418 resultados para ROTAÇÃO


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A astrobiologia, ciência que estuda a origem, evolução, distribuição e futuro da vida, tem como escopo a procura por vida em outros ambientes, como por exemplo, exoplanetas, planetas estes localizados fora do sistema solar. Através de observações e modelos teóricos que estimam alguns parâmetros gerais (composição, tipos de compostos presentes) pode-se criar um ambiente possível para o exoplaneta. O ambiente em que o planeta está inserido é um fator que pode ser determinante em relação a sua habitabilidade. A Zona Habitável é um dos parâmetros passíveis de delimitar os planetas que poderiam ser habitáveis. Muitos planetas identificados até agora têm características similares à da Terra. Entretanto, a maioria dos planetas, com possibilidade de ser do tipo terrestre, identificados até hoje são considerados Super Terras Quentes (STQ), pois estão fora da zona habitável uma vez que estão muito próximos de suas estrelas (período orbital da ordem de dias ou menos). Alguns desses estariam presentes na Zona habitável de suas respectivas estrelas, como é o caso de Gl 581 g, um planeta do sistema multi-planetário da estrela Gl 581. A proximidade da estrela sugere que eles apresentam uma rotação afetada por forças de maré. Deste modo, a taxa rotacional do planeta é sincronizada, sendo que uma de suas faces não recebe a energia da estrela, tornando-se gelada e a outra face recebe constantemente a energia da estrela, tornando-se muito quente. Embora em geral descarta-se a habitabilidade em STQ, estudos de resistência de vida em ambientes extremos não são muito explorados. As características analisadas partirão da premissa que o tipo de vida procurada será semelhante ao tipo de vida que encontramos na Terra, isto é, utilizando a água como solvente e apresentando uma química baseada no elemento carbono (Kaltenegger, L. et al., 2008)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This paper presents a study on the development of a manufacturing system of printed circuit boards through copper milling. An advantage of this system is the replacement of chemical processes by physical process presenting a sustainable solution. The paper uses programs that will generate G-code needed to establish the coordinates where the milling forms the tracks. After obtaining the code, it will be transformed into steps that will be sent through the serial port to the microcontroller and the serial communication control will be in software. After obtaining information the microcontroller will execute the movement of the stepper motors through their drivers, H-bridge, the microcontroller also drives the spindle motor responsible for rotating the grinding tool, using a driver with a optocoupler and TRIAC


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A Trimezia juncifolia (Iridaceae) é encontrada nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais e possui características muito próximas das plantas do mesmo gênero e família. Ela é utilizada pela população de Botucatu, São Paulo, para a depuração do sangue, para feridas intermitentes e como antiinflamatório. Por possuir interesse econômico primordialmente ornamental, são raros os estudos que a caracteriza, facilitando as complicações que podem ocorrer por trocas de espécies. Por causa disso, este trabalho tem como objetivos descrever a morfologia externa da Trimezia juncifolia, visando a caracterização da droga vegetal, e a anatomia das raízes, bulbo, caule aéreo e escamas do bulbo, visando uma descrição microscópica farmacopeica. A caracterização morfológica da planta foi feita com o auxílio de estereomicroscópio binocular. Para o estudo anatômico de Trimezia juncifolia (beressol), foram selecionados exemplares que contenham raízes, caule subterrâneo, e caule aéreo. Os catafilos, bulbo, raízes e caule aéreo foram divididos em terço apical, médio e basal. Com ênfase no caule subterrâneo, o bulbo e as raízes tiveram as três frações analisadas, e o catafilo, as frações média e basal. Somente o terço médio do caule aéreo foi analisado.O material foi fixado em solução de glutaraldeído e formaldeído. Em seguida o material foi conduzido às etapas de inclusão em resina (metacrilato). O material incluído foi seccionado em micrótomo de rotação. As secções dispostas em lâminas foram coradas com azul de toluidina pH 6,8. Mesmo com a descrição das frações medianas da raiz, bulbo, catafilos e caule aéreo, ou escapo, na discussão deste trabalho foi dada ênfase à análise do caule subterrâneo e raízes. Mesmo que popularmente a fração utilizada da planta seja o bulbo, essa análise se faz necessária para auxiliar o controle de qualidade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This work aims to kinematic and dynamic analysis of a VW Saveiro in order to estimate the power requested to the engine with the imposed movement conditions. Thus, the study will be the basis to the specification of the electric engine, on the conversion of the internal combustion vehicle into electric one. First of all, a literature review was done in order to understand the state of the art for this issue and come up with the technical features of the vehicle in question. The next step is the identification and calculation of all forces acting on the prototype in motion, from 0 to 120 km/h, in intervals of 10 km/h, under the defined conditions of path and time. Then, were determined the values of the torque and rotation of the components from the transmission system, as well as the engine power, for each speed range. The results show the most influential forces on the resistence of the movement in each speed range, and the behavior of the torque curve is verified. Finally, it was also analyzed the implementation of pinwheels on the frontal area of the vehicle, in order to convert wind energy into electrical energy to supply the lighting subsystem of the vehicle and the proposal was validated. Limiting the maximum speed of the vehicle to 90 km/h, it was finally concluded that the power of the electric engine should be 40 HP


