374 resultados para Suco de maracujá - Indústria


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The Brazilian automotive industry has undergone profound changes during the 90’s decade, as a consequence of the market opening up through the liberation of automobile imports. The exposure of the Brazilian domestic market to competition with imported products of high quality and lower prices indicated the need for significant changes in those auto industries operating in this country, with the intention of making them competitive. To achieve these objectives management and production concepts were adopted, such as: the just-in-time philosophy; lean manufacturing; outsourcing; reengineering and increasing the rate of automation in both production and management systems. These changes helped to increase productivity and, in turn, reduced the level of employment in the sector, especially in activities where the required qualification levels were low. Despite this modernization, the Brazilian companies have committed themselves to meet the specific needs of the Brazilian market. The objective of this paper is to analyze and present manufacturing strategies from six manufacturers of automotive vehicles: Toyota in Japan, Fiat in Italy, Volkswagen in Brazil and Germany and General Motors in the U.S. and Brazil. The predominant method of research was from reviewing relevant literature, whereas the empirical data was analyzed qualitatively. The article seeks to identify the manufacturing strategies adopted by manufacturers located in the above countries, electing one automotive manufacturer to represent each country. The research demonstrated that the processes for production of automobiles in four plants located in, the U.S. (GM); Italy (Fiat); Japan (Toyota) and Germany (VW) are similar to those adopted in Brazilian industrial plants of the same companies (GM and VW), with differences of operations only in the business strategies adopted by each of them.


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This paper aims to analyse the spatial distribution of the Brazilian clothing industry in 1997 and 2006. In order to achieve this objective, this study used an exploratory spatial data analysis - ESDA. It was made a univariate analysis of the number of the existing clothing industries among Brazilian states. The null hypotheses of the spatial dependence absence was rejected and the construction of cluster maps showed two patterns: a high industrial concentration and a low one. On the other hand, a bivariate analysis was also conducted to permit a study between the number of clothing industries and the wage income of the neighbor regions. The result revealed spatial dependence besides similar cluster maps in both years. Therefore, two spatial patterns emerged: a high and a low industrial concentration. The final conclusion is that agglomeration economies are the main responsible for the results found in both analyses.


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After years of stagnation, the naval construction industry in Brazil has been experiencing a period of recovery caused by investments in the oil and gas sector and the implementation of governmental programs that aimed to regenerate it. However, efforts in learning and innovations are needed in order to reinsert the country in this activity and achieve international levels of competitiveness. Based on literature about learning processes and continuous improvement practices and their impact in the innovative and productive processes, this paper aims to identify the main tendencies, mechanisms and procedures to improve the construction and management processes in the Brazilian naval construction industry. The methodology used for the data analysis classifies obtained information from magazines and annals of congresses of the sector, according to the established analysis categories (phenomena). Such categories study information related to the productive and technological processes of the industry, the main internal and external relations of the industrial park, the management of resources and processes, policies, investments, etc. The data was collected in the period 2004-2010, and more than 500 registers that show a dominance of the investment phenomenon, especially in the increase of productive capacity, were catalogued. In addition to this, there is evidence of modernization in the manufacturing plan and the equipment, diverse forms of cooperation, implementation of human resources management practices and engineering or processes and products. Hence, a process of catching up governs and is guided by modernization and increase training in this industry.


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The aim of this research is to analyze the extension of changes in technological strategies of a group of Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, which we believe were induced by transformations in the institutional environment during the 1990s. Major institutional changes, such as the enacting of laws that recognized drug patents rights and fostered generic drugs market, have strengthened the market insertion and competitive position of these companies, what would enable an increase in research and development efforts in Brazil. In addition to the literature on technology strategy and drug industry, this study was based on interviews with six Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, all of which were ranked among the top national companies in the industry and have been considered in previous studies particularly active in the process of changing technological strategies. This research confirmed a significant intensification of technology efforts carried out by Brazilian drug companies. Nevertheless, the R&D intensity is still far below the global pattern and innovative impacts are slight.


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Objective: To assess the attitudes and knowledge about hepatitis by scholars and dental practitioners from Recife and its metropolitan region. Method: The research protocol was submitted and approved by the Ethics and Human Research Committee of the Federal University of Pernambuco. There were included 230 undergraduate students in dentistry and 104 dentists who exercise their professional activity in Recife and its Metropolitan Region. They signed a consent form and answered a questionnaire, the evaluative instrument, with objective questions about biosafety, transmission of hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases. Results: About the types of hepatitis 133 (57.8%) students and 61 (58.7%) professionals claimed to know the types A, B and C. Concerning transmission 31 (13.5%) students and 25 (24.0%) professionals said that the main route of transmission were sexual and bloodstream respectively. Relating to imunization 221 (96.1%) students and 99 (95.2%) professionals reported that have been vaccinated against hepatitis B, however, only 126 (54.8%) students and 55 (52.9%) professionals have followed the immunization’s schema. Regarding the cleaning of the office equipment, 18.7% of the students replied that they do not know who does it. 56.7% of professionals said that it was performed with alcohol 70 ° GL.Conclusions: The findings indicate that there is a concern for biosafety but the knowledge about the forms of hepatitis transmission and biosecurity measures need to be better settled.


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O presente trabalho busca trazer um olhar mais humano para a formação de jovens jogadores de futebol. A carreira é uma das mais almejadas pelas crianças em um país onde a educação primária ainda é deficitária. Soma-se isso à cultura enraizada na parte massiva da população de que estudar não é substancial. Deslumbrados pela fama e a importância dos jogadores profissionais, evidenciadas pela mídia esportiva e presentes na sociedade brasileira, estes garotos passam a buscar o mesmo para si, sem saber dos riscos e dificuldades que a carreira pode oferecer. Muitos deles esquecem-se da vida escolar e, caso não tenham sucesso na carreira profissional futebolística - o que acontece com a maioria, correm sérios riscos de ficarem marginalizados perante a sociedade. Este trabalho busca mostrar a visão de jovens que já estiveram envolvidos no universo das categorias de base do futebol e não prosseguiram no esporte, mas souberam priorizar os estudos e ter uma profissão alternativa. Mostra também depoimentos de profissionais que lidam com jovens que ainda alimentam esse sonho. Por último, traz notícias em geral do mundo do futebol de base


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the rheological behavior of combined juices of strawberry, blackberry and raspberry in two different temperatures of interest in industrial processes in the food industry, using rheological analyses on non-oscillatory regime and the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The rheological data were fitted by the Casson model. All samples of combined juices of ref fruits showed a Newtonian behavior and the rheological parameters yield stress (Kc) and plastic viscosity of Casson (Koc) had a decrease in its values with the temperature increase. By the analysis of the ternary diagrams it is evident that the raspberry juice effectively contributed to the higher values of yield stress and plastic viscosity of Casson in both temperatures studied.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esse trabalho aborda a forma como os heróis são retratados atualmente no cinema pela indústria cultural e como se dá a divergência em relação aos heróis clássicos dos mitos gregos. O mito grego adotado como parâmetro para comparação e análise é o que narra a trajetória de Ulisses de volta para a ilha de Ítaca. O filme atual sobre o qual se desenvolve o estudo comparativo do herói no cinema é Capitão América - O Priemiro Vingador, adaptação dos quadrinhos da Marvel para o cinema em 2011, pelo diretor Joe Johnston. O mito surge nos começos de toda civilização, sendo visto como uma história sagrada, da qual tomaram parte os deuses ou seres sobrenaturais que participaram desses acontecimentos. O mito surge nos começos de toda civilização, sendo visto como uma história sagrada, da qual tomaram parte os deuses ou seres sobrenaturais que participaram desses acontecimentos


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Este estudo de caso teve por objetivo analisar a qualidade dos frutos e a produtividade em t/ha de maracujá-amarelo, em dois ciclos anuais, plantados, respectivamente, nos dias 04-10-04 (1º plantio) e 20-08-05 (2º plantio). As mudas da seleção Afruvec foram formadas em tubetes no interior de estufa com tela antiafídeo. O pomar, nos dois ciclos produtivos, foi irrigado por gotejamento, adotando-se uma densidade de 1.600 plantas/ha. O 1º plantio foi erradicado no dia 13-07-05, em função de o pomar apresentar a totalidade das plantas com sintomas típicos do vírus do endurecimento dos frutos (PWV) nas folhas e frutos. No 1º e no 2º plantios, os sintomas tiveram início no dia 26-01-05 e no dia 04-01-06, respectivamente. Não houve necessidade de eliminação de plantas em ambos os plantios, já que o início dos sintomas de PWV ocorreu quando as plantas se encontravam em pleno florescimento. Pelos resultados, pode-se concluir que o manejo adotado regionalmente, com plantio em ciclo anual, permitiu uma ampliação do período de colheita, decorrente da antecipação de plantio no 2º ano; uma produtividade de 16,94 kg/planta e 18,39 kg/planta, no 1º e 2º anos, respectivamente; um aumento da rentabilidade na safra de 2006 em função: da maior produção, melhor cotação dos frutos para mesa e indústria, e aproveitamento dos investimentos realizados no 1º ano. As técnicas empregadas promoveram uma eficiente redução do potencial de inóculo regional, favorecendo uma sustentabilidade na produção.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)