376 resultados para Rochas ornamentais


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The numeric simulation is an important tool applied in understanding the dynamics of groundwater flow. In a hydrogeological model the processes responsible for groundwater flow are described by numerical formulations that allow the simplification, representation and understanding of the dynamics of the Aquifer System. In this work, a steady state groundwater flow simulation of Urucuia Aquifer System (UAS) part of the Corrente river basin was conducted, using the finite element method through software FEFLOW, to understand the dynamics of groundwater flow and quantify the hydrologic balance. The aquifer system Urucuia lodges in the São Francisco hydrogeological province and corresponds to a set of interconnected aquifers that occur in rocks from Urucuia group in the Urucuia sub-basin described by Campos e Dardenne (1997). The system is a porous media one, in a shape of a thick table mountain, consisting essentially of sandstones. The Corrente river basin is located in UAS in Western State of Bahia and it's one of the main units to maintaining permanent flow (Q95) and average natural flow of the São Francisco river. The simulation performed in this work obtained the following results for the modelled region: horizontal hydraulic conductivity of 3 x 10-4 m/s and vertical one 6 x 10-5 m/s; maximum recharge of 345 mm and minimum of 85 mm/a. It was concluded that: (1) regional groundwater flow has eastbound; with an exception of the extreme northeast portion, where the flow has opposite direction; (2) there are smaller water side dividers with an approximate direction EW, that guide the flow of water to the drainage that cut the aquifer; and (3) the UAS at Corrente river basin can be understood as a free regional aquifer system, isotropic and homogeneous. Regionally, the small lithological variations present in the Urucuia group can be neglected and do not exhibit significant influences on the dynamics of ground water flow


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Cooperatives as, in theory, an alternative front to the logic of financial markets, the territory has, in theory, an organization which differs from the structure based on the competitiveness of the capitalist system. The municipality of Holambra (SP) presents the marketing of flowers and ornamental plants, along with their production, the cooperative system, which started in the Cooperative Veiling Holambra. However, this cooperative as it is effective in cooperative study in question, it is questionable as to its structure and operation, by taking features that most resemble the corporatist practices of the cooperative. And because the cozy territory of all new technical systems that have and are being installed, the study seeks to understand these cooperative structures from the use made by the renewed objects and actions of the territory


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The Paraná Magmatic Province was generated by a large volcanic event occurred in the Lower Cretaceous, it was a phenomenon that preceded the fragmentation of the supercontinent Gondwana. In Brazil the volcanic rocks overlying about 75% of the surface of the Parana basin being the Serra Geral Formation essentially represented by basalts and andesites of tholeiitic nature and subordinate porphyritic rhyodacites, called Chapecó type and aphyric rhyolites, Palms type. Based on the chemical compositions, rocks of Palmas type are subdivided into Santa Maria, Clevelândia, Caxias do Sul, Jacuí and Anita Garibaldi. Rocks of Chapecó type are grouped into three distinct subtypes called Guarapuava, Tamarana and Ourinhos. These acidic rocks that overlying basalts are of two main types: high-Ti (Paranapanema, Pitanga and Urubici) and low-Ti (Gramado, Esmeralda and Ribeira). Representative profiles of these rocks were studied in detail in order to establish the lithostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of Palmas and Chapecó type. To do this was made a field work and the use of a database with 1109 samples with their geographical coordinates and geochemical information of major and trace elements, which were launched in maps generated by Google Earth. From these maps, it was verified that rocks of the Palmas type are distributed predominantly in the south region of the basin in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, accumulated along Torres Syncline, while those Chapecó type occur in the plateaus of midwestern Paraná, in this region was observed that Chapecó type overlap those Palmas type. In the profiles studied, within Palmas type, Caxias do Sul type is spread throughout the southern region of the basin, occurring at the base of the acid volcanic sequences, in other words, they are older compared to the others. It was also observed that the rocks of Santa Maria and Anita Garibaldi type occupy the top of the sequences, both covering rocks of Caxias do Sul..


