383 resultados para Lacrimal duct obstruction


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by progressive airway obstruction resultant from an augmented inflammatory response of the respiratory tract to noxious particles and gases. Previous reports present a number of different hypotheses about the etiology and pathophysiology of COPD. The generating mechanisms of the disease are subject of much speculation, and a series of questions and controversies among experts still remain. In this context, several experimental models have been proposed in order to broaden the knowledge on the pathophysiological characteristics of the disease, as well as the search for new therapeutic approaches for acute or chronically injured lung tissue. This review aims to present the main experimental models of COPD, more specifically emphysema, as well as to describe the main characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, possibilities of application, and potential contribution of each of these models for the knowledge on the pathophysiological aspects and to test new treatment options for obstructive lung diseases.


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Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is a non-inflammatory aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur that is found in both young animals and humans before the gap in the femur head closes. In the fields of both human and veterinary medicine the cause of this condition is not known for certain. Various factors have been put forward in the literature as being responsible for the incidence of this condition such as: abnormalities in coagulation, changes in blood flow in the arteries, a septic obstruction in the draining of the epiphysis or the upper parts of the femur, trauma, growth cycle, hyperactivity in a child, genetic influences and dietary factors. Case histories in dogs show that the first stages of the condition progress slowly but that limping or putting weight on the limb worsens at 6 to 8 weeks. Some owners talk about a sharp onset in clinical lameness. Other clinical symptoms may include irritability, loss of appetite and knawing at the hair surrounding the affected hip. In the course of physical examination manipulating the hip joint will cause pain to the animal. The advanced stages of the disease may result in restricted amplitude of movement, muscular atrophy and fracturing. In humans the clinical signs are similar, although progression of the disease is slower so that it can be diagnosed at an earlier stage. In veterinary medicine the diagnosis is, in the main, based on case history, clinical symptoms, physical examination and certain related procedures such as radiography. The various diagnoses include physical trauma and dislocation of the medial patella. In human medicine many people have been correctly diagnosed. Whatsmore, there is a range of related procedures that are virtually not available to veterinary medicine such as magnetic nuclear resonance, that show up necroses with great clarity before radiography and cintilography do, and is considered... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane protein channels expressed in a wide variety of cells and tissues that are involved in the transport of water. In the male excurrent duct, the movement of fluid and solutes across the epithelium is essential for establishing the proper luminal environment in which sperm mature and are stored. The initial aim of the present propose is to localize AQP 2 e 9 in epithelium of the initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis in Mongolian gerbil during postnatal development (10, 30, 60, 120 and 300 days), observing possible changes in the pattern of expression of the AQPs along the postnatal development. The animals will be killed by inhalation of carbon dioxide. After euthanasia, the epididymis will be removed and the different regions will be isolated. The biological material obtained will be processed in accordance with the routines of histological techniques and imunnohistochemistry to study the expression and localization of the AQPs 2 and 9. The results obtained will be analyzed and photographed in conventional light microscope


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The platinosomiase is a disease the hepatobiliary system of domestic felines being caused by trematode Platynosomum fastosum. The life cycle of the parasite includes the presence of three intermediate hosts (snails, terrestrial isopodes, lizards or frogs). The cat is considered definitive host of the parasite and acquires the infection eating a vertebrate intermediate host containing metacercariae. The adult parasites generally inhabit the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts of cats. The severity of clinical manifestations depends mainly on the number of flukes in the biliary tract. Many animals are asymptomatic or exhibit nonspecific clinical manifestations such as anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. In large infestations can occur biliary obstruction resulting in jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis cholangiohepatitis and even death. The definitive diagnosis is accomplished through by the detection of fluke eggs in feces or through laparotomy and liver biopsy. Treatment should be based on the use of anthelmintic for the elimination of the parasite and supportive therapy for the animal. Prevention is difficult due to predatory nature of the cat. The control can be accomplished through periodic fecal examinations


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Different forms of human pressure may occur in the pipeline ranges, due to the large extensions and various configurations of land use, which can pass through the pipelines. Due to the dynamics of these pressures, it is necessary to monitor temporal changes of land use and cover the surface. Under this theme, appears as extremely important to use products and techniques of remote sensing, as they allow the identification of objects of the land surface that may compromise the security and monitoring of the pipeline, and allows the extraction of information conditions on land use at different periods of time. Based on the above, this paper aims to examine in a temporal approach, the process of urban expansion in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as settlement patterns characteristic of areas that the changes occurred in the period 1987 to 2010. We used the technique of visual analysis to perform the change detection and the technique of image classification, aimed at monitoring human pressure over a stretch of track pipeline Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The stages of work involved the characterization of the study area, urban sprawl and the existing settlement patterns, through the analysis of bibliographic data. The processing of Landsat 5 images and the application of the technique of change detection were performed in three scenes for the years 1987, 1998 and 2010, while the classification process was performed on the image RapidEye for the year 2010. Can be noted an increase in urban area of approximately 22.38% and the change of land cover from natural to built. This growth is concentrated outside to the area of direct influence of the duct, occurring in the area of indirect influence of the enterprise. Regarding the settlement patterns of growth areas, it was observed that these are predominantly


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The transportation of oil through polyducts implies a concern related to safety and environmental impacts they may cause, especially when exposed to risks that affect their integrity. Among the various anthropogenic activities included in this scenario, mining can aggravate, increase the risks and degrade the environment. Since these polyducts go through significant extensions, remote sensing has great applicability as a tool for data acquisition. For this, change detection techniques were used to monitor mining activities in a defined study area in the state of Rio de Janeiro, along the duct ORBEL. The characterization of the study area and the mining activities were developed through bibliographical data. The satellite images processing and the application of change detection technique were performed in two scenes for the years 2002 and 2010. The growth in the mining area was about 6.67 times and it was possible to identify types of extraction involved which can represent direct risks to the pipeline


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Let G be a group, let S be a subgroup with infinite index in G and let FSG be a certain Z2G-module. In this paper, using the cohomological invariant E(G, S, FSG) or simply E˜(G, S) (defined in [2]), we analyze some results about splittings of group G over a commensurable with S subgroup which are related with the algebraic obstruction “singG(S)" defined by Kropholler and Roller ([8]. We conclude that E˜(G, S) can substitute the obstruction “singG(S)" in more general way. We also analyze splittings of groups in the case, when G and S satisfy certain duality conditions.


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Richards' gland is known for the majority of Epiponini wasps, and despite few experimental evidences, the taxonomic distribution in swarm-founder species and the function of this gland remain rather unclear. This work presents a morphological description of Richards' gland in Protonectarina sylveirae. The gland is formed by a cluster of class 3 cells underneath the anterior margin of the fifth metasomal sternite, and a reservoir formed by the intersegmental membrane between the fourth and fifth metasomal sternites where the secretion can be stored. The secretory cells contain a branched end apparatus that carries the secretory products towards the duct cell. Externally, the cuticle of the sternite, where the duct cells penetrate, is characterized by modifications as scales with very numerous pores. The presence of Richards' gland according to the model proposed by Samacá et al. 2013 in Protonectarina corroborates the single origin of this gland in Epiponini. The occurrence of a Golgi apparatus and smooth endoplasmic reticulum suggests pheromone production.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB