419 resultados para Tilapia (Peixe)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Despite fish being a rich source of animal nutrients and having numerous associated health benefits, it is an extremely perishable food, prone to a wide range of hazards. The bacterial load associated with shelf-whole-fish organs (e.g. digestive tracts and skin) or mishandling of fish may be a vehicle of infection and become a risk to public health. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the microbiological quality of whole ungutted and filleted shelf-tilapia, as well as assess the safety for human consumption. For this purpose, in order to investigate the distribution and occurrence of bacterial populations, the count of total and thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and presence of Salmonella spp. was determined. This paper shows that all fish organs were contaminated with thermotolerant coliform. Skin and fillet show higher populations and occurrence of all microorganisms analyzed. Lower bacterial populations were recovered from the gut and muscles of whole tilapia. Two samples of fillet were contaminated with coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. It can be concluded that the skin and filleted tilapia are important carriers of food-borne pathogens. In addition, fish might become an important cross and self-contamination source. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A área de estudo deste trabalho engloba as bacias hidrográficas dos rios Aguapeí e Peixe, localizadas a Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Estas por sua vez estão vinculadas aos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas Aguapeí e Peixe (CBH-AP). Diante da iminência da implementação da política de cobrança pelo uso dos recursos hídricos nessa área, o presente trabalho apresenta em linhas gerais o estudo da vazão específica de forma que os resultados possam contribuir com os órgãos públicos de gestão a fim de que se execute uma gestão mais efetiva dos recursos hídricos. Com base em dados hidrológicos das estações fluviométricas inventariadas através do Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Recursos Hídricos do Estado de São Paulo (SIGRH) e da Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) nas duas bacias hidrográficas, procedeu-se o estudo da vazão específica. Os resultados desses estudos apontam para uma maior variabilidade da vazão específica média na bacia hidrográfica do rio do Peixe, uma vez que ao longo da série histórica essa bacia apresenta maiores valores de vazão, foi possível também observar as mudanças no comportamento da vazão hidrológica nas duas bacias hidrográficas, ou seja, através dos três períodos hidrológicos identificados foi possível depreender que a vazão específica média em um período se mostra bem distribuída em ambas as bacias hidrográficas, em outro período hidrológico essa distribuição já se apresenta mais desigual. Tais informações possibilitam aos órgãos de gestão um planejamento mais refinado e eficiente


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The São Paulo State has as one of its main rivers the Tietê, which is an extremely important source because of its biodiversity, use in navigation and mainly as direct supplier of water for thousands of people in the region. Currently, the biodiversity of marine and freshwater ecosystems has been threatened, primarily by environmental problems resulting from the degradation of ecosystems, an example is the stretch of the Middle Tietê River, where the Barra Bonita dam (SP) focused virtually the whole load organic effluents from the metropolitan region of São Paulo, leading to eutrophication with the loss of water quality. This basin is located in the Peixe’s River, a tributary of the Barra Bonita whose sources are on the slopes of the Cuesta de Botucatu, presenting an altitudinal gradient in a good state of conservation and water quality. From another perspective, the studies related to parasites and other pathogens of aquatic organisms have considerably increased the relevance, especially those hosts with potential for growing and marketing, given the significant increase these activities in Brazil and worldwide. Among the agents responsible for diseases in fish are the myxosporean, which can cause major economic damage, with high mortality ratios. Based on the above, this study evaluated the biodiversity of myxosporean parasites of two species of fish Acestrorhynchus lacustris and Steindachnerina insculpta. During the period January to November 2012, 40 specimens of Acestrorhynchus lacustris and 33 specimens of Steindachnerina insculpta were collected from the Peoxe’s river at four different points. The necropsies were performed and all organs were analyzed looking for myxosporean. Only the species Steindachnerina insculpta had their gills parasitized by two species of the genus Henneguya


