747 resultados para Nelore bulls
Estimates of direct and maternal variance and heritability for weights at each week (up to 280 days of age) and month of age (up to 600 days of age) in Zebu cattle are presented. More than one million records on 200 000 animals, weighed every 90 days from birth to 2 years of age, were available. Data were split according to week (data sets 1) or month (data sets 2) of age at recording, creating 54 and 21 data sets, respectively. The model of analysis included contemporary groups as fixed effects, and age of dam (linear and quadratic) and age of calf (linear) effects as covariables. Random effects fitted were additive direct and maternal genetic effects, and maternal permanent environmental effect. Direct heritability estimates decreased from 0.28 at birth, to 0.12-0.13 at about 150 days of age, stayed more or less constant at 0.14-0.16 until 270 days of age and increased with age after that, up to 0.25-0.26. Maternal heritability estimates increased from birth (0.01) to a peak of 0.14 for data sets 1 and 0.07-0.08 for data sets 2 at about 180-210 days of age, before decreasing slowly to 0.07 and 0.05, respectively, at 300 days, and then rapidly diminished after 300 days of age. Permanent environmental effects were 1.5 to four times higher than genetic maternal effects and showed a similar trend.
Weight records of Brazilian Nelore cattle, from birth to 630 d of age, recorded every 3 mo, were analyzed using random regression models. Independent variables were Legendre polynomials of age at recording. The model of analysis included contemporary groups as fixed effects and age of dam as a linear and quadratic covariable. Mean trends were modeled through a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of age. Up to four sets of random regression coefficients were fitted for animals' direct and maternal, additive genetic, and permanent environmental effects. Changes in measurement error variances with age were modeled through a variance function. Orders of polyno-mial fit from three to six were considered, resulting in up to 77 parameters to be estimated. Models fitting random regressions modeled the pattern of variances in the data adequately, with estimates similar to those from corresponding univariate analysis. Direct heritability estimates decreased after birth and tended to be lowest at ages at which maternal effect estimates tended to be highest. Maternal heritability estimates increased after birth to a peak around 110 to 120 d of age and decreased thereafter. Additive genetic direct correlation estimates between weights at standard ages (birth, weaning, yearling, and final weight) were moderate to high and maternal genetic and environmental correlations were consistently high. © 2001 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
Thirty 3/4 Canchim + 1/4 Nelore young bulls with 417 kg of body weight and 15 months of age, were confined during 84 days. The animals were fed with diets composed with corn silage, corn grain, cottonseed meal, soybean meal, whole soybean and mineral mix, adjusted in agreement with the recommendations of the Metabolizable Protein System (MP), Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) and Intestine Digestible Protein System (PDI), for predicted body weight gain of 1.3 kg/head/day. The daily body weight gain did not differ among treatments CNCPS, MP and PDI, with 1.51; 1.48; and 1.13 kg/head, respectively. The economic analysis revealed net profit of R$116.25; R$148.30; and R$108.51/head for CNCPS, MP and PDI systems, respectively. The diets adjusted by CNCPS and MP systems provided superior animal performance than that expected, while the diet adjusted by PDI system did not allow the predicted body weight gain.
The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for non-standardized weights at nursing (PR120), at weaning (PR240), at yearling (PR365) and at post yearling (PR550), and to predict EPD's (expected progeny differences) for these traits using records from 29,769 Nellores. Covariance components and genetic parameters were estimated by mixed-model methodology, REML, using an animal model. Models for PR120, PR240, PR365 and PR455 included the random direct and maternal animal effects, the dam permanent environmental effect and the error. Fixed effects were contemporary group (CG) and age of cow at parturition (CIVP) and the covariate age of the calf at measuring. Two additional models for PR365, PR455 and PR550 analyses were used: the first included CG and CIVP, animal and maternal direct effect, residual and age of the calf (as covariate), and the second included CG and CIVP (as fixed effects), animal direct effect, residual and age of calf at measuring. Observed means±standard deviations were: 127±25kg (PR120); 191±34kg (PR240); 225±42kg (PR365); 266±51kg (PR455) and 310±56kg (PR550). From single-trait analyses, direct and maternal heritabilities for PR120, PR240, PR365 and PR455 were, respectively, .23 and .08; .19 and .10; .24 and .04; .30 and .04. Direct heritabilities were .39; .44 and .43, respectively, for PR365, PR455 and PR550. In the model without permanent effect, direct and maternal heritabilities for PR365, PR455 and PR550 were .25 and .08; .32 and .07; .38 and .03, respectively. When the estimates for standardized traits at the same period were compared, no differences in magnitude were found. Rank correlation had important changes when standardized and non-standardized traits were compared.
