444 resultados para Revista do Brasil


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(Ant diversity (Hymenoptera) in a fragment of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest in Northwest of São Paulo State, Brazil). Due to scarce knowledge about ant fauna from Northwestern São Paulo State, the present study aimed to know the taxonomic diversity of Formicidae, relating the results to climatic variation along of one year. The samples were gotten monthly, using pitfall traps. It was sampled 25 species of 15 genera and seven subfamilies. Myrmicinae was the sampled richest subfamily, follows by Formicinae and Ponerinae. According Wilcoxon test, the species richness, equability and diversity estimated by Simpson index were significantly higher in the rain season. The obtained results suggest that the abundance of ants is significantly related to the temperature variation, while the ant assemblage structure is related to thermal and pluviometric variations.


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This article chiefly aims at discussing issues concerning reflective teacher education for and in virtual environments for language learning. Given the need for research on reflective practice in new virtual environments, we present the experience of pedagogical supervision through mediation in the virtual context for collaborative learning in teletandem. Some research results in this context, such as in Salomão (2008), Kfouri-Kaneoya (2008), Cândido (2010) and Silva (2010), show how favorable and conducive to the development of reflective pre-service teacher education it seems to be, as it emphasizes the co-construction of knowledge in a dynamic relationship between theory and practice.


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Biodiversity is a result of millions of years of biological evolution, and is the component of the system which supports life on our planet. Besides the intrinsic value of each species, all of them as a whole, as well as of the interactions among the species, and their interaction with the physical and chemical environment, result in ecosystem services vital for supporting life on Earth. Because of that, the science of biodiversity is largely recognized as a priority area of scientific investigation both in developed and developing countries. In Brazil, the research on biodiversity can be divided in three parts: 1) discovery and characterization of biodiversity – including marine and human-altered landscapes – systematics and taxonomy; 2) understanding the functioning of ecosystems and environmental services, including in marine and human-altered landscapes; 3) bioprospecting of the chemical diversity of the Brazilian biota.


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Este texto tem por objetivo refletir acerca da formação inicial e continuada de professores (as) em sexualidade, educação sexual e relações de gêneros no Brasil e em Portugal. Pontua a importância de maiores investimentos no sentido de incluir estas temáticas nos currículos oficiais de cursos que formação inicial de professores (as), evitando-se assim, formar professores (as) mal preparados (as), cheios (as) de tabus e de equívocos que acabam claramente sendo repassados através dos currículos ocultos, contribuindo para aumentar o desrespeito e a violência na comunidade. Reflete ainda sobre a importância de investimentos dos governos dos dois países em ações de formação continuadas, como forma de minimizar a lacuna deixa na formação inicial. Conclui ser este, em curto prazo, o caminho possível e viável de dar subsídios teóricos e práticos aos professores (as), para que a legislação vigente em Portugal e os parâmetros curriculares propostos no Brasil sejam cumpridos de forma eficaz e com possibilidade de responder às necessidades emergentes e urgentes destes dois países.


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This paper aims to discuss and reflect the trajectory of inclusive education in Brazil, for such it is important to bring as she is becoming. The notion of inclusion is directly related to the right to equal that from the eighteenth century marks the social constructions and political ideas and social relations stuck on democracy and / or equality in the world, as well as in Brazil. But what is presented in the practice of social relations today is as an equal and non-homogeneity and recognition of identities, cultures and specific needs of each. Inclusion and integration are being discussed all over the country, but it's still a fact that deserves more involvement by all actors of society. She was raised primarily in the form of laws, decrees, documents, and now gaining ground in academic research showing the differences between the two terms, and finally is reaching the school, although it is still insufficient participation, with regard to transformation of the trader concerned with working in a school for all, along the lines of an egalitarian society with respect for diversity. To this end this paper argues the importance of continuing education in all areas of knowledge for the implementation of public policies actually everyone regardless of their differences.


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This paper identifies relevant criteria for evaluation of participatory budgeting and participatory institutions that are currently adopted by governments of both Brazil and elsewhere, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive assessment that integrates all these criteria. Finally, it is recommended to pay special attention to assessing the desirability of these institutions, which are not always positively for theories on democracy


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This article presents a reflection on the historical aspects and legislation on Distance Learning (DL). For this, a bibliographic and documentary research was performed with the goal of raising the necessary notes for discussion. The text begins with the characterization of the current society, the Information Society, which supports the modern distance education, which uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) to establish the process of learning teaching. Five stages of the EAD are identified. Later, the Brazilian legislation concerning the DL is punctuated, starting with the passage by Article 80 of the Guidelines and Bases Law-LBD (Law 9394/96) along with the critical analysis of Decree 5,622/05. Finally, in the final considerations is discussed the negative image that the DL carries by the Brazilian population and obstacles in the existing rules that hinder the democratization of access to education that aims DL.


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The present study at the doctoral level, is in the initial phase of the Program Graduate School of Education UNESP, SP-Araraquara campus. That makes an analysis of government policies in distance education system through the Open University of Brazil (UAB). We present in this moment, the historical background of the creation and expansion of the system of the Open University of Brazil with emphasis on policies of expansion of higher education and also the degree in pedagogy courses offered by the partner universities of the University System in Brazil Open southeast. Among the main objectives of the study is to compare the Brazilian government policies of expansion of higher education with the management and characteristics of undergraduate courses in pedagogy. Partial results indicate a total 51 universities that offer degree courses in pedagogy at UAB system in Brazil, including 12 institutions in the Southeast.


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The youth academies of Brazilian soccer form – in imaginary of poor children and young ones – a window for a better future. Before precarious objective conditions, the teams receive future athletes, without educational concern that support adult professional life. The contradictions - that set between habitus of professional soccer beginners and material living conditions offered for soccer youth academies - make an important space for procedure of educators.


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O artigo analisa aspectos das relações entre a escolarizaçãoe os processos culturais mais amplos, tomando como fontedocumental manuais didáticos produzidos para uso em cursos deformação de professores, que circularam no Brasil e em Portugalno período final do século XIX e no início do século XX. Foramfocalizados elementos passíveis de generalização, entre eles aunidade da forma escolar e as diferentes práticas prescritas aosprofessores, destinadas a enraizar valores e ideais no processoformativo. Foram analisados os seguintes manuais: CursoPractico de Pedagogia, de autoria de Mr. Daligault (1874);Elementos de Pedagogia, de autoria de Jose Maria da GraçaAffreixo e Henrique Freire (1870); e Lições de pedagogia gerale de história da educação, de Alberto Pimentel Filho (1932).


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This article deals with the Park School, a proposal prepared by AnísioTeixeira to organize basic education in Brazil. This is a bibliographic study, anchored in texts produced by the author himself and researchers who are dedicated to their legacy. Records show that the proposed Park School was an experiment, bold and innovative, to arrange a policy for primary education in Brazil. Was expertly planned and stood out in the architectural and pedagogical aspects. Park School has shown that it is possible to provide a quality public education; political commitment and solid educational training are therefore fundamental.


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This work aims to investigate the institutionalization of management processes in the legislation of the Brazilian education. For this study was considered the first decades of the twentieth century (1911-1950). The laws of Brazil in the early Republic were derived from tradition or forged by the great legislators. In turn, the tradition is inserted in the power of social organization that is preserved, in a more forceful manner, through the norms and rules. With this assumption, the study chose the Rivadávia and Carlos Maximiliano Reforms, both of the beginning of the century, and the Organic Laws of Teaching, granted by the government in this period, to understand how legislation institutionalized the role of the director in basic education in this context history. The reflections presented introduce historical elements that demonstrate actions and relationships that remain in the form of habits in the school managements. These institutionalized elements contribute to the debate about the political and pedagogical difficulties pointed out by scholars and professionals, related to the promotion of democratic management in the public school.


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This work has as a central concern in analyze the causes of the still limited access of young Brazilians to public higher education in socioeconomic and cultural.In Brazil, onçy 14,4% of the young between 18 and 24 years old attend this educational level.If we consider that the public university offer just 1/4 of the vacancies, can be affirmed that this institutions are not able to attend neither 4% of the young between 18 and 24.Brazil shows,in this level of education,a lower access that most of its neighbors: Argentina(40%), Venezuela(26%), Chile(20%),Bolivia(20%).In this work were analyzed the data reports of entrance exam of Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) entre 2004 e 2009,prepared by Fundaçao para o Vestibular da Universidade Estadual Paulista(Vunesp). In this analysis,can be noted the influence of some aspects socioeconomic and cultural related to possibilities os the young acces to public univercity. Stand out among these: family income,the possibility to dadicate only to studies and attend preparatory courses,as well as the parents level of education.