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The use of geophysical methods in the analysis and mapping of likely contamination plumes has shown a huge value in the development of researches related to environmental issues. Among the main geophysical methods applied to this purpose, the geoelectrical methods stand out, being based on the use of electric and electromagnetic fields. The electromagnetic method (EM) uses physical environment responses created by electromagnetic field propagation, consisting of an alternated electric output and a magnetization force, used to obtain the electric conductivity (σ) of the subsurface materials. It has a broad application in the mineral exploration and prospection, and its use has been also efficient in environmental researches. By the electromagnetic method, this work examined and mapped possible contaminations created by cemetery leachate in the Saudade's Cemetery, located in the city of Monte Alto, Sao Paulo, where sedimentary rocks of the Bauru Group are exposed. Cemetery leachate is a putrefactive liquid, generated from the decomposition of organic matter, which contains substances that can contaminate soil and groundwater. Results achieved in this work show that the use of the electromagnetic method is an important indirect tool in the investigation of environmental contaminations in areas with highly contrasting physical properties


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One of the main challenges in the mining sector at present, related to the optimization of mineral assets, consists in to find the best proportion of each geological material to be mined and homogenized to ensure high productivity and stability in ore processing plants. The stability of a mineral processing plant is factor for achieving operational excellence, as a stable performance of the plants ensures economy and adherence to financial planning businesses. Is already well Know that the feed rate of the processing plants is dependent on the hardness and quality of the ore. Therefore, the ore behavior predictability is the solution to ensure the stability of mineral processing plants. This work was developed in Anglo American Phosphate Brazil Ltda., at the Fazenda Chapadão Phosphate Mine, located in the southeastern portion of the state of Goiás, in the municipalities of Catalão and Ouvidor. The phosphate ore is the result of supergene apatite concentration in the weathering profile of the alkaline ultramafic phlogopitized rocks, intruded by foscoritic and carbonatitic rocks series. The weathering profile has about 100 meters thick and is divided into three basic types, from top to bottom, coinciding with decreasing intensity of weathering: oxidized ore, micaceous ore and weathered rock. In each portion of this weathering profile, mainly near the contacts between these three divisions, are hard materials, cemented by minerals such as apatite, quartz, goethite, monazite and barite. The different features presented by these materials makes to be vital the correct identification, quantification and location of different hard materials in the mine area, to maximize its use. The main objective of this study was to define the type of cementation of hard materials which predominates in each portion of the weathering profile in the mine, as well as their relationship with the protolith. The work involved geological mapping, channel sampling...