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Considering that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) including synthetic substances belonging to differents organic functions, including organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), which are the most persistent and bioaccumulative, with high toxicity to humans and animals. Accordingly environmental and biological monitoring is necessary, in order to have greater control regarding the irresponsible use of these products. Though there are several analytical methodology reported in the literature to make determinations of this pesticide, they present some difficulties, requiring several steps to make the clean up of the sample. The proposed project aims to optimize a new analytical method that allows to perform the extraction of organochlorine pesticides in fish tissues, employing acetone as solvent assisted by ultrasound bath, making the method more quickly and not requiringfurther steps to purify the sample. Were analyzed the recoveries of pesticides in study in samples of tilapia average values: Heptachlor=84,7±9,8%; Aldrin=87,3±3,5%; Endosulfan=101,4±18,6%; DDE= 90,5± 3,3%, Endrin=102,2±13,8%., DDD=92,1±19,9%; DDT=90,8±6,8%. The real samples showed values granted for our legislation and low values of error


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents procedures for getting data to estimate grant flow by means of statistical and hydrological methods, acquired during the graduate course, of some streams in the watersheds of Aguapeí and Peixe rivers, in order to make available this data set to Sao Paulo State water and electrical energy department – DAEE and to the Committees of Aguapeí and Peixe watersheds. This study was performed using discharge data and the were a selection process to identify some faults in the historical series. Finally it was calculated the 7-day moving averages, Q7 and some characteristics discharges like Q90 and Q95. Taking into account the average discharge en seven days in a 10-year recurrence interval, it was estimated the grant flow of some streams. Data were generated for six posts inside the Aguapei and Peixe watersheds


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Níveis elevados de agressividade estão diretamente relacionados ao crescimento heterogêneo e ao canibalismo, podendo levar a perdas significativas na produção no setor da aquicultura. Uma alternativa para redução da agressividade poderia ser o aumento da produção de serotonina por meio da suplementação dietética com o aminoácido triptofano (TRP). A serotonina é um neurotransmissor que regula diversos processos comportamentais, dentre eles, a agressividade e o estresse. Assim, neste estudo avaliamos o efeito da suplementação dietética com triptofano TRP no comportamento agressivo em juvenis de tilápia-do-Nilo. Os peixes foram mantidos em aquários individuais durante sete dias e alimentados uma vez ao dia “ad libitum” com as dietas: T1(controle: 0,32% de TRP), T2 (1,28% de TRP) e T3 (2,56% de TRP). O índice de agressividade foi avaliado com base na resposta do peixe à sua imagem no espelho. Contabilizamos o número de ataques (mordidas) à imagem de um espelho posicionado em uma das laterais do aquário durante vinte minutos. Os peixes alimentados com T3 apresentaram menor frequência de mordidas (P = 0,010849) durante o período de observação, em comparação ao grupo controle. Concluímos que a dieta contendo 25,6mg/g TRP altera a agressividade em juvenis de tilápia-do-Nilo e que a rações suplementadas com TRP podem ser uma estratégia eficiente no manejo de pisciculturas. Também avaliamos os efeitos do TRP exógeno na ansiedade (teste do objeto novo) e estresse (teste do confinamento) em juvenis da tilápia-do-Nilo, porém não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There are cardiopathies that acometem the dogs, being able this being congenital or acquired and lately have grown the number of cases due to the increase of the life expectancy of these animals becoming each time more necessary prevention methods. In recent years innumerable research is being carried through to understand the influence of the fish oil in the cardiopathies. The fish oil ingestion, Omega 3, has shown beneficial effect in the prevention of cardiovascular illnesses in such a way in the men as in the animals. Such effect this related to the presence of acid greasy polyunsaturateds n-3, mainly acid the eicosapentaenóico (EPA) and acid the docosahexaenóico (DHA). These substances can be found in foods as marine cold water fish (salmon, tuna, sardine and Trout), hemp seeds and soy. The present study, therefore, it has as objective to carry through an update on the use of the fish oil in the treatment of cardiopathies in dogs