analisadas durante o ciclo do andar antes e após fadiga muscular.


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Os crustáceos anomuros do gênero Aegla Leach (1820) são animais bentônicos característicos das águas continentais da América do Sul. Podem ser encontrados em arroios e rios de correnteza, ocultos sob pedras e detritos vegetais. Foram descritas 61 espécies desse gênero, que se encontram distribuídas pela região Neotropical com limites norte no município de Franca, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil e sul na Ilha de Madre de Diós, na Província de Última Esperanza, Chile. Esses animais são considerados importantes elos nas cadeias alimentares dos ambientes líminicos, atuando como predadores de larvas aquáticas de insetos e são presas de aves, rãs, jacarés e peixes. Podem também ser utilizados como bioindicadores na avaliação de qualidade das águas onde ocorrem, uma vez que são bastante sensíveis a mudanças do ambiente. Apesar do expressivo número de espécies do gênero Aegla descritas, existem poucos estudos sobre sua dinâmica populacional, especialmente no que diz respeito a análises enfocando crescimento relativo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o crescimento relativo da espécie Aegla castro no município de Itatinga, interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os eglídeos foram coletados mensalmente durante um ano (Mar/07 a Fev/08) no município de Itatinga. Os animais amostrados foram obtidos mediante esforço de coleta e armadilhas. Para o primeiro método, os exemplares foram coletados com puçás ou peneiras posicionados próximos a pedras e seixos, os quais foram removidos manualmente para desalojar os animais que porventura estejam ali abrigados. No segundo método, foram instaladas armadilhas iscadas no final do período da tarde e recolhidas na manhã do dia seguinte. Os exemplares capturados tiveram os sexos determinados com base em caracteres sexuais secundários (posição da abertura do par de gonóporos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Suitable computacional tools allow to build applications that can link information to its physical location, and represent them into visual and interactive schemes, e ectively reaching the power of visual comunication. This leads the user to synthesize information in a simple and e cient way. These applications are linked to the de nition of Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS are comprised by many concepts and tools, which have the main purpose of collecting, storing, viewing and processing spatial data, obtaining the information needed for decision making. Within this context, this paper presents the Conception and Implementation of a Control System for Urban Forestry through Integration of Free and Open Source Software. This conception arose from the need of an Environmental Project developed by the Agriculture's House of the city of Regente Feij o, which has as main objectives cataloging and management of urban a orestation of the municipality. Due to this diversity of concepts, the challenge in building this system is the integration of platforms that are involved in all stages: collecting and storage of data, including maps and other spatial information, operations on the stored information, obtaining results and graphical visualization of the same. After implementation, it was possible to provide for the system users an improvement in the capacity of perception in the information analysis and facilitate the process of decision making


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The waste, exaggerated and incorrect disposal of biomass are common practices in modern times where everything is disposable. However the growing concern with the nature and the environment compel man to give nobler destinations for these products through sustainability and recycling of waste. Banana peel is a residual biomass, which is not consumed. It generates tons of waste per week in São Paulo city. This trash is disposed in dumps and landfills, which could be reduced by using it as reinforcement in natural composites. The high density polyethylene (HDPE) is a polymer derived from the ethylene polymerization and is easily recycled. Which makes it a sustainable material. In the present work characteristics of the natural composite composed with banana peel and high-density polyethylene were studied. It was noted that removing the lignin present in the banana peel, the fiber introduces a significant improvement in thermal resistance. The preparation of composite was made with a ratio of 5% and 10% of reinforcement in comparison with polymeric matrix mass. Composites were thermally, mechanically and microscopically characterized. The addition of fiber in the polymer increased the mechanical strength of the composite. The fiber surface treatment with distilled water removed the amorphous material present in the fibers, improving significantly thermal stability and increasing crystallinity of the celullose. The addition of 5% fiber in mass to the polymer increased significantly the tensile strength and elasticity modulus for the composite. With 10% of fiber addiction there were also an improvement when compared with pure HDPE, but when compared with 5% composite the mechanical properties are slightly lower. This may be due to the fiber particle size, which are small and eventually become a hub of tension ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Air pollution is an environmental issue worldwide and frequently cause negative effects on population health and ecosystems on cities. The relationship between climate and atmospheric pollution can be used as a surrogate to the intensity of air pollution. The present and quantity of some gases can be used as indicators to air quality: particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Among those gases, CO has its major source within the cities, where automobiles are the main emitter. But measure pollutant concentration are challenging, sometimes because the lack of good equipments due to high costs and of the large variability of models that varies in precision, way of measure and distribution of sellers. Modeling are useful when there are an intend to evaluate air pollution, its sources and evaluate scenarios. This work aims to use CAL3QHCR model developed by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to generate predictive surfaces of CO concentration distribution on a site within Campinas city, located in São Paulo state, Brazil. CAL3QHCR model use data urban automobile circulation to generate spatial results for CO distribution. We observed that the pollution concentration was lower on our modeling than the concentrations measured by Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), the main environmental company on the São Paulo state. Also the correlation between average estimates of our model and the measure by CETESB was weak, indicating that the model used on this study need to be or better parameterized, or the scale we measured of CO emissions need to be rescaled. Although the model failed to correlate to CETESB data, maybe one that explore the estimated emissions distributed within the sites to understand spatial distributions of CO on the regions. Also, the generated information can also be used to other studies, and come to be useful to explain heat island


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Brazil was one of the countries that stood out in the list of nations that publishes more articles in scientific journals. From 2007 to 2008, the Brazilian scientific production has moved from 15th to 13rd place in the world ranking published articles in professional journals. However, 60% of articles published by the Brazilians are in Portuguese, which makes the Brazilian work have little international attention. The purpose of this research is to build and analyze a parallel corpus composed of a book of Remote Sensing and its translation in the direction English into Portuguese in order to create a glossary of most recurrent terms in the literature of Remote Sensing. The achievement of these goals will take for theoretical and methodological foundation the Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and principles of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). It will also use Wordsmith Tools program and its tools. Besides the parallel corpus, we will also build two comparable corpora respectively from articles published in Brazilian and international journals in the area. The first results show that the translators made use of greater variation of vocabulary in their translations, which can be a way to make the text more clear to the reader. For the analysis of glossary entries, professionals from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, will be consulted and their views aggregated to this research to give consistency to the production of the proposed bilingual glossary.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)