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The gastric dilatation- volvulus (GDV) is an acute and potentially lethal disease, characterized by increased size of the stomach associated with mesenteric rotation on its axis, which affects mainly large breed dogs and giants with deep and narrow chest. The diagnosis is made from the history, physical examination, clinical signs and radiographic evaluation. It is an emergency that requires immediate therapy and consists on protocols to treat shock, gastric decompression, surgical repositioning of the stomach, gastropexy and intensive post-operative care. Despite the significant progress in the elucidation of pathophysiological events, risk factors and treatment, there was almost no progress in determining the root causes of this disease. A significant advance was recently described in the literature on this topic is the technique of gastropexy laparoscopy. Instruct the owners of the high risk breeds is extremely important to avoid situations in which the severity of the illness make the surgical treatment impracticable and the animal’s condition irreversible


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Atualmente há considerável interesse em polissacarídeos obtidos pela ação de microrganismos. Estes polissacarídeos, conhecidos como biopolímeros, são obtidos por processos fermentativos. Possuem capacidade de formar soluções viscosas e géis em meio aquoso, mesmo quando aplicados em baixas concentrações (MOREIRA, et al., 2003). A dextrana se caracteriza por ser um dos biopolímeros mais comercializados em escala industrial, representando uma fatia significativa desse mercado de polissacarídeos microbianos. A reação de síntese desse biopolímero é catalisada pela enzima dextranasacarase, a qual converte a sacarose em frutose e dextrana. Essa enzima, por sua vez, é produzida extracelularmente por diversas espécies do gênero Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus e Streptococcus. (MONCHOIS, WILLEMOT et. al, 1999). 47 Os biopolímeros microbianos podem ser produzidos pelo processo convencional cultivando o microrganismo em meio líquido com substrato, em condições ideais de temperatura, rotação e pH. Outro tipo de produção em meio líquido é por via enzimática, ou seja, utilizando enzimas purificadas . As enzimas são primeiramente produzidas e purificadas e depois utilizadas para síntese do polímero em meio contendo substrato. O processo via enzimática é o utilizado na produção de dextrana, uma vez que este apresenta um rendimento ótimo e um potencial econômico enorme.(MOREIRA, et al. 2003). ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This undergraduate thesis evaluates the effects of temperature variation of the air inside the CVT gearbox on the performance of a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). The CVT used in the tests was manufactured by Gaged Engineering (GX9 model) and is currently used in a Baja prototype. It’s a mechanically operated CVT, which the movement of the pulley plates varies according to the drive shaft rotation, shifting the belt along the diameter, and varying the transmission ratio. The purpose of this work is to analyze the change in the slip factor, coefficient that compares the variation between the actual transmission ratio and the ratio of geometric transmission, and its correlation with the power variation. A test bench was built and some tests were performed, indicating that was possible to achieve output power ratios of 1.75 [ℎ