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Esse trabalho objetivou a aplicação de geoprocessamento na caracterização morfométrica da microbacia do Ribeirão Morro Grande – Bofete (SP) através do Sistema de Informação Geográfica – Selva, visando à preservação, racionalização do seu uso e recuperação ambiental. A microbacia apresenta uma área de 4049ha e está localizada entre os paralelos 22o 50' 05" a 22o 54' 26" de latitude S e 48o 22' 29" a 48o 26' 36" de longitude W Gr. A base cartográfica utilizada foi a carta planialtimétrica de Bofete (SP), em escala 1:50.000 (IBGE, 1968) na extração das curvas de nível, da hidrografia e da topografia, em ambiente de Sistema de Informações Geográficas - Idrisi Selva, para determinação dos índices morfométricos. Os resultados mostram que os baixos valores da densidade de drenagem, associados à presença de rochas permeáveis, facilitam a infiltração da água no solo, diminuindo o escoamento superficial e o risco de erosão e da degradação ambiental, bem como o baixo valor do fator de forma amparado pelo índice de circularidade indica que a microbacia tende a ser mais alongada com menor susceptibilidade à ocorrência de enchentes mais acentuadas. O parâmetro ambiental coeficiente de rugosidade permitiu classificar a microbacia para vocação com floresta e reflorestamento.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate geoprocessing to morphometrically characterize the Ribeirão Descalvado micro watershed – Botucatu, SP by the Geographic Information System (GIS) – Selva for preservation, rationalization of its use and environmental restoration. The micro watershed is 2,228.61 ha between the geographic coordinates: 22° 50' 05" to 22° 54' 26" latitude S and 48° 22' 29" to 48° 26' 36" longitude W Gr. The cartographic basis was the planialtimetric chart of Botucatu (SP), 1: 50000 scale (IBGE, 1969), used for extraction of level, hydrography and topography curves to determine morphometric indices. The results showed that low values of drainage density associated with the presence of permeable rocks facilitates ground water infiltration which decreases surface runoff, erosion risks and environmental degradation. The low value of the shape factor supported by the circularity index shows that the micro watershed is more elongated and at lower risk of more pronounced floods. The roughness coefficient environmental parameter classified the micro watershed for forest and reforestation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Desde o momento em que o homem passou a aglomerar-se em centros urbanos e formar as cidades, trouxe consigo ainda algumas das práticas que realizava no ambiente rural. Ainda que limitado pela disponibilidade de espaço nas cidades, o hábito de cultivar plantas ornamentais, comestíveis e medicinais, acompanhou o homem, e hoje, mesmo nos maiores centros urbanos pode-se encontrar diversas experiências dessas práticas. O interesse de órgãos públicos, privados e universidades por esse assunto vêm crescendo nas ultimas décadas, nas quais, cada vez mais, percebe-se a urgência de melhorar a qualidade socioambiental nos centros urbanos. A agricultura urbana e periurbana (AUP) tem se mostrado uma ferramenta muito eficaz para lidar com difíceis desafios das grandes cidades, como a gestão dos resíduos sólidos, da escassez de água, da insegurança alimentar e nutricional de populações marginalizadas, da diminuição da biodiversidade, da exclusão social e da má qualidade de vida, entre outras. A AUP mostra-se, além de tudo, muito versátil, podendo ser realizada em diversos contextos ambientais e sociais. Nesse trabalho, compilamos uma série de artigos e textos já publicados sobre esse tema, apresentando os principais conceitos envolvidos. Através de revisão bibliográfica sistematizamos informações teóricas recolhidas e disponibilizando-as de forma sucinta e clara, para que projetos nesse ramo tenham acesso a esse compilado. Inicialmente, agrupamos os referenciais teóricos sobre agricultura urbana a partir do conceito que a define como objeto de estudo. No segundo capítulo abordamos a relação entre as práticas de AUP e a Ecologia, buscando compreender a influência que essas práticas têm no ambiente urbano. No terceiro e último capítulo discutimos o papel que algumas instituições têm para o bom desenvolvimento de iniciativas em AUP. Ao longo dos três capítulos, apresentamos exemplos práticos que ocorrem no Brasil...


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A Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UNESP (Campus de Araraquara) possui, desde 1989, o Horto de Plantas Medicinais e Tóxicas Prof. Dra. Célia Cebrian Araújo Reis. O Horto é formado por uma coleção de plantas, principalmente medicinais, mas também tóxicas, alimentares e ornamentais. Conta com estrutura física, equipamentos e funcionário para o plantio e manejo das espécies. Nele são realizadas atividades de ensino, extensão e pesquisa, envolvendo estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação. O projeto Farmácias Vivas foi idealizado para a população nordestina e construído no Ceará pelo Prof. Dr. Francisco José de Abreu Matos da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Iniciado em 1983, teve como base o Horto de Plantas Medicinais desta universidade. Atualmente, o modelo das Farmácias Vivas foi adotado pelo governo brasileiro, sendo regulamentadas pela RDC nº 18, de 3 de abril de 2013 que dispõe sobre boas práticas de processamento e armazenamento de plantas medicinais, preparação e dispensação de produtos magistrais e oficinais de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos em farmácias vivas no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde. Este trabalho teve como objetivo discutir a questão das Farmácias Vivas no Brasil e sugerir algumas diretrizes e práticas para se aproveitar o espaço disponível no Horto da FCFAr para servir de apoio para um projeto de Farmácias Vivas no município de Araraquara, com o manejo e processamento adequados de espécies selecionadas com base em evidências científicas e na tradição popular.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE