381 resultados para Pesquisa Bibliográfica
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Childhood is a theme that has attracted many controversies and discussions, and winning approaches to the increasingly large over time: biological, psychological, educational, welfare and, more recently, sociological. It is known that the movement, play and game activities are important recurrent and integral development of children, and should be present prominently in early childhood institutions. Based on these assumptions is that this study aimed to analyze the didactic-pedagogical principles postulated by the law, official guidelines didactic teaching and literature, with regard to meeting the needs of children in early childhood education. Unveiling the expectations of the families responsible for children in relation to early childhood education, especially with regard to movement, and play games and compare to what extent these expectations turn away or close to the guidelines on teaching and pedagogical movement, games and postulated in official documents, legislation and literature. To this end, we carried out literature search, selection and analysis of texts relevant to the understanding of the theme. Fieldwork was conducted in a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education Full-time (Emei) of Bauru/SP, and involved the analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the institution, semi-structured interviews with five teachers and five children in the family responsible for Garden II (ages 5 to 6 years). Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis of Bardin and triangulated by the confrontation of literature/legislation, the Pedagogical Political Project of the institution and the expectations of families/guardians. We also realize that the Pedagogical Political Project of EMEI is in routine activities with the children, movement, and play the game are covered and are worked. According to teachers interviewed they assist in learning other areas of work (Oral and Written Language, Nature and Society, etc.) learning of moral...
Uma estratégia de relacionamento da favela com a cidade para a integração social, física e simbólica
This paper presents the principles of a strategy for the integration of slums in the city. From an extensive literature search, it analyzes the environment of the slums, the culture of peace as a future desirable situation and the fundamental value of popular participation. It proposes a strategy based on the theories and practice of the communitarian public relations. It realizes that this is a long process and requires the complicity of various social actors, in particular the State through a manager committee of communal integration, which managements the integration of actions
Participei do projeto de extensão Grupo de Formação: Diálogo e Alteridade, constituído por graduandos do curso de Pedagogia. Esse projeto está articulado a um curso de extensão, oferecido para professoras coordenadoras, vice-diretoras e coordenadoras pedagógicas do município de Rio Claro, e do qual também participam os graduandos. O curso, ao longo de dois anos (2011-2012), teve a pretensão de promover a sensibilização do olhar através do uso dos filmes. Em virtude das experiências vividas durante o curso e da grande presença das tecnologias em nossa sociedade, a presente pesquisa objetivou compreender quais as contribuições das mídias e dos filmes no ambiente escolar, tanto em relação ao trabalho pedagógico com os alunos como nos processos de formação continuada de professores e gestores. A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada nos Anais da ANPEd (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação) e do ENDIPE (Encontro Nacional de Didática e Prática de Ensino) sistematizei a produção científica que trata dos filmes no contexto educacional. Na busca por compreender quais as contribuições dos filmes para a formação das educadoras que participaram do referido curso, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa documental a partir dos registros da pesquisadora e das escritas produzidas pelas participantes do referido curso. A pesquisa pretende contribuir para a ampliação e socialização das produções científicas acerca da temática
This paper focuses on the practice of writing in the initial training. The research was conducted from an autobiographical perspective. The instruments used for data collection were the writings produced by me during my participation in the Institutional Scholarship Project Introduction to Teaching (Pibid) and my participation in the extension project Training Group: Dialogue and Otherness, those writings that bring my formative experience as a future teacher. The objectives was to analyze the writings produced by me in these contexts and through this analysis, understand what the issues that I problematized and what knowledge I was building from the experiences lived in the school context and in the university context. In view of understand the writing practices promoted in initial training, I have developed a literature search in the Annals of ENDIPE (National Meeting of Teaching and Teaching Practice) 2008, 2010 and 2012. This research seeks to contribute to the recognition of the training capability of autobiographical teaching writing
This work explores the flash mobs, which are flash mobilizations arranged by intent that involve a large number of people to do something together in a pre-arranged place. With the advent of 2.0 Internet, the sharing of information and the mobile virtual communication grown up and showed behavior of an individual person to meet for a common interest. Those affective relationships born in the social networks come to the urban space in a real-virtual space junction and the possibilities of that are unexplored yet. Studied by this work, the Y generation is the flash mob most popular public and uses those mobilizations to reinforce their fan identity and appreciation for a media product
This study aims to address the significance of co-creation and its importance in the process for competitive advantage among the processes and social changes that have impact on the interests and market needs. For this, was made a case study of the project Jornada Ekos, of Natura, an open network of people who identify with the essence and purpose of the company, through a literature search in the works and records of the Jornada Ekos, such as sites about the study, social networks and search of testimonials. Was analyzed the strategies of the co-creation process used by the company on social networks in 2014. The elements analyzed were content, content generation, multimedia content, multiple platforms, interaction, building bond and innovation. The analysis identified a communication which sought to build strong bonds with those involved on the Jornada Ekos, once the company sought to innovate through co-creation and strengthen the relationship with the public, in addition to strengthening the institutional image of the organization through the dissemination of Jornadas Ekos project on the media
It is a fact that childhood is a period of play and it is through them that the child meets their interests, express their way to organize, disorganize, build, think, making new discoveries. Therefore, the playful stands as one of the most important and effective in children's learning process forms, as it enables the development of imagination, feelings and fantasies, helping the child progress in their motor, psychomotor, cognitive, and physical skills emotional. This gives her the exercise of attention and memory to play activities adults engage, thus expanding their knowledge about the world. The teacher's role in this process is essential, where it can bring to everyday life of the child in various situations themes, turning the simple play on continuous learning and not just using the play as a complementary activity to the child because they provide pleasure and relaxation which do interact with the new learning and the group operates. The psychology emphasizes that play is essential to the balanced development of the psychosocial human being, because when in childhood, the relationship with the toy and gaming in general develops affectivity, creativity, and reasoning ability. Playing, the child increases their independence by building their knowledge. The aim of this work is to make a theoretical study based on a literature search, aiming to understand the play within the child development process, where it is recognized as very important in a child's learning starting from the theoretical conceptions of thinkers such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Wallon among others. With this, it can also be possible to recover the importance of the play that is being extracted from the infant universe due to new reasons to experience the modern world brings, as the excess number of activities assigned to the child, electronic games, etc. Finally, a playful approach to provide a reflection for parents and educators, bringing children's learning...
The perception of modern society regarding the nature and indigenous peoples came to be shaped in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with two major events, the invasion of Europeans in America and the scientific revolution. These events symbolize the cultural overlap and European thinking about the rest of the world. The current scenario is industrialism, consumism and cultural standardization driven by Cartesian thought. This work demonstrates, through literature research and data analysis, that this dominant model has caused the crisis of modernity, focusing especially on the environmental crisis that threatens human life. The solutions are present in the modern society the knowledge of indigenous peoples that is inherently ecological and sustainable by tradition. From the union of diverse cultures and knowledge dialog you can find solutions for today's problems and provide a renewal of relationships between modern society, indigenous peoples and nature. The World Conscious Pact presents this proposal which can be increased through public relations strategies in order to reconnect the man-nature bond, generating critical behavior with respect to the current dominant system and motivate society to adopt truly ecological postures. For this it is necessary to rescue the Earth image as a mother
O trabalho que se segue pretende compreender como as influências do contexto social afetam a aprendizagem. Busca-se entender como o ambiente em que o ser humano está inserido interfere em sua aprendizagem, visto que nos tornamos e temos por base, se considerarmos as aprendizagens informais, aquilo que vivenciamos, ou seja, aquilo que nos foi oportunizado e ensinado socialmente. Porém, na sociedade existem várias peculiaridades, culturas e necessidades individuais. Dessa forma, objetiva, levando em conta as diferentes facetas, compreender se o processo ensino-aprendizagem se faz diferente em relação ao contexto social. Para a realização do trabalho, optou-se por uma pesquisa bibliográfica, em que será feita uma revisão bibliográfica de obras consideradas indispensáveis para o tema, tendo por base fundamentalmente, as contribuições de Vygotsky e Freire, dentre outros, como forma de melhor entender esse processo
Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever quais são as contribuições do Método Fônico para a alfabetização nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Serão apresentadas e explicadas duas vertentes específicas do Método Fônico, o método criado por Fernando Capovilla, chamado de Método Fônico e o criado por Renata Savastano Jardini, denominado Método das Boquinhas. Também são apresentadas atividades que foram utilizadas em um projeto de extensão universitária e que tiveram como base esses métodos, como forma de ilustrar as possibilidades que ambos fornecem aos professores para trabalhar com crianças que apresentam defasagem em seu processo de alfabetização. O trabalho será realizado mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Considera-se esse tema, bem como suas possibilidades de uso em sala de aula, relevante no contexto educacional nacional
Apesar da importância do atletismo, ainda são vários os problemas enfrentados por aqueles que se dedicam a ensiná-lo. Procurando estratégias que contribuam para sanar algumas dessas dificuldades, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (NTIC), em especial, a internet, como forma de subsidiar o ensino do atletismo em aulas de Educação Física. Para atingirmos o objetivo proposto, nos pautamos no desenvolvimento de quatro etapas, a saber: 1ª Etapa - pesquisa bibliográfica, em livros, artigos e websites, visando coletar materiais didáticos relacionados ao atletismo; 2ª Etapa - análise e divisão dos conteúdos da internet, em especial, dos vídeos do Youtube, por possuírem diversos conteúdos relacionados ao atletismo; 3ª Etapa - organização do banco de dados, no formato de material didático, com base nos vídeos do Youtube, capaz de subsidiar o trabalho do professor de Educação Física na escola, com sugestões de atividades a fim de tornar as aulas sobre atletismo mais dinâmicas e numa linguagem cada vez mais frequente no dia a dia dos alunos