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The aim of this work is to analyze the stability of the rotational motion’s artificial satellite using the Routh Hurwitz Algorithm (CRH) and the quaternions to describe the satellite’s attitude. This algorithm allows the investigation of the stability of the motion using the coefficients of the characteristic equation associated with the equation of the rotational motion in the linear form. The equations of the rotational motion are given by the four cinematic equations for the quaternion and the three equations of Euler for the spin velocity’s components. In the Euler equations are included the components of the gravity gradient torque (TGG) and the solar radiation torque (TRS). The TGG is generated by the difference of the Earth gravity force direction and intensity actuating on each satellite mass element and it depends on the mass distribution and the form of the satellite. The TRS is created by changing of the linear momentum, which happens due to the interactions of solar photons with the satellite surface. The equilibrium points are gotten by the equation of rotational motion and the CRH is applied in the linear form of these equations. Simulations are developed for small and medium satellites, but the gotten equilibrium points are not stable by CRH. However, when some of the eigenvalues of the characteristic equation are analyzed, it is found some equilibrium points which can be pointed out as stables for an interval of the time, due to small magnitude of the real part of these eigenvalue


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This work aims to determine the first natural frequency of rotation shaft by using a basic software, Excel, and to compare it to the values obtained in laboratory. When an axle is submitted to a rotation, depending on the rotational frequency used, the axle can enter a state of resonance, in which the amplitude of vibration becomes rather high. The frequencies in which the resonance is observed depends on several parameters of the axle, including the number of concentrated masses associated to the axle. Thus, to obtain a computer program of easy use and access, which can preview the frequency of resonance of an axle in rotation with ‘n’ numbers of concentrated masses it has been studied how the frequency varies with each of these parameters. The computer program and the analyses have been made using the Rayleigh Method, which allowed the transformation of a continuous system to discrete through the theory of finite elements, which has proved that, the bigger the number of divisions of the shaft taken into consideration in the calculus of the natural frequency, the more this value gets close to the real value. The results obtained have been considered satisfactory once these have gotten close to the theoretical results expected


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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This monograph proposes the implementation of a low cost PID controller utilizing a PIC microcontroller, and its application in a positioning system previously controlled by a dedicated integrated circuit for a positioning system. Applying the closed-loop PID control, the system instability was reduced, and its response was smoother, eliminating vibrations and mechanical wear compared to its response with the dedicated integrated circuit, which has a very limited control action. The actuator of the system is a DC motor, whose speed is controlled by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique, using a Full-Bridge circuit, allowing the shift of direction of rotation. The utilized microcontroller was the PIC16F684, which has an enhanced PWM module, with its analog converters used as reference and position feedback. The positioning sensor is a multiturn potentiometer coupled to the motor axis by gears. The possibility of programming the PID coefficients in the microcontroller, as well as the adjustment of the sampling rate, allows the implemented system achieving high level of versatility


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This paper presents a design and construct the system of data acquisition with wireless transmission of some important parameters like motor temperature, motor rotation and velocity of Unesp Racing´s formula car prototype from Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus Guaratinguetá. This system development presents a contribution for the electrical technical features adding important points in the competition due car´s electric, in addition, enables preventive maintenance and fine adjustment of the car with the data obtained during training and racing


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The present work develops a fuzzy inference system to control the rotation speed of a DC motor available in Degem Kit. Therefore, it should use the fuzzy toolbox of Matlab in conjunction with the data acquisition board NI - USB - 6009, a National Instrument’s board. An introduction to fuzzy logic, the mathematical model of a DC motor and the operation of data acquisition board is presented first. Followed by the controller fuzzy model implemented using Simulink which is described in detail. Finally, the prototype is shown and the simulator results are presented


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The nanostructured materials over the last decade have been increasing the variety of studies and research applications in many industries. From the understanding and manipulation of nanoscale is possible to obtain high-performance materials. One method, which has been very effective in obtaining of nanostructured composites, is the electrospinning, a technique that uses electrostatic forces to produce fibers from a polymer solution. By understanding and controlling of process conditions, such as solution viscosity, working distance, the velocity of the collector, applied voltage and others conditions, it is possible to obtain fibers in many different morphologies. This work aims to obtain nanostructured composites from polysulfone (PSU) a thermoplastic polymer with high oxidation resistance and good mechanical strength at high temperatures and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that are excellent reinforcements for polymer materials, their mechanical resistance is greater than that of all known materials; using the electrospinning process via polymer solution. Were used polysulfone solutions, n,n-ndimetil acetamide (PSU / DMAc) and this same solution added of CNTs in order to obtain the nanofibers. In both cases were analyzed the effectiveness of the process from the analysis of fiber diameters, rheological behavior and infrared spectroscopy. The results obtained confirmed the efficiency of the electrospinning process to obtain polymeric fibers