374 resultados para Normal degree in Garça SP


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Historically the evolution of the occupation of ararense territory was due to the expansion of agricultural activities. Such activities were intensified with the transformations engendered by the Green Revolution, increasing the exploitation, the area occupied by agriculture and the deforestation and consequent environmental degradation. Therefore the current reality of rural areas in Araras/SP has shown that part of agricultural practices made it does not guarantee the effectiveness of environmental legislation and the sustainability of farms. Considering the recently implemented environmental policies, such as Law nº 12.651 / 2012, better known as New Forest Code and Decree nº 8.235 / 2014 establishing a period of one year to rural property registered with the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), as tools targeting to reduce environmental degradation and contribute to building a sustainable rural development. This work aims to analyze the dynamics of the rural municipality of Araras on the environmental situation in some rural properties and actions to be taken by the owners to the full compliance of its properties before the environmental public policy


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mastitis is an acute or a chronic inflammation of the udder, represented for physical, chemical and bacteriological milk alterations. It is notable that ovine milk represents high economic importance, and it can be used in the production of cheeses and other derivates, contributing for the farmer’s recipe enlargement. However, the mastitis in animals can determine the reduction of milk quantity and quality in infected animals. This may determine lambs’ weight loss and increase animal’s mortality. By the other hand, considering Public Health issues, mastitis can cause milk nutrients losses and promote the microorganisms’ multiplication that may lead to diarrheas and to other zoonosis in humans. This study aimed to evaluate 159 sheep mastitis status in 20 small farms located in Bauru (SP) region. Of the 309 colected samples, in 97 (31.4%) were isolated microorganisms of the genus Staphylococcus sp., which them 27.5% being coagulase negative Staphylococcus and 3.9% coagulase positive Staphylococcus. Of 177 isolates, 97 (54.8%) were represented by the genus Staphylococcus sp., which them 57 (58.8%) from pure culture and 40 (41.2%) in association. Most agents isolated were sensitive to antibiotics used in the test. Thus, we could verify the isolation of infectious microorganisms such as coagulase positive and negative Staphylococcus and, as well in dairy cattle, preventive measures to obtain hygienic milk are extremely important in order to get a final product with quality and safe in food and microbiological point of view.


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The international energy situation indicates to the depletion of oil reserves in the short term. Brazil, considering its potential, has sought through public policy, encourage the study of alternative forms of energy. Many of these forms are based on sub-products and agricultural products, especially the ethanol industry for fuel purposes. Another alternative of vegetable origin, most recently discussed, would be the production of fuel oil called biodiesel. The study aimed to extract and measure the pulp oil production of macaúba palm [Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq) Lodd. ex Mart], collected in Botucatu (SP). In addition, the qualitative analysis of the pulp and almond oil are determined. The results showed low productivity in oils, compared to the reported for macauba natural populations of Minas Gerais. The qualitative analysis of the macauba pulp shows to be rich in long chain fatty acids, while the almond have significant amounts of lauric acid.


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This work presents an analysis of the pattern variation of the sky conditions in Botucatu/SP. The classification was based on the clarness index KT. It was used in the classification a database of global solar irradiance in the horizontal, measured at Radiometric Station of UNESP in Botucatu (latitude 22.85°S, longitude 48.43°W, altitude 786 m) from 1996 to 2005. We analyzed the variations in frequency, during the photoperiod and over the year, of the sky conditions: I - Cloudy (KT < 0.35); II - party cloudy with dominance for the diffuse (0.35 < 0.55 < KT)) III - party cloudy with dominance for the clear (0.55 < KT < 0.65) and IV - clear (KT > 0.65). The frequency of sky conditions I and II are higher during the rainy season of the year and in hours close to sunrise and sunset. And it is lower during the dry season an in hours near noon, in wich there is a predominance of sky conditions III and IV. The monthly hourly frequency of sky condition I ranged from 46,91% of the photoperiod in January to 25.27% in August. And the frequency monthly daily ranged from nine days in January to three days in August. To the sky condition IV, the frequency monthly hourly ranged from 38.81% of the photoperiod in August to 18.17% im January. And the frequency monthly daily ranged from 17 days in August to three days in January.


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The collection of prices for basic goods supply is very important for the population, based on the collection and processing of these data the CLI (Cost Living Index) is calculated among others, helping consumers to shop more rationally and with a clearer view of each product impact of each product on their household budget, not only food, but also cleaning products and personal hygiene ones. Nowadays, the project of collection of prices for basic goods supply is conducted weekly in Botucatu - SP through a spreadsheet. The aim of this work was to develop a software which utilized mobile devices in the data collection and storage phase, concerning the basic goods supply in Botucatu -SP. This was created in order to eliminate the need of taking notes in paper spreadsheets, increasing efficiency and accelerating the data processing. This work utilized the world of mobile technology and development tools, through the platform".NET" - Compact Framework and programming language Visual Basic".NET" was used in the handheld phase, enabling to develop a system using techniques of object oriented programming, with higher speed and reliability in the codes writing. A HP Pavilion dv3 personal computer and an Eten glofish x500+ handheld computer were used. At the end of the software development, collection, data storing and processing in a report, the phase of in loco paper spreadsheets were eliminated and it was possible to verify that the whole process was faster, more consistent, safer, more efficient and the data were more available.


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The objective of the study was to evaluate the production of two strains of Ganoderma lucidum on agricultural waste and carry out bromatological analyses of the basidiomata obtained from the cultivation. The experiment was carried out at the Mushroom Module at the School of Agronomic Sciences of the São Paulo State University (FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil) and two strains were used (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) which were cultivated on waste, oat straw, bean straw, brachiaria grass straw, Tifton grass straw and eucalyptus sawdust under two situations: with (20%) and without (0%) supplementation with wheat bran. All the waste was taken from dumps of agricultural activities in Botucatu-SP. Both treatments were carried out in 10 repetitions, totaling 200 packages. The mushrooms cultivation took 90 days. Next, the biological efficiency of the treatments and the bromatological analysis of the basidiomata were evaluated. The biological efficiency (BE) values (%) varied from 0.0 to 6.7%. In the mushroom bromatological analyses, the results ranged from 8.7 to 13.7%, from 2.0 to 6.7%, from 0.83 to 1.79% and from 38.8 to 54.5%, for total protein, ethereal extract, ash and crude fiber, respectively. Thus, we conclude that the substrates which presented the greater yield were the brachiaria straw, 20% in both strains tested (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) and the bean straw, 20% in the strain GLM-10/02. The mushrooms showed high levels of ethereal extract, fibers and ashes and a low level of proteins.


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Aims: This work aimed to assess how seed size, vials, vial sealing (in vitro), and substrate (in vivo) affect C. regium germination and emergence. This study shall contribute to the viable production of C. regium seedlings. Study Design: The experimental design used in these experiments was randomized. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Plant Biotechnology, Universidade de RibeirãoPreto, between March 2010 and December 2010. Methodology: This work has evaluated how seed size, vials, vial sealing (in vitro), and substrate (in vivo) influence the germination and emergence of C. regium. Results: The results showed that cultivation of C. regium seedlings from seeds is viable, irrespective of seed size. Vial oxygenation is an important parameter to consider in vitro, to obtain a larger number of normal seedlings. As for in vivo conditions, germination should be conducted in sand, to ensure a greater amount of young seedlings. Conclusion: The results presented here attested that it is possible to produce C. regium seedlings from seeds of any size both in vivo and in vitro conditions. In vitro, it is important to consider vial oxygenation, in order to obtain a greater amount of normal seedlings. In vivo, germination should be conducted in sand, to ensure production of a large quantity of seedlings.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The watershed is considered a unit of territorial study, planning and land management, and is molded by the local geologic conditions and climate. Thus, this study aimed to assess the morphometric features of the subwatershed of Cascata Stream, in Botucatu (SP), and their implications for the siltation process in a lake. The assessment included indexes generated from data calculated by means of a digitalized cartographic basis georeferenced on the 1:10,000 scale using the software AutoCad map 2004. The software Quantum GIS 1.8 was also employed to generate the digital elevation model (DEM) and the map of declivities which led to the mean declivity (Dm) of the subwatershed. According to the indexes form factor (Kf), sinuosity (Is), circularity (Ic) and compacity coefficient (Kc), the subwatershed had elongated form, low propensity to floods and rapid flow. The draining density (Dd) and relief ratio (Rr) indicated more efficient mean drainage, favoring higher desiccation and mean erosive stage. The roughness coefficient (Cr) indicated that this subwatershed is suited to agriculture. The anthropic intervention at the watershed dividing line is the major factor for sediment carrying in the lake and compromises not only the landscape beauty, but also the aquatic life of this ecosystem.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA