403 resultados para Jornalismo Sensacionalista
This Project proposes a study of three documentaries about prostitution produced by a television program, Conexão Repórter (http://www.sbt.com.br/conexaoreporter/). These Journalistic Productions were chosen because they are episodes of a high-visibility program which purpose is to show the backstage of news. The study is based on social-anthropological productions about gender and sexuality, besides national and international literature about the subject. The analyses are completed with contributions from Journalism Theories, like Framing and Agenda-Setting. The studies developed by Michel Foucault on the historic aspect of sexuality will also be useful to support the ideas presented throughout the project. The goal is to analyze the construction of narratives about prostitution in all productions, taking as initial hypotheses that documentaries continue to reproduce stereotypes about the subject and, especially, what is the reason for such reproduction. The research seeks answers about journalist's challenges approaching prostitution. Starting from the hypothesis that the episodes in the study approach prostitution based on stereotypes, which other possible ways there may be to address the subject on TV documentaries? The goal is to relate the plots constructed by the reporting team with the theory in order to analyze discourses about the issue
Na última década, nos governos Lula (2002 - 2010) e Dilma ( 2011 - 2012), os jogos eletrônicos passaram a figurar nas políticas públicas governamentais, com o ganho de destaque da indústria a partir do seu crescimento nos últimos anos e por meio de iniciativas promovidas por instituições como a ABRAGAMES (Associação Brasileira das Desenvolvedoras de Games) e a ACI Games (Associação Comercial, Industrial e Cultural de Games). Concebendo a indústria de games como uma indústria criativa, esta monografia busca descrever o mercado nacional de jogos eletrônicos e assim expor seus dispositivos de fomento e desenvolvimento, evidenciando as políticas públicas governamentais para a área e incluindo uma exposição de como os games se inserem ou podem se inserir em políticas de incentivo do governo federal como a Lei Rouanet, Lei da Informática e a Lei do Audiovisual
O trabalho pretende discutir as transformações da sociedade num contexto de mudança das relações sociais por meio da influência da internet, com base na documentação feita pelas mídias de massa, em específico, do programa Fantástico exibido pela TV Globo. Para isso, refletirá os critérios de noticiabilidade responsáveis por tornar um assunto notícia não só nos meios virtuais, mas também nos tradicionais; em específico, o caso do evento Eu Não Mereço Ser Estuprada criado em resposta a uma pesquisa do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, o Ipea. A pesquisa em questão teria revelado que 65% dos brasileiros acreditariam que mulheres que usam roupas que mostram o corpo merecem ser atacadas. Mais tarde, o órgão publicou uma errata que mudou a porcentagem para 26%
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
The researching centre mentioned was conceived em 1989, with the goal to study and implement the media of comunication by creating and effecting online printed medias for care institutions, schools and UNESP. The university has taken a give-and-take function between itself and the society. The founder of this group is Prof. Dr. Ricardo Nicola that since 1996 has established a link between university and society, using this centre for developing works that go over the university's borders. The group's work comprehends four different classes: literary , tecnical, journalism and advanced research . The literary one involves help and literary production for new authors, the tecnical helps in publishing theses; the journalism one is related to journal and medias in and out of the university; the advanced research one has is caracterized as a class between departments and branches.
This paper presents results of an evaluation of the quality of the coverage of issues associated to the preservation of rights of children and adolescents in the eight main newspapers of major cities of Bauru (Sao Paulo State) administrative region, from August 2008 to March 2009. In a total of 389 assessed stories, 66% portrayed acts of legal infraction and violence with children and adolescents as victims or perpetrators, with a fragmented and superficial perspective; 34% are greater approaches about public policies aimed at the preservation of social rights. The results show the existence of a smaller number, yet significant, of stories which presented extended and more contextualized approaches. From a general view, we can point out that the contribution given by the media as a form of vigilance over the execution of public policies has been limited, which justifies the concern of demanding, from the mass media, measures to fulfill the role attributed to them by contemporaneous democracies to the strengthening of citizenship.
From the 1990s, Brazilian newspapers began to refer to the convening of different personalities to comment on the World Cup soccer in their sports pages. This article seeks to examine this phenomenon under the notion that the French philosopher Michel Foucault called the “author function” - one that establishes the existence, circulation and functioning of certain discourses within a specific audience.
The TV news, like other productions for television, are in the process of adaptation of its discursive structures and its production as a consequence of the structures of the digital systems. Focusing not only the formatting, but mainly on the routines, its possible to notice the emergence of a new dynamic of production and consumption of information. Interactivity is the resource that has mobilized the most effort in the adaptation of television companies, anticipating the trend towards a more strengthening receiver role in communication relationship, which should be intensified by the convergence of medias with the deployment of Brazilian digital TV. While this is not realized, producers encourage a forged approach of receivers, since the proposal is not fully enforceable, either because of limitations in the routine production or in the technological devices. Then, the enunciative strategy of interactivity seeks to renew the social bond between the TV news and its audience.
This article intends to inventory the medias that also cover Third Age in Brazil, in view of that all the demographic pointers reveal the accented process of aging of the worldwide population, and therefore of our country. A time that the journalists cannot ignore the changes that occur in the interior of the society, in which it is the main area of performance of the journalism, we want to understand why the Brazilian media still dedicates so little space to this phenomenon of the elderly, in contrast of what occurs in other countries. We ask ourselves, then, if the change in the way of looking at the elderly one would not have to be born inside of the University, through the young who prepare for the exercise of the profession, with citizenship and social concern. In the Course of Journalism of the UNESP/Bauru a group of future journalists is searching this subject, for this they sign this article.
With new technologies, there are fields of unprecedented artistic legitimation and consecration. On the Internet, MySpace is used as a social network whose peculiarity lies in the interactivity of between artists (established and independent) users and non-artists. The website has revealed new names in the music scene from the popularity they gained by its peers. To see how the communication happens within that environment, was chosen the band profile Restart, whose audience is the majority of MySpace teen (youth 12 to 17 years). The analysis of this article is part of a broader research and the results already obtained allow us to see, within the limits of the selected area, that the Internet not only introduces a new field of action, but new instances of artistic consecration.
A Revista Toque da Ciência é um produto de divulgação científica do Laboratório de Estudos em Comunicação, Tecnologia e Educação Cidadã (LECOTEC) da UNESP, elaborado por alunos graduandos em Jornalismo, sendo veiculada por meio eletrônico, em site próprio (www.faac.unesp.br/revistatoque). Desenvolvida desde o início de 2009 e com a primeira edição lançada no segundo semestre do mesmo ano, ela visa à compreensão de conceitos e idéias complexas da ciência pelo público leigo, com o uso do Jornalismo Literário e destacando a participação do comunicador na mediação deste processo. Este artigo promove uma discussão acerca do uso de técnicas literárias no Jornalismo Científico e propõe a análise das matérias produzidas pelos participantes do Projeto Toque da Ciência para sua primeira edição.
This paper summarizes a research that has been developed from the concern about a company’s strategic planning, once regarding the product development process and its methodological guidelines. Our goal was to check if there is an ideal methodology, peculiar to the graphic design, which could be applied to a printed newspaper condition. And then, we could deduce, according to the design practices in newspapers, its relevance. We did not intend to create a specific graphic design methodology for daily newspapers, nor the analysis of methods, but we wanted to emphasize that the familiarization with acknowledged methods in the field of visual communication, during the process of professional formation, might ease good choices in the work practice on design. The understanding of the gradual introduction of graphic design on printed daily newspapers brings about, thus, not only their visual improvement, but also allows that this kind of journalism (which depends on a graphic interface in order to make their product come true) reconsider the newspaper as a whole.
Not intending to exhaust the subject, we will attempt to show the issue status in the construction of the History of Mass Media. An initial literature review, in order to identify works relating to the subject, shows us how this issue has gone unnoticed in Academy. Expert authors in the history of every media outlet (newspaper, radio, television, movies, and more recently, internet) have been rising, but few have faced the challenge of building a History of Media. There are many reasons to justify this. It comes from the fact it is a young science, in construction, to the absence of a clear definition regarding the subject matter, sources, and methods of their own area of expertise. After all, journalism and film, for example, can be inserted in the same methodological procedure?