A comparative study was made regarding the clinical and hematological alterations caused by isolates of Babesia bigemina from southeastern, northeastern and northern Brazil in experimentally infected Nelore calves. Eighteen calves between 7 and 9 months of age, without antibodies against Babesia sp and raised free from ticks, were used. Three animals were previously inoculated with 2.0×109 parasitic erythrocytes (PE) for each stabilate. The other 15 calves were subdivided into three groups, with five animals each, that were subinoculated with 1.0×1010 PE of the respective isolates. The clinical and hematological alterations were evaluated by the determination of parasitaemia, haemogram, plasmatic fibrinogen, reticulocyte count, descriptive analysis of the bone marrow and erythrocytic osmotic fragility, for 30 days, totalizing seven moments of observation. The follow-up of the immunological response by the indirect fluorescent antibody test was carried out daily until the 10th day after inoculation (DAI) and after that, on the 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th DAI. A mild clinical manifestation of the disease was observed. The laboratory findings revealed low levels of parasitaemia; decrease of the erythrogram values; absence of reticulocytes, initial decrease in the total count of leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes with a posterior elevation of the number of these cells; hypercellularity of the erythrocytic series and decrease of the myeloid: erythroid relation which was more accentuated between the 8th and 12th DAI, and an increase of the erythrocytic osmotic fragility in the groups inoculated with the Southeast and Northeast isolates. None of the three isolates of B. bigemina gave rise to the clinical characteristic form of the disease, although they induced an humoral immune response.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The morphologic events related to the prenatal development of the ovaries in 81 Nelore breed embryos and fetuses gathered in a local slaughterhouse, with age range from 26 to 240 days following fecundation were studied. The age of fetuses was estimated from measures taken in the cranium-caudal direction. The sex was identified from macroscopic observations and using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. For histology the gonads were fixed in Bourn's fluid for 24 hours and 5 μm thick section's were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Formation of gonadal ridge and presence of germinal cells were found within it at 29 and 34 days, respectively. Oogonia and primordial follicles, unlike the growing follicles, exhibited significant differences in diameter in the various periods studied. Positive correlation (P<0.05) was found between the diameter of oogonia and their nucleus as well as between primordial and growing follicles with their oocytes and respective nuclei. The gonad was fully formed at 40 days. Primordial follicles, in the growing stage, and antral follicles first appeared, approximately at 95, 140, and 180 days, respectively. Despite the onset and duration of oogenesis being similar to that of taurine breeds, folliculogenesis initiates at an early stages in the Nelore breed.
A total of 20,065 weights recorded on 3016 Nelore animals were used to estimate covariance functions for growth from birth to 630 days of age, assuming a parametric correlation structure to model within-animal correlations. The model of analysis included fixed effects of contemporary groups and age of dam as quadratic covariable. Mean trends were taken into account by a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of animal age. Genetic effects of the animal and its dam and maternal permanent environmental effects were modelled by random regressions on Legendre polynomials of age at recording. Changes in direct permanent environmental effect variances were modelled by a polynomial variance function, together with a parametric correlation function to account for correlations between ages. Stationary and nonstationary models were used to model within-animal correlations between different ages. Residual variances were considered homogeneous or heterogeneous, with changes modelled by a step or polynomial function of age at recording. Based on Bayesian information criterion, a model with a cubic variance function combined with a nonstationary correlation function for permanent environmental effects, with 49 parameters to be estimated, fitted best. Modelling within-animal correlations through a parametric correlation structure can describe the variation pattern adequately. Moreover, the number of parameters to be estimated can be decreased substantially compared to a model fitting random regression on Legendre polynomial of age. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Additive and nonadditive genetic effects on preweaning weight gain (PWG) of a commercial crossbred population were estimated using different genetic models and estimation methods. The data set consisted of 103,445 records on purebred and crossbred Nelore-Hereford calves raised under pasture conditions on farms located in south, southeast, and middle west Brazilian regions. In addition to breed additive and dominance effects, the models including different epistasis covariables were tested. Models considering joint additive and environment (latitude) by genetic effects interactions were also applied. In a first step, analyses were carried out under animal models. In a second step, preadjusted records were analyzed using ordinary least squares (OLS) and ridge regression (RR). The results reinforced evidence that breed additive and dominance effects are not sufficient to explain the observed variability in preweaning traits of Bos taurus x Bos indicus calves, and that genotype x environment interaction plays an important role in the evaluation of crossbred calves. Data were ill-conditioned to estimate the effects of genotype x environment interactions. Models including these effects presented multicolinearity problems. In this case, RR seemed to be a powerful tool for obtaining more plausible and stable estimates. Estimated prediction error variances and variance inflation factors were drastically reduced, and many effects that were not significant under ordinary least squares became significant under RR. Predictions of PWG based on RR estimates were more acceptable from a biological perspective. In temperate and subtropical regions, calves with intermediate genetic compositions (close to 1/2 Nelore) exhibited greater predicted PWG. In the tropics, predicted PWG increased linearly as genotype got closer to Nelore. ©2006 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
The objective was to analyze and report field data focusing on the effect of type of progesterone-releasing vaginal insert and dose of pLH on embryo production, following a superstimulatory protocol involving fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in Nelore cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Donor heifers and cows (n = 68; 136 superstimulations over 2 years) received an intravaginal, progesterone-releasing insert (CIDR® or DIB®, with 1.9 or 1.0 g progesterone, respectively) and 3-4 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) i.m. at random stages of the estrous cycle. Five days later (designated Day 0), cattle were superstimulated with a total of 120-200 mg of pFSH (Folltropin-V®), given twice daily in decreasing doses from Days 0 to 3. All cattle received two luteolytic doses of PGF2α at 08:00 and 20:00 h on Day 2 and progesterone inserts were removed at 20:00 h on Day 3 (36 h after the first PGF2α injection). Ovulation was induced with pLH (Lutropin-V®, 12.5 or 25 mg, i.m.) at 08:00 h on Day 4 with FTAI 12, 24 and in several cases, 36 h later. Embryos were recovered on Days 11 or 12, graded and transferred to synchronous recipients. Overall, the mean (±S.E.M.) number of total ova/embryos (13.3 ± 0.8) and viable embryos (9.4 ± 0.6) and pregnancy rate (43.5%; 528/1213) did not differ among groups, but embryo viability rate (overall, 70.8%) was higher in donors with a DIB (72.3%) than a CIDR (68.3%, P = 0.007). In conclusion, the administration of pLH 12 h after progesterone removal in a progestin-based superstimulatory protocol facilitated fixed-time AI in Nelore donors, with embryo production, embryo viability and pregnancy rates after embryo transfer, comparable to published results where estrus detection and AI was done. Results suggested a possible alternative, which would eliminate the need for estrus detection in donors. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of the present study was to characterize ovarian follicular dynamics and hormone concentrations during follicular deviation in the first wave after ovulation in Nelore (Bos indicus) heifers. Ultrasonographic exams were performed and blood samples were collected every 12 h from the day of estrus until 120-144 h after ovulation in seven females. Deviation was defined as the point at which the growth rate of the dominant follicle became greater than the growth rate of the largest subordinate follicle. Deviation occurred approximately 65 h after ovulation. Growth rate of the dominant follicle increased (P < 0.05) after deviation, while growth rate of the subordinate follicle decreased (P < 0.05). Diameter of the dominant follicle did not differ from the subordinate follicle at deviation (approximately 5.4 mm). The dominant follicle (7.6 mm) was larger (P < 0.05) than the subordinate follicle (5.3 mm) 96 h after ovulation or 24 h after deviation. Plasma FSH concentrations did not change significantly during the post-ovulatory period. The first significant increase in mean plasma progesterone concentration occurred on the day of follicular deviation. In conclusion, the interval from ovulation to follicular deviation (2.7 days) was similar to that previously reported in B. taurus females, but follicles were smaller. Diameters of the dominant follicle and subordinate follicle did not differ before deviation and deviation was characterized by an increase in dominant follicle and decrease in subordinate follicle growth rate. Variations in FSH concentrations within 12-h intervals were not involved in follicular deviation in Nelore heifers. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to accompany the process of testicular development from the non-differentiable phase to its complete formation. Embryos and fetuses of Nelore breed cows (Bos Taurus indicus) were obtained in slaughterhouses near the Uberlandia city, Minas Gerais. The gonads and the embryos were fixed in Bouin's fixative and afterwards processed for conventional optical microscopy. The gonadal was observed firstly in a 1.0 cm long embryo. In 2.5 cm long embryos the presence of the albuginea allows the sex identification. The mean thickness of the albuginea ranged from 29.08 to 558.45 mm. Gradually increase of vascularization of the albuginea and parenchyma is observed. The mediastinum is located centrally. There was a decrease in the space occupied by the testicular cords, from 63.71 to 41.99% of the total testes volume. Its diameter ranged from 31.68 to 48.80 mm. The diameter of germinal cells (and their nuclei) was from 12.27 (6.65) to 16.95 914.21) mm. The quantity of germinal cells by cross section of cord decreased from a maximum of 2.80 to 0.76. The total number of germinal cells was from 16 at the beginning of colonization of the gonad to 18.32 x 106 at the end of the study. The number of Sertoli's cells by cross section of cord ranged from 10.00 to 16.25. The results obtained show that the origin and formation of testes in embryos and fetuses from Nelore breed cows (Bos taurus indicus) does occur in a very similar way to what is described for Bos taurus taurus.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Present study aimed to evaluate gonadotropins profiles in 12 Nelore heifers, in order to test the hypothesis that FSH concentrations decrease and LH presents a transient increase during follicle selection. Blood samples from jugular vein were harvested twice daily starting at the time of ovulation (D0) until D5. Plasma samples were assayed for FSH and LH by double antibody radioimmunoassay method. LH and FSH assay sensitivity was 0,02ng/ml and 0,005ng/ml, respectively. The intraassay coefficient of variation was 13,6% and 18,8%, respectively. Data (mean±SEM) were normalized to follicle deviation and analyzed by ANOVA and by linear, cubic, and quadratic regressions. Comparisons between higher and lower FSH values were also performed by T-test. There was no effect of time in plasmatic FSH and LH circulating levels when variance analysis or regression analysis were performed. However, by T-test, FSH concentrationsreached the lowest plasmatic levels 36 (0,40±0,05ng/ml) and 60 hours (0,42±0,04ng/ml) after follicular deviation, comparatively to 36 hours before deviation, when the concentrations were maximal (0,63±0,08ng/ml). In conclusion, there is a FSH decrease, although a transient LH elevation has not been confirmed encompassing follicle deviation in Nelore females.
Considering that there is limited information about the preovulatory LH surge in Zebu cattle (Bos indicus), the purpose of the present work was to assess the LH surge in Nelore cows during the estrous cycle and after ovarian superestimulation of ovarian follicular development with FSH. This information is particularly important to improve superovulatory protocols associated with fixed-time artificial insemination. Nelore cows (n = 12) had their estrus synchronized with an intravaginal device containing progesterone (CIDR-B ®) associated with estradiol benzoate administration (EB, 2.5 mg, i.m., Day 0). Eight days later all animals were treated with PGF2α (Day 8) in the morning (8:00 h) and at night, when CIDR devices were removed (20:00 h). Starting 38 h after the first PGF2α injection, blood sampling and ovarian ultrasonography took place every 4 h, during 37 consecutive hours. Frequent handling may have resulted in a stress-induced suppression of LH secretion resulting in only 3 of 12 cows having ovulations at 46.7 ± 4.9 and 72.3 ± 3.8 h, respectively, after removal of CIDR-B. Thirty days later, the same animals received the described hormonal treatment associated with FSH (Folltropin ®, total dose = 200 mg) administered twice a day, during 4 consecutive days, starting on Day 5. Thirty-six hours after the first injection of PGF2α, to minimize stress, only seven blood samples were collected at 4 h interval each, and ultrasonography was performed every 12 h until ovulation. In 11 of 12 cows (92%) the LH surge and ovulation were observed 34.6 ± 1.6 and 59.5 ± 1.9 h, respectively, after removal of progesterone source. The maximum values for LH in those animals were 19.0 ± 2.6 ng/ml (mean ± S.E.M.). It is concluded that, in Nelore cows submitted to a ovarian superstimulation protocol, the LH surge occurs approximately 35 h after removal of intravaginal device containing progesterone, and approximately 12 h before the LH surge observed after an induced estrus without ovarian superstimulation. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.